Quotes from http://www.ttmed.com/dementia/text_books.cfm?ID_Dis=216&ID_Cou=237&ID_Book=1669&id_chapter=11710&id_subtext=11723
"Pseudocoma, also known as psychogenic unresponsiveness or feigned
coma, is difficult to diagnose and should be based on a diagnosis of
exclusion because, if true coma is overlooked, the result could be
disastrous. Therefore, all patients with coma suspected of being
psychogenic in origin must undergo thorough evaluation until the
diagnosis is clearly established. A conversion reaction and
malingering are the most common causes of pseudocoma."
"It is important to remember that none of the historical data
absolutely include or exclude the possibility of pseudocoma. However,
there are some clinical findings suggestive of psychogenic origin,
such as conditions precipitated by stress. Pseudocoma usually begins
or persists when an observer is present. Patients with pseudocoma
slump to the floor and protect themselves from hitting their heads and
other body parts."
"During examination, patients with pseudocoma usually make
semipurposeful avoiding movements. They have normal pupils, corneal
reflexes and plantar reflex