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Let's fuck up Gavin Newsom

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Nomen Nescio

Jul 14, 2020, 4:11:12 PM7/14/20

Gavin Newsom's shutdowns of the state must stop

Gavin Newsom needs to be sent a message

The best way is to fuck his company, the Plumpjack Group, is by breaking into and trashing their computer network and run them up a big repair bill

Do enough damage where the repair bills put his company out of business

Maybe when Newsom loses his company he will get the message

I say start putting ransomware on Plumpjack computers and on state computer networks

Make it clear that the codes to unlock those computers will not be handed over until he complies

Same thing with whitner in michigan

She says she will not be "bullied"? If Michigan's computer networks started getting attacked, she would change her tune when she was told that attacks on state computers would continue until she complied

I say the time has come to rain an electronic shitstorm down on the newsom and whitner and force them to end their shutdowns

That is the only way these clowns are going to get the message

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