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MediaScan/Sweden Calling DXers 2260

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David Dodell - Moderator

Nov 19, 1996, 3:00:00 AM11/19/96

>From: "George Wood" <>

:: MediaScan
:: from Radio Sweden
:: Number 2260--Nov. 19, 1996

Satellite, shortwave and other electronic media news from Radio

This week's bulletin was written by George Wood.

Packet Radio BID SCDX2260

All times UTC unless otherwise noted.



BYE BYE DONALD DUCK--This Christmas marks the end of a longstanding
tradition on public service broadcaster Swedish Television (SVT), the
annual hour of clips from Walt Disney cartoons on Christmas Eve
afternoon. The most popular program on Swedish Television, last year
it attracted 3.7 million viewers. After 37 years on the public
channel, next year the Disney Christmas program moves to terrestrial
commercial broadcaster TV4, which has bought the rights to Disney
programming in Sweden.

The last 3 years SVT has shared the rights for Disney programming with
the satellite broadcaster TV3. The rights will be shared in the future
as well, between TV4 and another broadcaster. Disney is holding talks
in London with TV3 and rival satellite broadcaster Kanal 5.

Disney owns ABC, which owns Kanal 5. This may make a difference.

While this may not seem like tremendous news, it was a front page
story in Sweden's largest newspaper. Watching "Kalle Anka" (Swedish
for "Donald Duck") is part of a traditional Swedish Christmas.

MUSICAL CHAIRS--On November 13th, several channels played musical
chairs on the Nordic satellites at 1 degree West. MTV stopped using
its old transponder on 12.092 GHz (continuing on 11.679 GHz), which
was taken over by Filmnet 1. Filmnet in turn left 11.133 GHz, which
was taken over by BBC Prime.

BBC Prime is now part of the CTV subscription package, along with CNN,
MTV, Discovery, the Children's Channel, and Eurosport Nordic. Viasat,
the distribution company owned by the Kinnevik media empire, is
introducing a new subscription package called Viasat plus, including
Nickelodeon, the Sci-Fi Channel, VH-1, and Kinnevik's own ZTV and TV6.
Viasat's ordinary package includes the company's various TV3 outlets
to Denmark, Norway, and Sweden. There's also a package for the pay
film channels TV 1000 and TV 1000 Cinema. There are now 800,000 Viasat
cards in circulation in Scandinavia.

Rival Filmnet has packages for its two film channels, with and without
Supersport. (Richard Karlsson, "Aftonbladet")

SUPERSPORT--Supersport has been removed from the cable networks
operated by Telia Kabel, Sweden's largest operator. Filmnet and Telia
were unable to agree on the conditions for making Supersport a pay
channel. The channel continues on other Swedish cable networks, but
Filmnet will begin negotiations with them as well . (TT) Note that
even though Supersport has been in the clear on satellite, Telia has
included it in its pay packages. It was not offered free.

TELENOR--There's a new test pattern from Norway's Telenor on Intelsat
707 on 10.995 GHz. (Richard Karlsson, "Aftonbladet")

RADIO--Kinnevik's Power 106 is now broadcasting as the D2-MAC sound
channel when there is a test pattern on Sirius 11.862 GHz (which is
otherwise Nickelodeon and ZTV). Kinnevik's Norwegian station Radio P4
Norge broadcasts on 7.02 MHz during the test pattern on Intelsat 707
11.016 GHz (which is otherwise TV Norge). Radio Nettvirk broadcasts
continually on 7.38 MHz. Denmark's DR P3 radio uses the D2-MAC sound
channel during the test pattern on Intelsat 707 11.667 GHz (DR 2).
(Richard Karlsson, "Aftonbladet")

WEBTV--While Kinnevik still has no plans to start digital
broadcasting, it has joined the trend with TV programs about the
Internet (following in the footsteps of CNN's "Computer Connection",
C-Net Central, MSNBC's "The Site", and BSkyB's new Computer Channel).
Last Friday night Kinnevik's MTV clone, ZTV, started WebTV. Produced
in co-operation with Microsoft and Telia (the national telephone
company, largest cable operator, and now a major Internet provider),
viewers can call in (not e-mail?) and ask the hosts to showcase
particular Web sites or particular Net searches. There's also a
chatsite activated during the broadcasts. (ZTV press release) More
information at:

DIGITAL AUDIO BROADCASTING--Here in Sweden, public service media are
very involved in the launch of digital technologies. On the radio
side, digital audio broadcasting, or DAB, is already underway, and is
being gradually extended to cover the entire country, even if there
aren't any consumer receivers on the market yet. The public
broadcaster Swedish Radio has been allocated its own national DAB
block, which can carry up to 5 stereo channels, any of which can be
split up from time to time to make room for temporary programming,
like sports events or press conferences.

There are also 19 regional blocks allocated around the country. These
will be carrying Swedish Radio's local channels, along with a number
of local private stations. Under the current plan there's room for
three private stations each in Gothenburg and Malmoe, and either 3 or
4 here in Stockholm. ("Dagens Nyheter", Sveriges Radio's internal Web

One of those is Radio Q, a station for women, which captured one of
the first private FM allocations here a few years ago. Unfortunately
Radio Q ran out of money and had to sell its FM licence. But now it's
to return to airwaves as a digital station. Radio Q's Program Director
Eva Kaiser is on the line in today's program, answering the question:
"Why do you think you can make it this time as a digital radio

DIGITAL TELEVISION--Plans continue to introduce digital television to
Scandinavia. Multichoice, which owns the pay channel Filmnet, and in
turn owned by the Swiss-South African Nethold, has delayed the market
launch of its satellite-based digital service. Last week Multichoice
said that its new digital decoders would be in the stores this week.
They aren't -- manufacturer Nokia has once again postponed delivery.
The set-top box, called the Media Master, is still supposed to be out
in time for Christmas.

Not to be outdone, public service broadcaster Swedish Television wants
to start digital broadcasting over the terrestrial airwaves as early
as this Spring. But the Swedish government's bill on digital TV, has
also been delayed.

In September, Swedish Television received permission from the
government to broadcast its current two channels by satellite, to
reach Swedes in Europe, and the Swedish-speaking population of
Finland. The broadcasts will be digital, and will probably be over
Eutelsat's Hot Bird 2 satellite, which after several delays, has been
rescheduled for launch from Cape Canaveral on November 22nd.

Swedish Television would also like to start local terrestrial test
transmissions to Gothenburg and rural districts of northern Sweden
during the second quarter of 1997. Last February the minority Social
Democratic government reached agreement with two opposition parties
for a rapid installation of terrestrial digital TV. But the
legislation, which was due to be introduced into parliament in
October, is still being drafted at Ministry of Culture.

The obstacle is how many and which commercial TV stations will be
allowed access to the digital airwaves. But Swedish Television is
going ahead with its own plans. The public service broadcaster wants
to start 5 new channels:

One would be called the Gold Channel, and like the BBC's UK Gold, it
would carry classics from the archives. There would also be a 24 hour
news and sports channel, an outlet for reruns of programs immediately
after their first broadcast, and a channel for local news and
programming. The fifth new channel would carry programs from the BBC
and the Franco-German cultural channel Arte, subtitled in Swedish.
("Svenska Dagbladet" and TT)


BRITAIN--Bad news for the many people in Britain with pirate cards to
watch the pornography on Scandinavia's Filmnet and TV1000:

The British government has introduced legislation within the
Copyright Designs and Patents Act in order to stop smart card pirates
from advertising any unauthorised decoder boxes. The act can send
pirates to jail for up to two years or to be fined for a maximum of
GBP 5,000 if caught breaking the law. ("Satellite Trader" via Curt

ASTRA--TV Norge and VT 4 have moved their MPEG-2 transmissions from
transponder 97 to Nethold's transponder 73.

All DMX channels on Astra 1C transponder 41 have ceased. ("SATCO DX
Chart Update")

Warner Brothers TV is still not on Astra transponder 57, where it was
supposed to start on November 1. See below under North America.

EUTELSAT--Polonia 1 is now also on Eutelsat II-F3 on 11.080 GHz
(08:00- 15:00 hrs CET). ("SATCO DX Chart Update")

TELECOM--Telecom 2D is currently moving from 3 degrees East to 5
degrees West. ("SATCO DX Chart Update")

INTELSAT--Nethold has started a digital package on Intelsat 601 on
11.012 GHz. ("SATCO DX Chart Update")

ORION--Apna TV has started on Orion 1 on 12.655 GHz in PAL,
17:00-23:00 hrs CET. ("SATCO DX Chart Update")

POLAND--Luexmbourg-based CLT, which failed to win a broadcasting
licence in Poland, has announced it will beam a Polish-language
channel by satellite. It will be called RTL 7 and will begin
broadcasts on December 7. (AP)

HUNGARY--As of March 1, 1997, all the Eastern-European versions of
HBO, and affiliated channels, will be distributed in one 6-channel
digital package. The distribution satellite is yet to be decided but
will be either Germany's Kopernikus or Israel's Amos. Until then these
channels will continue to be distributed on S-VHS LP videotapes.

The uplink will be from Hungary. The satellite distribution will
improve the picture and sound quality, programs will start at the
right time, and live transmissions, stereo sound and teletext will be

The HBO programming however will still only be available for cable
networks. This could change in the future, but for now DTH viewers
will remain HBO-less. The Polish version of HBO is already transmitted
via a digital package, but it will join the others next year. (Tamas
Nyitrai in "Tele-satellit News")

TELEVISION WITHOUT FRONTIERS?--Digital broadcast techniques are
expanding the number of satellite channels available, a trend that
started with the introduction of analog satellite broadcasting.

Sports are benefiting from the increased access, but public
broadcasters are concerned. Commercial satellite stations with deep
pockets have been able to capture the rights to important events,
denying access to the larger public. The European Broadcasting Union,
which groups public broadcasters across the continent, has renewed the
call for action to stop the migration of top events to pay TV
channels. Last Tuesday the European parliament agreed to press for
rules to ensure that terrestrial television viewers retain access to
major events. (Reuters)

But the parliament has given up in another area. The long fight to
force programming quotas on satellite television stations in the
European Union finally came to an end last week, as Joe Kirwin reports
from Brussels in today's program.


BBC--The British Broadcasting Corporation says its World Service radio
is expanding local language broadcasts aimed at refugees displaced by
the crisis in Central Africa. The programs carry "humanitarian
messages" such as pleas from people trying to find their families as
well as news and current affairs from Zaire, Rwanda and neighboring

The BBC has broadcast a 15-minute program each weekday in the
Kinyarwanda and Kirundi languages since September 1994, a few months
after the genocide of Tutsis and moderate Hutus in Rwanda, followed by
the exodus of Hutus to Zaire.

From early December, the programs, which begin at 16:15 hrs UTC and
are broadcast on shortwave frequencies 11860 and 21490 kHz, will be
extended to 30 minutes from 15 minutes.

The BBC said United Nations research showed that its programs were
seen as "the most trusted information source" by the refugees in
Central Africa. (Reuters)

AMOS--IBA Channel 3 has moved from 11.131 GHz to 11.596 GHz. ("SATCO
DX Chart Update")

TURKEY--ATV has left Eutelsat II-F2, and is now on Turksat 1C. NTV on
Eutelsat II-F2 has moved from 11.018 to 10.987 GHz.

TRT 1 and TRT 2 have both left Turksat 1C, Western beam. TRT
International has started on Turksat 1C, Western beam 11.469 GHz.
("SATCO DX Chart Update" and Pedro Sedano)

ORBIT--The Orbit Satellite Television and RadioNetwork will be
introducing Pay-Per-View (PPV) services to the Arab world
as early as the first half of 1997. Orbit has announced plans to split
its transmissions between two satellites: Intelsat 705 at 18 West,
reaching North Africa and Europe, and Intelsat 703 at 57 East reaching
the Middle East. The line-up of each service will be specifically
tailored for the geographical area targeted, and will be available on
small dishes. Orbit has acquired additional transponder capacity on
Intelsat 703 in order to accomodate the PPV service and the additional
line-up of nine STAR TV channels. ("Tele-satellit News")


GE--More stations are appearing on GE-1:

SportChannel Chicago has left Satcom C1 for GE-1. SportsChannel Ohio
has started on transponder 4. Turner Vision promos have started on
transponder 12. SportsChannel New England has moved from Spacenet 2 to
GE-1 transponder 14. WJLA-TV, WRAL-TV, and WNBC-TV have moved from
Galaxy 4 to GE-1. Several NBC channels have moved to GE-1's Ku-band.
("SATCO DX Chart Update") Considering that General Electric owns NBC,
this makes sense.

SATCOM--Satcom K2 has finished its move from 81 degrees West to 85
degrees West, and is expected to take over from Satcom K1 until GE-2
takesover that location early next year. ("SATCO DX Chart Update")

WARNER VS MURDOCH, AGAIN--The squabbles between Time Warner/Turner
Broadcasting and Rupert Murdoch continue. Firing another salvo at its
archrival News Corp., Time Warner Inc. has urged the Federal
Communications Commission to deny MCI Communications Corp.'s
application for a U.S. direct-broadcast satellite license, claiming
that MCI won't be eligible if it is acquired by British Telecom.

A letter from Time Warner President Richard Parsons to the FCC took
particularly sharp aim at Rupert Murdoch's News Corp., MCI's 50%
partner in the planned satellite-TV service called American Sky
Broadcasting. News Corp. is "an Australian company that, as a foreign
entity, was already ineligible to bid directly for the DBS license,"
he wrote.

Time Warner's letter was the latest fusillade in an acrimonious public
battle between Time Warner, which recently bought Turner Broadcasting
Systems Inc., and News Corp., based in Sydney, Australia. Time Warner
refused to carry Mr. Murdoch's Fox News channel on its New York City
cable system in an imbroglio that ultimately drew in the mayor of New
York City, who unsuccessfully tried to carry the Fox channel on a
city- run cable channel.

"First, Time Warner tried to censor the Fox News Channel from
competing with CNN and now, they are trying to censor ASkyB's
satellite competition to their cable systems," said ASkyB Chairman
Preston Padden.

Time Warner, which copied the letter to Vice President Al Gore and
U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno, cited what it deemed "shifting and
troubling facts surrounding this application." Originally, MCI bid
USD 683 million in an FCC auction to win the last available rights to
offer direct-broadcast service to the continental U.S. using U.S.
satellites. The resulting MCI-News Corp. partnership, ASkyB, plans to
launch its 200-channel TV service in late 1997.

Meanwhile, the ownership of ASkyB is still in flux. MCI has said it
wants to reduce its stake in the satellite service to around 20% from
50%. People familiar with News Corp.'s plans say the company has held
talks with, among others, Bell Atlantic Corp. and Nynex Corp. -- which
have announced plans to merge themselves -- about a possible
investment in ASkyB. MCI's reduced stake in ASkyB could give
foreign-based News Corp. "an even greater role in program selection
and marketing of the proposed DBS service," Mr. Parsons contended.

The AskyB venture is critical to Mr. Murdoch's vision of building a
global programming and distribution chain, and he is likely to fight
hard to save it should it become endangered. News Corp. has
successfully navigated these foreign ownership restrictions before.
Last year, Mr. Murdoch, an Australian-born media mogul who became a
U.S. citizen in 1985 in order to buy the Fox Television Stations,
received a waiver of foreign ownership rules in the U.S. after
regulators ruled Fox exceeded the 25% cap. ("Wall Street Journal" via
Curt Swinehart)

Murdoch is still blocking Warner Brothers TV from broadcasts to Europe
on Astra, apparently to protest Time Warner's refusal to carry Fox
News in Manhattan. WBTV was scheduled to start transmissions on Astra
transponder 57 on November 1.

TCI--Now that Tele-Communications Inc. has won Securities and Exchange
Commission permission to spin off its satellite unit, TCI Satellite
Entertainment President Gary Howard can focus on his next endeavor:
Launching a high power satellite into 119 degrees.

The new satellite, which TCI will launch from Cape Canaveral, Fla., in
February, will deliver high power programming for PrimeStar Partners.
The lineup, according to Howard, will consist of sports, movies and
pay-per-view. Howard said the high power service will be available in
the marketplace in mid-1997 if the launch goes well.

The high power service, which will complement PrimeStar's medium power
service, will deliver 70 to 80 channels to dishes 13.5 inches in size.
New compression technology may eventually allow PrimeStar to deliver
more than 150 channels, Howard said.

Receivers, according to Howard, will have an analog port for cable TV
reception as well as a digital port for satellite TV.

TCI scored a deal with Telesat Canada earlier in the year to launch
the two satellites into Canadian orbital slots. The deal failed to win
approval from the Federal Communications Commission, but Howard said
his company and the Canadian satellite operator "might engage in
further conversations" in the future. (Curt Swinehart)

CANADA--The Canadian government has made it clear, via a brochure
issued this week, that criminal charges could be brought against the
200,000 Canadians that are illegaly watching US satellite TV services.

Those selling the receivers and decoders for the services are also
being warned that they are breaking the law. The brochure specifies,
"Retailers cannot legally sell such equipment, and everyone involved -
pirate, retailer and purchaser - could be charged with a criminal

The moves were spurned by worries that the population is increasingly
turning away from Canadian programming and choosing the US channels
for entertainment. Canada has yet to launch a digital satellite
broadcasting service but the government is keen to get one started.
("Tele-satellit News")

EGYPT--AlphaStar Television Network has announced that it will launch
its multicultural programming line-up on November 8th with the
introduction of a three channel package produced by the Egyptian Radio
& Television Union in Cairo, Egypt.

The Arab culture package includes the Egyptian Satellite Channel
(ESC), a 24-hour news, information and entertainment service; Nile
Drama, which showcases premier movies and television serials; and Nile
TV, which offers English language programming, news, entertainment and
Egyptian movies with English subtitles. North American news of
particular interest to the Arabic community will also be covered.

The channels will be available to anyone with an AlphaStar-compatible
small dish satellite television system. Subscribers can add ESC to
their AlphaStar programming. ("Tele-satellit News")


PAS--TV5 Latin America is on PAS-3R on 3.957 GHz in MPEG-2. ("SATCO DX
Chart Update")

DIRECTV--RTP Internacional has ceased on channel 140, Playboy has
started on channel 590, and CAPT has ceased on channel 598. ("SATCO DX
Chart Update")


Arabsat 2B and Measat 2 were successfully launched with Ariane V92 on
November 13.

Arabsat 2B will replace Arabsat 1C at 30.5 degrees East. It is
identical to Arabsat 2A, with 22 C-band and 12 Ku-band transponders.
Arabsat 1C will be relocated to 20 degrees East, former location of
Arabsat 1DR.

Measat will be located at 148 degrees East, and will carry 128 digital
TV channels, as part of the system with Measat 1 (at 91.5 degrees
East). It has 6 C-band and 8-9 Ku-band transponders.

The launch of Hot Bird 2 with an Atlas IIA launch vehicle from Cape
Canaveral has been delayed three times in the past week. The
postponement was because of predicted high winds and the already
scheduled launch attempts for NASA's shuttle Columbia.

The satellite-delivery mission now is scheduled for launch next
Friday, November 22, during a window between 20:48 and 22:14 hrs UTC.
Lockheed Martin, however, would opt to move the launch up to Thursday
if the shuttle Columbia takes off on schedule Tuesday. Look for
coverage of the Atlas launch on Galaxy 9 transponder 22.

PAS-6 was supposed to launch with Ariane on December 17, but it has
been delayed until March/April 1997. (Reuters, "SATCO DX Chart Update"
Curt Swinehart, and "Tele-satellit News")


RADIO NETHERLANDS--Radio Netherlands is now available in RealAudio:


(Pete Costello)

MURDOCH DOWN UNDER--Australia's leading Internet service company,
OzEmail Limited has announced the establishment of a joint venture
with British Sky Broadcasting to establish a global Internet
advertisement- related venture. Based on technology developed by
OzEmail, the joint venture will deliver Internet advertising
opportunities targeted a local audiences accessing Web sites,
regardless of where those sites are hosted. (PR Newswire via

PCTV--One of the many new TV programs about the Internet, PCTV's
"Internet Cafe", features "Cyberblast", tranmissions of software in
the unseen lines in the TV screen. This requires special hardware (and
is not available outside the United States, although it can be
entertaining to watch the signal in the corner of the screen during
the download). More information from:

(Joel Rubin)


DSWCI--Best wishes to the Danish Short Wave Club International, which
celebrated the 40th anniversary of its original incarnation as the
first club for shortwave listeners in Denmark on Saturday. After
several name changes and a merger, the club now has 478 members in 46
countries. You can find a link to its weekly Internet newsletter from
our World Wide Web pages.

CONTEST--Le Grand Contest SWL International d'Hiver 1996-1997 is open
to everybody. More details from:

PUBLICATIONS--Klingenfuss Publications announces the publication of
three new products for early December:

- 1997 Shortwave Frequency Guide;
- 1997 Super Frequency List on CD-ROM
- 1997 Guide to Utility Radio Stations

The brand new 1997 "Shortwave Frequency Guide" is the printed version
of the popular Super Frequency List on CD-ROM. It includes all final
1997 clandestine, domestic and international broadcast schedules
worldwide (available not before mid-November). Unlike conventional
handbooks that waste ten weeks or even more, the Shortwave Frequency
Guide is produced and distributed here in Europe within only ten days.
What's more, this is the very first international publication that
combines both worldwide shortwave broadcast and utility radio stations
in one handy volume.

The 1997 "Super Frequency List on CD-ROM" - in its third edition - now
includes about 40,000 entries with all clandestine, domestic and
international broadcast stations worldwide plus all utility and
formerly active radio stations as well. The broadcast schedules are
available as a standard .dbf file for open access.

(Note: we've praised the previous editions, while pointing out a few
bugs, places where the interface was difficult to understand, or
failure to use multimedia to its fullest extent. Unfortunately we
haven't received a review copy this year, so we're unable to see how
the interface has been changed.)

The 1997 "Guide to Utility Radio Stations" (15th edition) is the
international standard reference book for professional radio
monitoring services and interested radio amateurs and shortwave
listeners alike.

For detailed descriptions and some sample pages and color screenshots:


Klingenfuss Publications
Hagenloher Str. 14
D-72070 Tuebingen

Sweden Calling DXers/MediaScan is the world's oldest radio program
about international broadcasting. Radio Sweden has presented this
round-up of radio news, features, and interviews on Tuesdays since
1948. It's currently broadcast on the first and third Tuesdays of the

Radio Sweden broadcasts in English:

To Europe:


13:30, 17:15, and 19:30 hrs on Astra transponder 33 (ZDF) and Tele-X
(Kanal 5 -- 12.475 GHz)

21:00 hrs via the World Radio Network on Astra transponder 22 (VH-1)

In all cases our audio subcarrier is 7.38 MHz

We're also broadcasting to Africa and the Middle East via WRN at 00:30
Central African Time (Saturdays only also 02:30 CAT) on Intelsat 707
3.9115 GHz in MPEG-2, Audio Stream WRN1.


19:30 hrs 1179, 6065, 7240, and 9655
20:30 1179 and 6065 kHz
21:30 1179, 6065, and 7230 kHz
22:30 1179, 6065, and 7325 kHz



Via WRN on AsiaSat-2 on 4.000 GHz, MPEG-2 DVB, Audio Stream WRN1, at
20:00 and 23:00 hrs UTC (06:00 and 09:00 AET).


13:30 hrs 7155 and 13740/15240* kHz
14:30 hrs 9435/9485* kHz
01:30 hrs 7265/7290* kHz

North America:


02:30 hrs UTC via WRN on Galaxy 5 transponder 6 (WTBS), audio 6.8 MHz
(9:30 PM EST, 6:30 PM PST)


12:30 hrs on 15240 and 11650/13740* kHz
14:30 hrs on 15240 and 9485/11650* kHz
02:30 hrs on 6200 kHz
03:30 hrs on 7115 kHz

Latin America:

00:30 hrs on 6065 kHz
01:30 hrs on 7265/7290* kHz

* = may shift from day to day

Each program Monday to Friday, recorded at 13:30 hrs UTC, is available
in the RealAudio format at:

Each day's program, recorded at 01:30 hrs UTC, is also available from
WRN in RealAudio format. See:

FTP versions of both files (for those behind firewalls) are available


Our World Wide Web page is at:

An html and a RealAudio version of this bulletin can be found at:

Earlier versions of the bulletins in text and RealAudio or au-format

Sound files of Mediascan are archived at:

You can also find the programs among the offerings of Internet Talk
Radio at various sites, including:

Contributions can be sent to DX Editor George Wood by fax to
+468-667-6283 or by e-mail to:

Reports can also be sent to:

Radio Sweden
S-105 10 Stockholm

Contributions should be NEWS about electronic media--from shortwave to

satellites--and not loggings of information already available from
sources such as the "World Radio TV Handbook". Clubs and DX
publications may reprint material as long as MediaScan/Sweden Calling
DXers and the original contributor are acknowledged.

We welcome comments and suggestions about the electronic edition,
Sweden Calling DXers, and our programs in general.

The mailing list for the Electronic Edition is now open to general
subscription. If you can send e-mail over the Internet, send a message

You ought to get a confirmation message in reply. To unsubscribe from
the list, send a message to

To get a copy of Radio Sweden's English program schedule, write to:

And for general questions, comments, and reception reports, our e-mail
address is:

Thanks to this week's contributors Good Listening!

George Wood
Radio Sweden
S-105 10 Stockholm tel: +468-784-7239
Sweden fax: +468-667-6283

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