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Stuff I like

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Holly Stuckey

Jan 4, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/4/97

Thankz for responding; it makez me feel welcome:)
I like toy ratz, cardboard (to scratch & toss around the room), being
on the eyez and earz, heaterz (I like to be warm), Fancy Feast food (but
Mum sayz I have to cut back on it 'cuz she read in the newsgroup that it

will rot my teeth), sleeping, lying on my Mum's nice clothes, and
cartoons. I hate car ridez ('cuz it usually means a trip to The Bad
Place), loud noises, the diet food my Mum tries to feed me, and the catz
screensaver on
my Mum's computer (does anyone else's hoomin have this?).
What do you guys like and hate?


K.J. Haught

Jan 4, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/4/97

Holly Stuckey wrote:
> Thankz for responding; it makez me feel welcome:)
> I like toy ratz, cardboard (to scratch & toss around the room), being
> pet
> on the eyez and earz, heaterz (I like to be warm), Fancy Feast food (but
> my
> Mum sayz I have to cut back on it 'cuz she read in the newsgroup that it
> will rot my teeth), sleeping, lying on my Mum's nice clothes, and
> watching
> cartoons.

All furry nice stuff! Although we don't eat Fancy Feast, Mama feeds us
Science Diet. Do you like feet? Liddle Olive likes to
pouncepouncepounce our Mama's feet.

I hate car ridez ('cuz it usually means a trip to The Bad
> Place),

Yech! The metalmonster that takes you to TED!

loud noises, the diet food my Mum tries to feed me, and the catz
> screensaver on
> my Mum's computer (does anyone else's hoomin have this?).
> What do you guys like and hate?
> Sam

We don't like when Mama leaves us alone for too long. We don't like
funny noises like Mama's box that makes a loud buzzing noise and wakes
her up (then she turns it off _then gets up_ instead of going back to
sleep! Isn't that stoopid?). We don't like when she won't let us eat
whatever we want when we want.

There is a Cats Named Sam Club. I don't know if they have any female
members, maybe you can be the first!

Ashley (8 years old, gray Maine Coon mix)
Pip (4 years old, black and white and very fluffy)
Liddle Olive (9 months old, brown tabby)

M Patterson

Jan 4, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/4/97
to (Holly Stuckey) wrote:

>Thankz for responding; it makez me feel welcome:)
>I like toy ratz, cardboard (to scratch & toss around the room), being
>on the eyez and earz, heaterz (I like to be warm), Fancy Feast food (but
>Mum sayz I have to cut back on it 'cuz she read in the newsgroup that it
>will rot my teeth), sleeping, lying on my Mum's nice clothes, and

>cartoons. I hate car ridez ('cuz it usually means a trip to The Bad
>Place), loud noises, the diet food my Mum tries to feed me, and the catz

>screensaver on
>my Mum's computer (does anyone else's hoomin have this?).
>What do you guys like and hate?

Hello agin, Sam,

Yu furrgot to put da MEOW in yur subject line, so I did fur yu; it's
OK, yu're new, but we don't want hoomins buttin in to our
conversayshuns, yu know.

Well, Norville likes to ride on hoomindad's shoulders, Neko likes to
nap on her fake-sheepskin rug on top ov da floppy disk cabinet, Mietze
is passionate 'bout havin her face brushed wif da slicker brush, and I
like to lay in da middle ov da floor tummy-up wif my toes catchin a
breeze frum da ceilin fan.

We *all* hatehatehate da garbage truck reeel bad, an most similar loud
noizes (like yu said).

See yu,

fur Norville, Mietze an Neko, too

Sharon Davis

Jan 4, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/4/97

hay i just saw that there is another pip in this grup and i wonder if it
is ok to be two pips cause that is my name an i don think that i can
change it now so here is hopin that i can joyn in even if my name is pip
too but i am only a baby of 4 months old and just now learning to type
so plese tell me if i make a fo paw or somekthing and i will practiz my
riting and my spelling and stuff and try to learn how to do the
punctuatshun so bye for now and let me no

luv pip

Kate Ashley

Jan 4, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/4/97

Sure - duzzent two pips make uz a major or colonel or sumfink? Rors,
The PS and Josie


Jan 5, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/5/97

Hi Sam! We iz da Cats called Sam Club, or Da Kats Named Sam Klub, we duz hav sum girlkitties but havent seen dem in ajis,
but iffen you want yu kin join. Weze got Samson as president an me as
SeCATary an deres Sam hoos Samson's mentor an dere was Samantha but I
don no were shes gon an dere wuz anuvver Sammy hoos AWOL also, but
nefur mind. Deres no rools as such.


Holly Stuckey

Jan 5, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/5/97

I do want to join the Cats Named Sam Club. My real name is Samantha,
but all the hoomins call me Sam (or SamSamSam - hoomins think that's
cute - aren't they silly?). I'm glad theresh no rulz in the club, 'cuz
I'm not good
at following rulz. Just ask Mum.



Jan 5, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/5/97

Sharon Davis <> wrote in article

> hay i just saw that there is another pip in this grup and i wonder if it
> is ok to be two pips cause that is my name an i don think that i can
> change it now so here is hopin that i can joyn in even if my name is pip
> too but i am only a baby of 4 months old and just now learning to type
> so plese tell me if i make a fo paw or somekthing and i will practiz my
> riting and my spelling and stuff and try to learn how to do the
> punctuatshun so bye for now and let me no
> luv pip

I fink itz OK to haff to cats wiff the same name. After all, we have Sam,
Sam, Sammy (my hero) and Sam who meowchat. Maybe there can be club for
cats named Pip?

I, KitTen, sometimes get confused with Kitsen (our names are similar you
know). It always works out in the end.


Pee Ess - Ize can't speak for Pip. He might have copyrighted his name but
I have never seen him sign his stuff with: Pip(tm). If your concerned
about a copyright violation I suggest you talk to Christofur. He is a
lawyer you know.

K.J. Haught

Jan 5, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/5/97

Sharon Davis wrote:
> hay i just saw that there is another pip in this grup and i wonder if it
> is ok to be two pips cause that is my name an i don think that i can
> change it now so here is hopin that i can joyn in even if my name is pip
> too but i am only a baby of 4 months old and just now learning to type
> so plese tell me if i make a fo paw or somekthing and i will practiz my
> riting and my spelling and stuff and try to learn how to do the
> punctuatshun so bye for now and let me no
> luv pip

Sure, we can have two Pips!
How did you get your name? I was named after Pip in _Great
Expectations_ because I used to live in the Out and Mama took me in and
made a gentlecat of me. I am a black and white four year old boykitty
who according to Mama is a furry sweet natured cat! And a liddle, fluffy.

Welcome to rpc, Pip!


Sharon Davis

Jan 5, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/5/97

<<<<How did you get your name? I was named after Pip in _Great
Expectations_ because I used to live in the Out and Mama took me in and
made a gentlecat of me. I am a black and white four year old boykitty
who according to Mama is a furry sweet natured cat! And a liddle, fluffy.>>>

boy am i glad that nobody cares if i can be pip tu cuz i always am pip
but you cud call me pippy if we get mixed up an i got my name frum
pipsqueak cuz i was so small when my mom got me from the kitty shilter
place with my sister subrina who is tu shy to rite but she likes to read
all the leders from the uther cats and i am grey tabby with white chest
and qwite hansum i am told and i just got fix even tho i didn no i was
broke but i think that ki ten sounds reel cute and i think i have a
crush on her thats all for now cuz my mom has to go feed the big animals
an i am not allowed to rite when she is gone bye for now all my new
frens and thanks for ledding me joyn up


Sharon Davis

Jan 5, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/5/97

<<<Sure - duzzent two pips make uz a major or colonel or sumfink? Rors,
The PS and Josie>>>

i didnt get this when i red it so i asked my mom and she laffed and
laffed and sed these kitties the ps and josie are reely funny and she
got kiks from what they sed


K.J. Haught

Jan 5, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/5/97

Ooh, KitTen! You have an admirer! His name is "Pip" short for
pipsqueak and he's a grey tabby, too!

Do you have a winkwink, KitTen?

You sound like a real nice kitty, Pippy!



Jan 5, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/5/97

Sharon Davis wrote:
> boy am i glad that nobody cares if i can be pip tu cuz i always am pip
> but you cud call me pippy if we get mixed up an i got my name frum
> pipsqueak cuz i was so small when my mom got me from the kitty shilter
> place with my sister subrina who is tu shy to rite but she likes to read
> all the leders from the uther cats and i am grey tabby with white chest
> and qwite hansum i am told and i just got fix even tho i didn no i was
> broke but i think that ki ten sounds reel cute and i think i have a
> crush on her thats all for now cuz my mom has to go feed the big animals
> an i am not allowed to rite when she is gone bye for now all my new
> frens and thanks for ledding me joyn up
> pippy

wow Pip, youz got soz cited you furgot to breeth! Watch owt cuz you mite
faynt and then yur mommy mite take you to TED! What kinda big aminals
duz yur mommy haf?


Sharon Davis

Jan 5, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/5/97

<<<<wow Pip, youz got soz cited you furgot to breeth! Watch owt cuz you
faynt and then yur mommy mite take you to TED! What kinda big
duz yur mommy haf?>>>

but i dont no what is ted and i doooo get cited so i will try to slow
down my mom has one big boy cow named bob who is soooo giant you
wudnt want to be round him even tho my mom sez he is bery sweet and
wuldnt hurt a flea oops i shuldnt say that huh sorry and she has one
donkey named fanny who was ubuzed when she was liddle and is bery scared
of everyone but mom and dad and she also has one boy gote named dolar
who has reel long floppy ears and plays with fanny and bob it is bery
sad cuz she used to have lots of gotes and she had to sell all of the
herd before subrina and i came along we also have bubba who is a dog
and who belongs to all of us and there are a bunch of chikens an duks tu
it sure is fun noing all of yu and i wud lyke to no more about all of
yu and yer moms and dads and stuff do yu no kit ten if yu do maybe yu
cud give her a kiss for me okay gotta go now pippy


Jan 5, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/5/97

K.J. Haught <> wrote in article

> Sharon Davis wrote:
> >
> > and qwite hansum i am told and i just got fix even tho i didn no i was
> > broke but i think that ki ten sounds reel cute and i think i have a
> > crush on her thats all for now cuz my mom has to go feed the big
> > an i am not allowed to rite when she is gone bye for now all my new
> > frens and thanks for ledding me joyn up
> >
> > pippy
> Ooh, KitTen! You have an admirer! His name is "Pip" short for
> pipsqueak and he's a grey tabby, too!
> Do you have a winkwink, KitTen?
> You sound like a real nice kitty, Pippy!
> Pip

Ooooh, ooooh! Ize dont know what to do!!!

Ize never had a winkwink before. Then Sammy N Ize started taking a shine
to each other at the Holiday Hop. Ize don't think weez official winkwinks
yet. N now Pip wants to be winkwinks. Ize dont know what to do! Ize
asked Paw N he said to have them go out back N settle in in a manly fashon.
That doesnt seem furry nice though. Kitsen has two winkwinks, does
anykittie know if she has problems keepin up with her "obligations"? Ize
thur anyfing else I shood do?

Gurlkitties! Ize need advise!

Boff these boykitties are reelreel nice. Ize dont want to hurt any kitties
feelings! Ize never had a winkwink before N Ize want won reelreel bad.
Ize wood hate too come out of this wiff no winkwink. Ize dont want to hurt
a boykittiez feelinz though.



Jan 5, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/5/97

Sharon Davis <> wrote in article


> and who belongs to all of us and there are a bunch of chikens an duks tu
> it sure is fun noing all of yu and i wud lyke to no more about all of
> yu and yer moms and dads and stuff do yu no kit ten if yu do maybe yu
> cud give her a kiss for me okay gotta go now pippy

Hi Pippy,

Ize KitTen. Ize got my name cuz when Ize was a kitten, Paw thought Ize was
a boykittie N named me Bob. Well, when he took me to TED they told him
that Ize was a gurlkittie. He didnt think Bob was a gud name for a
gurlkittie N just called me KitTen until he could think of a gud gurlkittie
name. He never did (Paw iz stoopid sometimes).

Maybe weez cood go to thuh soda fown-tin N meow a little. Theyz dont have
furry many sada glasses so weez might hafta get jist one sada N two strawz.



Jan 6, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/6/97

On Sun, 05 Jan 1997 10:32:23 -0800, Sharon Davis <>


>it sure is fun noing all of yu and i wud lyke to no more about all of
>yu and yer moms and dads and stuff do yu no kit ten if yu do maybe yu
>cud give her a kiss for me okay gotta go now pippy

Well, pippy, KitTen iz ovfur in da fred "MEOW:WHens da Holiday Hop!"
an yu better hurry coz I fink sheze gonna start rollin all ovfur da
floor wiv Sammy (day izent in a sirius relashunship..jus havin fun) so
iffen yuse reel quick yu may be abull tu jump in betwwen dem an get a
kiss. Hee hee hee

Hey Boris*, get dem chares owt - weze got sum romancin tu watch!

Juanny (prowd SNAK) (and happily wink-winked)

Cheryl L. Rankin

Jan 6, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/6/97

"KitTen" <> wrote:
>Ize KitTen. Ize got my name cuz when Ize was a kitten, Paw thought Ize was
>a boykittie N named me Bob. Well, when he took me to TED they told him
>that Ize was a gurlkittie. He didnt think Bob was a gud name for a
>gurlkittie N just called me KitTen until he could think of a gud gurlkittie
>name. He never did (Paw iz stoopid sometimes).

Ourz Mommy's kousin hadda dog named Puppy till dey kould fink of a good
name fur a dog. He waz still named Puppy when he went to Rainbow Bridge
at age 12. Sumtimez dose temporary namez stick wif yew.
Yew iz lucky to end up wif a name like KiTten! A friend of Mommy'z
hadda kat named Bubba. Well, when Bubba had kittens, *she* got
re-named Bubba-Sue. See? KitTen iz a good name!

Me an' Dylan iz named aftur one of Daddy'z fav'rites, Bob Dylan.
I singz my heart out alla time, jist like Bob Dylan.
Samson iz named fur sum strong man inna Bible who had hiz eyez
poked out, bekause our Samson waz blind when he furst kame here
an' hoominz thought he didn't have no eyez. If he hadda been
a gurl-kat, he woulda been named Amazin' Grace.

We don't know why Tyler iz named Tyler. It jist fits him.
Mebbe hiz mommy kin' help him 'splain how she kame up wif it.
Mommy don't know.

Bobbie (a gurl, but fang-fully not named Bobbie-Sue)

Cheryl L. Rankin

Jan 6, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/6/97

Stuff we like:

Bobbie: Singin' solos at da toppa my lungz,
Empty or full laundry basketz.

Dylan: Fresh newspaperz to shred to piecez

Tyler: Rubbery bracelet fingys

Samson: Divin' into wadder dishes (a new-found pleasure)
Sleepin' onna headboard of Mommy an' Daddy'z bed

All of us: PLAYIN' QUIET!!!!
Kitty-kat toona food

Dese are a few of our fafurite fings...

Hey, mebbe Galen or da kittiez at Tom's Kitty Ranch kould
do a kitty version of "My Favorite Fings" fur us to enjoy.

Bobbie (a singer, not a song-riter)

Cheryl L. Rankin

Jan 6, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/6/97

Now a list of fings we hatez!

Bobbie: Bein' kuddled by hoominz if it wazn't my idea

Dylan: Any hoomin visitors to ourz house

Tyler: Any kinda kat food dat ain't toona,
Pounce treets,
Bein' picked up by hoominz

Samson: Bein' klosed outta Mommy an' Daddy's room

All of us 'cept Samson: Visitin' TED
Ridin' inna metalmonster
Da GrowlMonster

All of us 'cept Bobbie: The Out

All of us: DumbDogz except Dixie an' MuffinDog
SuperSoakerz an' bafs
Da SmokeDetector Monster when he howls!!

Russ Hash

Jan 6, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/6/97

Cheryl L. Rankin wrote:
> "KitTen" <> wrote:
> >
> >Ize KitTen. Ize got my name cuz when Ize was a kitten, Paw thought Ize was
> >a boykittie N named me Bob. Well, when he took me to TED they told him
> >that Ize was a gurlkittie. He didnt think Bob was a gud name for a
> >gurlkittie N just called me KitTen until he could think of a gud gurlkittie
> >name. He never did (Paw iz stoopid sometimes).
> Ourz Mommy's kousin hadda dog named Puppy till dey kould fink of a good
> name fur a dog. He waz still named Puppy when he went to Rainbow Bridge
> at age 12. Sumtimez dose temporary namez stick wif yew.
> Yew iz lucky to end up wif a name like KiTten! A friend of Mommy'z
> hadda kat named Bubba. Well, when Bubba had kittens, *she* got
> re-named Bubba-Sue. See? KitTen iz a good name!
> Bobbie (a gurl, but fang-fully not named Bobbie-Sue)

When Ize was just a baby-cat my daddy came to pick me up and take me
home ... They put me ins a box and closeded the door.. I waz furry
skeered. Then we gotted in the MetelMonster and I cried n cried...
Daddy kept calling me a poor precious kitty...
We *finally* gotted home and Meommy asked what was my name and Daddy
said "Ize been calling her Precious. It stuck.
At first I waz really embarrassed, but now being a mature 4, Ize know
that I am precious. So the name fits!!!
I have a lil sister-cat named Squeaker.. who should have been named
Rowdy-Girl. She is not lady-like ats all!!!


Pee-Ess This is my furry first post.. So I'm still learning to type
Be patient Ize learning effuryday.

Allison White

Jan 6, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/6/97

Cheryl L. Rankin <CHE...@MAINE.MAINE.EDU> wrote:
>We don't know why Tyler iz named Tyler. It jist fits him.
>Mebbe hiz mommy kin' help him 'splain how she kame up wif it.
>Mommy don't know.

I got my name because mommy likes dad name Tyler. Akchewally, da
name of the road where da humans 'ciety is is da Taylor road
an mommy's roommate Trish sayd "Hey, name him Taylor" an mommy
didn't like Taylor so she took out da 'a' an now I'm Tyler.
It's a good fing because Granpa's sisster hadda baby girl an
named HER Taylor, an dat wooda been confusing.

Tyler (the one with the boring "how I got my name" story)

Note from Mommy: If I had waited a while to name him he would
definately be Forrest Grump or Thud. Lucky for him I couldn't
stand to wait until I got to know him to name him. :-)

Malinda McCall

Jan 6, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/6/97

Let's see. I don't have a kitty of my very own (nor am I owned by a kitty
at the moment) but I can remember SOME kitty names' origins.

There was Missy, who was a papered and pedigreed purrfect grey Purrsian.
Her real name was Miss McCall From [Insert Overly Fancy Locale Name Here].
Missy had a bad temper and tried to scritch me when I was an infant. I'm
still not sure why I stayed and she went...

Then there was Whiskers, who was a handsome boyqat with a white bib and
white chin and the longest white whiskers poinking out of his otherwise
black self! He could scrape both sides fo a door walking through, my dad
used to say. Very proud of his mustache, he was. He got into an argument
with one of those metalmonsters and is no longer with us, unfortunately.

Then there was Socks, my all-time most favorite pussqat. She was named
after the kitty in Beverly Cleary's book, but she was not a boy or
stripey. She looked like a creamy grey Siamese with a round head but she
had white paws and a white chin. She was beautiful inside and out (sweet
disposition) and even her miaow was soft and pretty. She lived almost 17
years and would welcome us home. You'd see her through the French doors
but not hear her, it was funny.

I had a stray adopt me for a while, he was a boyqat who was all silver
grey with green eyes, big and tough. He was Smokey Jazz because he was
dignified and elegant like a jazz club, and smoke-colored.

Then there was my ex-roommate who has a cat who was black and white. I
suggested she name her cat "Domino" because he liked pizza and because of
his coloring. I can't recall where I saw that name for a cat, but I am
kind of proud to have remembered it. It fits.

Currently we are owned by my roommate's cat Fangus, an orange tom with
white tum and feet and chin. He was Butterscotch at first, and we called
him Scotty. Then we realized that this didn't fit, so he became Fang.
Fang sounds silly when you yell for him to come inside, so he is now Fangus.
It suits him.

Other cat names: Hershey (brown), Caesar (brown Siamese), Sergio (grey
Siamese), Benjamin, Wesley (Himalayans), Felix (long-haired black and
white 'mutt'), Josh, Oliver, Charlie, Puddy (brown Siamese cats), Anais,
Orbit, Alex, Natasha (grey striped kitties).


Jan 6, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/6/97


I wuz orijnally named Franklin (don no why), then Daddy changed it to Fergus
(still don no why), but then Mama found out that if she held my ears back, I
looked like a baby bunny--that's where Bunny came frum. Then I sometimes forget
to pull my tongue in all da way when Ize washin, an a friend of hers called me
Teddy Bear Mouth, which got shortened to Bear. Now my full name is Bunny Bear
Cat, and sometimes Mama calls me Bunny, or Bun, or Bear, or Bunny Bear, or


I waz sposed to be Jake 2, cuz 'parently I looked sorta like another cat that
went to Rainbow Bridge a long time ago named Jake. But because of the way I look
at stuff with my big blue eyes, I got called Blue, an it jus stuck. Mom and Pop
also call me Nutty, Nutler, and Crazy cause I run thru da house mrantlin to my
self and chasin milk rings or things that no one else sees....

-------------------==== Posted via Deja News ====----------------------- Search, Read, Post to Usenet


Jan 6, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/6/97

>Well, pippy, KitTen iz ovfur in da fred "MEOW:WHens da Holiday Hop!"
>an yu better hurry coz I fink sheze gonna start rollin all ovfur da
>floor wiv Sammy (day izent in a sirius relashunship..jus havin fun) so
>iffen yuse reel quick yu may be abull tu jump in betwwen dem an get a
>kiss. Hee hee hee
>Hey Boris*, get dem chares owt - weze got sum romancin tu watch!
>Juanny (prowd SNAK) (and happily wink-winked)

ooof. These chairs are heavy! Here ya go Juanny - have a seat!




Jan 6, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/6/97

In article <97006.093...@MAINE.MAINE.EDU>, Cheryl L. Rankin

>Ourz Mommy's kousin hadda dog named Puppy till dey kould fink of a good
>name fur a dog. He waz still named Puppy when he went to Rainbow Bridge
>at age 12. Sumtimez dose temporary namez stick wif yew.
>Yew iz lucky to end up wif a name like KiTten! A friend of Mommy'z
>hadda kat named Bubba. Well, when Bubba had kittens, *she* got
>re-named Bubba-Sue. See? KitTen iz a good name!

>Me an' Dylan iz named aftur one of Daddy'z fav'rites, Bob Dylan.
>I singz my heart out alla time, jist like Bob Dylan.
>Samson iz named fur sum strong man inna Bible who had hiz eyez
>poked out, bekause our Samson waz blind when he furst kame here
>an' hoominz thought he didn't have no eyez. If he hadda been
>a gurl-kat, he woulda been named Amazin' Grace.

>We don't know why Tyler iz named Tyler. It jist fits him.
>Mebbe hiz mommy kin' help him 'splain how she kame up wif it.
>Mommy don't know.

>Bobbie (a gurl, but fang-fully not named Bobbie-Sue)

Mum sez that 'tasha and I are named after the bad guys on some cartoon. I
guess I should be glad she didn't name me Bullwinkle.



Sharon Davis

Jan 6, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/6/97

<<<Maybe weez cood go to thuh soda fown-tin N meow a little. Theyz dont
furry many sada glasses so weez might hafta get jist one sada N two

hi kit ten<blush, blush> i wud be furry proud to take yu for a soda an
even maybe some salmon juice frum one of those cans that my hoomins eat
and throw away the juice i will ask my mom to save sum for yu and i
am soooo glad that yu are not a bob still

luv, pippy

Michael Kwan

Jan 6, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/6/97

Wow, dis thread 'bout kittie names iz realreal inneressin'. Da older
black cat dat lives her wif us iz named Bette Davis. I hearded Mom
say dat when Bette was liddle (8 _whole years ago_!) she had real
pretty green eyes jus like da actress Bette Davis. But somewhere down
da line, her eyes changed from green to da prettiest gold color. I
like dem da way dey looks now.

Dere wuz a cat dat used to lif here named Earl Grey. He wuz a stripey
gray and brown cat wif more den a liddle Maine Coon in his background.
He got hurded by a metalmonster a year an' three days ago and went to
da Bridge. He wuz named that 'cuz after Mom 'n Dad founded him, Dad
din't want to keep him 'n thought that he should be sent to da hoomane
society for some udder fambly. Dad thought that if they din't give him
a name it'd be easier to give him 'way later. After three dayz uv
lookin' for anudder home, Mom suggested they call him Earl Grey (after
Dad's fivrite tea at da time). Mom knows all of Dad's weak points.
After dat, dere wuz no way he was gonna haf ta go 'way.

My sister iz a little tortiegirl named Megan. We don know why. We
heard dat she wuz 'sposed to be a Bridget. This waz cuz our peepul
had spended dere huneymoon in a place callded Ireland. But mom said
no, 'cuz she din't look like a Bridget. Its good dey din't name her
dat, cuz Megan suits her lots better.

I iz named Dublin, but mos' efurryone calls me "Dub" too. I iz named
after da capital of Ireland, which iz da mos' 'portant city in Europe.
Mom 'n' Dad want ta go back to Ireland some day, but dey tellz us dat
we cats can't go 'cuz dey got an somefing called "Qwaranteen" dere dat
dey say we wun't like. I wish I could go, 'cuz den alla Irishpeepul
('cept for da Corkmen) wuld treat me as real 'portant for bein' namet
after dere first city .


I like my name lotslots. I glad I din't haf ta be no Bridget.


A. Hutchinson

Jan 6, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/6/97

AJS wrote:
> On Sun, 05 Jan 1997 10:32:23 -0800, Sharon Davis <>
> wrote:
> <snippy>
> >it sure is fun noing all of yu and i wud lyke to no more about all of
> >yu and yer moms and dads and stuff do yu no kit ten if yu do maybe yu
> >cud give her a kiss for me okay gotta go now pippy
> >
> Well, pippy, KitTen iz ovfur in da fred "MEOW:WHens da Holiday Hop!"
> an yu better hurry coz I fink sheze gonna start rollin all ovfur da
> floor wiv Sammy (day izent in a sirius relashunship..jus havin fun) so
> iffen yuse reel quick yu may be abull tu jump in betwwen dem an get a
> kiss. Hee hee hee
> Hey Boris*, get dem chares owt - weze got sum romancin tu watch!
> Juanny (prowd SNAK) (and happily wink-winked)

Somecat call for chairs? I got a whole cart of em here! Whats the

Shu, recent TED victim who has green threads in his naked chest where TED
tore somethin out (he called it a fatty lipoma, whatever that is!)

Mama's note: just a fatty tumor, not harmful, but we only found that out
today from the lab results!

M Patterson

Jan 7, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/7/97

Russ Hash <> wrote:

[snipped a couple Name-stories fur da server]

> When Ize was just a baby-cat my daddy came to pick me up and take me
>home ... They put me ins a box and closeded the door.. I waz furry
>skeered. Then we gotted in the MetelMonster and I cried n cried...
>Daddy kept calling me a poor precious kitty...
> We *finally* gotted home and Meommy asked what was my name and Daddy
>said "Ize been calling her Precious. It stuck.
> At first I waz really embarrassed, but now being a mature 4, Ize know
>that I am precious. So the name fits!!!
> I have a lil sister-cat named Squeaker.. who should have been named
>Rowdy-Girl. She is not lady-like ats all!!!
> Precious
>Pee-Ess This is my furry first post.. So I'm still learning to type
> Be patient Ize learning effuryday.

Hello, Ms Precious (welcum to yu!),

Well, I wuz a growd up boykitty wen I found dis my reel true hous just
dis last Feb. I'd been in da Owt fur a longtime, I fink. Ennyway,
hoomindad wuz kinda laffin at my Persian face (noffink wrong wif my
face, reely) an sayin dat I lukked like an "Old Man", an wanted to
call me dat, but hoominmom din't like dat fur a name, so she changed
it to Omar. An dat's me.

Neko's name is "cat" in Japanese; Mietze's name is "kitty" in German.

Norville and his sister Pauley (RB)...well, hoominmom and hoomindad
watch *way* too much TV. Dat's all I'ze gonna say 'bout dat.

A kitty who liffed here way befor me was named Seymour, a girlkitty
who wuz named by a hoomin who din't know how to tell girlkitties frum
boykitties. (Silly hoomin!)

wif Norville, Mietze an Neko, too

(Note to Boris*...I nefur new da story ov yur spot before...most


Jan 7, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/7/97

>"KitTen" <> wrote:
>>Ize KitTen. Ize got my name cuz when Ize was a kitten, Paw thought Ize was
>>a boykittie N named me Bob. Well, when he took me to TED they told him
>>that Ize was a gurlkittie. He didnt think Bob was a gud name for a
>>gurlkittie N just called me KitTen until he could think of a gud gurlkittie
>>name. He never did (Paw iz stoopid sometimes).

>Ourz Mommy's kousin hadda dog named Puppy till dey kould fink of a good
>name fur a dog. He waz still named Puppy when he went to Rainbow Bridge
>at age 12. Sumtimez dose temporary namez stick wif yew.
>Yew iz lucky to end up wif a name like KiTten! A friend of Mommy'z
>hadda kat named Bubba. Well, when Bubba had kittens, *she* got
>re-named Bubba-Sue. See? KitTen iz a good name!

A long time ago, our meowmie had a parakeet that she loved, but cudint
think of a name for her. So she called her Bird, and it stuck. Later
on, she had a green parakeet and a blue parakeet, and again meowmie
cudint think of names. She wud talk bout the blue one and the green
one, and their names became Thuh Blue One and Thuh Green One.

We sure iz glad that meowmie became better wif names when we came along!

Bootsie, Gizmo and Sassy

Dogs think they're human. Cats wouldn't stoop that low.


Jan 7, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/7/97

I think you kittiez have reelreel interesting stories about how you gots
your namez.

My meowmy named me Josie after the character in the comic book "Josie and
the Pussycats" Ize a calico tabby, and the three characters in the comic
book had red hair, black hair, and platinum blonde (white) hair, just like

My middle name is Marge, after Marge Simpson, because I makes growly
rumbly disapproving noises when I'm around Tilley Bear, the dog which
lives wif meowmy's parents. Marge Simpson makes the same noises when her
husband Homer does somefing badbadbad.

It's a gudgud fing dat I gots my name early on, cuz if meowmy had waited,
I'd probably be named Purrcy, Sweet Pea (gag!) or Little Hairy Butt once
she got to know me :-3

Josie in the Great White North

Teddy Bear

Jan 7, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/7/97

Hi effurykitty!  My name iz Harley, but it almost wazn't.  Meowmy couldn't fink of a name for me, so she was holdin me an sayin "what am I going to call you sugar?"  She 'cided to call me Sugar.  I was glad she 'cided on a name, so I purred and purred.  She told me "Goodness, you sound like a Harley!"  I didn't know what a Harley wuz then, but owr nay-bor got a small, but very loud metalmonster, so now I know.  So that's what meowmie called me.  Iz glad, cuz' I'm a manly boykat, and Sugar is a girley name!

Jozette, Michael, and Harley the Wonder Cat wish you
and your family a safe and happy and New Year!!!  

Johanna Botari

Jan 7, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/7/97

Panda here, I like the name stories.

Mr. Lenny and Ms. Lucy is snoozin, so I tell.

Mr. Lenny and Ms.Lucy came as "Lenny and Lucy" when meowma found 'em in
the cages place. She thot 'bout changin 'em b'cuz they is furry
dig-nee-fied Meezers ('cept when Ms. Lucy shows hur tummie) but they
already answered to hur as Lenny and Lucy so dey didn't change. I haf
ta say "Mr" and "Ms" owta respek 'cuz I'm da liddle on'n'Mr. Lenny gets

I got a bedder name story, tho! I din't have a name befur the cages
place, an' when I got tuk there, they counted ally me toes and sed "hey,
itz a polliwog.. poliday.. ploddydog.. pteradactyl.. polident.. oh, that
Polly name, she got lotsa toes!" When meowma come to get me, me papers
sed "Polly".

Well, I din't feel like a Polly and I wudn't talkin to anyone who
calledme Polly (well, Iwasn't talkin, I was hiding in the cubbyhole fer
a wile) an Meowma had ta name me. She thot, "I need and L-name like
Lenny and Lucy" but she thot "She's a pretty blak and wite cat" and she
thot "Wot a good name for all dose toes?"... an' then she thot of big
Panda amnials, whot are blak and wite and hold things in their paws..
she thot this after I picked up a thing in my paws. But then she thot
"wadda bouta L name" and then sed "LADY Panda. LADY Panda of TOES".
And so I sed "Mrreeeeff!" and runned over to her feet. So me full name
is "Lady Panda of Toes".

I'm a liddle goof tho so everyone calls me Panda or Bonk, cept the TED
called me an' ole' boot.

L P of T.

====Johanna L. Botari * JBo...@uoguelph.CA====
UoGuelph.Com does not exist, please correct the address if replying.
I am sorry to inconvenience you, you may blame morons who scan newsgroup
headers to junk mail people. I boycott anyone who sends me unsolicted
commercial mail, and encourage you to do the same.


Jan 7, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/7/97

Cheryl L. Rankin <CHE...@MAINE.MAINE.EDU> wrote in article

> "KitTen" <> wrote:
> >
> >Ize KitTen. Ize got my name cuz when Ize was a kitten, Paw thought Ize
> >a boykittie N named me Bob. Well, when he took me to TED they told him
> >that Ize was a gurlkittie. He didnt think Bob was a gud name for a
> >gurlkittie N just called me KitTen until he could think of a gud
> >name. He never did (Paw iz stoopid sometimes).
> Ourz Mommy's kousin hadda dog named Puppy till dey kould fink of a good
> name fur a dog. He waz still named Puppy when he went to Rainbow Bridge
> at age 12. Sumtimez dose temporary namez stick wif yew.
> Yew iz lucky to end up wif a name like KiTten! A friend of Mommy'z
> hadda kat named Bubba. Well, when Bubba had kittens, *she* got
> re-named Bubba-Sue. See? KitTen iz a good name!

Becky got her name frum when Pawz sister wuz gunna have a kitten. His
sister went to thuh pregnent hoomin TED who took an ultra sound ( even
though she didn't have one ) N she thought it was gunna be a gurl.

Paws sister N her husband agreed that ifz the kitten was gunna be a gurl,
she gits to name her, ifs itz a boy he gits to name it. Well, since Mr.
Ultra Sound sed it was a gurl, Paws sister had the responsibility of
comming up wiff a good name.

Paw went to lunch wiff his sister N they went to the book store N got a
hoomin kitten name book N sat out side N went though it. Paw sez they had
lotsa gud belly laffs going though thuh names. They (well, she) desided on
Rebecca fur the name of the hoonin kitten.

Well, when Paws sister had her kitten, IT WAS A BOY! (stoopid Mr. Ultra
Sound) They had this reel gud name N no place to put it. I fink Paw stuck
it in his back pocket fur later.

When wee adopted Paw. He had this reel gud name jist waiting to be atached
to a kittie. So he named Becky, Becky. Paw likes it cuz it reminds him of
the last truly care free afternoon he had with his sister.


Ray/Fran Tock

Jan 7, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/7/97

Russ Hash wrote:

> When Ize was just a baby-cat my daddy came to pick me up and take me
> home ... They put me ins a box and closeded the door.. I waz furry
> skeered. Then we gotted in the MetelMonster and I cried n cried...
> Daddy kept calling me a poor precious kitty...
> We *finally* gotted home and Meommy asked what was my name and Daddy
> said "Ize been calling her Precious. It stuck.
> At first I waz really embarrassed, but now being a mature 4, Ize know
> that I am precious. So the name fits!!!
> I have a lil sister-cat named Squeaker.. who should have been named
> Rowdy-Girl. She is not lady-like ats all!!!
> Precious
> Pee-Ess This is my furry first post.. So I'm still learning to type
> Be patient Ize learning effuryday.

Meow Precious - weze pleased to meet you. Youze doing a great job.
Have fun and join in whenever you want to. Theres lotsa fun stuff going

Punkins & Puddi Cat

Ray/Fran Tock

Jan 7, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/7/97

Cheryl L. Rankin wrote:
> "KitTen" <> wrote:
> >
> >Ize KitTen. Ize got my name cuz when Ize was a kitten, Paw thought
> >Ize was a boykittie N named me Bob. Well, when he took me to TED they
> >told him that Ize was a gurlkittie. He didnt think Bob was a gud name
> >for a gurlkittie N just called me KitTen until he could think of a gud
> >gurlkittie name. He never did (Paw iz stoopid sometimes).

Weze were named Punkins & Puddi Cat as affectionate names that our
original Meowmie (Meowmie's Meowmie) could call us and it wouldn't
matter which of us was which if she made a mistake. See she had
something called macular degeneration. Weze both torties, but I'ze
dilute and Punkins is full. She knew Punkins had more orange coloring
than I did so Punkins. I'ze a little bit bigger and got Puddi Cat.
Weze didn't mind, she loved us both.

Puddi Cat


Jan 7, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/7/97

In article <>, "A. Hutchinson"

<> wrote:
>Somecat call for chairs? I got a whole cart of em here! Whats the
>Shu, recent TED victim who has green threads in his naked chest where TED
>tore somethin out (he called it a fatty lipoma, whatever that is!)
>Mama's note: just a fatty tumor, not harmful, but we only found that out
>today from the lab results!

Shu . . .

I'm sure it was a fluffy lipoma!

Boris <ducking, running and glad his buddy's OK>


Kadi Fairbairn

Jan 7, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/7/97

Wen I wuz in Kittenhood, Meowmie cudn't tell wut I wuz (boy or gurl).
So she wanted tu name me sumthin' that cud go effur way. I have lotsa
toez, and meowmie sed I'z haff big Waffle-Stompin' paws. Then she
disided to call me Waffle. I wuz furry glad, cuz befor, she usta say
"Come on, Baby, what's your name?". Now, how wuz I 'sposta kno!!

Meowmie startid callin' thu cat-next-door "Stripey" becuz hez got
stripes all ofur. Then naybor movd away 'n axed if Meowmie wanted
Stripey and thu ufur cat. Meowmie sed "of course!" So Stripey 'n ofur
kitty were ourz! Ofur kitty iz furry sweet 'n cuddly, and haz a voice
lika squeaky toy. So we named him "Squeaky". Boy, Squeaky 'n Stripey r
lukky we 'dopted them. Ther old names wer "Danny" and "Dee"!!! Dose
names didnt fit them atall!


Ginger Glaser

Jan 7, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/7/97
to (Josie) wrote:

>I think you kittiez have reelreel interesting stories about how you gots
>your namez.

Yes, they have been furry fun to read!

>My meowmy named me Josie after the character in the comic book "Josie and
>the Pussycats" Ize a calico tabby, and the three characters in the comic
>book had red hair, black hair, and platinum blonde (white) hair, just like

I got named after a book person too! Mom needed a name wif an x in it,
since that was all I responded too. The kitty jail called me Alex but
she knew enough to see that wazzint my name. So then she thought of
the very smart "Cat WHo Walked Through Walls" in the Robert Heinlein
book and I got named Pixel.

Pixel, who doesn't know how the othercats heer were named, except fer
Tribble made a purring noise like those Star Trek Tribbles did


Jan 7, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/7/97

This is Sasha, a very *fluffy* big 'sis' to liddle Moose....

When meowmie brought home him home I wazn't furry happy at furst, but
after he started to get up I hadda lafflaflaff! He was a tiny liddle ball
of fluff, but he had Loooong gangly legs wif big 'ol pawz, and hiz
eeers....shheesh and "I CARUMBA"!

Hiz eers were 'bout as big as his whole body!! Meowmie said he looked like
a brand new baby Moose- we seen 'em on da Learnin' channel, and dey iz all
legs and ears...all uncooordinating and stuff.

So, Moose he iz, and he finks itz his name cuz he iz a bigtuff
I am Sasha cuz I am regal in bearing, and am a furry beeootiful ladycat.

/\ /\
QQ Bye!

The Magic Mood Jeep

Jan 7, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/7/97

My name is Ivy, and Ize a longhair calico, and Ize wuz naamed by my
dadee...he founded me inna patch of poison ivy! Meowmee also calls me
princess cuz dats wut I iz, and also sometimes puffybutt, cuz of all my
fur back der!

My bestest buddy is Tennysee Tuxedo, and Mewomee says she got dat naam
from a car toon (da metalmonsters singing??? Ize not unnerstan dat, just
typin what Meowmee told me when Ize asked her why we iz naamed da way we
iz)...he iz black wif a wite "bow tie" on his throwt and a wite spot on
his belly dat look like a cummberbun! Meowmee calls dat spot on hiz
belly his "sissy spot" cuz she says she aynt never nowen no black tomcat
dat was a bigger sissy dan him... so it mus be cuz of dat wite spot!

Our older sisser (who is not very frendly at all) is named Smokey cuz
she is all grey...wif black rings onna tippa her tail! Mewomee says dat
as fat as she is, dey shooda naam her Chumlee...she says dat is anodder
car toon character...inna saym car toon as Tennysee's naamsayk is!


Jan 7, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/7/97

Cheryl L. Rankin wrote:
> "KitTen" <> wrote:
>Ize KitTen. Ize got my name cuz when Ize was a kitten, Paw thought
>Ize was a boykittie N named me Bob. Well, when he took me to TED they
>told him that Ize was a gurlkittie. He didnt think Bob was a gud name
>for a gurlkittie N just called me KitTen until he could think of a gud
>gurlkittie name. He never did (Paw iz stoopid sometimes).

Itz sorta funny KitTen, cause Mom n Dad both thot I wuz a girlkitty when
I wuz small <hoomins! sheesh!> an they wuz gonna name me Aurora (just
like that smart and savvy Ms. Aurora SOC). TED told them I wuz a
boykittie, then asked fur a name so he culd put it on my record. Mom
looked at Dad an they just didnt know what ta do. Then, since they waz
thinkin of stuff in tha sky, Mom said - Orion, the Hunter, and Ize a
furry good hunter too!

But theyz just couldnt decide what ta name poor Boots. Furst Mom called
him Velcro, cause of the way they used ta have ta peel him offa their
bodies when he waz so small. Then Dad said - Charlie Velcro - and weze
thot that waz gonna be it. But noooo! Boots knew hiz name and he knew
it waznt Charlie (though he didnt mind so much about the Velcro part).
Since heze gray and white and haz a bit of gray on each paw - somewhere
- Dad called him Boots one night. He answered to it right away. Then
Mom called out "Boots" and he walked right to her. He had told them hiz
secrit cat name and that wuz that.

- Orion



Jan 7, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/7/97

In article <01bbfb52$b58912d0$0100007f@sean>, "KitTen"
<> wrote:
> Ooooh, ooooh! Ize dont know what to do!!!
> Ize never had a winkwink before. Then Sammy N Ize started taking a shine
> to each other at the Holiday Hop. Ize don't think weez official winkwinks
> yet. N now Pip wants to be winkwinks. Ize dont know what to do! Ize
> asked Paw N he said to have them go out back N settle in in a manly fashon.
> That doesnt seem furry nice though. Kitsen has two winkwinks, does
> anykittie know if she has problems keepin up with her "obligations"? Ize
> thur anyfing else I shood do?
> Gurlkitties! Ize need advise!
> Boff these boykitties are reelreel nice. Ize dont want to hurt any kitties
> feelings! Ize never had a winkwink before N Ize want won reelreel bad.
> Ize wood hate too come out of this wiff no winkwink. Ize dont want to hurt
> a boykittiez feelinz though.
> KitTen

Hey KitTen, I say shur, ahff too winkwinks! Two is dubbul da fun, and
dubbul da luff. Unfurnately, my winkwinks are da best in the wurld so yu
cudn't hav as much fun as me, but I'm sure Pip and Sammy are reel nice
too. Ize don't hav any trubbul wif my "obligationz". Besidez, KitTen, if I
hav two winkwinkz and it wurked out, and yur name is like mine, then yu
will probly wurk out with two winkwinkz. However, it is kinda fun bein
known as da only (I think) kitty with two winkwinkz! Ooh, maybe we could
start a speshul club: CWSNTHTW (Cats With Similar Names That Have Two
Winkwinks) !!! Weze wud be da only two mempurrz, cus there isn't any
kitties who even hav names similar to our, let alone also have two


Alison's web page:
Kitsen's web page:
White Cat Club:


Jan 7, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/7/97

In article <01bbfb55$0557c250$0100007f@sean>, "KitTen"
<> wrote:

> Hi Pippy,

> Ize KitTen. Ize got my name cuz when Ize was a kitten, Paw thought Ize was
> a boykittie N named me Bob. Well, when he took me to TED they told him
> that Ize was a gurlkittie. He didnt think Bob was a gud name for a
> gurlkittie N just called me KitTen until he could think of a gud gurlkittie
> name. He never did (Paw iz stoopid sometimes).

> Maybe weez cood go to thuh soda fown-tin N meow a little. Theyz dont have
> furry many sada glasses so weez might hafta get jist one sada N two strawz.

> KitTen

KitTen, that reminz me of how I got my name. Fur a while I had lots of
diffrent names cuz our famly cudn't decide on wun. But Alison started
callin me Kitsen which was da name of meowmie's fren, and I gess it waz
better dan da rest cuz it stuck. Then when I found rpc Alison wanted to
make my name sound furry dignified and speshul cuz I iz speshul, so she
made my full name Kitsen T. Kat (I hav never told anyone what da T stands
for, though in the Tufgirlkitty thred I joked that it stood fur Tuff). But
I go by everything from Kitsen, Kitsen Kat, Kitsen T. Kat, Kit Kat
(acshully I just made that up), and Kits. Oh, and I hav a speshul nickname
onlee my truluvz and my immediate family know.


Jan 7, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/7/97

In <97006.093...@MAINE.MAINE.EDU> Cheryl L. Rankin

<CHE...@MAINE.MAINE.EDU> writes:
>Me an' Dylan iz named aftur one of Daddy'z fav'rites, Bob Dylan.
>I singz my heart out alla time, jist like Bob Dylan.

We have something in common then...I wasn't named after Bob Dylan but
my meowmie named me after a character in one of his songs. She was
listening to it on the night that she first brought me home.
I almost got named "Magic" because she was watching the Lakers in the
playoffs earlier in the evening.


Jan 7, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/7/97

Owr names arnt so citeing as sum kittys!
Malusee alredy had hur name when mommy got hur from the kitty jail. Hur
furst mommy sayd that it is Persian wurd fur cuddly or somethin like
that. When mommy gotz me, she told gramma that she needed a gud Irish
name fur me and gramma sayd Caitlin and mommy sayd OK! Thay hadnt effen
seen me yet but itz a gud name fur me. My middle name is Velcro, like
lots of kittys! Thatz cuz wen I wuz still wif my cat=mommy, I wud follow
mommys frend alla round the howse.

Mommys frend haz lotsa kittys. Thay haff Jake E Lee, an Axl Rose, and
Cherry Garcia an Theo Furry. The furst three are music rok stars and the
last one is a hokey playur. Thay had kittys named Ozzy and Ringo too!
anna dog named Grace Slick.

Mommys boss haz a cat named Yoda aftur thuh Star Wars moovie and a kitty
named Auto cuz he wuz found inna car az a liddle bitty kitten.



Jan 7, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/7/97

KitTen wrote:
> Sharon Davis <> wrote in article
> <>...
> > and who belongs to all of us and there are a bunch of chikens an duks tu

> > it sure is fun noing all of yu and i wud lyke to no more about all of
> > yu and yer moms and dads and stuff do yu no kit ten if yu do maybe yu
> > cud give her a kiss for me okay gotta go now pippy
> >
> Hi Pippy,
> Ize KitTen. Ize got my name cuz when Ize was a kitten, Paw thought Ize was
> a boykittie N named me Bob. Well, when he took me to TED they told him
> that Ize was a gurlkittie. He didnt think Bob was a gud name for a
> gurlkittie N just called me KitTen until he could think of a gud gurlkittie
> name. He never did (Paw iz stoopid sometimes).
> Maybe weez cood go to thuh soda fown-tin N meow a little. Theyz dont have
> furry many sada glasses so weez might hafta get jist one sada N two strawz.
> KitTen

that wuz furry clevur KitTen! Not to menny glasses, that is gudgud!



Jan 7, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/7/97

Sharon Davis wrote:
> <<<<wow Pip, youz got soz cited you furgot to breeth! Watch owt cuz you
> mite
> faynt and then yur mommy mite take you to TED! What kinda big
> aminals
> duz yur mommy haf?>>>
> but i dont no what is ted and i doooo get cited so i will try to slow
> down my mom has one big boy cow named bob who is soooo giant you
> wudnt want to be round him even tho my mom sez he is bery sweet and
> wuldnt hurt a flea oops i shuldnt say that huh sorry and she has one
> donkey named fanny who was ubuzed when she was liddle and is bery scared
> of everyone but mom and dad and she also has one boy gote named dolar
> who has reel long floppy ears and plays with fanny and bob it is bery
> sad cuz she used to have lots of gotes and she had to sell all of the
> herd before subrina and i came along we also have bubba who is a dog

> and who belongs to all of us and there are a bunch of chikens an duks tu
> it sure is fun noing all of yu and i wud lyke to no more about all of
> yu and yer moms and dads and stuff do yu no kit ten if yu do maybe yu
> cud give her a kiss for me okay gotta go now pippy

TED is Thuh Evil Doktor! Hez thuh one who giffs kittys shots and fixes
them when thays not broke and giffs medsins to mommys and daddys. But
mommy seys that itz nesisary to see TED soz we don be sik.

you haff lots aminals at yur howse! I don no if I wud like that cuz Iz
furry shy. I don like new peeple at all! But my sisfur Malusee duz, she
likes anyone who will pet hur. We haz one fish inna tank too. we uzed
to haff a hammper named Nicki but she went to thuh Rainbow Bridge at
Kiss-A-Moose tyme. Gramma haz a d*g named Duffy but mommy calls him a
moose cuz hes so big! Hez sposed to be a duk dog but hez not, hez a bed
dog insted. When grammpa uzed to go huntin, Duffy wud stay at home an
keep gramma cumpany. but now thay all stay home an don go hunting.


ps Mommy thinks you ar keyute keyute!

Melanie Moore

Jan 7, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/7/97

Dis is an infurestin' thred bowt how kittiez got der names. Tu bad we don
haff gud stories on da subjec. Ize a calico tabby kitty so Mommy, who
isn't furry original, decided to call me Callie (fur Calico). Sumware
along da way, her frend started callin me Callie Sue 'n it stuck so dat's
my full name. Ize don reelly no why Maxwell is named Maxwell. Mommy sed
she wanted a tu syllable name dat cud be shortened 'n Maxwell jus seemed to
fit him. She konsiderd Samson also but Maxwell's glad she decided on
Maxwell (no offense, Samson - but Max jus isn't a Samson). Da kitty dat
lived heer fur awhile abowt a yeer ago (hissspit), J.B., got her name frum
her first hoomins. When day got her, Mommy's friend, Alice's, dotter was
in high skool 'n was datin' a guy who's nitials were J.B. 'n she wanted to
name J.B. after her boyfrend.



Jan 8, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/8/97

On Mon, 06 Jan 1997 17:55:21 -0500, (Boris*)

>>Well, pippy, KitTen iz ovfur in da fred "MEOW:WHens da Holiday Hop!"
>>an yu better hurry coz I fink sheze gonna start rollin all ovfur da
>>floor wiv Sammy (day izent in a sirius relashunship..jus havin fun) so
>>iffen yuse reel quick yu may be abull tu jump in betwwen dem an get a
>>kiss. Hee hee hee
>>Hey Boris*, get dem chares owt - weze got sum romancin tu watch!
>>Juanny (prowd SNAK) (and happily wink-winked)

>ooof. These chairs are heavy! Here ya go Juanny - have a seat!
Meow, thanx kittybuddy, heres a burdweiser - Shu, wun fur yu tu,
(maybe we shud have a fluffy tumors club, dats wat I had) ....Well
SNAKs, dares dis new kitty, Pippy, hoos furry nice and hoo we'll haf
tu explane abowt da SNAKs club coz he looks like he'll be kwaliffying
shortly....Ennyway Pippy haz takin a reel shine tu KitTen, an I meen
Shine, but KitTen iz in da midst uv gettin kwite *involved* wiv Sammy,
hoos so braneless abowt gurlkitties he probly doesnt no there iz a
diffrence between boykitties an iz terrified uv
KitTens underwares or da fort uv dem.....KitTen meenwile dosent no wat
tu do coz she donet want tu brake no boykitties hart or
lets jus sit bak an relax an enjoy a burdweiser or free (or fore)..

Juanny (wun an only winkwink uv Yarrow)


Jan 8, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/8/97

Well how I got mi name iz coz wen daddy (YAY) an mummy (hmmm)came tu
liv heer in Mew Zeeland frum Seeedney day got too uv uz mi an mi
sisfur, an daddy sez hes gonna call uz 1 an 2 coz weze so simlar. So
den we got called Juan (as in da spanish) an Tui (which is a bird heer
in Mew Zeeland) but day called me Juanny pretty qwikkly koz I wuz so
cute an adorable an did cool trick like fallin off da bed. Den Tui
went tu da bridge. We had Burger fur a liddle wile he wuz short fur
"Fur Burger" wich iz a bit rood, but he dident like uz an fownd a new
home. Da next cat wuz Rhubarb, all wite an a gurlkitty an she got
called dat coz dats wat she sed wen she purred
"rhubarb..rhubarb..rhubarb" an she went tu liv wiv mummy's dotter wen
she got married. Den fur ajis it wuz jus me an den mummy got furry
lonely wen hur liddle gransun went tu Holland an got Sammy. She
called him II Samuel coz she used tu share a flat wiv anuvver cat
called Samuel, so diz wuz da second wun plus heze in da Bible. Mr
Second Samuel dat iz. Mummy tells me hur furry furst kitty wen she
wuz too yers old wuz called Scaminy, mummy fort she made da name up
but 'parently she dident. She had a cat called Claude wen she wuz
yung too. Claude wuz a gurlkitty an had been called dat after a joke
abowt Claude Balls. I donet fink dats furry funny.

Dats ar name stories. We likes dis fred, its interestin how kitties
get dare names, wuddent it be a howl iffen we put how we got ar reel
names! Not dat we'd effer do dat uv corse, perish da fort!

Juanny (proud of having a spanish name)


Jan 8, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/8/97

>Shu, recent TED victim who has green threads in his naked chest where TED
>tore somethin out (he called it a fatty lipoma, whatever that is!)
>Mama's note: just a fatty tumor, not harmful, but we only found that out
>today from the lab results!

We're furry glad to hear that, Shu and Shu's momma!

Princess, Bootsie, Gizmo and Sassy


Jan 8, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/8/97

>Now a list of fings we hatez!
>Bobbie: Bein' kuddled by hoominz if it wazn't my idea

We secund that! Gizmo, Sassy and Princess

>Dylan: Any hoomin visitors to ourz house

I secund that! Gizmo

> Bein' picked up by hoominz
>All of us 'cept Samson: Visitin' TED
> Ridin' inna metalmonster
> Da GrowlMonster

All 4 of us secund alla them fings!


Jan 8, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/8/97

My name iz Wiver Bwue (River Blue) -- I got it fum Wiver Pheeniks (River
Phoenix), my mama's favowit actor. And Bwue came fum the bwue eyes I
had when I wuz born, but now they are tan-colored!

River Blue

P.S. Kitty, my mama's mama's cat, is named Kitty becuz that's all
mama's bwuther could say when he wuz two!


Jan 8, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/8/97

I was named after Mike Tyson, cuz I have HUGE feet with many toes and
mom thought they looked like boxing gloves. Mikey (whose whole family
was dumped)

I was named for Charlie Chaplin, cuz Mom said I looked like a Little
Tramp when she first saw me hiding under Dad's Jeep. Charlie (also

I was named Pauline, cuz when Mom first saw me, I was living under
Pauline's porch in West Virginia. Pauline (yep. dumped, too)

Mom says names just "appear." Then she says, "...and so do cats!" We
don't understand. Mike, Charlie, and Pauline [who don't understand
dumping cats either]

Ray/Fran Tock

Jan 8, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/8/97

A. Hutchinson wrote:

> Somecat call for chairs? I got a whole cart of em here! Whats the
> entertainment?
> Shu, recent TED victim who has green threads in his naked chest where
> TED tore somethin out (he called it a fatty lipoma, whatever that is!)
> Mama's note: just a fatty tumor, not harmful, but we only found that
> out today from the lab results!

Thats furry good news Shu. Weze furry glad for both you and your
Meowmie. We knows she was worrying about it.

Punkins & Puddi Cat

Nina Grays

Jan 8, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/8/97
ohhh dis iz when we gets to tell awl uv Troubles secrets...
Trouble waz naymed cause he waz always into trouble when he
waz a babee,, Dis waz evun more evident when he gotted a little
older an ated Meowmie's bikini tie and 10 feet uv kite string..
Britches waz naymed cause he is white wif black spots an wun
uv de spots liks like his pants iz fallin off hiz butt
I am Patches cause I iz a calico an daddie said it luked like I had
patches uv color all ofur me..
My bruvver Whiskers (RB) was a black tuxedo kittie wif white whiskers..
Uver kitties my fambly haz been owned by:
Mei Ling-- Siamese.. wanted an oriental sounding nayme
Midnight-- black persian (how oryginal, Meowmie!)
Yokel-- a manx/lynx cross.. he waz furry loud inna car onna way home.. Meowmie
                said he was yodeling.

Sharon Davis

Jan 8, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/8/97

<<<TED is Thuh Evil Doktor! Hez thuh one who giffs kittys shots and
them when thays not broke and giffs medsins to mommys and daddys. But
mommy seys that itz nesisary to see TED soz we don be sik.>>>

der caitlin, i am so glad yu tell me bout the TED cuz i have one tu
that is a lady TED and one time when i was liddle my mom and dad take me
there an my TED bring out a big needel and try to poke me to get some
blud but i screem as loud as i cud and meoww and scratch and make a
furry big fuss but she din even poke the needel yet so my dad cum
running frum the metalmonster where he was sittin and yell to my TED
"whot yu doing wif my cat" and "are yu killing my cat" and stuff and so
i screem more and more and she don even poke me yet and my TED jus laff
cuz she no my dad and she kep it up til she finalee poke me and it dont
hert that much but i was jus havin fun <chuckle, snort> now when i go
back to my TED they all say "is pippy goin to screem?" and sumtimes i do
and sumtimes i dont...thas a pretty gud joke huh?

and i lyk yer animules too but yu dont sound too shy to me cuz yu are
bery frenly and rite tu me and stuff i am so sorry for nickie and
maybe yu can get another hamper some day but be sure to not let yer
hoomins put clothes in it cuz maybe that is why he die and tell duffy
that gud for him cuz we dont lyke hunting tu cuz there are hoomins wif
guns and we think that sumtime they mite shoot dolar cuz he luk jus lyke
deer cept for his ears

thanx for yer bery nice leder and hope we cud rite more

luv pippy

ps tell yer mommy that she is some grate mommy and maybe we cud trade

A. Hutchinson

Jan 8, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/8/97

Kami wrote:
> >Shu, recent TED victim who has green threads in his naked chest where TED
> >tore somethin out (he called it a fatty lipoma, whatever that is!)
> >
> >Mama's note: just a fatty tumor, not harmful, but we only found that out
> >today from the lab results!
> We're furry glad to hear that, Shu and Shu's momma!
> Princess, Bootsie, Gizmo and Sassy
> --------------------------------------------------------
> Dogs think they're human. Cats wouldn't stoop that low.

Yah! We were too! Mama did the hoomindanceofabsolutejoy when she heard
and she was at the workplace!

Shu, recent TED victim with string in his skin


Jan 8, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/8/97

Bevness wrote:
> Cheryl L. Rankin wrote:
> >
> > "KitTen" <> wrote:

Well, Socks got hiz name cause he's got four white socks. He also likz
every kitty to no that he iz the original Socks (being almost 16 years
old) an anuver kitty wif this name mus be a copy kat! He's not furry
nice about sharing.

Lucy got her name frum youngest humin son. She wuz sposed to be his kat
an he wanted to name her Lucifer after something in a song, but meowmie
said NOWAY. So he named her Lucy Fur an according to Socks she fitted
dis name real gudgud when she furst came to live at hiz house. By the
time humin son found a place to live that took katz, meowmie woudn't
give her up so she stayed wif us and son got another kat. Shez such a
sweet an quiet adult kat dat the dumb humins call her Lucy Love. Shez
not much fun to play wif.

My name iz Ghengis Cat. Iz named after a humin who lived a longlong
time ago. Meowmie sez his name wuz Ghengis Khan and he's furry famous.
Iz sure he must hav been a furry sweet an loveable person jus lik me.


/\_/\ Paula and friends:
=( ^*^ )= Ghengis, Lucy, Socks and Blizzard
/ ~ \ Buddy, Dusty and Nes
( 1 1 )
~^ ^~_) see us at:


Jan 9, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/9/97

Kitsen <> wrote in article

> KitTen, that reminz me of how I got my name. Fur a while I had lots of
> diffrent names cuz our famly cudn't decide on wun. But Alison started
> callin me Kitsen which was da name of meowmie's fren, and I gess it waz
> better dan da rest cuz it stuck. Then when I found rpc Alison wanted to
> make my name sound furry dignified and speshul cuz I iz speshul, so she
> made my full name Kitsen T. Kat (I hav never told anyone what da T stands
> for, though in the Tufgirlkitty thred I joked that it stood fur Tuff).
> I go by everything from Kitsen, Kitsen Kat, Kitsen T. Kat, Kit Kat
> (acshully I just made that up), and Kits. Oh, and I hav a speshul
> onlee my truluvz and my immediate family know.
> Kitsen

Thuh similarities in our names just keeps on amazing me!

My full name is KitTen T. Kat. The 'T' stands for "The". I usually jist
go by KitTen. When signing legal documents, of cource I use my full name.

I wuz called K.C., short for Kittie Cat for a little while. It was
pronounced like Casey. Paw finks if he gets another cat (hissspit) he
would name it K.C/Kittie Cat/Casey that way one kittie cood have three

KitTen T. Kat


Jan 9, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/9/97

Jen <> wrote in article <>...

< snipped for the serfur >

> TED is Thuh Evil Doktor! Hez thuh one who giffs kittys shots and fixes
> them when thays not broke and giffs medsins to mommys and daddys. But
> mommy seys that itz nesisary to see TED soz we don be sik.

> Caitlin

Yoo forgot to mention Mr. Thermometer. He'z gunna learn about it soon
enough. It would be best if he heard it frum yooz.



Jan 9, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/9/97

Kitsen <> wrote in article

This might be a gudgud idea! Ize feel reel bad fur Sammy. He's a reelreel
nice boykittie. You N I cood double date! It would be lotsa more
comfortable fur efurrykittie if we go on a double date.

Sammy, Sammy! Pippy, Pippy! Any thoughts on dis!


Pam Bartlett

Jan 9, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/9/97

In article <> "A. Hutchinson" <> writes:
>From: "A. Hutchinson" <>
>Subject: Re: MEOW: Stuff I like
>Date: Wed, 08 Jan 1997 13:33:43 -0800

Hey Shu--I's doin a kittydanceofjoy at this news. You'll be all better soon!
(mom's just been lurking lately, she don't let us type much)


Jan 9, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/9/97

Well, my name is Charlie - and this of course
means 'Charlemagne' the Great and Magnificant...

For those of you not so firm in history:
Charles the Great was a BIG KING with millions of
chicken pies in a palace made of plush, he had
golden litter boxes, scratching trees as high
as skyscrapers, and an army of slaves offering
goodies to him whenever he wanted some.
He's now living in heaven, along with Jimi Hendrix
and E.T.A. Hoffmann.
That's where is my name from!!

Only my Mom uses to tell a stupid story about
her favorite actor C. Chaplin - she always says
when I was a kitten I walked exactly like him...
Uh, I've watched that guy walking - no majesty,
no dignity, no nonchalance at all....

Guess she's badly in the need for
some glasses..


A. Hutchinson

Jan 9, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/9/97

Ray/Fran Tock wrote:
> A. Hutchinson wrote:
> >
> (snip)
> >
> > Somecat call for chairs? I got a whole cart of em here! Whats the
> > entertainment?
> >
> > Shu, recent TED victim who has green threads in his naked chest where
> > TED tore somethin out (he called it a fatty lipoma, whatever that is!)
> >
> > Mama's note: just a fatty tumor, not harmful, but we only found that
> > out today from the lab results!
> Thats furry good news Shu. Weze furry glad for both you and your
> Meowmie. We knows she was worrying about it.
> Punkins & Puddi Cat

Well, I cant wait for these itchy strings to get taken away! Ive been
pullin at em for days now!

But my mouth feels better now that the broken tooth is gone, er but dont
tell mama or TED, I want them to feel reeeeeeeal bad for what they put me
through! ;-3
Shu, DOC

Kim Bart

Jan 10, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/10/97

(story of names snipt, sorry, it's the server's fault not mine)

>Mommys boss haz a cat named Yoda aftur thuh Star Wars moovie and a kitty
>named Auto cuz he wuz found inna car az a liddle bitty kitten.

My granma had a cat named Yoda too! She says its because she has big

My name is Stinky because, well, sometimes I am!

-Stinky (and purrowd of it)

Robert Pindell

Jan 12, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/12/97

Our hoomin says that cats name themselves.
My full name is Kammerjäger Ärgernis Katze. Why it is is German our
hoomin never said. The name means Exterminator (like "pest control")
Nuisance Cat. Our hoomin said that when I was a kitten I was very
careful to inspect the corners for bugs many times every day. I also
caught lots of crickets and grasshoppers. I even had a big tarantula
cornered one time but the bigger hoomin scooped me up before I could do
anything to that bigbig spider. He also said that I was always under
foot and a nuisance. Kammerjäger got shortened to Jäger but I am still
a nuisance because it is funfunfun.


I named myself too.
My full name is Dé jà vu Alloveragain. My hoomin said that I did
everything that Jäger had done when he was a kitten. So with me it was
"déjà vu all over again," as a certain baseball player once said. My
name got shortened too and I go by Dé jà vu. I know that it should be
"Déjà vu" not "Dé jà vu." I put the space in the middle of my name
because kitties all know how hoomins sometimesrunalltheirwordstobether
when they yell at us and I wanted to be different from those hoomins
thatrunalltheirwordstogether. After all my hoomin ran all the words in
part of my name altogether and I didn't like that.

Dé jà vu


Jan 12, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/12/97

D&PGubanc wrote:
> I was named after Mike Tyson, cuz I have HUGE feet with many toes and
> mom thought they looked like boxing gloves. Mikey (whose whole family
> was dumped)

whut about yur nickname Mikey? MBBT???

(I think its a cute nickname, I just don member how you gots it!)


Jan 12, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/12/97

Kim Bart wrote:
> (story of names snipt, sorry, it's the server's fault not mine)
> >Mommys boss haz a cat named Yoda aftur thuh Star Wars moovie and a kitty
> >named Auto cuz he wuz found inna car az a liddle bitty kitten.
> >
> >Caitlin
> My granma had a cat named Yoda too! She says its because she has big
> eers.

dats whut thay sayd too! Thay sayd that when Yoda wuz borned, he luked
like that Yoda purrson.



Jan 13, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/13/97

Aloha, efurrycat!

I try post dis before, but my hoomin put it in da wrong place! Cannot trust
dem hoomins sometime...gotta keep wun eye on everyting dey do, make sure
tings all OK.

Wanna say HI to all da uddercats cuz everybody havin so much fun here. My
name Makana. I'm wun seven months old girlkitty, da black kine with white
on da throat. My name Makana because in Hawaiian means "gift," and that's
what I wuz. Also means "reward" and "prize," and I tink dats _really_ what
I am!

I try come here nudder time like dis cuz so many nice cats here. An' I
appolo...apo...uh, I sorry for postin' in da wrong place first time. Maybe
some cats can help me control my hoomin mobettah--I still young and

Aloha pumehana,
Owner of Steve

Steve Okino *** Honolulu, Hawaii USA ***

Kate Ashley

Jan 13, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/13/97

Kittydanceovjoy CAITLIN!!!!! Purrscheekrubs your oneanonlee Rors

Rosemary Gafner, Ed.D.

Jan 14, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/14/97

You'z doing a furry gudgud job of training your hooomin so fur! 1) You got
on the pooter; 2) you got to post dis messij, and 3) (hopefully) you will
get yur hoomin to reply. YOu follow dis 1-2-3 regimine and evenntually da
hoomins will learn!!!
==Cody & Bebe

"Makana" <> wrote in article

Lynne Dancer

Jan 14, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/14/97

> >"KitTen" <> wrote:
> >>
> >>Ize KitTen. Ize got my name cuz when Ize was a kitten, Paw thought Ize was
> >>a boykittie N named me Bob. Well, when he took me to TED they told him
> >>that Ize was a gurlkittie. He didnt think Bob was a gud name for a
> >>gurlkittie N just called me KitTen until he could think of a gud gurlkittie
> >>name. He never did (Paw iz stoopid sometimes).
> >
> >Ourz Mommy's kousin hadda dog named Puppy till dey kould fink of a good
> >name fur a dog. He waz still named Puppy when he went to Rainbow Bridge
> >at age 12. Sumtimez dose temporary namez stick wif yew.
> >Yew iz lucky to end up wif a name like KiTten! A friend of Mommy'z
> >hadda kat named Bubba. Well, when Bubba had kittens, *she* got
> >re-named Bubba-Sue. See? KitTen iz a good name!

<snipped for stoopid Netscape>

Wez all got names that describe us. We also have alternate names to be
called when our given ones don't fit. Stinker, meowmie's first kitty,
was also called Sh*thead cause he was such an impish kitty.
Mellón's name means "Friend" and she is really friendly to efurryone.
Meowmie says she came right over to see her when she came to take her
Harry's full name is Harry Houdini. Meowmie says he is the greatest
escape artist cat she has efur seen. Meowmie also thought he would be a
shorthair kitty. She is embarresed to say she has a longhaired kitty
named "Harry". Other hoomins think she named Harry after his fur.
I am called Bandit. Meowmie says I stole her heart when I played dead
in her back yard. Ize not stupid, It convinced Paw to let me IN. Meowmie
wasn't going to adopt me cause she said she had too many cats.


Pam Bartlett

Jan 14, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/14/97

In article <> D Motheral <> writes:
>From: D Motheral <>
>Subject: Re: MEOW: How sum kats got named
>Date: Tue, 14 Jan 1997 14:51:38 -0800

>> Wez all got names that describe us. We also have alternate names to be
>> called when our given ones don't fit. Stinker, meowmie's first kitty,
>> was also called Sh*thead cause he was such an impish kitty.
>> Mellón's name means "Friend" and she is really friendly to efurryone.
>> Meowmie says she came right over to see her when she came to take her
>> home.
>> Harry's full name is Harry Houdini. Meowmie says he is the greatest
>> escape artist cat she has efur seen. Meowmie also thought he would be a
>> shorthair kitty. She is embarresed to say she has a longhaired kitty
>> named "Harry". Other hoomins think she named Harry after his fur.
>> I am called Bandit. Meowmie says I stole her heart when I played dead
>> in her back yard. Ize not stupid, It convinced Paw to let me IN. Meowmie
>> wasn't going to adopt me cause she said she had too many cats.
>> Bandit

>Me name is Oberon Enniskitten. Me meowmie sez I am an Irish kat, and
>Oberon iz the king of the fairies in a play by Shakezpeer (whoever dat
>iz), and Enniskitten iz a play on wordz becuz there iz a town in Ireland
>named Enniskillen. I prefur to be kalled Obie. Itz easier dat way! Da
>other name haz too menny silabulz.Dey also call me boykitty and meowmie
>kalls me her lil boy. I luv hearing about all the other katz namez.
>Luv & Fishez,

I'm Webster and my mom says I got named Webster because when I was just a tiny
baby (I don't remember that far back) when the sun shined on my very long face
hairs, it looked like I was surrounded by webs which became Webster! That's


Jan 14, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/14/97

On Mon, 13 Jan 1997 13:32:39 -1000, ("Makana") wrote:

>Aloha, efurrycat!
>I try post dis before, but my hoomin put it in da wrong place! Cannot trust
>dem hoomins sometime...gotta keep wun eye on everyting dey do, make sure
>tings all OK.
>Wanna say HI to all da uddercats cuz everybody havin so much fun here. My
>name Makana. I'm wun seven months old girlkitty, da black kine with white
>on da throat. My name Makana because in Hawaiian means "gift," and that's
>what I wuz. Also means "reward" and "prize," and I tink dats _really_ what
>I am!
>I try come here nudder time like dis cuz so many nice cats here. An' I
>appolo...apo...uh, I sorry for postin' in da wrong place first time. Maybe
>some cats can help me control my hoomin mobettah--I still young and
>Aloha pumehana,
>Owner of Steve

Meow an Aloha tu yu, Makana!

Weze Sowf Pasifick kitties frum Mew Zealand. Weze got werds like
yores heer in ar country. We sez Aroha, it meens luv. Weze got miffs
heer abowt kitties long long ago comin heer in canoes frum Hawaiiki, a
lejinderry place dat no-kitty nose ware it iz. We finks its Hawaii,
coz it sownds da same.

Ka kite ano, Makana (dat meens see ya later! An da "kite" iz
pronounced like wat we iz, kitty - sort uv)

Sammy an Juanny

D Motheral

Jan 14, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/14/97

David Arnett

Jan 14, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/14/97

"KitTen" <> wrote:
> > Ize KitTen. Ize got my name cuz when Ize was a kitten, Paw thought Ize was
> > a boykittie N named me Bob. Well, when he took me to TED they told him
> > that Ize was a gurlkittie. He didnt think Bob was a gud name for a
> > gurlkittie N just called me KitTen until he could think of a gud gurlkittie
> > name. He never did (Paw iz stoopid sometimes).
> >

> > KitTen

Kitsen <> wrote:
> KitTen, that reminz me of how I got my name. Fur a while I had lots of
> diffrent names cuz our famly cudn't decide on wun. But Alison started
> callin me Kitsen which was da name of meowmie's fren, and I gess it waz
> better dan da rest cuz it stuck.

> Kitsen

Meow, my name is Mittens and I got my name in a very similar way. When
I was a stray in the OUT in Pouncer's yard, I was called 'kitten'.
Pouncer knew me by that name so when my humans adopted me they needed a
similar name so Pouncer would know it. I'm a mainly black tortie
girlkitty with black legs and white paws, so they callen me Mittens.

^. .^ Pouncer and Mittens, wink*winks since 1980
==^== North York, Ontario, Canada
See us and David as a human kitten at

David Arnett

Jan 14, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/14/97

Meow, my name is Pouncer. I think it's pretty obvious how I got my
name; I like to Pounce on anything that moved. 17 years later I still

Mew, my name is Mittens. When I was a stary OUT kitty in Pouncer's
yard, the humans called me 'kitten'. When they toom me in, Pouncer knew
me by the name 'kitten' so they needed a name that sounded similar. I
have black legs and body with white paws so they named me Mittens.

Mike Arquilla

Jan 15, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/15/97

Lynne Dancer wrote:

> Wez all got names that describe us. We also have alternate names to be
> called when our given ones don't fit. Stinker, meowmie's first kitty,
> was also called Sh*thead cause he was such an impish kitty.
> Mellón's name means "Friend" and she is really friendly to efurryone.
> Meowmie says she came right over to see her when she came to take her
> home.
> Harry's full name is Harry Houdini. Meowmie says he is the greatest
> escape artist cat she has efur seen. Meowmie also thought he would be a
> shorthair kitty. She is embarresed to say she has a longhaired kitty
> named "Harry". Other hoomins think she named Harry after his fur.
> I am called Bandit. Meowmie says I stole her heart when I played dead
> in her back yard. Ize not stupid, It convinced Paw to let me IN. Meowmie
> wasn't going to adopt me cause she said she had too many cats.
> Bandit

Meow! My name is Shadow, and most hoomins fink it iz becuz I am a
greay-grey kitty.
Mommy sez that she named me Shadow cuz when she brought me IN from da
OUT, I follwed
her eferywhere in da house. Mommy & Daddy also call me Fuzzybottom
(dat's Daddy's idea)
and da Beast of Tweny Thousan Meows cuz I wake dem up at nite so's dey
can play wif me.
Mostly dey jus turn ofer && go back to sleep, tho. Silly hoomins. Don't
dey know da best
time to play iz inna dark?



Jan 15, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/15/97

Ize got a name story. See, until just last year, I alwaze thawt my name
was SweetLittleBittyAdorableKittyCat cuz that's what Alison callz me
allada time!


Alison's web page:
Kitsen's web page:
White Cat Club:


Jan 15, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/15/97

In article <>, ("Makana") wrote:

> In article <>,

> (AJS) wrote:
> >Meow an Aloha tu yu, Makana!
> >
> >Weze Sowf Pasifick kitties frum Mew Zealand.

> OBOYOBOY! More da kine cats from dis part of the wurld! Aloha, Sammy and
> Juanny! Mus be da kine hot now in Mew Zealand--almost as hot as here!

> >Weze got werds like yores heer in ar country. We sez Aroha, it meens luv.

> Dats good, yeah? We need more da kine Aloha and Aroha among uscats...I try
> tell my hoomin dat too, allatime.

> >Weze got miffs heer abowt kitties long long ago comin heer in canoes frum
> Hawaiiki, a
> >lejinderry place dat no-kitty nose ware it iz. We finks its Hawaii,
> >coz it sownds da same.

> Den maybe we related! I tink wecats all related anyway, 'cuz I feel like
> part of ohana wid youze (dat means "family). My hoomin try tell me about
> the voyaging canoes, but cannot understand. I lucky I born here, 'cuz I
> never wanna go "canoe"---dat has to go onna water, yeah? And Ize SCARED of
> da kine water!

Waaaaah!!! Ize not frum a cule countree or state like yuze iz. Ize jist
frum plane old United States. And I only know too langqijiz: English and
Meow (my hoomin knows Spanish, though). Wait, hey! Ize marride to two New
Zeelind Kitties so that makes me part-New Zealandian (New Zealish?) :-)



Jan 15, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/15/97

>Meow an Aloha tu yu, Makana!
>Weze Sowf Pasifick kitties frum Mew Zealand.

OBOYOBOY! More da kine cats from dis part of the wurld! Aloha, Sammy and
Juanny! Mus be da kine hot now in Mew Zealand--almost as hot as here!

>Weze got werds like yores heer in ar country. We sez Aroha, it meens luv.

Dats good, yeah? We need more da kine Aloha and Aroha among uscats...I try
tell my hoomin dat too, allatime.

>Weze got miffs heer abowt kitties long long ago comin heer in canoes frum
Hawaiiki, a
>lejinderry place dat no-kitty nose ware it iz. We finks its Hawaii,
>coz it sownds da same.

Den maybe we related! I tink wecats all related anyway, 'cuz I feel like
part of ohana wid youze (dat means "family). My hoomin try tell me about
the voyaging canoes, but cannot understand. I lucky I born here, 'cuz I
never wanna go "canoe"---dat has to go onna water, yeah? And Ize SCARED of
da kine water!

Owner of Steve


Sharon Davis

Jan 15, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/15/97

<<<< And I only know too langqijiz: English and
Meow (my hoomin knows Spanish, though).>>>>

my hoomin knows spanish too...yay...does that make us related? course i
ony know english and i am learning the meow (i already know TED and Snak
and smurrlge and burdwizer and nip) and i am too sad to say that i dont
eben know where my winkwink KitTen is frum but she is still so purrrty
that it dozn even matter.



Jan 16, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/16/97

Welz. Ize named Solstice cuz dats when my meowmie an pawpy camed ta
getz me. Da udder catz is named feurry diferent wayz. My pawpy named da
big kitty Maniac cuz he waz one whens he wuz yung (a long, long times ago!
Hez alredy 6 yearz old!). Mweowmy sayz she had nofin ta do wif dat name
sins she wazn't wif daddy bak den (where wuz she???). Mynx an Jynx came
togefur, meowmy sayz, an Mynx got hiz name cuz he has mink soft fur an he
iz a little minx--wateffur dat meanz. Pawpy named Jynx, an I tat dat it
meaned she was bad luck at first, but meowmy sayz she likes high places
and is named for short or "hijinks" or sometin. I likes high places too,
so meebee she an me kin both go to high places an watch meowmie an pawpy
try ta get us downs *hehe* Ambrose wuz suppoed ta be Ambrosia, but
efrryone gaved meowmy a prolem wif dat cuz he wuz a boy and dat sounded
like a gurl, so's it got changed. an dats all der iz to it!



Jan 16, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/16/97

On Wed, 15 Jan 1997 18:53:25 -0600, (Kitsen) wrote:

>Waaaaah!!! Ize not frum a cule countree or state like yuze iz. Ize jist
>frum plane old United States. And I only know too langqijiz: English and
>Meow (my hoomin knows Spanish, though). Wait, hey! Ize marride to two New
>Zeelind Kitties so that makes me part-New Zealandian (New Zealish?) :-)

Dats rite Kitsen, yu kin apply fur a NZ passport coz yuze married tu
*tu* New Zealanders! Den yu kin have dewell sittyzenship! (I fink -
maybe da USA orforities wont let yu....ask Christofur Esq)

Juanny & Sammy


Jan 16, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/16/97

Hiii derz,
Ize gotz nameded Duncan, cuz it means dark warrier. Ize is darke
graey, anz Ize is a fightr. Ize dident mynd the odder cat hizzin at mez,
and Ize got virrrrry sick befores Ize wuz nameded, and Ized fought it.
Mies big sistr wuz named Hobbes, cuz she looked likes the tiger from the
comic strip.

Seez ya later,

* Melanie B. Renfrew *
* e-mail: *
* Department of Geography *
* Brock University *
* St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada, L2S 3A1 *


Jan 17, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/17/97

In article <>, Sharon Davis <> wrote:

> <<<< And I only know too langqijiz: English and
> Meow (my hoomin knows Spanish, though).>>>>

> my hoomin knows spanish too...yay...does that make us related? course i
> ony know english and i am learning the meow (i already know TED and Snak
> and smurrlge and burdwizer and nip) and i am too sad to say that i dont
> eben know where my winkwink KitTen is frum but she is still so purrrty
> that it dozn even matter.
> luv,
> pippy

Yeah, we must be related iffn botha our hoomins speek Spanish. And if
KitTen is your winkwink, then I must somehow be related to hur, which must
be why we have such similar names!

Kitsen T (for The-Answers-Are-Coming-To-Me-Now) Kat

John & Melinda Sheridan

Jan 18, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/18/97

U.S. law for quite some time did not allow for dual citizenship but I
believe the policy was changed. However, it only applies to hoomins.
Cats, being the superior creatures that we are, are under no obligation
to follow hoomin rules and can be the citizens of as many countries as
they wish. We do not need passports either. This makes for ease of
travel. Clarence, the President, I'm sure, will back me up on this.

-Christofur, esq.
Cat Attorney-at-Law

Sharon Davis

Jan 18, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/18/97

<<<U.S. law for quite some time did not allow for dual citizenship but I
believe the policy was changed. However, it only applies to hoomins.
Cats, being the superior creatures that we are, are under no obligation
to follow hoomin rules and can be the citizens of as many countries as
they wish. We do not need passports either. This makes for ease of
travel. Clarence, the President, I'm sure, will back me up on this.

-Christofur, esq.
Cat Attorney-at-Law>>>

boy mr. esq., you are bery smart wif this legal stuff...and yu aren't
eben a beagle.....go figure


Ann Katholi

Jan 18, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/18/97

Jen <> wrote:

>Sibyl wrote:
>> In <97006.093...@MAINE.MAINE.EDU> Cheryl L. Rankin
>> <CHE...@MAINE.MAINE.EDU> writes:
>> >
>> >
>> >Me an' Dylan iz named aftur one of Daddy'z fav'rites, Bob Dylan.
<big snip>

>Mommys boss haz a cat named Yoda aftur thuh Star Wars moovie and a kitty
>named Auto cuz he wuz found inna car az a liddle bitty kitten.

hel O, Mom sez i can post stead of lurkin (bin lurkin 4 a wile). Ize
named Leia 'cause TED called me Yoda the furst time Meowmie took me 2
him (I onli wayed 1 pound then) I put mi ears down & look lik Yoda.

But Meowmie said i needed a gurl name (Ize a mostly white calico, so
it was pretty sur ize a gurl kitty), and Princess Leia was the onli
gurl in STar Wars. My liddle hoomin, Will, foought that a kitty wif a
Star Wars name would be gud!

After dey made up der minds to call me Leia, Daddee said he oncet new
a calico named Tearalong, the dotted lion. Meowmie tinks dat would
have been a gud name for me, tu, cause i act mor lik a lion than a
space princes! i am a luv bite specialist & like to pounce on pheet!

Ann Katholi
CIS 73740,74
I speak for me, not UAB


Jan 19, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/19/97

Sharon Davis <> wrote in article

He's chief justice of the United States or the United Nations of Cats. Ize
furget which one. He's a furry gud atturny. Ize herd he even had lunch
with Judge Wapner.



Jan 19, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/19/97

>U.S. law for quite some time did not allow for dual citizenship but I
>believe the policy was changed. However, it only applies to hoomins.
>Cats, being the superior creatures that we are, are under no obligation
>to follow hoomin rules and can be the citizens of as many countries as
>they wish.

Tanks, Christofur, esq! I wanna be wun citizen of the Sovereign Nation of
Hawaii, and I wun U.S. kitty too. Kitsen, you can be wun Hawaiicat too, and
so can you Sammy and Juanny! Den maybe I can be da kine honorary Mew
Zealand cat.

Ray/Fran Tock

Jan 19, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/19/97

Ann Katholi wrote:
> Jen <> wrote:
> >Sibyl wrote:
> >>
> >> In <97006.093...@MAINE.MAINE.EDU> Cheryl L. Rankin
> >> <CHE...@MAINE.MAINE.EDU> writes:
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >Me an' Dylan iz named aftur one of Daddy'z fav'rites, Bob Dylan.
> <big snip>
> >Mommys boss haz a cat named Yoda aftur thuh Star Wars moovie and a
> >kitty named Auto cuz he wuz found inna car az a liddle bitty kitten.
> >
> >Caitlin
> hel O, Mom sez i can post stead of lurkin (bin lurkin 4 a wile). Ize
> named Leia 'cause TED called me Yoda the furst time Meowmie took me 2
> him (I onli wayed 1 pound then) I put mi ears down & look lik Yoda.
> But Meowmie said i needed a gurl name (Ize a mostly white calico, so
> it was pretty sur ize a gurl kitty), and Princess Leia was the onli
> gurl in STar Wars. My liddle hoomin, Will, foought that a kitty wif a
> Star Wars name would be gud!
> After dey made up der minds to call me Leia, Daddee said he oncet new
> a calico named Tearalong, the dotted lion. Meowmie tinks dat would
> have been a gud name for me, tu, cause i act mor lik a lion than a
> space princes! i am a luv bite specialist & like to pounce on pheet!
> Leia

Meow Leia - what a pretty name for a girl kitty. Weze Punkins & Puddi
Cat, almost 5 torties. Theres lotsa stuff to do here, join in whenever
youze wants to. Ifn you have stories to share, we all would love to
hear them. Take care.

Punkins & Puddi Cat

Jan 19, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/19/97

In article <>, John & Melinda Sheridan <> writes:
> AJS wrote:
>> On Wed, 15 Jan 1997 18:53:25 -0600, (Kitsen) wrote:
>> >Waaaaah!!! Ize not frum a cule countree or state like yuze iz. Ize jist
>> >frum plane old United States. And I only know too langqijiz: English and
>> >Meow (my hoomin knows Spanish, though). Wait, hey! Ize marride to two New
>> >Zeelind Kitties so that makes me part-New Zealandian (New Zealish?) :-)
>> >
>> >Purrs,
>> >Kitsen
>> >
>> >--
>> Dats rite Kitsen, yu kin apply fur a NZ passport coz yuze married tu
>> *tu* New Zealanders! Den yu kin have dewell sittyzenship! (I fink -
>> maybe da USA orforities wont let yu....ask Christofur Esq)
>> Juanny & Sammy
> U.S. law for quite some time did not allow for dual citizenship but I
> believe the policy was changed. However, it only applies to hoomins.
> Cats, being the superior creatures that we are, are under no obligation
> to follow hoomin rules and can be the citizens of as many countries as
> they wish. We do not need passports either. This makes for ease of
> travel. Clarence, the President, I'm sure, will back me up on this.
> -Christofur, esq.
> Cat Attorney-at-Law

That's right. After the inauguration ceremony that we're having Monday,
all human laws will be changed anyway. I will be posting my inauguration
speech in the morning and soon VP Galaxy and I will be announcing
our appointments to government positions.


Cheryl L Perkins

Jan 20, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/20/97

John & Melinda Sheridan ( wrote:

: AJS wrote:
: >
: > On Wed, 15 Jan 1997 18:53:25 -0600, (Kitsen) wrote:
: >
: > >Waaaaah!!! Ize not frum a cule countree or state like yuze iz. Ize jist
: > >frum plane old United States. And I only know too langqijiz: English and
: > >Meow (my hoomin knows Spanish, though). Wait, hey! Ize marride to two New
: > >Zeelind Kitties so that makes me part-New Zealandian (New Zealish?) :-)
: > >
: > >Purrs,
: > >Kitsen
: > >
: > >--
: > Dats rite Kitsen, yu kin apply fur a NZ passport coz yuze married tu
: > *tu* New Zealanders! Den yu kin have dewell sittyzenship! (I fink -
: > maybe da USA orforities wont let yu....ask Christofur Esq)
: >
: > Juanny & Sammy

: U.S. law for quite some time did not allow for dual citizenship but I
: believe the policy was changed. However, it only applies to hoomins.
: Cats, being the superior creatures that we are, are under no obligation
: to follow hoomin rules and can be the citizens of as many countries as
: they wish. We do not need passports either. This makes for ease of
: travel. Clarence, the President, I'm sure, will back me up on this.

: -Christofur, esq.
: Cat Attorney-at-Law

My hoomin found the hoomin rules the hard way. She wuz born inna US, but
wuz taken to KANADA when she wuz a baby. Then thu Kanadians wouldn't give
hur a passport 'cuz she was Americun, cuz she spent a cupple of months
there. The 'Mericans gave her a passport, but wanted hur to pay taxes,
On What?? She sed. Im a poor student wif no income.

No one effer asked me or Mandy what our na-shee-on-al-ty is!

Meomie is pretty sure we was both both born in Canada. Mandy wuz a
free-to-gud-home cat. Meomie hadda luk at Mandy's first home, and her
momcat. (No one seems to no who the dadcat wuz.)

Meomie was finiking about gedding a Siamese, but wun uf her hoomin frends
told her that there was a 'bandoned cat which was beein cot inna trap.
She luked at me fru the bars, sed 'She has a pritty face; she has to be
cheked out by TED The hoomins wif da trap sed why shud we pay TED's fees
... Noone 's going to pay TED's fees but Meomie.

TED sed I wuz helfy, and Meomie brot me home.


Cheryl Perkins

Kate Ashley

Jan 22, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/22/97
to Vivian

Vivian wrote:
> x-no-archive: yes
> Please forgive me, as I am about to be very rude. But after
> reading this thread, I now understand why everyone bolted to
> alt.animals.feline. _Geez._ I _don't_ understand why this
> stunted glossolallia is still so popular here but it must be
> because some of you truly enjoy putting aside whatever elocution
> skills you learned years ago, preferring to babytalk your way
> through Cyberspace.
> IMVHO, r.p.c. doesn't need a RFD or CFV on _several_ new NGs,
> just on two: one for people who write as if they actually
> finished school (or at least went), and one for these people (see
> below). Call the new NG rec.pets.cats.babytalk. Leave everthing
> in the NG which is currently written in adult English in r.p.c.
> Everything will be fine. And the big cat fans can have a lot of
> their group back because people won't be running as fast as their
> legs can carry them to get away _from_ r.p.c. _to_ a.a.f. What
> do you think, folks?
> Vivian
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Vivian lighten up. The thread is plainly marked "MEOW" if you do not
care for the phonetic style then you may skip them easily. However, it
is not "baby talk", you may be interested to know that there are people
in Britain who actually have a dialect where the words "thing" is
pronounced "fing", "anything" is pronounced "anyfing", etc. Kate

Russ Hash

Jan 22, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/22/97

Vivian wrote:
> x-no-archive: yes
> Please forgive me, as I am about to be very rude. But after


> legs can carry them to get away _from_ r.p.c. _to_ a.a.f. What
> do you think, folks?
> Vivian

I can't really tell you what I think, as my Grandmother raised me to
be more of a lady than that.
When I first joined RPC I too found MeowChat to ba annoying and,
well, downright stupid. But, I took the time to read some and soon got
caught up in all the stories that the 'cats' had to tell and was very
And yes I admit it, I too have started posting in MeowChat, and have
found everyone there so nice, warm and welcoming, that I plan to stay a
long time!
Being virtually housebound I have come to depend on the friends that
I have made on-line.
If you don't like MeowChat _don't read it_. Its really that simple.
The vote should be soon, and you can make your voice heard there. I
feel sorry for anyone that has to resort to name calling to get their
point across. To me it just seems childish.

typing for Precious, Squeaker and even the d*g duchess

Ginger Glaser

Jan 22, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/22/97

mvc@[] (Vivian) wrote:

> x-no-archive: yes
>Please forgive me, as I am about to be very rude. But after

>reading this thread, I now understand why everyone bolted to
>alt.animals.feline. _Geez._ I _don't_ understand why this
>stunted glossolallia is still so popular here but it must be
>because some of you truly enjoy putting aside whatever elocution
>skills you learned years ago, preferring to babytalk your way
>through Cyberspace.
> IMVHO, r.p.c. doesn't need a RFD or CFV on _several_ new NGs,
>just on two: one for people who write as if they actually
>finished school (or at least went), and one for these people (see
>below). Call the new NG rec.pets.cats.babytalk. Leave everthing
>in the NG which is currently written in adult English in r.p.c.
>Everything will be fine. And the big cat fans can have a lot of
>their group back because people won't be running as fast as their

>legs can carry them to get away _from_ r.p.c. _to_ a.a.f. What
>do you think, folks?

Gosh, I am sorry you are so worked up over stories about how cats got
their names. Some of us think they are cute, and this one was clearly
marked in a MEOW thread, so ANYONE can easily ignore it - they don't
have to run away.

And BTW - the no archive command doesn't work too well when others
follow up with the article with the whole thing and your name
included, which I do to all who try to hide rude posts


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