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The ARRL Contest Update for October 28, 2009

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Oct 28, 2009, 11:29:27 AM10/28/09
The ARRL Contest Update

Published by the American Radio Relay League

October 28, 2009

Editor: Ward Silver, N0AX <>


- Annie Get Your Amp - ARRL CW Sweepstakes & EME Contests
- Young Ham Contest Trips Awarded
- New Software and Data Files For Contest Season
- Videos To Get A Bang Out Of
- ARRL 160 Meter Records Updated
- Boom and Crane Safety
- Past, Present, and Future


With CQ WW SSB in the rear-view mirror, that can only mean one thing -
ARRL Sweepstakes <> is a-comin'! I'm
hitchin' up the ponies and heading off to the wild west territory of
Wyoming for the CW weekend on Nov 7th and 8th. (SSB follows two weeks
later.) This is the biggest (and oldest) of the domestic contests. If
you're new to the contesting cattle drive, here's a short article
<> on how to join
the fun!


The split Oct-Nov weekend has pretty much wiped the contest calendar
clean this coming weekend! Thanks to Dean W9WGV for noticing this "blue
moon" of radiosport.

Don't forget that the deadline for submitting ARRL Sweepstakes
<> logs is now 15 days - 0300Z on Nov 24th
for CW logs! While paper logs will always be accepted, this would be a
good time to start using the Cabrillo format. Clubs are encouraged to
help your members convert paper logs. The handy Cabrillo Converter Web
pages <> by WA7BNM can simplify the job


A "golden issue" last time - well, until the log checkers get hold of


Complete information for all contests follows the Conversation section

Oct 31-Nov 1

- SKCC Monthly Straight Key Sprint (Oct 28th)
- High Speed Club CW Contest

Nov 7-Nov 8

- ARRL EME Contest
- IPA Contest
- Ukranian DX Contest
- Radio Club of America QSO Party--Phone
- ARRL November Sweepstakes--CW
- Collegiate ARC Championship--CW
- DARC 10-Meter Digital "Corona"


Young Ham Contest Program sponsor David KY1V reports that, "Having
received dozens of essays from five continents we discovered we had a
rich pool of excellent young CW operators from which to choose. [Isn't
that good news? - Ed] Thanks to my partner, Krassy K1LZ, and a generous
donation from a Texas amateur (whom we'll announce later with
permission), we decided to select four young hams to comprise the base
team for 6Y1V's CQWW CW operation." The winners of the competition are:
Cal K0DXC, Roger EA3ALZ, Alex OZ7AM, and Alexander RV9LM. Cal stood by
an earlier commitment to operate from K3LR, so another winner will be
announced later. Congratulations to all!

Would a Super Bertha's bust your budget? Scott W3TX announces a line
of "Budget Bertha's <>" that are less harsh
on the family finances. The products include towers and monoband beam
antennas that cover 40 meters through 6 meters. Another new product,
the Create Rotator and Mast Clamp, is a product upgrade specially
designed by K3LR.

With the current version of International Reply Coupons (IRCs) being
phased out, hams are baling them up and hauling them in to the Post
Office for redemption. This leads to some puzzlement on the part of
clerks unfamiliar with IRCs. Bernie W3UR relayed the following advice
from a postal service employee in a recent Daily DX
<> newsletter. These are the selections to be made
on the clerk's point-of-sale terminal:
1. Stamps & Mdse [merchandise]
2. Exchange
3. Redeem Foreign IRCs
4. Enter .98 (cost of the stamp)
5. Scan and sell one international .98 stamp
6. The balance owed will show zero

A new release of the Super Check Partial (SCP) database
<> files is now available with 45,552
call signs from 3,706 contest logs. SCP admin Bob WA1Z says, "As
always, if you'd like to contribute your Cabrillo format logs for the
SCP database, please send them at any time. The easiest thing to do is
to add the address on the cc: line of your
email at the same time you submit your log to the sponsor's robot after
each contest. If you want to check the version of the SCP files you are
using, look for a call beginning with "VER". Every SCP file includes
the version number in the list of calls in the format VERYYYYMMDD.
Please let me know if you find any bad calls in the files." Don't
forget that you still have to copy what the station sends!

Denis K7GK has been developing a graphical log analysis since logs have
been made public by CQ WW. While it's not 100% finished, "I think it's
in decent enough shape where it may be useful to other contesters."
Denis has placed a zipped archive file of RateCompare on the
Williamette Valley DX Club's Web site
<> in
the "Contest Links" list at the left of the page. The archive contains
just two files - the executable and an old version of CTY.DAT
compatible with the program. The menu items should be fairly

Version 4.4 of Jim AD1C's ADIF County Conversion tool
<> is now available. This program
takes an ADIF file from a contest logger like WriteLog or N1MM and
converts the contest-specific county abbreviations into real ADIF field
values which can be imported into a general-purpose logging program.
With the increased activity from the ARRL's Year of the State QSO Party
<>, this will help get those contacts
properly logged for county-hunting awards. While you're harvesting the
fruits of Jim's labors, be sure to update your CTY.DAT file
<> used to link call signs to
countries. The latest version was released on 27 October.

Is there any rule that prohibits operators at a multioperator
station from also operating with their own call from another station?
Not in ARRL HF contests, as long as the General rules
<> in Section
3 are met. CQ WW Committee member Doug KR2Q responds that there is no
such limitations according to the CQ WW rules
<>. But don't work the
multioperator station with your own call - it's definitely unsporting.

Words of wisdom from the days of yore, proven timeless during this past
weekend's CQ WW Phone contest - "A clear frequency is where the needle
comes off the right-hand pin a little bit." This was never more true
than on 40 meters in this past weekend's CQ WW Phone contest. One
unexpected new strategy - Region 1 stations transmitting between 7125
and 7200 kHz and listening between 7200 and 7300 kHz. What's up with
that? First, the practice occupies TWO channels in the US phone
allocation - doubling QRM - and by transmitting where other stations
operating split from below 7100 kHz are listening, the likelihood of
QRM from that pileup is greatly increased. All in all, it seems like we
are still working out the bugs with the new 40 meter allocation

Web Site of the Week - Contest Club Finland (CCF)
<> and the OH DX Foundation proudly
announce that the 15th CCF/OHDXF Contest and DX Conference will be held
on January 22-24, 2010. This growing event attracts operators from all
over to the top of the world for a very enjoyable weekend.


Power - This may be news to many casual and new contest operators - CQ
or ARRL contests do NOT recognize power classes (QRP/LP/HP) in the
Assisted category. (There are no power categories in Single Band
categories for ARRL DX, either.) The upper limit for Low Power entries
varies quite a bit, too - 100, 150, and 200 watts are all on the books.
It's always a good idea to check the rules for any contest so that you
have reasonable expectations about your entry.


This video of a KG2RG making QSOs
<> in the recent New York QSO
Party and enjoying himself would be a good one to recommend to someone
just getting started in HF contesting. It's not an instructional video,
per se, but typical of what goes on in a domestic contest. (Thanks,
Scott, K2ZS)

Enjoy yourself, but hopefully you won't recognize yourself in this
humorous example of tool-using desperation <>.
(Thanks, Hector XE2K)

You'll have no trouble getting the line pulled line back down through
the tree with this powerful and explosive technique
<> for antenna launching!
(Thanks, Tree N6TR)

At a recent DX lunch, the subject came up of the operation by ZS8MI
several years back. When I got home, what do you think popped up in my
Earth Observatory email? These great International Space Station photos
of Marion and Prince Edward Islands
(Download the full-sized photo to see both islands. Zoom in to see the
scientific station on the upper right.) If those volcanic cones look
like anthills, I wouldn't want to meet those ants! While you're on the
EO site, check out this great visual of a recent solar prominence


Do you want to know who holds the Albanian SOLP record in the ARRL 160
Meter contest? Well, how about the record holders in your division,
section, or province? Alright, then! Tree N6TR reports that all of the
ARRL 160 Meter contest records
<> have been updated and
they're available right now. Certificates for the 2008 ARRL 160 Meter
Contest have been shipped by the merry band of envelope stuffers at
ARRL HQ. They should be hitting the mailboxes in the next few days.
(Thanks, ARRL Contest Branch Manager, Sean KX9X)

Watch the ARRL Contest Branch <>Web page
for an upcoming compilation of Sweepstakes QSOs from various sections
over the past few years. Which is the rarest? Draw your own conclusions
and prepare to be surprised in some cases!

I I wonder what Rich KL7RA's soapbox comments will say about the
superb, high-rate 10 meter conditions from Alaska's Kenai Peninsula? At
least he didn't have to worry about talking with his mouth full! (Photo
- Rich KL7RA) Dink N7WA has opened a Web page compiling all of the CQ
WW SSB soapbox comments <> from
the 3830 Web page. Doug KR2Q also notes that Claimed Scores have also
been added to the CQ WW Logs Received page
<>. Logs are streaming in - at
1020Z on 27 October, 2057 electronic logs had been received! Enjoy!

Claimed Scores for the WAE DX contest <> are available
on-line. Look in Results 2009 -> SSB -> Logs Received / Claimed Scores.
Contest Manager Joerg DL8WPX suggests that the menu might still need an
update. If you have any questions, contact Joerg directly.


Read the robot report! After you send your log to a contest email
"robot", it will respond with a message either accepting your log or
listing formatting problems it encountered. If you got an acceptance
message, read it carefully! Make sure any statistics it reports, such
as the number of QSOs, are reasonable and agree with what your logging
software reports. Make a note of any tracking number the message
contains or save the message in a special email folder. If there are
any errors, now would be the time to get them fixed.


The recent antenna-raising accident in Florida is a warning to us all
to be very, very aware of power lines. There have been many reflector
postings about the use of cranes and boom trucks and man-lifts to do
tower and antenna work. While the lifting power of these machines makes
the work aloft go a lot smoother, their height can result in new safety
issues. Check out this OSHA Web page on crane and derrick safety
There are many preventable accidents every year - don't be one of them!

With copper prices low once again, it may be time to stock up on
antenna and radial wire. Where to find bargains? Perhaps by not buying
it as wire! Herb W7ZF watches for good deals on three-wire home wiring
cable (known by the brand name "Romex") containing three #12 or #14 AWG
wires. When you buy the wire, get a "Romex knife" stripping tool.
Remove the outer plastic sheath and you have three solid wires, often
at a price lower than buying individual lengths of wire. The soft
copper wire should be stretched before using it aloft, but for radials,
it's ready to go!

Some vertical antennas, like the Cushcraft R5 and R7, mount directly on
top of a mast with a hollow tube and a set-screw. Over time, if the
set-screw loosens, the antenna can work its way down such that the mast
contacts the top of the tube. Depending on the antenna's design, this
can result in electrical contact between the mast and a piece of the
antenna. It can be mighty hard to troubleshoot! Jon K4ZW found a cure,
though - put a golf ball in the tube before installing it on the mast.

Here's a good article appearing in High Frequency Electronics
<> magazine - "Practical
Developments Using Today's Fractional Synthesizers" by Jim Carlini
covers noise reduction, loop filtering, and delta-sigma designs.

No, that's not a giant contest food cookie in the photo at right -
it's the business end (side?) of a no-slip CW paddle base sent in by
Larry N6NC. His paddle, a Begali, wandered all over until this base was
attached. But did he drill holes (horrors!) in the Begali? No way! He
attached disc magnets to the underside of the paddle and those grabbed
tightly to a steel disk. (with 46 pounds of force!) Larry glued cork -
shown here - to the underside of the steel disk with carpet adhesive
and now everything stays in place, no matter how excited he gets!

EME specialist Lance W7GJ relays the news that Lionel VE7BQH has
updated his 6 meter Antenna Comparison Table
<> to include all of the
"Loop Fed" broadband Yagi designs by Justin G0KSC

If you think you have trouble soldering surface-mount parts now, how
about a one-molecule diode <>
as described in this Physorg article?

If ice storms bedevil you and your antennas, Julius N2WN has some
potential good news
for those aluminum farms - superhydrophobic powders that can be made
into paint-like coatings. Perhaps the days of seeing devastation like
that of the KC1XX station last year will be gone forever? By the way,
it was nice to see Matt's crew back on the air in the CQ WW after
months of hard work!

Technical Web Site of the Week - We all like to think we're great bug
chasers, but here's a story about a bug chaser-squared
<>! Read and
learn! (Thanks, Tim K3LR)


Past, Present, and Future

At times, it's hard to know what to say. As has been widely reported,
the C6APR team members headed for CQ WW SSB were all killed when their
private plane crashed on takeoff. Pete W2GJ, Ed K3IXD, Randy K4QO, and
Dallas W3PP - we're going to miss you guys. Just a week before, the
tragic electrocution of three family members erecting an antenna made
the ham headlines. It's been a time of bad news and I hope the families
of all those involved eventually find peace.

Every year about this time, I think about the exotic travel many
undertake before contests large and small. I've stood on the tarmac as
travel cases are crammed into a tiny airplane and the pilot totals up
the weight before piloting us from one little island to another. I'm
flying cross-country for Sweepstakes and will do so to make an
appearance at K3LR again next year. My sailing experiences on the K7C
Kure Island DXpedition are burned into my memory. Driving long
distances has its own hazards and we've all had our close calls there.
So I think about all the travelers as the days get shorter up here
above the equator and the bands open longer.

Tom N9NC contributed a few thoughts
on the magic of contesting (and by extension, ham radio) that inspires
us so. "It has parts of that which we do crave, but adds the challenge
and intrigue of propagation sunspots, QRM, competition, etc, and more
important, it connects us in ways that maybe only us participants can
understand (experience): It's time-limited yet timeless, its frame of
reference being this contest, along with all the ones before. It's
borderless yet borders matter (mults)."

After news of the plane crash spread across ham radio I observed that
perhaps we could take the opportunity to appreciate each other a little
more, even in the competitive frenzy, because we never know when a log
will be closed, a voice or key silenced for good. When I heard
far-flung stations and the big pileups, I did think about the loss of
our friends. Their absence was felt in the here and now, although they
were very much present in the history we all share and in the common
experience described so well by Tom.

Yes, I think we do feel ourselves part of history, yet tuned in to the
moment. Contesting is about now - not before and not later - now. Who
is calling - now? Where is the band open - now? And at the same time,
we are using all of our memories and knowledge, that shared experience
Tom evokes, to guide us in what we listen for and where we point the
beams and change bands. Every QSO of every operation is a potential
part of our history and by participating, we become part of every other
operator's history, as well. This shared past, present, and future are
what makes us a strong, diverse community of which I'm very proud to be
a member. Here's to those that have gone before and here's to us and
here's to those that will follow.

73, Ward N0AX


28 October to 10 November

An expanded, downloadable version of QST's Contest Corral in PDF format
<> is available. Check the sponsor's Web
site for information on operating time restrictions and other


SKCC Monthly Straight Key Sprint--CW, from Oct 28, 0000Z to Oct 28,
0200Z. Bands (MHz): 1.8-28. Exchange: RST, S/P/C, SKCC nr or power.
Rules <>

IPA Contest--Phone,CW, from Nov 7, 0600Z to Nov 7, 1800Z and Nov 8,
0600Z to Nov 8, 1800Z. Bands (MHz): 3.5-28. Exchange: RST and serial or
"IPA" and state. Logs due: Dec 31. Rules <>

Ukranian DX Contest--Phone,CW, from Nov 7, 1200Z to Nov 8, 1200Z. Bands
(MHz): 1.8-28. Exchange: RST and serial or Ukraine oblast. Logs due: 30
days. Rules <>

Radio Club of America QSO Party--Phone, from Nov 7, 1700Z to Nov 8,
0500Z. Bands (MHz): 3.5-21. Exchange: RST, QTH, name, equipment. Rules

ARRL November Sweepstakes--CW, from Nov 7, 2100Z to Nov 9, 0300Z. Bands
(MHz): 1.8-28. Exchange: Serial, category, call, check, ARRL sec. Logs
due: Dec 3. Rules <>

Collegiate ARC Championship--CW, from Nov 7, 2100Z to Nov 9, 0300Z.
Bands (MHz): 1.8-28. Exchange: See ARRL Sweepstakes. Logs due: Dec 3.
Rules <>

High Speed Club CW Contest--CW, from Nov 8, 0900Z to Nov 8, 1100Z and
Nov 8, 1500Z to Nov 8, 1700Z. Bands (MHz): 3.5-28. Exchange: RST and
MSC member nr or "NM". Logs due: 6 weeks. Rules

DARC 10-Meter Digital "Corona"--Digital, from Nov 8, 1100Z to Nov 8,
1700Z. Bands (MHz): 28. Exchange: RST and serial. Rules


ARRL EME Contest--Phone,CW,Digital, from Nov 7, 0000Z to Nov 8, 2400Z.
Bands (MHz): 2.3G+. Exchange: Both call signs, sig rpt,
acknowledgement. Logs due: Dec 16. Rules


28 October to 10 November

October 28 - Araucaria VHF Contest, email logs to:, paper
logs and diskettes to: (none). Rules

October 28 - RSGB 80m Club Sprint, SSB, email logs to:, upload log at:, paper logs and diskettes to:
(none). Rules <>

October 29 - 222 MHz Fall Sprint, email logs to:,
paper logs and diskettes to: Bob Lear W4ZST, PO Box 1269, Dahlonega, GA
30533, USA. Rules <>

October 31 - Washington State Salmon Run, email logs to:, paper logs and diskettes to: Western Washington DX
Club, P.O. Box 395, Mercer Island, WA 98040, USA. Rules

October 31 - Texas QSO Party, email logs to:,
paper logs and diskettes to: Texas QSO Party Committee, 6 Sweetdream
Place, The Woodlands, TX 77381-6009, USA. Rules

October 31 - All Asian DX Contest, Phone, email logs to:, paper logs and diskettes to: JARL, All Asian DX
Contest, Phone, 170-8073, Japan. Rules

October 31 - New York QSO Party, email logs to:, paper
logs and diskettes to: (none). Rules <>

October 31 - Arizona QSO Party, email logs to:,
paper logs and diskettes to: Catalina Radio Club, c/o Gary Keck, PO Box
18135, Tucson, AZ 85731, USA. Rules

October 31 - Scandinavian Activity Contest, CW, email logs to:, upload log at:,
paper logs and diskettes to: SACCW, Liv Johansen, LA4YW, Kolstadtunet 4
C, NO-7098 Saupstad, Norway. Rules <>

October 31 - Scandinavian Activity Contest, SSB, email logs to:, upload log at:,
paper logs and diskettes to: SACSSB, Liv Johansen, LA4YW, Kolstadtunet
4 C, NO-7098 Saupstad, Norway. Rules <>

October 31 - German Telegraphy Contest, email logs to:,
paper logs and diskettes to: Wolfgang Schwarz, DK9VZ, In den
Bleichwiesen 7, D-65779 Kelkheim, Germany. Rules

October 31 - TARA PSK Rumble Contest, email logs to: (none), post log
summary at:, paper
logs and diskettes to: (none). Rules

November 1 - Feld Hell Sprint, email logs to: (none), post log summary
at:, paper logs and
diskettes to: (none). Rules

November 1 - CQ Worldwide DX Contest, RTTY, email logs to:, paper logs and diskettes to: (none). Rules

November 1 - UBA ON Contest, SSB, email logs to:, paper
logs and diskettes to: Leon Welters, ON5WL, Borgstraat 80, B-2580
Beerzel, Belgium. Rules

November 1 - F9AA Cup, CW and SSB, email logs to:,
paper logs and diskettes to: Union des Radio-Clubs, 25 allée des
Princes, F-95440 ECOUEN, France. Rules

November 2 - Worked All Germany Contest, email logs to:, paper logs and diskettes to: (none). Rules

November 7 - 432 MHz Fall Sprint, email logs to:, paper
logs and diskettes to: Jim Worsham W4KXY, 1915 Oak Wind Lane, Buford,
GA 30519-6766, USA. Rules <>

November 8 - UBA ON Contest, 2m, email logs to:, paper
logs and diskettes to: Leon Welters, ON5WL, Borgstraat 80, B-2580
Beerzel, Belgium. Rules

November 9 - 10-10 Int. Fall Contest, CW, email logs to:, paper logs and diskettes to: Dan Morris,
KZ3T, 131 Valencia Lane, Statsville, NC 28625, USA. Rules

November 9 - 10-10 Int. Fall Contest, Digital, email logs to:, paper logs and diskettes to: Dan Morris,
KZ3T, 131 Valencia Lane, Statsville, NC 28625, USA. Rules

November 9 - Oceania DX Contest, Phone, email logs to:, paper logs and diskettes to: Oceania DX
Contest, c/o Wellington Amateur Radio Club Inc., PO Box 6464,
Wellington 6030, New Zealand. Rules

November 9 - FISTS Fall Sprint, email logs to:, paper
logs and diskettes to: Gil Woodside, WA1LAD, 30 Hilltop Ave., West
Warwick, RI 02893-2825, USA. Rules <>

November 9 - YLRL DX/NA YL Anniversary Contest, email logs to:, paper logs and diskettes to: Annette Wood,
KC8SQM, 6167 Oakwood Circle, North Ridgeville, OH 44039, USA. Rules

November 9 - Oceania DX Contest, CW, email logs to:, paper logs and diskettes to: Oceania DX
Contest, c/o Wellington Amateur Radio Club Inc., PO Box 6464,
Wellington 6030, New Zealand. Rules


ARRL Contest Update wishes to acknowledge information from WA7BNM's
Contest Calendar <> and SM3CER's
Contest Calendar <>.

The ARRL Contest Update is published every other Wednesday (26 times
each year). ARRL members may subscribe at no cost or unsubscribe by
editing their Member Data Page as described at

Copyright (c) 2009 American Radio Relay League, Inc. All
Rights Reserved


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