In article <>, Dale Wambaugh
<> writes:
>Sagan went through two bone marrow transplants just a few miles from
>here--- he HAD to be an optimist. I loved to watch his programs and get
>caught up in his enthusiasm (and his diction).
In my book, he will always be remembered as the person who made
thinking about space - fun...Cosmos, at the time it was made, was
and is still, a landmark, and a benchmark - for other documentaries
that follow. It never hurts to think. ;-)
>> If you've ever seen "Amazing Stories" - there was an Episode that
>> dealt with a civilization that watched "I Love Lucy" and actually
>> sent a ship to visit the planet - in turn they found it dissapointing
>> fun...they may already be watching...and listening.
>It's scary how close it is to the truth. My wife and I were out kayaking
>one day and we were using VOX FM walkie-talkies. We were getting half >a
>duplex phone conversation form the shore where a woman was talking to
>her mother about a sister. It was like a Bob Newhart phone skit. We were
>laughing so hard we could hardly paddle. We have a lot of dirty laundry
>heading off-planet!
Although we don't think of it as being necessary at the time, it would
make us think twice about "putting it over the air" when a simple RF
"conversation" can be intercepted easily.
This stuff happens everyday, even on cellular. [Sigh]
If such a society were to investigate the driving forces behind such
conversations - they just might conclude that we, although social,
can't stand ourselves at times. ;-)
>Everybody has been really grumpy here lately with sunner heat and huge
>raod construction backups. Even light-hearted attempts at humor have
>been met with a string of foul language. I was about ready to sell my
>radio this afternoon!
Believe it or not, even over the scanner tuned to the Ham bands, this
situation is not unique. I'm finding many operators getting frustrated
over the subject of Road Construction and plain ignorance, or lack of
courtesy exhibited by other drivers.
CB radio is just more Explicit, [or is that Expletive?] about it.
>I want one-a them dish an-ten-ahs. Hew-eee gimme a 1kw amp and point >my
butt to New Mexico!
>Actually there's a similar array in the Okanogan
>area of Washington (at least there *was*). Kinda makes a Yagi look like
>kite string, eh?
Actually, if you look at the Arecibo, or other similar "oversized"
dishes - we just may discover the hidden "link" in how Macaroni and
Cheese is mass-produced for school lunches...;-)
On a lighter note...good to know that things with your radio are going
well for you. I read in another posting you made about the problems
with both the antenna and radio - and that they worked out for the better.
:+> Andy <+:
... Pastranomy: The study of sandwich meat in relation to the Cosmos...
~~~ A note from the Litter box : ~~~~~~~
|\w^w/| *73* to you and yours |\^v^/|
( -- -- ) from all of us..... ( O -- )
` =^=' :+> Andy and Alpha<+: `=^='
Squeaky =======&========Screamy
The Feline controlling interests...;-)
> On a lighter note...good to know that things with your radio are going
> well for you. I read in another posting you made about the problems
> with both the antenna and radio - and that they worked out for the better.
Thanks, Andy. I learned to repair PC's much the same way through working
techs on BBS's. I am always pleasantly surprised by the helpful folk
on-line. I don't know how, but it is getting easier to filter the bad
info from the good. I like the NG and the free-for-all nature of it
(just like CB).