XanaNews Statistic for rec.pets.cats.health+behav. 1/1/2022 12:17:43 AM
From article 198501 (1/1/2021 6:42:30 AM) to article 198683 (12/2/2021
4:06:21 AM)
Number of threads ................... 31
Number of articles .................. 183
Average articles per thread ......... 5.90
Number of unanswered posts .......... 18
Number of posts from XanaNews users .. 13
Top Threads
Ranking Articles Subject
------- -------- ----------------------------------
1 89 Solution manual Soil and Groundwater Remediation :
Fundamentals, Practices, and Sustainability (Chunlong Zhang)
2 13 Beware of dry/hard food!
3 11 XanaNews Statistic for rec.pets.cats.health+behav.
10/1/2021 12:19:22 AM
4 10 Safe way to attach Seresto flea collar
5 9 3 cats in a house
6 7 Re: Solution Manual Advanced Mechanics of Materials
and Applied Elasticity (6th Ed., Ansel C. Ugural & Saul K. Fenster)
7 7 Big cat stopper
8 5 XanaNews Statistic for rec.pets.cats.health+behav.
12/1/2021 12:28:59 AM
9 4 Re: OT: Gold aluminum plus isopropyl alcohol equals
purple color?
10 3 Rock'n'roll Pudding Pie
11 3 XanaNews Statistic for rec.pets.cats.health+behav.
9/1/2021 7:38:35 AM
12 2 Nothing Up My Sleeve!
13 2 XanaNews Statistic for rec.pets.cats.health+behav.
8/1/2021 5:26:59 AM
Top Posters
Ranking Articles Name Most Used Newsreader
------- -------- -------------------------- --------------------
1 95 Edward Hernandez
2 41 John Doe Xnews
3 19 The Doctor XanaNews
4 6 Peter W. G2
5 5 Mark Carroll Gnus
6 5 Mack A. Damia MicroPlanet-Gravity
7 4 Marcelo Francisco de Sousa G2
8 3 Corvid Mozilla
9 2 Ezuldeen Alnas G2
10 1 The Cat Care G2
11 1 reilloc Mozilla
12 1 Maria Klink G2
Top Newsreaders
Ranking Articles Newsreader Users
------- -------- -------------------------------------------- -----
1 95 <unknown> 1
2 41 Xnews 1
3 14 G2 5
4 13 XanaNews 1
5 6 trn 1
6 5 Gnus 1
7 5 MicroPlanet-Gravity 1
8 4 Mozilla 2
The lie of USenet is dying is rebuff by these statistics
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