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Maurine Unsworth

Dec 9, 2023, 9:22:57 AM12/9/23
Our World 1 Student's Book PDF Download: A Great Resource for English Learners

If you are looking for a way to improve your English skills and learn more about the world, you might want to check out Our World 1 Student's Book PDF Download. This is a digital version of the popular textbook that is designed for young learners of English. In this article, we will tell you what this book is about, what you can learn from it, and how you can download it for free.

What is Our World 1 Student's Book?

Our World 1 Student's Book is part of a series of textbooks that are published by National Geographic Learning, a division of Cengage Learning. The series consists of six levels, from Starter to Level 6, and each level has a Student's Book, a Workbook, a Teacher's Book, and other supplementary materials.



The Student's Book is the main component of the course. It contains nine units that cover different topics related to the world, such as people, food, music, sports, history, and communication. Each unit has four lessons that focus on vocabulary, grammar, reading, listening, speaking, and writing skills. The book also features authentic and engaging videos from the BBC that introduce the topics and provide additional information.

What can you learn from Our World 1 Student's Book?

Our World 1 Student's Book is a great resource for English learners who want to expand their knowledge and skills in the language. By using this book, you can:

Learn new words and phrases related to the topics of each unit.
Practice different grammar structures and functions in context.
Read texts that are adapted from National Geographic magazines and other sources.
Listen to dialogues and conversations that are recorded by native speakers.
Speak about your own opinions and experiences on the topics.
Write texts that are appropriate for different purposes and audiences.

In addition, you can also learn more about the world and its cultures by watching the BBC videos and reading the Culture sections in each unit. These sections provide interesting facts and stories about different countries and people around the world.

How can you download Our World 1 Student's Book PDF?

If you want to download Our World 1 Student's Book PDF for free, you can do so by following these steps:

Go to this website:
Click on the link that says "Download PDF".
Save the file to your device or cloud storage.
Open the file with a PDF reader or an online tool.
Enjoy reading and learning from Our World 1 Student's Book PDF!

You can also download other materials from the same website, such as the Workbook, the Audio CD, and the Teacher's Book.


Our World 1 Student's Book PDF Download is a valuable resource for English learners who want to improve their language skills and learn more about the world. It offers a variety of activities and materials that are suitable for young learners of different levels and interests. You can download it for free from the website mentioned above and start using it right away. We hope you find this article helpful and enjoy reading Our World 1 Student's Book PDF!


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