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photojumble ?

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Apr 26, 2021, 11:46:37 AM4/26/21

Just wondering if this news group is still alive - bearing in mind that
the term "alive" may have a different meaning on the Usenet

Round here in Essex we have a local freecycle / freeBay web site which
people use to give away various bits and pieces which they think are too
good for the skip (like the chair I am sitting on right now, and the
desk I am sittin at)

Does anybody know of anything similar which deals with old photographic
items ?

The word "photojumble" springs to mind, but it seems to have taken on a
different meaning


Phil Boutros

Apr 26, 2021, 8:55:03 PM4/26/21
Abandoned_Trolley <> wrote:
> Just wondering if this news group is still alive - bearing in mind that
> the term "alive" may have a different meaning on the Usenet

If by "alive", you mean that some of us are reading it and still
develop and print our own negatives and prints, then yes?

> Round here in Essex we have a local freecycle / freeBay web site which
> people use to give away various bits and pieces which they think are too
> good for the skip (like the chair I am sitting on right now, and the
> desk I am sittin at)
> Does anybody know of anything similar which deals with old photographic
> items ?

Craigslist is pretty popular around these parts of Canada. Kijiji
is popular further east.

I haven't the foggiest if either of those are popular where you

AH#61 Wolf#14 BS#89 bus#1 CCB#1 SENS KOTC#4

Jean-David Beyer

Apr 27, 2021, 10:13:07 AM4/27/21
On 4/26/21 11:46 AM, Abandoned_Trolley wrote:
> Just wondering if this news group is still alive  - bearing in mind that
> the term "alive" may have a different meaning on the Usenet

Most of the users of this newsgroup are now participating in the
pure-silver mailing list.

.~. Jean-David Beyer
/V\ Shrewsbury, New Jersey
/( )\ Red Hat Enterprise Linux
^^-^^ up 1 day, 3 hours, 25 minutes

Dimitris Tzortzakakis

May 13, 2021, 4:52:36 AM5/13/21
The photographer I bought my NOS EOS 30 and also the speedlite 540
ES-also NOS-has an employee who gave me a Meopta Axomat II, plus a ton
of old papers-some from Ex-East Germany-some old trays and a lightmaster
auto photometer which reads the reflected light for the paper under the
enlarger, all for free. yes, this group is still alive-I also bought the
original The photographer's handbook from John Hedgecoe, from the USA,
for 20 euros, and it took 11 days to arrive here! I also ordered some
40X50 paper from!
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