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The ARRL Letter for March 16, 2017

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Mar 16, 2017, 9:33:31 PM3/16/17
The ARRL Letter

Published by the American Radio Relay League

March 16, 2017

Editor: Rick Lindquist, WW1ME <>

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- ARRL Executive Committee to Meet this Month in Denver
- ARRL Weighs In on New California "Driving While Wireless" Statute
- International Crystal Manufacturing Going Out of Business
- The Doctor Will See You Now!
- Hams Support Miami Marathon Communications for the 15th Consecutive
- ARISS Moves Closer to Launching New Radio System to Space Station
- New ARRL Repeater Directory is Biggest Ever!
- Boy Scouts Announce 2017 JOTA-JOTI Theme
- Girl Scouts and Guides Get Thinking about Ham Radio
- In Brief...
- The K7RA Solar Update
- Just Ahead in Radiosport
- Upcoming ARRL Section, State, and Division Conventions


The ARRL Executive Committee (EC) will meet on March 25 in Denver,
Colorado, to tackle a wide-ranging agenda
<>. ARRL President Rick Roderick,
K5UR, will chair the session.

The EC will hear a report on FCC and regulatory items. This includes a
review of enforcement issues and concerns, as well as a status update
on FCC-related items and filings and on open items that have not
received any FCC action since the January Board of Directors meeting.
One FCC-related matter that is likely to come up for discussion is the
status of the ARRL Petition for Rule Making (RM 11759
<>), to make
changes in the 80/75-meter band. In addition, ARRL is still waiting for
FCC to approve operational rules for the 2,200- and 630-meter bands or
finalize the allocation of the 2,200-meter band.

The EC also is expected to receive an update on the ARRL's January 12
Petition for Rule Making

to allocate a new, secondary amateur band in the vicinity of 5 MHz,
while keeping four of the current five 60-meter channels and the 100 W
power limit. The FCC designated the League's Petition as RM-11785

comments on the League's petition are due on March 20, and ARRL will
file comments to bolster its assertions.

The report to the EC also will address noteworthy antenna and RF
interference cases.

On the legislative front, the EC will get a status report on the
Amateur Radio Parity Act of 2017 (H.R. 555). The bill has passed the US
House, with Senate action still pending. The EC also will discuss the
Amateur Radio implications of H.R. 588
"Securing Access to Networks in Disasters Act." Introduced by New
Jersey Democrat Frank Pallone Jr., this measure -- which already has
received House approval -- would require the FCC to submit to Congress
"a study on the public safety benefits, technical feasibility, and cost
of providing the public with access to 9-1-1 services during times of
emergency, when mobile service is unavailable" through open Wi-Fi
access points and "other alternative means."

It would amend the Stafford Act to "expand the categories of essential
service providers that may access a disaster site to restore and repair
essential services in an emergency or major disaster without being
denied or impeded by a federal agency."

The EC also will review the status of the Amateur Auxiliary Study Ad
Hoc Committee. Meetings have been held with the FCC concerning more
effective FCC use of the volunteer resources of the Amateur Auxiliary
(Official Observers) program, the current FCC-ARRL Amateur Auxiliary
Agreement, and the development of a new Memorandum of Understanding
that better incorporates the Amateur Auxiliary program.

The Executive Committee is tasked by the ARRL Bylaws to address League
matters between regular Board meetings.


ARRL is recommending that Amateur Radio be specifically excluded from a
California statute prohibiting the use of "wireless communication
devices" while driving. ARRL Southwestern Division Vice Director Marty
Woll, N6VI, is taking point on the effort to revise the statute, known
by its legislative bill number AB 1785

It was signed into law last September, and it took effect on January 1,
amending §23123.5 of the state's Vehicle Code.

"ARRL has received a huge volume of inquiries and complaints about this
statute in particular, since its enactment," ARRL General Counsel Chris
Imlay, W3KD, wrote in a letter to Woll to provide guidance in amending
the California statute. "I would urge that you present this letter at
any meetings you have with California State legislators on this topic,
thus to bring the issues contained herein to their attention."

Imlay pointed out that that the prior statute excluded Amateur Radio by
definition. The new law, which completely replaced the earlier statute,
never mentions Amateur Radio, but instead contains an open-ended
definition of an "electronic wireless communications device," the
operation of which while driving is prohibited. According to the
statute, this "includes, but is not limited to, a broadband personal
communication device, a specialized mobile radio device, a handheld
device or laptop computer with mobile data access, a pager, or a
two-way messaging device."

"Because of the 'not limited to' language, such a device is whatever a
law enforcement officer thinks might be included, and an Amateur Radio
operator is not at all protected," Imlay wrote. Such a broad definition
could stymie "even the most diligent law enforcement officers," who
might interpret the new Vehicle Code language more broadly than

"Radio amateurs have regularly used mobile two-way radio systems for
the past 70 years," Imlay said. "ARRL is aware of no evidence that such
operation contributes to driver inattention," he stressed. "Quite the
contrary: Radio amateurs are public service-minded individuals who
utilize their radio-equipped motor vehicles to assist others, and they
are focused on driving in the execution of that function."

Imlay also cited a 2009 letter to ARRL from the National Safety Council
stating that there was no evidence using Amateur Radio while driving is
a significant risk.

"Given the necessity of unrestricted mobile Amateur Radio
communications in order for the benefits of Amateur Radio to the public
to continue to be realized, ARRL urges California legislators to
reconsider and amend AB 1785, to more narrowly define the class of
devices included in the prohibition," or to include a specific
exemption for Amateur Radio, Imlay wrote. Read more


International Crystal Manufacturing (ICM <>) of
Oklahoma City has announced that it will be going out of business,
probably at the end of May. Royden Freeland Jr., son of the company's
founder, posted a letter this week on the ICM website.

"We will be honoring all orders that we have already taken and will be
able to fill a limited amount of new orders, dependent upon raw
materials available," Freeland said. "We would like to thank you for
your past business. The success of ICM over the previous 66 years has
been largely due to its amazing customer base."

International Crystal produces RF control devices -- quartz crystals,
oscillators, QCM crystals, filters, TCXOs/VCTCXOs, and precision

Royden R. Freeland Sr. founded International Crystal in 1950, at first
operating out of his garage. One of his first contracts was to produce
crystals for Collins Radio. The elder Freeland and his wife died in a
1978 air crash, and his son took over the company, which expanded into
the production of other electronics in the 1980s.

In the 1990s, though, it sold off some of its equipment and
distribution business to concentrate on its core enterprise -- the
manufacture of crystal and oscillator products.

The announcement caught some manufacturers off guard, and they are
seeking to source the products they had been buying from ICM, one of
the remaining US-based manufacturers of crystal products. Radio
amateurs requiring crystals for projects or as replacement parts for
older equipment also will have to look elsewhere. Read more


"Remote Antenna Tuners" is the topic of the just-released episode of
the "ARRL The Doctor is In <>" podcast.
Listen...and learn!

Sponsored by DX Engineering <>, "ARRL The
Doctor is In" is an informative discussion of all things technical.
Listen on your computer, tablet, or smartphone -- whenever and wherever
you like!

Every 2 weeks, your host, QST Editor-in-Chief Steve Ford, WB8IMY, and
the Doctor himself, Joel Hallas, W1ZR, will discuss a broad range of
technical topics. You can also e-mail your questions to, and the Doctor may answer them in a future podcast.

Enjoy "ARRL The Doctor is In" on Apple iTunes

or by using your iPhone or iPad podcast app (just search for "ARRL The
Doctor is In"). You can also listen online at Blubrry
<>, or at Stitcher
<> (free registration required, or browse the
site as a guest) and through the free Stitcher app for iOS, Kindle, or
Android devices.

If you've never listened to a podcast before, download our beginner's
guide <>.


More than 40 South Florida Amateur Radio volunteers supported event and
emergency communications on January 29 at the 15th running of the Miami
Marathon <> and Half Marathon. Amateur
Radio has been a critical part of this major international event each
year. Depending on their assignments, volunteers report as early as
4:30 AM for the start of the event and may remain in place for up to 9
hours. Many of the hams who turned out this year have volunteered for
all or many of the 15 Miami Marathon events.

Operating from a mobile command unit at the finish area, two net
control stations (NCS) manage traffic from all of the radio amateurs
deployed throughout the course. The command unit offers NCSs immediate
access to police, fire, public safety, medical, and race officials.
Hams at each of the 23 aid stations along the 26-mile course coordinate
communication with aid station captains and public service officials to
ensure a rapid and accurate flow of critical information to command,
including information on injured runners, medical supply requests,
traffic, weather, and other critical situations.

Amateur Radio volunteers also are stationed at the course start,
finish, course split, medical tent, and SAG wagon, as well as in the
lead vehicles. For redundancy and backup, both primary and secondary
UHF and VHF repeaters cover the entire course. With hundreds of
thousands of spectators on hand to cheer the runners, ham radio has
proven consistently to be the most reliable form of emergency
communication in the race environment, said Miami Marathon
Communications Director Benjamin Nemser, WA4DZS, who is also a
Miami-Dade County ARES member.

From the first Miami Marathon in 2003, the event has grown from some
3,000 runners to more than 25,000.

Runners in the Miami Marathon raise millions of dollars for a multitude
of charities. Athletes with disabilities also compete, as do more than
4,000 middle school youngsters. Read more

-- Thanks to Benjamin Nemser, WA4DZS, Communications Director, Miami
Marathon, Miami-Dade County ARES, via the ARRL ARES E-Letter


Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS
<>) reports it has met a major milestone and now
is "one giant step" closer to flying its new interoperable radio system
to the International Space Station. Eventual plans call for installing
a new JVC Kenwood TM-D710GA-based radio system on the station as part
of an overall approach that will allow greater interoperability between
the Columbus module and the Russian Service Module.

Lou McFadin, W5DID, and Kerry Banke, N6IZW, travelled to NASA Johnson
Space Center (JSC) in Houston in mid-February for preliminary testing
of Banke's "breadboard" version of the ARISS multi-voltage power supply
that's essential to the upgrade. They worked with JSC engineers and
Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Lab personnel to put the specially
built power supply through its paces, checking against US and Russian
space specifications for preliminary power quality and EMC tests.

With positive test results in hand, ARISS now can move on to the next
step -- fabrication of prototype and flight units. The JSC engineers
said the ARISS breadboard power supply was the first hardware to have
passed all of the space agency's tests and complimented the ARISS Team
on its professional-level hardware development and design.

"I was looking to come away with what we needed to move forward," said
Banke. "We achieved that." Banke also said he was impressed with the
support he and McFadin received from the testing group. Key players on
those teams, who are also radio amateurs, told him and McFadin that
they find equipment supported by hams earns particularly good marks.

ARISS-International Chair Frank Bauer, KA3HDO, thanked Banke and
McFadin for spending several days putting the unit through the rigorous
battery of NASA and Russian preliminary electrical tests. McFadin
credited the level of cooperation and experience within the ARISS Team
with the multi-voltage power supply's high marks.

Now that testing of the breadboard unit has been completed, McFadin can
purchase the necessary -- and pricey -- space-certified parts, to
fabricate the final prototype and flight power supplies. He and Banke
expressed confidence that the prototype and flight units will pass the
even more rigorous final testing with flying colors.

The ARISS radio gear on board the ISS is aging. A February supply
vehicle carried a new Ericsson 2-meter handheld radio to replace one
that failed a few months ago, disrupting ARISS activities. The VHF
radio in the Columbus module was used for school group contacts and for
Amateur Radio packet, temporarily shifted to UHF after the VHF radio
failure. The newly arrived Ericsson radio will replace the Ericsson UHF
radio supporting APRS packet and some school contacts, but Bauer made
it clear last month that the new Ericsson transceiver is an interim

To help support final fabrication and flight tests of the ARISS
interoperable radio system, visit <>
the ARISS website. Contributions are tax deductible. Those contributing
at least $100 will receive an ARISS Challenge Coin.


With a whopping 31,000+ listings, the new ARRL Repeater Directory
<>® is the most
complete printed directory of on-the-air repeaters ever! The 2017-2018
edition (46th edition) has 10,000 more listings than the previous
edition, covering repeater systems throughout the US and Canada.
Repeater systems are listed by state/province, city, and operating
mode. Analog and digital repeater systems are included: FM, FUSION,
D-STAR, DMR, NXDN, and P25 systems.

ARRL partner RFinder <>, the creator of a web
and app-based directory of Amateur Radio repeaters worldwide, supplied
all data for the 2017-2018 ARRL Repeater Directory. RFinder uses
"crowdsourcing" technology to aggregate timely and accurate information
for its online directory. Crowdsourcing is a means of using data
gathered from public resources. Although RFinder's data is primarily
supplied by users and repeater owners (listings are reviewed for
accuracy), ARRL invited volunteer frequency coordinators to contribute
their coordination data to RFinder. Every coordinator that supplied
repeater data to RFinder has its listings credited as coordinated
repeaters in The Repeater Directory. RFinder provides support for
contributing information for new repeaters, and changes to current
listings. RFinder also collects reports on instances of repeater
jamming -- data that is made available to repeater owners and frequency
coordinators upon request.

The new ARRL Repeater Directory is available in one size -- 6 × 9
inches -- with a convenient lay-flat spiral binding. Pages of
supplemental information include VHF/UHF and microwave band plans, as
well as repeater operating practices.

For decades, The ARRL Repeater Directory has been an invaluable source
for locating repeater frequencies while traveling. New hams often use
the Directory to find local activity after purchasing a new handheld
radio. And, public service volunteers keep a copy nearby or in their
emergency "go kit."

The 2017-2018 ARRL Repeater Directory
<> begins shipping
in early April. Order from the ARRL Store <>,
or find an ARRL publication dealer
<>; ARRL Item No. 0697,
ISBN: 978-1-62595-069-7, $19.95 retail; ARRL member price $17.95. For
additional questions or ordering, call 860-594-0355 (toll-free in the
US, 888-277-5289).


Scouting's World Jamboree on the Air/Jamboree on the Internet
(JOTA-JOTI) Team has announced
the theme for this fall's JOTA-JOTI event: "60 Years Connecting
Scouts." The 2017 theme recognizes the event's beginnings in 1957 and
commemorates its growth in participation and in the expanding
communication channels activated this coming October. In addition to
Amateur Radio, those channels include internet-based channels and other
internet-based options, including social media, ScoutLink, IRC chat
services, Skype, and more.

"It also recognizes the goal of the event -- connecting Scouts so that
they can engage in conversations with other Scouts across town and
around the world," said JOTA Coordinator Jim Wilson, K5ND. "This allows
them to discover geographic and cultural differences and similarities.
Plus, they are exposed to the technology that makes all this happen."

The JOTA-JOTI logo contest is about to start. Plans for 2017 include a
simplified registration system. According to the World JOTA-JOTI Report

more than 1 million Scouters in 156 countries and at 33,000+ locations
took part in JOTA-JOTI last fall. The numbers for US participants were
10,700 for JOTA and 560 for JOTI. Wilson said there was a problem
integrating those statistics into the final report.


Skip Youngberg, K1NKR; Bill Machia, WM3N, and Dudley Allen, KD0NMD,
were among those sponsoring World Association of Girl Scouts and Girl
Guides' "Thinking Day on the Air" (TDOTA) events in February that
enjoyed enthusiastic participation. "Thinking Day," officially February
22, commemorates the birthday of Lord Robert Baden-Powell, the founder
of the Scout and Guide movements, as well as that of his wife, Olave,
who was the first World Chief Guide.

"Talk about excitement, exhilaration, and satisfaction!" said
Youngberg, an ARRL Life Member who got involved in TDOTA through his
daughter Jill Galus, KB1SWV. She enlisted his club, the Nashoba Valley
Amateur Radio Club (NVARC <>), to conduct an event
in New Hampshire 3 years ago. This year, the NVARC set up in Shirley,
Massachusetts, and in Raymond, New Hampshire.

TDOTA traces its heritage to Radio Scouter Les Mitchell, G3BHK (SK),
who originated Jamboree on The Air (JOTA) in 1957 and initiated TDOTA
about 25 years ago, Youngberg said.

On February 18 in Shirley, Youngberg and his NVARC compatriots
introduced 41 Scouts and 15 leaders to world time, phonetics, Morse
code, and -- perhaps most important -- getting on the air. The next
day, the NVARC crew packed up and did the same for a similar group in
Raymond, where 26 Scouts and 10 leaders "honed their communications
experience," Youngberg said.

Youngberg said the Shirley gathering snagged 25 contacts, including
eight DX stations. The New Hampshire demonstrations managed 42
contacts, 23 of them "CW DX demonstration" contacts made during the
ARRL International DX Contest.

Youngberg credited the Girl Scout organizers in Massachusetts and New
Hampshire with "bravely treading into the unknown," and said they're
already talking about TDOTA 2018.

In Maryland, Bill Machia, WM3N, got to thinking about getting Girl
Scouts involved in ham radio. He wondered if the Amateur Radio
community was missing out on an opportunity.

"I agreed to give a presentation to the Girl Scouts of Central Maryland
on Girl Scout Thinking Day," Machia told ARRL, who focused on
generating excitement and interest in ham radio. "As I researched my
presentation, I found ARRL had a patch for Girl Scouts, Radio &
Wireless Technology <>. This
meant they could go home with an accomplishment patch."

Machia said he never expected the level of interest that developed.
When the head count reached 75, Scout leaders decided to make that the
limit. "We are probably going to need a second presentation," he said.

Machia reached out to Maryland-DC Section Manager Marty Pittinger,
KB3MXM, to help, and when the day came, Machia said he found himself
before "the most respectful group of young people I had ever met. They
even laughed at my bad jokes."

"The presentation covered the necessary points needed for their patch,"
Machia recounted. He and his team presented some electrical and
magnetic theory experiments. A local repeater demonstration followed,
and they even set up an HF station with its antenna supported on a pole
in the auditorium. "The 3 hours flew by," he said, adding that he is
now trying to recruit mentors from area clubs to expand interest in
Amateur Radio.

Boy Scout Troop 231 Assistant Scoutmaster Dudley Allen, KD0NMD, also
believes girls need to be given the opportunity to get more involved in
ham radio. TDOTA provided one, and members of the Mid-America Council's
Radio Scouting Club (KN0BSA) hosted a TDOTA event for Girl Scouts in
Bellevue, Nebraska, on February 18.

"This was the first event of this kind hosted for the Girl Scout
troops in the area," Allen said. "Seven girls took time out of their
Girl Scout cookie sales schedule to stop by the 'shack' and see what it
was all about." He had help from other Scout leaders.

"Jim Taylor, AJ0R, put girls in contact with Girl Guides in London,
England, using EchoLink," Allen said, and he, Ray McNally, N5SEZ, and
Terry Gampper, N0BXQ, helped the young ladies contact Georgia and Texas
on HF. Derek Winterstien, W0DBW, got on 2 meters so the girls could
chat with some of the locals. Overall, Allen said, it was a lot of fun,
and Radio Scouting is growing throughout the midwest.

Youngberg says that few non-hams understand what Amateur Radio has to
offer. "Fortunately, Thinking Day on the Air is what you might call a
self-defining special event," he said. "Point the troop to available
TDOTA materials, offer support, and engage in a conversation that binds
the event to something you and the Girl Scouts can reasonably and
successfully accomplish."

==> IN BRIEF...

Combined National, IARU Region 2 ARDF Championships Set for this Summer
in Ohio: The combined USA National ARDF Championships and the IARU
Region 2 ARDF Championships <>
will take place from July 31 to August 6 near Cincinnati, Ohio. These
will be the 17th USA Championships and the 9th for IARU Region 2. The
OH-KY-IN Amateur Radio Club is organizing the event. Radio orienteers
from near and far will participate in foxoring, sprint, 2-meter, and
80-meter competitions. Individuals of any age are invited to
participate; no Amateur Radio license is required. Practice sessions
will take place the first 3 days, followed by the competitive events.
Winners of the 2017 events will be considered for inclusion on ARDF
Team USA and may have the opportunity to travel to the ARDF World
Championships in Korea in September 2018. -- Thanks to The ARRL Contest

You have DXing Questions? Dr. DX has Answers! The Southern California
DX Club (SCDXC <>) has announced that "Dr. DX
<>" is on call and ready to answer questions via e-mail
from fledgling DXers. A team of experienced DXers will offer helpful
replies to any and all DXing-related questions. The club has also
distributed a brochure to southern California Amateur Radio clubs to
entice hams who are not yet DXers into that area of the hobby. Ham
clubs outside of Southern California may request <> a
PDF. The SCDXC says its efforts to promote DXing in general are not
limited to southern California, and Dr. DX will take questions from
anywhere. Through the Dr. DX program, new DXers may ask about
equipment, operating techniques, antennas, QSLing, and related topics,
and SCDXC Dr. DX team members will respond to every question. -- Thanks


Tad Cook, K7RA, Seattle, reports: There have been no sunspots since
March 3, except for the one that appeared on March 5. Also, solar flux
values have recently dipped below 70 for the first time since the other
side of this solar cycle. Solar flux appears
<> at 70 over the past week,
but this is an approximation.

The average daily sunspot number dropped from 14.1 last week to zero.
Average daily solar flux went from 74.3 to 70.3. Average daily
planetary A Index quieted from 20.9 to 8.1, while the average
mid-latitude A index went from 15 to 6.4.

Predicted solar flux is 70 and 71 on March 16-17; 72 on March 18-20; 74
on March 21-23; 76 on March 24-25; 74 on March 26-29; 72 on March
30-April 3, and 70 on April 4-9.

The predicted planetary A index is 5, 10, and 8 on March 16-18; 5 on
March 19-20; 8, 10, 8, and 8 on March 21-24; 5 on March 25-27; 35, 30,
20, 18, 15, 20, and 15 on March 28-April 3, and 12 on April 4-5.

Sunspot numbers for March 9 through 15, 2017 were 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, and
0, with a mean of 0. The 10.7-centimeter flux was 71.2, 71, 70, 70.1,
70.3, 69.6, and 69.8, with a mean of 70.3. Estimated planetary A
indices were 15, 12, 6, 9, 3, 5, and 7, with a mean of 8.1. Estimated
mid-latitude A indices were 10, 14, 4, 7, 2, 3, and 5, with a mean of

Send <> me your reports or observations.


- March 18 -- AGCW VHF/UHF Contest (CW)

- March 18 -- Feld Hell Sprint

- March 18-19 --Russian DX Contest (CW, phone)

- March 18-19 -- Louisiana QSO Party (CW, phone, digital)

- March 18-19 -- All Virginia QSO Party (CW, phone, digital)

- March 18-20 -- BARTG HF RTTY Contest

- March 19 -- UBA Spring Contest (SSB)

- March 20 -- Run for the Bacon QRP Contest (CW)

- March 20 -- Bucharest Contest (CW, phone, digital)

- March 21-26 -- CLARA Chatter Party (CW, phone)

- March 22 -- SKCC Sprint (CW)

- March 23 -- RSGB 80-Meter Club Championship (SSB)

See the ARRL Contest Calendar <>
for more information. For in-depth reporting on Amateur Radio
contesting, subscribe to The ARRL Contest Update
<> via your ARRL member
profile e-mail preferences.


- March 18 -- West Texas Section Convention <>,
Midland, Texas

- March 18 -- MicroHAMS Digital Conference
<>, Redmond, Washington

- March 24-25 -- Texas State Convention <>,
Rosenberg, Texas

- March 31-April 1 -- Maine State Convention
<>, Lewiston, Maine

- March 31-April 2 -- Nevada State Convention <>,
Las Vegas, Nevada

- April 7-8 -- OzarkCon QRP Conference <>,
Branson, Missouri

- April 7-8 -- Oklahoma Section Convention <>,
Claremore, Oklahoma

- April 15 -- Roanoke Division Convention <>,
Raleigh, North Carolina

- Apr 21-23 -- International DX Convention
<>, Visalia, California

- April 21-23 -- Eastern VHF-UHF Microwave Conference
<>, Manchester, Connecticut

- April 21-23 -- Idaho State Convention <>,
Boise, Idaho

- April 22 -- Delaware State Convention
<>, Georgetown, Delaware

- April 22 -- Aurora '17 Convention <>, White Bear
Lake, Minnesota

- Apr 22-23 -- Communications Academy XIX
<>, Seattle, Washington

- April 28-29 -- Southeastern VHF Society Conference
<>, Charlotte, North Carolina

- April 29 -- Louisiana Section Convention
<>, West Monroe, Louisiana

- May 4-6 -- Military Radio Collector's Group Convention
<>, San Luis Obispo, California

- May 7 -- Eastern Pennsylvania Section Convention
<>, Bristol, Pennsylvania

- May 13 -- Iowa Section Convention <>, Boone,

- May 19-21 -- Ohio State Convention (Dayton Hamvention
<>), Xenia, Ohio

- May 27-28 -- Rocky Mountain Division Convention
<>, Cody, Wyoming

Find conventions and hamfests in your area

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All other purposes require written permission.


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