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SSB Exciter

已查看 173 次


2002年2月1日 11:10:452002/2/1
I would appreciate if anyone can give me information regarding
availability of kit or pcb's for a universal SSB exciter using the
9MHz Filter Method. The Solid State Design for the Radio Amateur
(1995)had a project by TERRY A WHITE (KL71AK) which is of particulr
interest to me.


Laura Halliday

2002年2月1日 16:33:542002/2/1
收件人 (R.Narayanan) wrote in message news:<>...

> interest to me.

There aren't any. Nor were there any the first time
you asked.

The project in question is old, and may be difficult
to reproduce. You may want to investigate something
a little more recent.

Laura Halliday VE7LDH "Que les nuages soient notre
Grid: CN89lg pied a terre..."
ICBM: 49 16.57 N 123 0.24 W - Hospital/Shafte

Bill Kirkland

2002年2月2日 01:04:132002/2/2
Solid State Design For the Radio Amateur pre-dates 1982.
I got my first copy before I started University in 82. My 2nd copy
is much more recent and I don't think anything has changed.

The circuit I believe you are referring to could be done with the "ugly"
method. It is simple enough. Good luck getting an MC1496G, this is the
standard MC1496 mixer/modulator in a metal can. You will more likely find
a 14-pin dip part. Even Philips made the MC1496 at one time. Try Mouser, they listed 2 substitutes. (Listed in
"Dan's Small Parts for $1.25.

40673's used in the IF Amp are long out of production.

Wes Hayward has a good SSB/CW transceiver in QRP Classics, pg 153.
I've built several versions of the circuits in his design and they work fine.

If you bump the LO drive to say 7 dBm you could use a Level-7 Minicircuit
mixer. They have several in the sub-$5 class which they advertise in RF Mags.

The crystal filter is available from "International Radio"
Toroids are available from Amidon (check the ARRL handbook)

Bill Kirkland

Bill Meara

2002年2月2日 04:28:012002/2/2

OM: Why not try building it with the now popular Manhattan method
(copper clad board with islolation pads). I am building an SSB
exciter for 17 meters using this method. My rig has the filter at
5.173 Mhz (I had the crystals for a filter at that freq.)

Please tell us more about your project.

73 de Bill CU2JL N2CQR
Sao Miguel Island, The Azores, Portugal
37.7 N 15.7 W

J M Noeding

2002年2月2日 06:06:272002/2/2
On 1 Feb 2002 (Laura Halliday) wrote:

>> I would appreciate if anyone can give me information regarding
>> availability of kit or pcb's for a universal SSB exciter using the
>> 9MHz Filter Method. The Solid State Design for the Radio Amateur
>> (1995)had a project by TERRY A WHITE (KL71AK)

>There aren't any. Nor were there any the first time you asked.
>The project in question is old, and may be difficult
>to reproduce. You may want to investigate something
>a little more recent.

such was more interesting 30 years ago, some kits were sold by VHF
communications, but I doubt you will find it today. DJ8ES showed
around 1990 some inexpensive solutions, but I don't think a kit was
ever sold commercially

remove ,xnd to reply

Mike W

2002年2月3日 13:44:402002/2/3
On 1 Feb 2002 08:10:45 -0800, (R.Narayanan) wrote:

RadCom, the UK RSGB rag, had an article in April-May 2000. It was
called the "Belthorne ssb if module". I don't think a kit of parts was
ever produced but I could be wrong.
atb Mike W, G8NXD, M3MSM qthr

Laura Halliday

2002年2月3日 19:06:262002/2/3
收件人 (Mike W) wrote in message news:<>...

> RadCom, the UK RSGB rag, had an article in April-May 2000. It was

> called the "Belthorne ssb if module". I don't think a kit of parts was

> ever produced but I could be wrong.

> atb Mike W, G8NXD, M3MSM qthr

I note that RadCom, QST and SPRAT have published a number
of relevant articles - analogue phasing rigs, DSP phasing
rigs, polyphase rigs, Weaver rigs, and so on.

Good as it is, a lot has happened since Solid State
Design was published. It would be silly to ignore
20+ years of technical development...

Carl R. Stevenson

2002年2月3日 21:52:052002/2/3
Hash: SHA1

"Laura Halliday" <> wrote in message

Hello, Laura,

I agree ... it's silly to ignor 20+ years of technical development.

I saw mention of the MC1496 in an earlier post in this thread.

That was a pretty good device in 1975 when I was designing
military SSB gear for a living, but I wouldn't DREAM of using
it today, if for no other reason that I would be concerned about
the future availability of replacement parts 'cause it's so old.
I haven't checked, but after 25+ years, I'd be surprised if they're
still being produced.

73 and nice to see you on usenet ... it's been a while,

Carl - wa6vse

Version: PGP for Personal Privacy 5.5.3


Bill Kirkland

2002年2月3日 22:37:202002/2/3
Well, you know, I work for an Advance Wireless Technology Group, and with
the exception of DSP and high performance ADCs and DACs (I'll through
DDS in there as well) the main advances I see are:

- readily available reasonably piced packaged mixers, e.g. SBL-1
- the ERA/MAV/MAR and similar amps, just add decoupling caps
and power.
- the abundance of inexpensive micro-processor crystals which several
people have turned into excellant crystal filters
- high performance OP AMPs. BurrBrown makes some with quite high
IP3s that don't drop off until 20 - 25 MHz.
- synthesizers and low noise oscillators for the LO

but you know, an op amp speech amplifier feeding a mixer with a simple
crystal oscillator couple with an ERA or MAR amp and a home brew crystal
filter makes a nice little modulator. If done right I would put it up against
the phasing method or weaver method. In fact this is what I've chosen for
my present project despite readily available samples of the best ADCs/DACs
and DSP systems available (and I don't just mean commercially).

If I really wanted to ride the the technology curve I would be using DSP -
for close in filtering and signal conditioning after some good analog filtering.
However a well designed analog receiver with good filters will out perform
a DSP based system unless it too has good analog filtering.

The fundementals of designing a good RF system just haven't changed
since Solid State Design for the Radio Amateur was first published.
We just substitute single chip components for the mixer and amplifiers these days.
The unfortunate thing in referencing Solid State Design for the Radio Amateur
is that so many of the parts are no longer manufactured, e.g MC1350 IF amp.

To me, its getting harder and harder to find good IF amps and AGC for the
receiver. ADI makes some but these are expensive. Who else makes
variable gain IF amps with the kind of performance suitable for high performance
HAM gear.

As for those cellular handsets, well they have integrated alot of analog stuff
together but their performance doesn't come anywhere close to a
decent HAM rig.

Bill Kirkland

John Miles

2002年2月3日 23:57:252002/2/3
Bill Kirkland wrote:
> The fundementals of designing a good RF system just haven't changed
> since Solid State Design for the Radio Amateur was first published.
> We just substitute single chip components for the mixer and amplifiers these days.
> The unfortunate thing in referencing Solid State Design for the Radio Amateur
> is that so many of the parts are no longer manufactured, e.g MC1350 IF amp.

I'm not too worried about the good old MC1350P, myself. It is still
available at a LOT of vendors -- lists no fewer than seven
vendors for it, most of whom actually have stock. I feel more
comfortable using an MC1350P in a new circuit than, say, an ADF4112
phase detector chip, which is current production but available only
directly from Analog unless you want to buy a tube of 96 from

I suspect the MC1350P will become "impossible" to find around the same
time a 12BE6 does.

-- jm

Note: My E-mail address has been altered to avoid spam

Pete Gianakopoulos

2002年2月4日 00:01:282002/2/4
Hi Bill,
The Phillips TDA1572 is a good IF subsystem. This is the device
that is used in the AOR7030. It has a buffered 50 Ohm output for feeding an
SSB detector, and FM detector, etc. I have been using this device for a few
years. For an AM only receiver, the TDA1072 is a good choice. I played
around with the Analog Devices AD607 for awhile, but it is a very finicky
device to work with. The noise figure on the AD607 is pretty poor, at 18dB,
so I scrapped the idea of using that chip, in favor of the Phillips devices.
It seems that the cutting edge receivers are the software defined types.
Still on the drawing board at many companies, but Rockwell-Collins has a few
under their belt.

Pete KE9OA

Bill Kirkland <> wrote in message

Mike W

2002年2月3日 22:02:552002/2/3
On 3 Feb 2002 16:06:26 -0800, (Laura Halliday)

>analogue phasing rigs, DSP phasing
>rigs, polyphase rigs, Weaver rigs, and so on.

none of the above are 9 mhz Filter type designs, which was what was
asked for, and therefore do not count in this instance. Even though
they are useful methods of generating SSB.

Laura Halliday

2002年2月4日 12:01:052002/2/4
收件人 (Mike W) wrote in message news:<>...

> wrote:

> >

That is not at all clear - my reading was that the
original poster was looking to build an SSB exciter
and had found one that looked promising. That he
wanted to build the exact design from Solid State
Design is not at all clear, and in 2002 there
are better (certainly more reproducable) ways of
doing it.

Beach Bum

2002年2月4日 15:35:192002/2/4
Did all the Plessey parts die out? Somewhere I have an unused (untested
too) Plessey IC based ssb transceiver board that I built years ago from a


In article <IAo78.9803$>, says...

Michael Black

2002年2月4日 23:38:572002/2/4
收件人 (Laura Halliday) wrote in message news:<>...

> (Mike W) wrote in message news:<>...
> > none of the above are 9 mhz Filter type designs, which was what was
> > asked for, and therefore do not count in this instance. Even though
> > they are useful methods of generating SSB.
> That is not at all clear - my reading was that the
> original poster was looking to build an SSB exciter
> and had found one that looked promising. That he
> wanted to build the exact design from Solid State
> Design is not at all clear, and in 2002 there
> are better (certainly more reproducable) ways of
> doing it.
The original poster has an Indian call, so I assume that's
where he is. That would probably impact on his choice.
One reason he might have been asking for a kit is so he
doesn't have to order from multiple places.

I have no idea how things are now, but years ago Indian
hams had quite a problem getting equipment and parts,
due to import issues. Some of the more interesting
articles I read in the ham magazines thirty years ago
were from Indian hams, as they described things they'd
built and mentioned some of the effort in procuring parts
and making do with what they could.

From a standpoint of scrounging parts, that rig in
Solid State for Radio Amateurs is probably a far safer
bet than a lot of more recent designs. It is a straightforward
design, using standard parts (except, that premixer with the
TI doubler balanced mixer). To copy it, one might have
to do a few substitutes on the MOSFETs and power bipolars,
but it may be easier finding some sort of suitable power
transistor than trying to find some fancy and recent IC.

That rig isn't unique, though, and there were plenty of similar
rigs described in the ham magazines around the same time.

One of the big costs, no matter what design is chosen, is
going to be that crystal filter. I haven't seen prices
for KVG filters recently (I gather they are still available
new), but they'd always be the most expensive component in
a rig, be it now or 25 years ago. That's why the popularity
of making ladder filters with cheap crystals.

A better choice might be a rig that used a ladder filter. Or
if someone who's already set up to sort crystals sent him
a matched set of crystals, then building a rig around that.

There's always a trade-off. Someone who feels they need to
buy a kit, and follow a design will likely pay more than someone
who can extract the basics from a design, and then use what
is readily, and cheaply, available. For someone in the latter
position, that "Universal rig" is a good start; use a homemade
ladder filter with what crystals are readily available locally (and
thus change the IF to the frequency where the crystals are, and
perhaps suffer a bit if the IF is a bad choice), find some bipolars
that can work in the circuit, and then order what isn't locally
available from Dan's Small Parts. Though I didn't check,
it looks like most of the parts, or reasonable substitutes
could be had there (except for that TI mixer!), except for
the crystal filter. And he lists a set of matched crystals for
a ladder filter.

Michael VE2BVW

Laura Halliday

2002年2月5日 11:42:132002/2/5
收件人 (Michael Black) wrote in message news:<>...

> The original poster has an Indian call, so I assume that's

> where he is. That would probably impact on his choice.

> One reason he might have been asking for a kit is so he

> doesn't have to order from multiple places.


Good points all, but, with all due respect: you're not
the original poster, and cannot possibly know exactly
what he had in mind.

I too have heard horror stories, but recent events
(like the establishment of AMSAT-VU) suggest that
the situation is not as dire as it once was. The
mere presence of VU calls in this newsgroup suggests
this too .

Laura Halliday

2002年2月5日 11:42:142002/2/5
收件人 (Michael Black) wrote in message news:<>...

> The original poster has an Indian call, so I assume that's

> where he is. That would probably impact on his choice.

> One reason he might have been asking for a kit is so he

> doesn't have to order from multiple places.


Good points all, but, with all due respect: you're not
the original poster, and cannot possibly know exactly
what he had in mind.

I too have heard horror stories, but recent events
(like the establishment of AMSAT-VU) suggest that
the situation is not as dire as it once was. The
mere presence of VU calls in this newsgroup suggests
this too .

Laura Halliday

2002年2月5日 11:42:142002/2/5
收件人 (Michael Black) wrote in message news:<>...

> The original poster has an Indian call, so I assume that's

> where he is. That would probably impact on his choice.

> One reason he might have been asking for a kit is so he

> doesn't have to order from multiple places.


Good points all, but, with all due respect: you're not
the original poster, and cannot possibly know exactly
what he had in mind.

I too have heard horror stories, but recent events
(like the establishment of AMSAT-VU) suggest that
the situation is not as dire as it once was. The
mere presence of VU calls in this newsgroup suggests
this too .

Laura Halliday

2002年2月5日 11:42:162002/2/5
收件人 (Michael Black) wrote in message news:<>...

> The original poster has an Indian call, so I assume that's

> where he is. That would probably impact on his choice.

> One reason he might have been asking for a kit is so he

> doesn't have to order from multiple places.


Good points all, but, with all due respect: you're not
the original poster, and cannot possibly know exactly
what he had in mind.

I too have heard horror stories, but recent events
(like the establishment of AMSAT-VU) suggest that
the situation is not as dire as it once was. The
mere presence of VU calls in this newsgroup suggests
this too .

Laura Halliday

2002年2月5日 11:42:152002/2/5
收件人 (Michael Black) wrote in message news:<>...

> The original poster has an Indian call, so I assume that's

> where he is. That would probably impact on his choice.

> One reason he might have been asking for a kit is so he

> doesn't have to order from multiple places.


Good points all, but, with all due respect: you're not
the original poster, and cannot possibly know exactly
what he had in mind.

I too have heard horror stories, but recent events
(like the establishment of AMSAT-VU) suggest that
the situation is not as dire as it once was. The
mere presence of VU calls in this newsgroup suggests
this too .

Laura Halliday

2002年2月5日 11:42:152002/2/5
收件人 (Michael Black) wrote in message news:<>...

> The original poster has an Indian call, so I assume that's

> where he is. That would probably impact on his choice.

> One reason he might have been asking for a kit is so he

> doesn't have to order from multiple places.


Good points all, but, with all due respect: you're not
the original poster, and cannot possibly know exactly
what he had in mind.

I too have heard horror stories, but recent events
(like the establishment of AMSAT-VU) suggest that
the situation is not as dire as it once was. The
mere presence of VU calls in this newsgroup suggests
this too .

Laura Halliday

2002年2月5日 11:42:202002/2/5
收件人 (Michael Black) wrote in message news:<>...

> The original poster has an Indian call, so I assume that's

> where he is. That would probably impact on his choice.

> One reason he might have been asking for a kit is so he

> doesn't have to order from multiple places.


Good points all, but, with all due respect: you're not
the original poster, and cannot possibly know exactly
what he had in mind.

I too have heard horror stories, but recent events
(like the establishment of AMSAT-VU) suggest that
the situation is not as dire as it once was. The
mere presence of VU calls in this newsgroup suggests
this too .

Laura Halliday

2002年2月5日 11:42:252002/2/5
收件人 (Michael Black) wrote in message news:<>...

> The original poster has an Indian call, so I assume that's

> where he is. That would probably impact on his choice.

> One reason he might have been asking for a kit is so he

> doesn't have to order from multiple places.


Good points all, but, with all due respect: you're not
the original poster, and cannot possibly know exactly
what he had in mind.

I too have heard horror stories, but recent events
(like the establishment of AMSAT-VU) suggest that
the situation is not as dire as it once was. The
mere presence of VU calls in this newsgroup suggests
this too .

Laura Halliday

2002年2月5日 11:42:272002/2/5
收件人 (Michael Black) wrote in message news:<>...

> The original poster has an Indian call, so I assume that's

> where he is. That would probably impact on his choice.

> One reason he might have been asking for a kit is so he

> doesn't have to order from multiple places.


Good points all, but, with all due respect: you're not
the original poster, and cannot possibly know exactly
what he had in mind.

I too have heard horror stories, but recent events
(like the establishment of AMSAT-VU) suggest that
the situation is not as dire as it once was. The
mere presence of VU calls in this newsgroup suggests
this too .

Eamon Skelton

2002年2月5日 06:08:412002/2/5
In article <>, Beach Bum wrote:
> Did all the Plessey parts die out? Somewhere I have an unused (untested
> too) Plessey IC based ssb transceiver board that I built years ago from a
> kit.

The Plessey 600 series IC's date back to the 1960's. They
are now obsolete. Analog devices make some useful IC's

73, Ed. EI9GQ.

Remove 'X' to reply.
Linux 2.4.17

Eamon Skelton

2002年2月5日 06:22:212002/2/5
In article <>, Michael Black wrote:

> From a standpoint of scrounging parts, that rig in
> Solid State for Radio Amateurs is probably a far safer
> bet than a lot of more recent designs. It is a straightforward
> design, using standard parts (except, that premixer with the
> TI doubler balanced mixer).

It is possible to build a good SSB exciter using 'standard' components.
My current rig has a dual op-amp as the mic amp, a pair of 1N4148
diodes as the balanced modulator and a few bipolar transistors
for the carrier oscillators. I used a crystal filter from a
scrap CB. As Michael suggests, a crystal ladder filter is
another good option.

See Aleksander Stare's web-page for some ladder filter designs.

See my SSB exciter at:


2002年2月6日 03:25:172002/2/6
Thank you all for the valuble messages posted in response to my query.
When I was in college, I built a SSB transmitter operationg on the
7MHz band, using the 9MHz filter method of SSB generation. Since then
it was my long cherished dream to build a SSB transmitter operating
multi-band. From the various messages posted, I learn one thing....I
am far away from current technology. I have not been active on the air
for almost 10 years now as I work in U.A.E where foreigners don't get
reciporocal licences! Anyhow I don't give up my hopes. Should anyonwe
have more info or advices, please let me know.

Finally, just a clarifictaion. Yes, I am an Indian, and getting
electronic components in VU2 used to be very hard. Honestly I don't
know what's the situation like right now,but presume its still tough!

VU2YAP (Laura Halliday) wrote in message news:<>...

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