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In tribute to Lacey, November 5th 1995 - March 16th 2004 (rescue bulldog)

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Jim Wightman

Mar 17, 2004, 10:46:41 AM3/17/04

This is really painful right now, I just want to say a public thank you to
little Lacey who came into our lives two years ago after being really badly
mistreated, she still had lots of love to give and had lots back.

She got ill suddenly yesterday afternoon, she didn't quite make it to the

She can go chase the ducks, the cats and the rats now that left us before
she did. She'll enjoy that.

We'll never forget you little girl, love from your Mom and Dad, Zakk and
your doggy friends. Rest in peace x

I wrote a poem:

"a kiss upon her head did I lay
and gently positioned her heaving torso upon her blanket
she was going, who imagined where, not to the vets as I had hoped
but with her mother whispering kind words into her unhearing ears
her nose wiped clean and dry,
i sent her off to die less than a mile away."

After L1F3

Mar 24, 2004, 10:58:33 AM3/24/04
That is so sad.....I LOVE dogs & animals in general. I currently have a
shepard and one morning I woke up to a really loud crash/bang downstairs. We
have HW floors. I didn't think anything of it until about 10 secs later it
happened again, I figured the dog was chasing one of our 3 cats and crashed
on the floor. So I get up, when I get down the stairs she is standing there
in the middle of the floor, shaking like a leaf and then she just let go and
did a face plant right in front of me. I was like what the hell is going on
with you? She is really healthy and that is TOTALLY out of character for
her. So I thought well maybe some fresh air will help. So i grabber her by
the colar (she was back on her feet by then) and started down the stairs to
the basement door. About 2 steps down, she crashed again and fell down the
other 11 steps head first. I was starting to freak out now and had to pick
her up to put her out the 3 steps to get outside and I put her on the ground
and she just fell face first into the dirt. She had dirt all over her
tongue. By then I was bawling. I tied her up and ran inside to call my wife
who was at work. I couldn't even contain my emotions and was sobbing
uncontrollably at this time. My wife thought I was a crank caller becuase I
couldnt' even speak. I said there is something wrong with our dog. She was
like shocked to hear me let go like that. I've NEVER ever been like that in
front of my wife for anything, ever. By the time I told her and said that I
was going to check on her, was maybe 4-5 mins. I figured I was going to step
outside and have to bury my friend, but to my surprise, she was FINE. It has
never happened again, and I hope it never does......

Just wanted to share my experience with all of you, I know exactly how you
feel....even though my friend made it, I didn't think for a second that she
would, my appologies to you and your loss....

"Jim Wightman" <> wrote in message

Michelle Cole

Mar 28, 2004, 11:25:14 PM3/28/04
Just a thought ... that happened to our golden when he got bitten by a bee
... he had an allergic reaction that put him down for the count. By the time
we got him to the vets he was better, albeit a little swollen in the sting
site ... perhaps she got into something that caused a similar reaction ??

"After L1F3" <> wrote in message

After L1F3

Mar 29, 2004, 2:24:42 PM3/29/04
I don't know, when this happned, after I went outside I brought her in and
checked her over end to end and she seemed fine. I didn't find a single
thing wrong with her. Mind you it would be pretty hard to find a sting site
on a black thick coat dog. I didn't see anything that was out of the
ordinary. I don't really know what happened, the vet said that she could
have had demensia as she had a minor case of ear mites but I don't know. We
got her ears professionally cleaned after this incident and like I said,
she's never done it again.

On another note, we just rescued a nine month old boxer named Brinks as in
Brinks home security :o) they are already getting along pretty well and seem
to enjoy each other's company. Thanks for your input,


"Michelle Cole" <> wrote in message

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