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Help my Anole died

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Jul 28, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/28/99
Hi I have an important question I need answered, possibley someone can
help me about 8 weeks ago we bought a Anole lizard and for the bottom of
the cage I took 4 litres of dirt from my garden to put in the bottom of the
lizards cage. Now there seems to be
a lot of tiny white bugs in the dirt the seem to be getting larger. I first
noticed them about 4 weeks ago the lizard had died and his body looked like
it was covered in a powered mold but it was the bugs. Now the bugs are the
size of a pin head. There are alot of bugs. We fed the lizard crickets,
worms, sow bugs and ants. Can you help me do you know what these bugs could
be and is in harmful to my vegetable garden. ( I placed a slice of bread in
the cage and it was completely gone in 6 days. ) I would like to buy another
Anole lizard do you know why the lizard might have died, there was always
crickets, I misted the cage everyday,( the cage was actually a 20 gallon
fish tank with a screen lid ) I had live plants in the cage , the cage was
kept warm, no drafts, he had a climbing log and he was green 96% of the
time. Could it have been the bugs? Does anyone know where I can find another
Anole lizard there hard to find here in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Please help me



Jul 28, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/28/99
Anole's are easy to find here in Florida. Green ones are less common then brown
ones. I've got dozens in my yard. For the price of shipping just one though
can't you just find another lizard at the pet store? Anole's seem like they'd
be a pain to keep in a tank. They move fast and I usually can't catch them just
find anole mummies under furniture unless they arre lucky enough to staggere
out in the open in their final days and are weak and slkow


Jul 28, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/28/99
On Wed, 28 Jul 1999 12:34:28 -0400, <> wrote:

>Hi I have an important question I need answered, possibley someone can
>help me about 8 weeks ago we bought a Anole lizard and for the bottom of
>the cage I took 4 litres of dirt from my garden to put in the bottom of the
>lizards cage. Now there seems to be
>a lot of tiny white bugs in the dirt the seem to be getting larger. I first
>noticed them about 4 weeks ago the lizard had died and his body looked like
>it was covered in a powered mold but it was the bugs. Now the bugs are the
>size of a pin head. There are alot of bugs. We fed the lizard crickets,
>worms, sow bugs and ants. Can you help me do you know what these bugs could
>be and is in harmful to my vegetable garden. ( I placed a slice of bread in
>the cage and it was completely gone in 6 days. ) I would like to buy another
>Anole lizard do you know why the lizard might have died, there was always
>crickets, I misted the cage everyday,( the cage was actually a 20 gallon
>fish tank with a screen lid ) I had live plants in the cage , the cage was
>kept warm, no drafts, he had a climbing log and he was green 96% of the
>time. Could it have been the bugs?

It was either the bugs or it's diet. Worms, sow bugs and ants
don't provide enough nutrients. Also, worms, ants and sow bugs are
something I'd want to feed my anoles. Becareful where you get your
food source from. if you get your bugs from your backyard you better
be sure the bug is not poisonous nor poisoned with pesticides. As for
the soil, you should have changed it when you FIRST saw there were
bugs living in it. I never use soil from my backyard or any yard
since it leads to the problems you have. I suggest actually spending
$4.95 for a clean bag of potting soil (without the white styrofoam
balls or rocks since the anole might, on accident, eat those and die)
and use that instead. I know it cost's more then the anole but if
money is an issue, you should hold off on getting any pets. i would
change the soil once a month since fungus or others living things grow
on or in the soil. It's a pain in the butt, but it's best for the
lizard. It's hard when you have live plants, but i usually change the
plants with the soil since they grow so fast and large and over take
their tank because of the uv lightbulb. It's work but it's thats the
price you pay for having lizards. As for getting another anole, I'd
hold off. They are not beginners lizards since as you know, they are
hard to care properly for. when things go wrong, they are hard to
treat since they are so little. These guys are also very sensitive
to their environment. If there is noise or other distractions they
get stressed, and i mean stressed. The best thing to give an anole is
a proper environment (temp & humidity) , clean food and water,
vitamins and calcium supplements, but most of all, peace and quiet.
Also, keep your hand off of them, these are lizards that weren't made
to be held. I think most anole die because parents buy these for
their kids since the anoles are so, cheap, cute and small. The kids,
of course, are going to play with them like toys and stress them to
the point of death. What sucks is that these people do not read up on
the lizard before they buy them. And what get's them in the end is how
much work goes into careing for them. If anyone is reading this and
thinking about getting an anole (or any herp) please keep in mind some
rival babies in the amount of care they need. if you are not in this
for the long run, stay away from herps. And if you take the plunge,
avoid starting with anoles, they have been practice lizards long
enough. What cool about anoles tho is that God created them with
built in health monitors (they turn brown when cold, hungry, stresses,
ill, tired, etc...) and they have a black wedge behind their eye when
they are in serious trouble although stress does cause that black
wedge to appear). What you have to be careful about is the color dose
not always give an accurate picture of your anoles health. I had an
anole who had black wedges behind his eye while he was still bright
green (stupid neighbors cat took a wack at him, but now i have a huge
dog :) and his black wedge gave away and he stayed green for the most
part but he wouldn't eat for weeks untill he died. (I hate that cat).
But they are also so damn cute, and active that they are irresistible.
But please, do not get them unless you know what you are doing and
getting into. I think i went off on a tangent, see what happens when
you only get three hours of sleep and try anything to stay awake?
Forgive my typos and grammar. Take care of your herps.

>Does anyone know where I can find another
>Anole lizard there hard to find here in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
>Please help me

Read books on anoles.


Jul 28, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/28/99
Potting mix also contains a few items that may damage your
herp also(micro-organisms), a lot of the mixtures come from
a collection point where tones of trees food scraps ect are
put together to break down naturally into the potting mix
you buy from k-mart and places like that.. If you read the
label(warning) on the side of them. most tell you direct
contact to skin or respirory system can be harmfull or
fatal, we have had a few cases here in Australia where
people have died, at first it was a mystery because it had
all the signs of legionairs disease(normally associated with
dirty aircon towers) but the common factor was found.

If you choose not to buy quality substrate then i suggest
you et some clean rier sand or somehting like it and clean
throughly using disinfectant and hot water(hotter the
better) You must also remember to keep your herp in a clean
enviroment you will need to wash this sand at least once a
month ( to prevent bacteria growth)

ok hope this helps


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Pete Howard Rn

Jul 29, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/29/99
Sounds like cricket babies.




Jul 30, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/30/99
I think it was the ants. I have heard they are poisonous. some spray
acid and smells and their exoskeletons are too tough. Im no entomologist
but most herp lit says stay away from ants, beetles and fireflys.

As For the little bugs. My enclosure has those little white ones too.
(substrate == potting soil) I consider them and intergral part of the
ecosystem. They eat dead crixs down to nothing and seem to dispose of
anole poop as well. They otherwise leave alone the 2.5 year old anoles
and frogs which arent covered by them as if they were parasites.

The world is teeming with life. The "Wild" soil you dug had plenty of
it.... As it does in Florida where anoles live. My opinion... the ants,
not the white bugs. (Im sure they appreciated the bread)



Aug 3, 1999, 3:00:00 AM8/3/99
>Hi I have an important question I need answered, possibley someone can
>help me about 8 weeks ago we bought a Anole lizard and for the bottom of
>the cage I took 4 litres of dirt from my garden to put in the bottom of the
>lizards cage. Now there seems to be
>a lot of tiny white bugs in the dirt the seem to be getting larger. I first
>noticed them about 4 weeks ago the lizard had died and his body looked like
>it was covered in a powered mold but it was the bugs. Now the bugs are the
>size of a pin head. There are alot of bugs. We fed the lizard crickets,
>worms, sow bugs and ants. Can you help me do you know what these bugs could
>be and is in harmful to my vegetable garden. ( I placed a slice of bread in
>the cage and it was completely gone in 6 days. ) I would like to buy another
>Anole lizard do you know why the lizard might have died, there was always
>crickets, I misted the cage everyday,( the cage was actually a 20 gallon
>fish tank with a screen lid ) I had live plants in the cage , the cage was
>kept warm, no drafts, he had a climbing log and he was green 96% of the
>time. Could it have been the bugs? Does anyone know where I can find another

>Anole lizard there hard to find here in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
>Please help me

Well.. Anoles are arboreal, so they wouldn't have gotten him until he
was dead.. The worms/bugs sound like something that hatched from your
harden soil.. Might be a tasty treat to a hungry anole, but let's stay
away from too much local fauna. If you want to do it right, follow
this general formula:
Bottom layer of substrate is optional.
Top layer of substrate. For anoles I really like bark. Buy the
Reptibark or similar - it's basically bark mulch but doesn't have any
rough edges and is heat treated. I tried bulk mulch from a nursery
once and it didn't impress me. For a 20 gallon you can get a big bag
of the stuff for around 15 bucks and you'll have enough to do it twice
(Change it after a year if nothing goes wrong).
Get some tropical plants from a nursery. Rubber trees do quite well
and the anoles can sit on them. Use whatever you like though, they all
grow quite nicely. Rinse the leaves off before putting them in the
tank in case there's any chemicals on them.
For sitting wood, I'd get either a piece of reptile wood from a pet
store (It's sand blasted clean) or get something local (I like using
driftwood) and soak it in a mild bleach solution for a day or so, then
rinse and let sit in clean water for another few days. Or if really
lazy, just blast with the hose for five minutes and then scrub with a
brush.. =P
Lighting - give him a full spectrum fluorescent light (Vitalite,
Reptisun or SunGlo) and an incandescent light (40 watt light bulb is
great) for sunning himself under. The fluorescent is necessary for him
to metabolize nutrients from his food - it's necessary in the long
term, but that didn't kill yours.
Misting once a day is good. I'd skip a water dish if you had one, it
only helps with the humidity a bit.
Food: Crickets. Mealworms. Waxworms (If you can find them, most pet
stores don't sell them). They LOVE aphids!
Stay way from things like spiders, ants and centipedes.. Don't feed
much of the local insect life.

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