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darkroom equipment revisited...

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Dimitris Tzortzakakis

Jan 28, 2020, 11:42:23 AM1/28/20
I was looking for almost a year to make a darkroom again as anyone can
guess these days is difficult unless one is given the necessary
equipment by someone who does not want it for some reason, as alas, I
did with mine almost 15 years ago. So yesterday I went to pickup a box
with many goodies from a fellow photographer who works in the very shop
I bought my NOS Canon EOS 30. It included a Meopta Axomat II in
excellent condition, 3 trays, a motley collection of photo papers from
9X13 to 40X50, mostly Ilford and Orwo which was an East German brand.
Also a couple of Agfa boxes and an "Automat" as it's called in german
which measures the reflected light from the paper during exposure with a
photo resistor and "calculates" the exposure automatically!the kit was
previously owned by a german. so now I'll save up for paper developer a
safelight some tongs and possibly a margeur if I can make it.looking
forward to do some real darkroom printing again!

Dimitris Tzortzakakis

Mar 16, 2020, 8:20:46 AM3/16/20
update:parcel with goodies came on Friday, 78 euros Multigrade dev.1lt
rapid fixer 1 lt (concentrate) 2 E6 films to be developed (slides) no
margeur to be had but only from one dealer in Athens 144 euros!plus
shipping ouch. so only printing on RC paper. Some graded some multigrade
some unknown (the previous owner had showed 2 packs of paper in one
box:plus an enormous roll of Agfa multigrade paper and an enormous pack
of 20X25 Agfa an ancient Record Rapid 40X50 pack.)I have a
darkroom photometer too, in the beginning the results were mediocre as I
experimented with various papers as would be expected the East German is
crap I will keep for emergencies and definitely needs a margeur as
double weight. The Ilford and Agfa very good.Then I stick in one paper
with the photometer (switches the enlarger on and off automatically)
results very good!will save up for a margeur and the Ilford on-the-lens
filter kit.
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