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Re: Dogs are now getting married -- how will conservatives react?

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Aug 6, 2022, 10:21:30 PM8/6/22
supe...@super70s.invalid wrote:

>FARGO, N. DAK. - Pit bull pair Fran and Earl are inseparable. "They are
>attached at the hip and always together," said Heather Klefstad of
>Homeward Animal Shelter, which cared for the dogs before their recent
>adaptation. To ensure the devoted dogs found a forever home together, on
>July 12 the shelter "married" the duo. "I thought these two little
>lovebirds needed a wedding!" says Klefstad. For the ceremony, Fran, 9,
>wore pearls and a flowing veil, and Earl, 11 1/2, wore a black top hat
>(briefly!). The dogs also enjoyed a pet-friendly wedding cake and
>received a marriage certificate "signed" with their paw prints.


5* 6* *7
4* *8
3* *9
2* *10
1* | *stuporous
0* -*- *catatonic
* |\ *comatose
* \ *clinical death
* \ *biological death
* _\/ *demonic apparition
* * *damned for all eternity

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