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Re: Hypocrite Kerry 'Couldn't Think' for 40 Minutes on 9/11

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Aug 7, 2004, 8:35:31 AM8/7/04
Gactimus wrote:
> John Kerry is getting his comeuppance for his snotty comments about
> President Bush's actions on 9/11.
> Here's what the Massachusetts Democrat said July 8 when Larry King asked
> where he was on 9/11, according to CNN's own transcript:
> 'Nobody Could Think'
> "I was in the Capitol. We'd just had a meeting - we'd just come into a
> leadership meeting in Tom Daschle's office, looking out at the Capitol. And
> as I came in, Barbara Boxer and Harry Reid were standing there, and we
> watched the second plane come in to the building. And we shortly thereafter
> sat down at the table and then we just realized nobody could think, and
> then boom, right behind us, we saw the cloud of explosion at the Pentagon.
> And then word came from the White House, they were evacuating, and we were
> to evacuate, and so we immediately began the evacuation."
> How appropriate that Kerry lumps himself in with fellow leftist do-nothing
> non-thinkers such as Boxer, Daschle and Reid.
> Thanks to the several readers today who sent us this fascinating bit from
> Blog for Bush: "the second plane hit the World Trade Center at 9:03 a.m.,
> and the plane hit the Pentagon at 9:43 a.m. By Kerry's own words, he and
> his fellow senators sat there for forty minutes, realizing 'nobody could
> think.'"
> And here's what former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani told the New York
> Post about Kerry's latest display of insolence:
> "John Kerry must be frustrated in his campaign if he is
> armchair-quarterbacking based on cues from Michael Moore.
> "John Kerry is an indecisive candidate [with] an inconsistent position on
> the War on Terror, who voted against funding for our troops and who cannot
> give a clear answer on his position concerning the decision to remove
> Saddam Hussein."

Bush insists his administration seeking 'new ways to harm our country'

WASHINGTON (AP) - President George W. Bush offered up a new entry for
his catalogue of "Bushisms" on Thursday, declaring that his
administration will "never stop thinking about new ways to harm our
country and our people."

"Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we," Bush said.
"They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our
people, and neither do we."

No one in Bush's audience of military brass or Pentagon chiefs reacted.


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From: Lionel <>
Subject: Re: [Request for comments] Proposed methods for minimising
abuse from anonymous gateways.
Date: Wed, 30 Jun 2004 02:03:25 +0000 (UTC)
Message-ID: <>

There is a *reason* why people have been increasingly abandoning Usenet
for web-fora, et al, & this sort of crap is a major part of it. I've
even considered it myself, & I'm a hardcore news-junkie. The levels of
personal, professional, & RL harassment people have been receiving in* have been truly mind-boggling, & I'm astounded that nobody
has yet launched legal action against Google, the mail2news gateways or
their peers.

Bill Case

Aug 7, 2004, 10:55:08 AM8/7/04

"ą" <> wrote in message

No, they've learned to tune him out and pay attention to what Cheney wants.


Aug 7, 2004, 12:10:08 PM8/7/04
On 7/8/04 10:35 PM, in article, "ą"
<> wrote:

Saw that on 110% Tony Squires this week. Maybe the military poobas and
pentagon paper pushes thought, "well, its about fucking time we got some
honesty from the bastard!"


My blog:

Madelin McKinnon

Aug 7, 2004, 4:59:11 PM8/7/04
We need a decisive President who doesn't read children's books when
America is under attack, this flip-flopping George Bush is an
astounding flop.

Bush was against campaign finance reform; now he's for it.

Bush was against a Homeland Security Department; now he's for it.

Bush was against a 9/11 commission; now he's for it.

Bush was against an Iraq WMD investigation; now he's for it.

Bush was against nation building; now he's for it.

Bush was against deficits; now he's for them.

Bush was for free trade; then he was for tariffs on steel, and now
he's against them again.

Bush was against the U.S. taking a role in the Israeli-Palestinian
conflict; now he pushes for a "road map" and a Palestinian State.

Bush was for states' rights to decide on gay marriage; now he is for
changing the Constitution to outlaw gay marriage.

Bush said he would provide money for first responders (fire, police,
emergency); then he doesn't.

Bush said that "help is on the way" to the military; then he cuts
their benefits and health care.

Bush claimed to be in favor of environmental protection; then he
secretly approved oil drilling on Padre Island in Texas and other
places and took many more anti-environmental actions.

Bush said he is the "education president;" then he refused to fully
fund key education programs and rarely does his homework, such as read
position papers so he will be more knowledgeable on issues.

Bush said that him being governor of Texas for six years was enough
political experience to be president of the U.S.; then he criticized
Sen. John Edwards for not having enough experience after Edwards had
served six years in the U.S. Senate.

During the 2000 campaign, Bush said there were too many lawsuits being
filed; then during the Florida recount, he was the first to file a
lawsuit to stop the legal counting of votes after Gore took advantage
of Florida law to ask for a recount.

On Nov. 7, 2000, the Bush campaign supported Florida county officials
drawing up new copies of some 10,000 spoiled absentee votes in 26
Republican-leaning counties that the machines did not read and marking
them for the candidates when they showed clear intent;" they opposed
doing the same thing after Nov. 7 when Gore asked for such recounts.
Bush dominated absentee balloting in Florida by a two-to-one margin.

Bush said during the 2000 campaign that he did not have a "litmus
test" for judges he appointed to be against abortion; then he mostly
appointed judges who were against abortion.

In the early 1990s, Bush led a campaign to raise taxes in Arlington,
Texas, to build a new baseball stadium for the team he partly owned;
he later criticized politicians for supporting tax increases ñ after
he got rich by selling the team with the new stadium to a wealthy
campaign contributor.

Bush opposed the U.S. negotiating with North Korea; now he supports

Bush went to the racist and segregationist Bob Jones University in
South Carolina; then he said he shouldn't have.

Bush said he would demand a U.N. Security Council vote on whether to
sanction military action against Iraq; later Bush announced he would
not call for a vote.

Bush first said the "mission accomplished" Iraqi banner was put up by
the sailors; he later admitted it was done by his advance team.

Bush was for fingerprinting and photographing Mexicans who enter the
U.S.; after meeting with Mexican President Fox, he decided against it.

Bush was opposed to Rice testifying in front of the 9/11 commission
citing "separation of powers;" then he was for it.

Bush was against Ba'ath party members holding office or government
jobs in Iraq; now he's for it.

Bush said we must not appease terrorists; then he lifted trade
sanctions on admitted terrorist Mohammar Quaddafi and Pakistan, which
pardoned its official who sold nuclear secrets to Iran, Libya, and
North Korea.

Bush said he would wait until after the Nov. election to ask for more
money for the war effort; then he decided he needed it before the
election, after all.

Bush said, "Leaving Iraq prematurely would only embolden the
terrorists and increase the danger to America." His administration now
says that U.S. troops will pull out of Iraq when the new provisional
authority asks. Then he said they'll stay "as long as needed" again.
Now he's saying that the Iraqis can ask the troops to leave, and they
will. Or is he?

The Bush administration officials said that the Geneva Conventions
don't apply to "enemy combatants." Now they claims they do.

Bush officials said before the Iraq invasion that Iraq posed an
"imminent threat" to U.S. security and that Iraq had weapons of mass
destruction and even nuclear weapons; after the invasion, they denied
saying the word "imminent" and saying that Iraq had WMDs and nuclear
weapons, even though they were caught on tape making such statements.

"The most important thing is for us to find Osama Bin Laden. It is our
number one priority and we will not rest until we find him." - George
W. Bush, Sept. 13, 2001

"I don't know where he is. I have no idea, and I really don't care.
It's not that important. It's not our priority." - George W. Bush,
March 13, 2002

Are you getting tired of this? Well, some in the American military are
getting tired of this, too: "The (Bush) administration has an overly
simplistic view of how and when to use our military. By not bringing
in our friends and allies, they have created a mess in Iraq and are
crippling our forces around the world." -Retired Admiral William
Crowe, former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs under Ronald Reagan

Synchrodestiny's Child

Aug 7, 2004, 5:20:08 PM8/7/04
to (Madelin McKinnon) wrote in

Yes. Vote Libertarian.

-- - BeOS and a hell of a lot more
BeDoper Portal -

Bill Case

Aug 7, 2004, 5:28:13 PM8/7/04

"Madelin McKinnon" <> wrote in message

> We need a decisive President who doesn't read children's books when

Excellent list showing just what kind man and leader Bush is.

She gave list of specific items discrediting this shit-for-brains we have
for a president - let's see you Bushies refute these, come on, let's go.


Aug 7, 2004, 5:33:41 PM8/7/04
On 7 Aug 2004 21:20:08 GMT, "Synchrodestiny's Child"
<mas...@mason.snuh> wrote:

>Yes. Vote Libertarian.

A vote for anyone but Kerry is a vote for Bush.

Message has been deleted

Synchrodestiny's Child

Aug 7, 2004, 5:51:35 PM8/7/04
raven1 <> wrote in

So? Bush/Kerry. Same shit with different hair.

Cretin Needs

Aug 7, 2004, 5:53:33 PM8/7/04
"Synchrodestiny's Child" <mas...@mason.snuh> wrote in message

> raven1 <> wrote in
> > On 7 Aug 2004 21:20:08 GMT, "Synchrodestiny's Child"
> > <mas...@mason.snuh> wrote:
> >
> >>Yes. Vote Libertarian.
> >
> > A vote for anyone but Kerry is a vote for Bush.
> So? Bush/Kerry. Same shit with different hair.

Bush is slightly worse than JFK2.

Synchrodestiny's Child

Aug 7, 2004, 6:36:19 PM8/7/04
"Cretin Needs" <creti...@cretinneeds.str> wrote in news:2nl1fpF2104cU5

For all we know. He promises to stay in Iraq, and crack down at home.

Same as it ever was.

Message has been deleted


Aug 8, 2004, 1:26:00 AM8/8/04
raven1 <> wrote in message news:<>...

No we should hold a write in campaine 'George Lucas for president', he
may not be a politition but I think he's smarter than the lot of them.

Chris Clifton

Aug 8, 2004, 1:30:07 AM8/8/04
Synchrodestiny's Child wrote:

> (Madelin McKinnon) wrote in
> > We need a decisive President who doesn't read children's books when
> > America is under attack, this flip-flopping George Bush is an
> > astounding flop.

Kerry admit's to 40 minutes of not being able to think when we were
attacked, on Larry Kings show. Principal of school (democrat) praises
president for his calmness and not freaking out like a lot of people
would have. I know a real leader would have jumped up and ran out of
the classroom to the principals office and established central command
through the PA system. We were in the middle of a crisis, you don't
react in a manner that might create more hysteria in people who are
looking for you to lead them. What on earth might he have been waiting
for for 7 minutes? Don't do it, don't think for yourself.

> >
> > Bush was against campaign finance reform; now he's for it.

Pure speculation on your part. Read the White house briefings, he
never said he was going to veto it, and guess what he didn't.

> >
> > Bush was against a Homeland Security Department; now he's for it.

I've looked and looked through similar postings from dem's saying this,
can't find any proof. Just statements saying he is.

> >
> > Bush was against a 9/11 commission; now he's for it.

Not quite, try against a partisan commission particularly one with
members who were responsible for part of 9/11.

> >
> > Bush was against an Iraq WMD investigation; now he's for it.

What??? What do you think your precious UN and us and the rest of the
world were doing? whatever...

> >
> > Bush was against nation building; now he's for it.

Nice one, we should have just blown them all up, I agree.

> >
> > Bush was against deficits; now he's for them.

Ironic Lib's against spending. Frustrates me too. You remember how the
economy went in the tank. Amazing how tax cuts and spending created a
boost in the economy, try to refute it the numbers don't lie.

> >
> > Bush was for free trade; then he was for tariffs on steel, and now
> > he's against them again.

Ever here of the WTO, and threats of trade wars, please it's really not
that simple.

> >
> > Bush was against the U.S. taking a role in the Israeli-Palestinian
> > conflict; now he pushes for a "road map" and a Palestinian State.

Wherever do you get your info? Bush has and always is a supporter of
Israel and peace with them and Palestine. By the way Kerry is the first
Dem nominee since the establishment to not mention Israel in his inaug.
speech. Interesting?

> >
> > Bush was for states' rights to decide on gay marriage; now he is for
> > changing the Constitution to outlaw gay marriage.

He's for both. If I have to explain it, he's against it like a lot of
the public, check out Mo.'s ballot.

> >
> > Bush said he would provide money for first responders (fire, police,
> > emergency); then he doesn't.

Were either for more spending (bigger deficits) or were not, and of
course we have to find balance. He didn't give them any money? You
know better than that. It's hard to make all the people happy all the
time, Conservatives and Liberals are both upset at GW, for different
reasons. You have the most liberal spending GOP president and youre
still not happy.

> >
> > Bush said that "help is on the way" to the military; then he cuts
> > their benefits and health care.

Actually the opposite is true. Facts people nothing but the facts.

> >
> > Bush claimed to be in favor of environmental protection; then he
> > secretly approved oil drilling on Padre Island in Texas and other
> > places and took many more anti-environmental actions.

He's always been in favor of more domestic drilling, less dependency on
foreign oil.

> >
> > Bush said he is the "education president;" then he refused to fully
> > fund key education programs and rarely does his homework, such as
> > read position papers so he will be more knowledgeable on issues.

He's increased funding to education by 34billion!!!!! in four years,
it's insane how much money we are putting into the education system and
it's not working. Homework, get specific. More than any other

> >
> > Bush said that him being governor of Texas for six years was enough
> > political experience to be president of the U.S.; then he criticized
> > Sen. John Edwards for not having enough experience after Edwards had
> > served six years in the U.S. Senate.

Kerry criticized Edwards much more in the Dem nomination campaigning
than Bush has, said the same thing and a lot more. Interesting how he
now has turned around and said the opposite, sounds familiar.

> >
> > During the 2000 campaign, Bush said there were too many lawsuits
> > being filed; then during the Florida recount, he was the first to
> > file a lawsuit to stop the legal counting of votes after Gore took
> > advantage of Florida law to ask for a recount.

Perhaps, because of impropriety on the party of the Dems, and hmm the
Supreme court agreed. There was recount after recount and guess what
more recounts they all said the same thing Bush won.

> >
> > On Nov. 7, 2000, the Bush campaign supported Florida county
> > officials drawing up new copies of some 10,000 spoiled absentee
> > votes in 26 Republican-leaning counties that the machines did not
> > read and marking them for the candidates when they showed clear
> > intent;" they opposed doing the same thing after Nov. 7 when Gore
> > asked for such recounts. Bush dominated absentee balloting in
> > Florida by a two-to-one margin.

Tell the whole story. This horse is dead.

> >
> > Bush said during the 2000 campaign that he did not have a "litmus
> > test" for judges he appointed to be against abortion; then he mostly
> > appointed judges who were against abortion.

Some person, just like you, will hopefully be glad they weren't aborted.

> >
> > In the early 1990s, Bush led a campaign to raise taxes in Arlington,
> > Texas, to build a new baseball stadium for the team he partly owned;

> > he later criticized politicians for supporting tax increases q after

> > he got rich by selling the team with the new stadium to a wealthy
> > campaign contributor.

Sounds like the fans wanted a new stadium. They got to vote didn't they.

> >
> > Bush opposed the U.S. negotiating with North Korea; now he supports
> > it.

What has Powell been trying to do??????

> >
> > Bush went to the racist and segregationist Bob Jones University in
> > South Carolina; then he said he shouldn't have.

He apologized if he offended anyone. Umm, show some facts about Bob
Jones U. Because he spoke to them doesn't mean anything, unless you
can show how he supports their activities. If he did support them this
would actually be a big deal.

> >
> > Bush said he would demand a U.N. Security Council vote on whether to
> > sanction military action against Iraq; later Bush announced he would
> > not call for a vote.

The UN resolution did pass.

> >
> > Bush first said the "mission accomplished" Iraqi banner was put up
> > by the sailors; he later admitted it was done by his advance team.

First I've heard, don't really see how this is special.

> >
> > Bush was for fingerprinting and photographing Mexicans who enter the
> > U.S.; after meeting with Mexican President Fox, he decided against
> > it.

Wait till he gets re-elected, since he won't be facing worries about
another term, he will be more likely to reform than a Dem. I like most
Americans am disappointed in both parties lack of emmigration reform
and border security. No one wants to touch this issue, it's a shame.

> >
> > Bush was opposed to Rice testifying in front of the 9/11 commission
> > citing "separation of powers;" then he was for it.

I wouldn't say he was for it, he basically agreed to let her. He also
set a precedent by allowing her to do it. He didn't have to and most
people think he shouldn't have, opening further issues for future
administrations on both sides.

> >
> > Bush was against Ba'ath party members holding office or government
> > jobs in Iraq; now he's for it.

It doesn't really matter if he did, Iraqi's have been able to choose
which way they want to go. I looked for something supporting your
claim, couldn't find it.

> >
> > Bush said we must not appease terrorists; then he lifted trade
> > sanctions on admitted terrorist Mohammar Quaddafi and Pakistan,
> > which pardoned its official who sold nuclear secrets to Iran,
> > Libya, and North Korea.

They cooperated with our conditions, of which we don't know all the
details. Clinton gave away nuclear secrets to china, big difference.
Where are you on that one?

> >
> > Bush said he would wait until after the Nov. election to ask for
> > more money for the war effort; then he decided he needed it before
> > the election, after all.

Wow, you are killing me here. This is retarded. Sorry he's not
spending on your socialist programs here, I know military is bad,
protecting us from terrorists is bad.

> >
> > Bush said, "Leaving Iraq prematurely would only embolden the
> > terrorists and increase the danger to America." His administration
> > now says that U.S. troops will pull out of Iraq when the new
> > provisional authority asks. Then he said they'll stay "as long as
> > needed" again. Now he's saying that the Iraqis can ask the troops
> > to leave, and they will. Or is he?

I really don't have to explain this do I? He's saying the same thing,
"when they ask" and "when needed".

> >
> > The Bush administration officials said that the Geneva Conventions
> > don't apply to "enemy combatants." Now they claims they do.

They don't apply to terrorists, the geneva convention clearly states
they have to wear a uniform signifying the army they belong to, not to
mention the other rules they have violated.

Why don't you ask Kerry about the Geneva Convention, he expressed
ignorance in his interview after the vietnam war. I don't believe it
for a second, the military does a great job of training, there is
literally a S.O.P. for everything. Trust me they cover the Geneva
convention especially for officers. And of course he admitted that he
is a war criminal.

> >
> > Bush officials said before the Iraq invasion that Iraq posed an
> > "imminent threat" to U.S. security and that Iraq had weapons of mass
> > destruction and even nuclear weapons; after the invasion, they
> > denied saying the word "imminent" and saying that Iraq had WMDs and
> > nuclear weapons, even though they were caught on tape making such
> > statements.

Interesting, the Press is the ones who actually coined the phrase. It
was on tape in response to questions phrased to them in that term.
Don't really see the point. We just like the rest of the world did see
him as an imminent threat.

> >
> > "The most important thing is for us to find Osama Bin Laden. It is
> > our number one priority and we will not rest until we find him." -
> > George W. Bush, Sept. 13, 2001

We'll get him, of course I'm surprised you didn't post the date, since
Bush is holding him and waiting for election purposes.

> >
> > "I don't know where he is. I have no idea, and I really don't care.
> > It's not that important. It's not our priority." - George W. Bush,
> > March 13, 2002

??????? What context.

> >
> > Are you getting tired of this? Well, some in the American military
> > are getting tired of this, too: "The (Bush) administration has an
> > overly simplistic view of how and when to use our military. By not
> > bringing in our friends and allies, they have created a mess in
> > Iraq and are crippling our forces around the world." -Retired
> > Admiral William Crowe, former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs under
> > Ronald Reagan
> >

Whoo, I'm really tired of this post. When I first read it I thought
wow I should respond to this post. Most of these posts are easy to
debunk, some I had to do searches on the net. My point is at first I
thought this was a serious post and as I analyzed the points, as I hope
everyone who reads these will, it is easy to say something in a general
manner and have it look like something seriuos, but if there aren't the
facts to back it up, it is merely propaganda. By the way this author
is not the original to post this, it is merely copied from others and
obviously without care to research the facts. What does this say about
your party.

Synchrodestiny's Child

Aug 8, 2004, 1:36:18 AM8/8/04
to (VangOoderlang) wrote in

Too Jewish.

Aug 8, 2004, 8:17:32 AM8/8/04
On Sat, 7 Aug 2004, Madelin McKinnon wrote:

> Bush was against nation building; now he's for it.

anyone else remember this issue in the gore/bush debate(s)? Bush said he
wouldn't enforce his values on anyone else. like the iraqi's are really
going to write their own constition, that's a good one. Popular elections
in iraq would lead to... maybe the taliban? I dunno for sure, but if
that's the case there certainly won't elections.

Thufir Hawat

Light Templar

Aug 8, 2004, 8:20:57 AM8/8/04
While was contemplating his or her navel in
<> he or she gave us all a good laugh with the

It would certainly lead to at least an Iranian style Shi'ite theocratic
government, which from what I understand isn't quite as bad as the Taliban,
but somewhere approaching it. The Shi'ite represent around 2/3rds of the
Iraqi population from what I understand.

"In the arguments in favor of a declaration
of rights... one which has great weight with
me [is] the legal check which it puts into the
hands of the judiciary."

--Thomas Jefferson to James Madison, 1789. ME 7:309

Madelin McKinnon

Aug 8, 2004, 11:12:05 AM8/8/04
We need a decisive, President who doesn't read children's books when

America is under attack, this flip-flopping George Bush is an
astounding flop.

Bush was against campaign finance reform; now he's for it.

Bush was against a Homeland Security Department; now he's for it.

Bush was against a 9/11 commission; now he's for it.

Bush was against an Iraq WMD investigation; now he's for it.

Bush was against nation building; now he's for it.

Bush was against deficits; now he's for them.

Bush was for free trade; then he was for tariffs on steel, and now

he's against them again.

Bush was against the U.S. taking a role in the Israeli-Palestinian

conflict; now he pushes for a "road map" and a Palestinian State.

Bush was for states' rights to decide on gay marriage; now he is for

changing the Constitution to outlaw gay marriage.

Bush said he would provide money for first responders (fire, police,

emergency); then he doesn't.

Bush said that "help is on the way" to the military; then he cuts

their benefits and health care.

Bush claimed to be in favor of environmental protection; then he

secretly approved oil drilling on Padre Island in Texas and other
places and took many more anti-environmental actions.

Bush said he is the "education president;" then he refused to fully

fund key education programs and rarely does his homework, such as read
position papers so he will be more knowledgeable on issues.

Bush said that him being governor of Texas for six years was enough

political experience to be president of the U.S.; then he criticized
Sen. John Edwards for not having enough experience after Edwards had
served six years in the U.S. Senate.

During the 2000 campaign, Bush said there were too many lawsuits being

filed; then during the Florida recount, he was the first to file a
lawsuit to stop the legal counting of votes after Gore took advantage
of Florida law to ask for a recount.

On Nov. 7, 2000, the Bush campaign supported Florida county officials

drawing up new copies of some 10,000 spoiled absentee votes in 26
Republican-leaning counties that the machines did not read and marking
them for the candidates when they showed "clear intent;" they opposed
doing the same thing after Nov. 7 when Gore asked for such recounts.
Bush dominated absentee balloting in Florida by a two-to-one margin.

Bush said during the 2000 campaign that he did not have a "litmus

test" for judges he appointed to be against abortion; then he mostly
appointed judges who were against abortion.

In the early 1990s, Bush led a campaign to raise taxes in Arlington,

Texas, to build a new baseball stadium for the team he partly owned;

he later criticized politicians for supporting tax increases ñ after

he got rich by selling the team with the new stadium to a wealthy
campaign contributor.

Bush opposed the U.S. negotiating with North Korea; now he supports

Bush went to the racist and segregationist Bob Jones University in

South Carolina; then he said he shouldn't have.

Bush said he would demand a U.N. Security Council vote on whether to

sanction military action against Iraq; later Bush announced he would
not call for a vote.

Bush first said the "mission accomplished" Iraqi banner was put up by

the sailors; he later admitted it was done by his advance team.

Bush was for fingerprinting and photographing Mexicans who enter the

U.S.; after meeting with Mexican President Fox, he decided against it.

Bush was opposed to Rice testifying in front of the 9/11 commission

citing "separation of powers;" then he was for it.

Bush was against Ba'ath party members holding office or government

jobs in Iraq; now he's for it.

Bush said we must not appease terrorists; then he lifted trade

sanctions on admitted terrorist Mohammar Quaddafi and Pakistan, which
pardoned its official who sold nuclear secrets to Iran, Libya, and
North Korea.

Bush said he would wait until after the Nov. election to ask for more

money for the war effort; then he decided he needed it before the
election, after all.

Bush said, "Leaving Iraq prematurely would only embolden the

terrorists and increase the danger to America." His administration now
says that U.S. troops will pull out of Iraq when the new provisional
authority asks. Then he said they'll stay "as long as needed" again.
Now he's saying that the Iraqis can ask the troops to leave, and they
will. Or is he?

The Bush administration officials said that the Geneva Conventions

don't apply to "enemy combatants." Now they claims they do.

Bush officials said before the Iraq invasion that Iraq posed an

"imminent threat" to U.S. security and that Iraq had weapons of mass
destruction and even nuclear weapons; after the invasion, they denied
saying the word "imminent" and saying that Iraq had WMDs and nuclear
weapons, even though they were caught on tape making such statements.

"The most important thing is for us to find Osama Bin Laden. It is our

number one priority and we will not rest until we find him." - George
W. Bush, Sept. 13, 2001

"I don't know where he is. I have no idea, and I really don't care.

It's not that important. It's not our priority." - George W. Bush,
March 13, 2002

Are you getting tired of this? Well, some in the American military are

getting tired of this, too: "The (Bush) administration has an overly
simplistic view of how and when to use our military. By not bringing
in our friends and allies, they have created a mess in Iraq and are
crippling our forces around the world." -Retired Admiral William
Crowe, former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs under Ronald Reagan

Madelin McKinnon

Aug 8, 2004, 11:15:58 AM8/8/04
We need a decisive, President who doesn't read children's books when

Madelin McKinnon

Aug 8, 2004, 11:21:37 AM8/8/04
We need a decisive, President who doesn't read children's books when

America is under attack, this flip-flopping George Bush is an
astounding flop.

Bush was against campaign finance reform; now he's for it.

Bush was against a Homeland Security Department; now he's for it.

Bush was against a 9/11 commission; now he's for it.

Bush was against an Iraq WMD investigation; now he's for it.

Bush was against nation building; now he's for it.

Bush was against deficits; now he's for them.

Bush was for free trade; then he was for tariffs on steel, and now

he's against them again.

Bush was against the U.S. taking a role in the Israeli-Palestinian

conflict; now he pushes for a "road map" and a Palestinian State.

Bush was for states' rights to decide on gay marriage; now he is for

changing the Constitution to outlaw gay marriage.

Bush said he would provide money for first responders (fire, police,

emergency); then he doesn't.

Bush said that "help is on the way" to the military; then he cuts

their benefits and health care.

Bush claimed to be in favor of environmental protection; then he

secretly approved oil drilling on Padre Island in Texas and other
places and took many more anti-environmental actions.

Bush said he is the "education president;" then he refused to fully

fund key education programs and rarely does his homework, such as read
position papers so he will be more knowledgeable on issues.

Bush said that him being governor of Texas for six years was enough

political experience to be president of the U.S.; then he criticized
Sen. John Edwards for not having enough experience after Edwards had
served six years in the U.S. Senate.

During the 2000 campaign, Bush said there were too many lawsuits being

filed; then during the Florida recount, he was the first to file a
lawsuit to stop the legal counting of votes after Gore took advantage
of Florida law to ask for a recount.

On Nov. 7, 2000, the Bush campaign supported Florida county officials

drawing up new copies of some 10,000 spoiled absentee votes in 26
Republican-leaning counties that the machines did not read and marking
them for the candidates when they showed "clear intent;" they opposed
doing the same thing after Nov. 7 when Gore asked for such recounts.
Bush dominated absentee balloting in Florida by a two-to-one margin.

Bush said during the 2000 campaign that he did not have a "litmus

test" for judges he appointed to be against abortion; then he mostly
appointed judges who were against abortion.

In the early 1990s, Bush led a campaign to raise taxes in Arlington,

Texas, to build a new baseball stadium for the team he partly owned;

he later criticized politicians for supporting tax increases ñ after

he got rich by selling the team with the new stadium to a wealthy
campaign contributor.

Bush opposed the U.S. negotiating with North Korea; now he supports

Bush went to the racist and segregationist Bob Jones University in

South Carolina; then he said he shouldn't have.

Bush said he would demand a U.N. Security Council vote on whether to

sanction military action against Iraq; later Bush announced he would
not call for a vote.

Bush first said the "mission accomplished" Iraqi banner was put up by

the sailors; he later admitted it was done by his advance team.

Bush was for fingerprinting and photographing Mexicans who enter the

U.S.; after meeting with Mexican President Fox, he decided against it.

Bush was opposed to Rice testifying in front of the 9/11 commission

citing "separation of powers;" then he was for it.

Bush was against Ba'ath party members holding office or government

jobs in Iraq; now he's for it.

Bush said we must not appease terrorists; then he lifted trade

sanctions on admitted terrorist Mohammar Quaddafi and Pakistan, which
pardoned its official who sold nuclear secrets to Iran, Libya, and
North Korea.

Bush said he would wait until after the Nov. election to ask for more

money for the war effort; then he decided he needed it before the
election, after all.

Bush said, "Leaving Iraq prematurely would only embolden the

terrorists and increase the danger to America." His administration now
says that U.S. troops will pull out of Iraq when the new provisional
authority asks. Then he said they'll stay "as long as needed" again.
Now he's saying that the Iraqis can ask the troops to leave, and they
will. Or is he?

The Bush administration officials said that the Geneva Conventions

don't apply to "enemy combatants." Now they claims they do.

Bush officials said before the Iraq invasion that Iraq posed an

"imminent threat" to U.S. security and that Iraq had weapons of mass
destruction and even nuclear weapons; after the invasion, they denied
saying the word "imminent" and saying that Iraq had WMDs and nuclear
weapons, even though they were caught on tape making such statements.

"The most important thing is for us to find Osama Bin Laden. It is our

number one priority and we will not rest until we find him." - George
W. Bush, Sept. 13, 2001

"I don't know where he is. I have no idea, and I really don't care.

It's not that important. It's not our priority." - George W. Bush,
March 13, 2002

Are you getting tired of this? Well, some in the American military are

getting tired of this, too: "The (Bush) administration has an overly
simplistic view of how and when to use our military. By not bringing
in our friends and allies, they have created a mess in Iraq and are
crippling our forces around the world." -Retired Admiral William
Crowe, former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs under Ronald Reagan

W = Waffler

Aug 8, 2004, 11:55:27 AM8/8/04
"VangOoderlang" <> wrote in message

You haven't seen the most recent "Star Wars" movies, have you?


Synchrodestiny's Child

Aug 8, 2004, 12:30:21 PM8/8/04

> We need a decisive, President who doesn't read children's books when

> America is under attack, this flip-flopping George Bush is an
> astounding flop.

We need a President that at least possesses the ABILITY to read children's

Aug 8, 2004, 4:21:23 PM8/8/04
On Sun, 8 Aug 2004, Light Templar wrote:

>> Popular elections in iraq would lead to... maybe the taliban? I
>> dunno for sure, but if that's the case there certainly won't
>> elections.

> It would certainly lead to at least an Iranian style Shi'ite theocratic
> government, which from what I understand isn't quite as bad as the Taliban,
> but somewhere approaching it. The Shi'ite represent around 2/3rds of the
> Iraqi population from what I understand.

ah, the dark underbelly of democracy (heh, whatever that means!).

clearly it's a catch-22, how do you *impose* democracy, rule by law and a
bill of rights on people who don't want it?

Thufir Hawat

Light Templar

Aug 8, 2004, 4:28:23 PM8/8/04
While was contemplating his or her navel in
<> he or she gave us all a good laugh with the

> On Sun, 8 Aug 2004, Light Templar wrote:


William Black

Aug 8, 2004, 5:22:06 PM8/8/04

<> wrote in message

> clearly it's a catch-22, how do you *impose* democracy, rule by law and a
> bill of rights on people who don't want it?

1: Set up a voting register

2: Have an election

Repeat at intervals of at least one year until stability is established.

Keep some soldiers in the country so that anyone who is tempted to become
'Generalissimo for Life, Father of His Country' doesn't dare do anything
about it (This also goes for anyone who wants to be President for Life or
even Grand Pooba).

In Italy it didn't take long, In Germany there was an army of occupation
for fifty years.

It didn't do much but sit in barracks and have the odd exercise and marry
local girls.

That's what good armies of occupation do...

William Black
Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords
is no basis for a system of government


Aug 8, 2004, 7:07:11 PM8/8/04

Nuke 'em. Make the world a better place at the same time.


Aug 10, 2004, 3:00:01 AM8/10/04


Lots and lots of it.


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From: Lionel <>
Subject: Re: [Request for comments] Proposed methods for minimising
abuse from anonymous gateways.
Date: Wed, 30 Jun 2004 02:03:25 +0000 (UTC)
Message-ID: <>

There is a *reason* why people have been increasingly abandoning Usenet
for web-fora, et al, & this sort of crap is a major part of it. I've
even considered it myself, & I'm a hardcore news-junkie. The levels of
personal, professional, & RL harassment people have been receiving in* have been truly mind-boggling, & I'm astounded that nobody
has yet launched legal action against Google, the mail2news gateways or
their peers.


Aug 10, 2004, 7:42:27 AM8/10/04
Synchrodestiny's Child wrote:
> (VangOoderlang) wrote in
> > raven1 <> wrote in message
> > news:<>...
> >> On 7 Aug 2004 21:20:08 GMT, "Synchrodestiny's Child"
> >> <mas...@mason.snuh> wrote:
> >>
> >> >Yes. Vote Libertarian.
> >>
> >> A vote for anyone but Kerry is a vote for Bush.
> >
> > No we should hold a write in campaine 'George Lucas for president', he
> > may not be a politition but I think he's smarter than the lot of them.
> >
> Too Jewish.

Cultural Elitist, as well.

Dick Nixon was no fan.

> --
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