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Help - cat pooping in bathtub

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Ann Lozier

Feb 21, 1995, 8:23:49 AM2/21/95
In article <3ibn23$> (Don O'Connor) writes:
>My cat has suddenly taken to pooping in the bathtub. Better than on the
>rug, I suppose, but it's very annoying to have to keep cleaning it up.
>I don't know what brought this on; he is an indoor cat and his litter
>box is in the bathroom and he always used it. Now all of a sudden he
>will still pee in the litter box but he poops in the bathtub every time.

I had a cat once who suddenly started doing this in the bathroom sink.
M first thought was to leave water in the sink, so she then used the
bathtub! However, after doing some reading about litter box aversion,
I put out several litter boxes with different types of litter. At one
point I had 4 litter boxes out, 3 different types of litter and 1 empty,
and she would urinate in each litter, but would still defecate in the
sink. I finally found a clumping litter that she liked and we never
had the problem again. Some cats prefer the sandy texture of the
clumping litter. Some do not like the perfumes used in some litters.
Some just like the smooth feel of the sink (that's why I tried an empty
litter box). Try some different kinds of litter and also clean it out

Also, you didn't mention if this is a single or multiple cat household.
The rule of thumb I found out during this is that there should be at
*least* 1 box per cat, maybe more if needed. So you should also
try keeping a 2nd box for him.

Good luck!


Christine Owens

Feb 26, 1995, 8:59:22 AM2/26/95
Cats hate the smell of white vinegar. Place a saucer of it in
the bath tub, and he will stop using it as a toilet.

Chris Owens

>In article <3ibn23$>, (Don O'Connor) wrote:
>> Is there something I can put in the tub to discourage him from going in
>> it?
>I suppose you could try filling the bath with about 2 inches of water
>every day until kitty realizes it's not such a good place to poop. Of
>course, if the cat doesn't mind the water, it may not make a difference,
>but it may be worth a try.
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Whitney Roberts

Feb 26, 1995, 7:39:29 PM2/26/95
To prevent our queen from defecating or urinating in the bathroom, we just
simply keep the bath mat off the floor and the bathroom door closed. So
far, she has only tried the bathrooms and none of the other rooms.

Whitney Roberts

Jo Malone

Feb 27, 1995, 12:18:37 PM2/27/95

Unfortunately, we also have a cat who prefers to poop in the bath.
When we tried to keep the bathroom door shut, she instead used the
kitchen sink!! Needless to say, the bathtub is better on balance.

And the bathtub is also better than any carpet, etc.


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