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Wild crow with broken wing

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Tim Miller

Dec 15, 2001, 3:34:39 PM12/15/01

There are a lot of wild crows around my neighborhood. I often observe
them when I take my morning health walk. Sometimes I feed them roasted,
unsalted peanuts still in their shells. They take them occasionally.
These birds interest me.

This morning I found a full grown wild crow that appeared to have a
broken wing. Some other crows appeared to be harrassing it. I was able
to capture it without hurting it. I brought it home, gave it a safe,
warm comfortable place to hide, with food and water. It's very quiet,
isn't eating. It's alert. No doubt in pain, terrified, possibly in
shock. Probably in shutdown mode.

I called several vets, but none will touch it. A couple said it's
against the law in California to treat wild animals, unless owned by
licensed zoos, or something like that. I called animal shelters. None
are interested in rehabilitating the bird.

If the bird survives and the wing heals imperfctly, so the bird can't
fly, or can't fly adequately, I'm willing to give it a home as long as
it lives.

I have no idea what its chances of survival are, if I give it shelter
food and water..

I'm wondering if I should try to put a splint on the broken wing myself,
but don't know how.

I'm wondering if the bird will survive in captivity without a splint on
its wing.


Tim Miller


Dec 15, 2001, 5:00:39 PM12/15/01
Hi Tim,
I might reccomend calling your local Audubon society chapter or a nature
conservancy organization. Perhaps they can/will steer you in the right
direction.Post your location in this NG and perhaps someone here can help or
direct you. Here in PA, we have licensed wildlife rehabilitators and
facilities. I appreciate your compassion for the injured crow. Sometimes,
as cruel and heartless as it may seem, the fate of some birds and animals
are best left in mother nature's hands.I love the crows..been watching them
for years with interest. The same 'family' has used my yard as their
personal territory for years. I am sure the crow appreciates your help, in
any case..and good luck.

best wishes,
June (e PA)

"Tim Miller" <> wrote in message

Louis J. Boyd

Dec 15, 2001, 6:33:20 PM12/15/01

I'd keep trying to find someone who could can the wing properly but it
needs to be done soon. Without that it the bird won't fly again, at
least not well enough to survive on it's own. The wing can't just be
left to flop around, so if you can't find help do your best with a
splint. Could the bird live a long time in captivity? Of course, quite
likely longer than it would on it's own assuming it gets a better diet
and is free from predators. If the bones fuse but not properly it
isn't much worse off than so many pet birds which have had their wings
clipped for years. They'll never fly again either. It's even likely
to become a good pet though it's likely to take a year or more. As
you were told the bird is illegal to keep. I know what I'd do and that
would not include advertising that I have the bird on the internet.

It would be nice if someone knowledgable in your area reads this and
volunteers to help the bird. It's probably too much to hope for
considering potential loss of license and income. Perhaps someone here
could at least give a "hypothetical" short course on how to splint a
wing. I'm not knowledgable

From "A bird owners handbook" by Carl A. Gallerstein DVM:
Broken bones
A thorough history and complete physical exam are very important.
Fractures are usually not life threatening, but if a bird is in shock
this must be treated first. Once the patient is stable, X-rays will be
necessary to determine which bone is fractured and how seriously and the
best course of treatment. For fractures to heal properly, the pieces
must be realigned and rigidly held together to prevent internal
movement. External stabilization (bandages and splints) is often
adequate. In some instances, internal stabilization (surgery) using
metal pins and wires will be necessary. Broken bones heal in about four
weeks. General supportive care should be provided as needed.

He also warns "Attempts at home repair cannot be recommended", and "if
bandages are improperly applied they can do more harm than good".

If you mention the general area you live in perhap someone could advise
you of a place which would be willing help.
Lou Boyd

Laurence Jackson

Dec 15, 2001, 6:45:59 PM12/15/01

I have to ask Tim, should a crow thats spent its entire life in the
wild, be ever kept in captivity? Especially as corvids are such
intelligent and thus stressed birds, what kind of life would it lead?

Firstly, you need to check that the wing is indeed broken and so get
it to a vet asap. Phone the local zoo, ask them who treats their birds
or if they can reccomend a local avian vet. It may not be broken, in
which case there is a chance it could eventually be released. If it is
broken, well you have a problem, as the bones may have already started
to heal. Don't start trying to apply splints yourself. From my own
humble experience of rescuing corvids, take comfort from the fact that
you have almost certainly saved this bird from an unpleasant and
prolonged death and have the crow humanely put to sleep.

I think the important issue is the crows' quality of life, not its
lifespan. In the wild, it may not live for more than a few years (many
die within their first year) but I think that is almost irelevant
here. Anyway, good luck Tim and let us know what happens.



Louis J. Boyd

Dec 15, 2001, 8:14:53 PM12/15/01
High Flight wrote:
> On rec.pets.birds, Louis J. Boyd <> says...

> > I'd keep trying to find someone who could can the wing properly but it
> > needs to be done soon.
> Or he could just eat it fresh.
> Jack

I really need to proof read more thoroughly ;-)

Tim Miller

Dec 15, 2001, 8:44:05 PM12/15/01
Hi again,

I got three thoughtful, messages, plus one tragic waste of electrons.

Here's a combined reply to all.

If I could find a wild animal rescue society that would treat and
rehabilitate the bird, I would gladly turn it over. After making some
inquiries, I have gotten the impression that animal rescue societies
have major funding problems and that sick or injured crows are pretty
low on their priority lists. My fear is that they will "accept" the bird
without promising me anything, and then just kill it or let it die.

I live in Lodi, Calfifornia, between Stockton and Sacramento, a little
closer to

Comments about my compassion are appreciated, but a little off target. I
understand that death is part of life for animals, wild, domestic and
human. I'm not trying to save the bird from death necessarily. If I can,
I will. If it returns to its wild ways, fine. If it dies, I won't be
stricken with sadness. If it can't fly too well or becomes partly
domesticated and a frequent visitor to my back yard, I'll think that's
pretty cool. I won't try to keep it domesticated against its will.

I understand it's against the law. Given that it would be dead by now if
I hadn't taken it home and given it shelter, I don't think this is going
to be a high priority police item. If I had raided a nest to get a baby
bird to raise as a pet, I would deserve to go to jail. In my opinion...

I don't think I will succeed in finding a vet or rescue society to
intervene, though I'm open to suggestions.

Apparently, trying to splint the wing myself is a bad idea.

That leaves me with three options:

1-Put it back where I found it, where it will die a slow miserable death.

2-Euthanize it myself.

3-Try to keep it quiet, safe and well-fed while the wing heals to the
point that the bird is no longer in pain. It might survive the attempt,
it might not. If it survives, it probably won't fly well. In that case,
I'll give it food and shelter for as long as it lives.

How does the group vote?

If anyone votes for choice #3, I'd appreciate some practical suggestions
about how to succeed.

Someone said that its life would be miserable as a semi-domesticated pet
dependent upon me for food and shelter. I don't violently disagree. I
don't necessarily disagree at all. I don't necessarily agree either. The
matter seems quite debatable. I understand some people have deep
feelings on this topic. I respect such feelings, but don't feel
obligated to agree.

I hope the foregoing comments will generate further suggestions.

Best regards,

Tim Miller

--my return email address is spam-resistant. Do the obvious to reply
privately. TM


Dec 15, 2001, 8:46:49 PM12/15/01
In article <>, says...

> I called several vets, but none will touch it. A couple said it's
> against the law in California to treat wild animals, unless owned by
> licensed zoos, or something like that. I called animal shelters. None
> are interested in rehabilitating the bird.
> Suggestions?
> Tim Miller

Thanks for trying to help. The bird needs to go to a qualified wildlife
rehab. Your State Department of Natural Resources or whatever they call
it in California should have a list, also US Fish and Wildlife Offices.
If there are any National Wildlife Refuges near you they often know who
does wildlife rehab. If there is university or college nearby you can
call the biology department and ask for the professor who studies birds.
Also, I've found that Wild Birds Unlimited stores often know the local
rehab numbers. For some reason local agencies like law enforcement and
animal shelters in my part of the country don't seem to be tied into the
wildlife rehab network and you have to try alternative sources such as
those above to get a local phone number.
As long as there's no internal bleeding the crow should be fine till
Monday when you try these calls. Don't try to set the wing yourself - you
could only cause more damage and letting it wait a day won't hurt.

Good luck

Andrew Longtin

Dec 15, 2001, 9:23:08 PM12/15/01
Start here...


"June" <> wrote in message news:3c1bc731$

David G Fisher

Dec 15, 2001, 10:00:06 PM12/15/01
Wildlife rehabbers can be found at this site:

All of the following wildlife rehabbers will almost surely take a crow, and
are located in California.

California..... 818-899-5201

The Wildlife Waystation
California, Apple Valley (Mojave Desert)

Annie Lancaster, TortoiseAid International
Wildlife Species: turtles, tortoises (all species), reptiles and amphibians,
small mammals
California, Arcata..... 707-822-8839

Kathi Pollard, Humbolt Wildlife Care Center
California, Berkeley..... 510-848-0729

Robin G Pulich, Lindsay Wildlife Museum (volunteer)
Specialty: 12 years of experience with orphaned and injured
hummingbirds and poorwills
California, Bishop..... 760-872-1487

Cindy Kamler
California, Campbell/San Jose area, Santa Clara..... 408-559-7379

Norma Campbell (President), Injured and Orphaned Wildlife, Inc.
Wildlife Species: ground squirrels, tree squirrels, oppossums, other rodents
Wildlife Species: small mammals-- specialty all squirrels tree and ground
opossums. also do woodrats

Central California

California, Central, Fresno County (Fresno)..... 559-346-1457

Lisa Dufur (team leader), Fresno Wildlife Rehabilitation or
Wildlife Species: small mammals and songbirds only
California, Central, Fresno County (Fresno)..... 209-298-3276

Cathy Garner, Fresno Wildlife Rehabilitation
California, Central, Fresno County (Fresno)..... 209-225-4607

Alyce Guest, Fresno Wildlife Rehabilitation
Wildlife Species: herons and small mammals
California, Central, (Morro Bay)..... 805-772-4065

Pat McCullough, Pacific Wildlife Care
Wildlife Species: All baby birds...especially hummingbirds
California, Central, Stanislaus County..... 209-537-2624

Renee Rhoy, Stanislaus Wildlife Care Center


California, Concord..... 925-680-1380

Wanda Nash, Lindsay Wildlife Hospital
Wildlife Species: tree squirrels (species manager at facility), ground
squirrels, chipmunks
California, Dunsmuir..... 530-235-4783

Susan Thomas, Shasta Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation
Specialty: raptors, creance conditioning, songbirds, orphans
California, Fairfield..... 707-207-0380

Coleen Doucette (Wildlife Rehabilitation Manager), International Bird Rescue
Research Center
Wildlife Species: waterfowl and aquatic birds only
Comments: IBRRC specializes in oiled bird rescue and rehabilitation and does
extensive research related to oiled birds
California, Northwest, Mendocino County (Fort Bragg)..... 707-964-7023

Feather Forestwalker (Volunteer), Critter Care Wildlife Rescue Team
Wildlife Species: birds (precocial, altricial, small raptors, including
corvids, passerines, and waterfowl
California, Ft. Jones (Siskiyou County)..... 530-468-5287

Nancy & Rick Meredith, WRI Wildlife Rescue Center
California, Grass Valley..... 209-743-0867

Kevin Kormylo, president, Feather River Wildlife Care
California, Hughson..... 209-883-9414

Roselyn Cunningham, Stanislaus Wildlife Care Center
California, Huntington Beach..... 714-374-5587

Greg Hickman (manager), Wetlands & Wildlife Care Center of Orange County
SPECIALTIES: avian (especially seabirds), small mammals, and oiled birds
Comments: the center cares for approximately 5,000 animals per year (mostly
California, Joshua Tree..... 760-369-1235

Rae Packard (Director), Joshua Tree Tortoise Rescue
Wildlife Species: California Desert Tortoise
California, Kenwood..... 707-833-6727

Marjorie Davis, Wildlife Fawn Rescue
Wildlife Species: Black-tailed Fawns and Western Gray Squirrels
California, Lake County..... 707-928-6665

Sandie Elliott, Lake County Wildlife Rescue & Rehabilitation Center
Specialty: hold a BS in Avian Science
California, Lakeside..... 619-443-3692

Sally Lambert, Emergency Wildlife Rehab
Wildlife Species: opossums, raccoons
California, Lakeside..... 619-561-9169

Grace Parrott, San Diego Humane Society and Wildlife Center
Wildlife Species: birds and mammals
California, Long Beach..... 562-434-0141

All Wildlife Rescue and Education
California, Los Angeles..... 310-208-3631

Daniela Ortner, International Wildlife Education & Conservation (IWEC)
Specialty: Enrichment Specalist, Animal Trainer & Behaviorist
Certfied Animal Evaluator
California, Malibu..... 310-457-WILD

Rebecca Dmytryk, Malibu Wildlife Center and Emergency Response
Specialty: Marine mammal rescue
California, Malibu..... 800-938-3553

Susan Tellem, executive director, American Tortoise Rescue
Wildlife Species: turtles and tortoises only
Comments: fax 310-589-6101
California, Marin County..... 415-898-2337

Mary Jo Wheeler, foster care volunteer, hummingbird team, WildCare
(Terwilliger Nature Education and Wildlife Rehabilitation) (San Rafael, CA)
Wildlife Species: Hummingbirds only
Specialty: extensive experience in hummingbird rehabilitation
California, Mission Viejo..... 949-380-8719

Leslie Hall, Opossum Society of U.S., Critter Care of CA
Specialty: opossums and other small mammals, veterinary technician
California, Modesto..... 209-526-4313

Jeffrey G. Sabean, Stanislaus Wildlife Care Center (SWCC)
California, Morgan Hill..... 408-779-9372

Sue Howell, W.E.R.C., Wildlife Education & Rehabilitation Center
Specialty: native wildlife rehabilitation - primarily birds, wildlife
and internships
Comments: IWRC accredited facility; member of CCWR, NWRA, and IWRC
California, Morongo Valley..... 760- 363-1966

Jim Byrd, Morongo Basin Wildlife Rehab. Station
Wildlife Species: birds
California, Napa..... 707-224-HAWK

Wildlife Rescue Center of Napa County
California, Newark..... 510-797-9449

Patricia Castle, Ohlone Humane Society Wildlife Rescue and Rehab
Wildlife Species: raccoons

Northern California

California, Northern, Butte County (Paradise)..... 530-877-2749

Sue Bernard, Bidwell Wildlife Rehabilitation Center
Comment: 24 hr emergency number is 916-343-9004 (recorded message
with names and numbers of members on call)
California, Northern, Mendocino County (Willits)..... 707-459-9539

Cathy Ortiz (Director), Willits Wildlife Rehabilitation Team
California, Northern, Shasta County (Redding)..... 530-275-8188

Kelly Jensen-Mullins, Shasta Wildlife Rescue
Wildlife Species: Corvids, Tyrant Flycatchers
California, Northern, Sonoma County..... 707-869-8212

Jan Tindell, licensed wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: jack rabbits and cottontails

Northwest California

California, Northwest, Sonoma/Mendocino Counties (Laguna/Niguel/Irvine).....

Linda Evans (Executive Director), Pacific Wildlife Project
Specialty: 22 years rehab experience. Training for volunteers,
and wildlife professionals. Published articles, help publications and
training materials. Very
experienced in hummingbirds, and all passerines. Special expertise in care
of Pelicans and seabirds.
treated over 3000 pelicans. networking agency with other facilities and


California, Novato..... 415 893-9532

Patricia Winters, educational/rehabilitation director, California Bat
Conservation Fund
Wildlife Species: bats only
Comments: alternate phone No. 510 843-0620 Maggie Hooper
California, Paicines..... 831-628-3400

Meredith Pipestem, director, Nan Pipestem Wildlife Rehabilitation Center
Comments: fax 831-628-3641
California, Palmdale..... 310-724-9643

Share Bond, C.A.R.E.S. (California Animal Rehabilitation & Education
Specialty: skunk rescue, rehabilitation, statistical research, release
FAX number: 661-264-4400
California, Palo Alto..... 650-494-2578

Susie Brain, Wildlife Rescue, Inc.

California, Ramona..... 619-789-2324

The Fund for Animals Wildlife Rehabilitation Center
Comments: fax 619-788-2029
Wildlife Species: coyotes, bobcats, mountain lions, and birds of prey
California, Rancho Palos Verdes..... 310-378-9921

Ann C. Lynch, South Bay Wildlife Rehab
Wildlife Species: All native Calif. birds, orphaned native small mammals
California, Sacramento..... 1-888-599-WILD

Sacramento Wildlife Care Association
California, Sacramento..... 916-486-4293

Sue Solomon, licensed wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: snakes and lizards ONLY
California, San Francisco..... 415-753-3201

Barbara London, Wildcare (San Rafael, CA)
Wildlife Species: Hummingbirds and California songbirds
California, San Jose..... 408-283-0744

Wildlife Center of Silicon Valley
California, San Mateo County..... 650-340-8200

Peninsula Humane Society, Wildlife Department
California, San Rafael..... 415-382-8674

Coral Cotten, WildCare
California, San Rafael..... 415-456-7283

WildCare, 24 hr. Wildlife Hotline
California, Santa Monica..... 310-915-0485

ReBecca J. Naughton
Wildlife Species: hummingbird rehabilitation
California, Santa Rosa..... 707-526-9453

Debra Gracia, Sonoma County Wildlife Rescue
Wildlife Species: small mammals
California, Solono County..... 707-429-4295

Monique Liguori, Suisun Wildlife Center

Southern California

California, Southern, Los Angeles County (San Dimas)..... 909-592-4900

Judy Everett, Wild Wings of California
Wildlife Species: Passerines, non-passerines, and raptors

Southwest California

California, Southwest, Orange County (Irvine)..... 714-536-3538

The Opossum Society of the United States
Wildlife Species: orphaned and injured opossums
Specialty: public education
California, Southwest, San Diego County (San Diego)..... 619-225-WILD

Project Wildlife
Wildlife Species: native birds and mammals
California, Southwest, San Diego County (San Diego)..... 619-291-4587

Diana Sieberns (President), Wildlife Center
California, Southwest, San Diego County (San Diego)..... 619-749-8160

Marvin Snell, Wildlife Center of San Diego
Comments: fax 619-749-8304
California, Southwest, Santa Barbara County (Santa Barbara).....

Claudia Armann, Santa Barbara Wildlife Care Network, (publicity director)
Wildlife Species: seabirds, songbirds, and small mammals
Comments: If you have a wildlife emergency do not send an e-mail,
but instead please call our helpline number above. Our Care Center at 3601
State Street is open from 8 a.m. to dark
California, Southwest, Santa Barbara County (Santa Barbara).....

Estelle Busch, Bird of Prey Preservation Program
Wildlife Species: we have rehabbed raptors, sea birds,mammals, songbirds
California, Southwest, Santa Barbara County (Santa Barbara and Santa
Ynez)..... 805-689-5719

Julia Di Sieno, Santa Barbara Wildlife Care Network & W.I.L.D.E.S.
Wildlife Species: foxes, fawns, bobcats, skunks, racoons, oposums,
squirrels, chipmunks;
will take most mammals
Species: mule deer (have permit to rehab), foxes


California, Sutter Creek..... 209-267-5867 (animal care, rescues, and
emergencies only)

Tri County Wildlife Care
209-296-7389 (all other calls, M-F 8-6 PST)
(Amador, Calaveras, and San Joaquin counties) (director of animal care)
or (main address)
California, Thousand Oaks..... 805-482-7617

Sharron Baird, Wildlife Care of Ventura County
Wildlife Species: tree squirrels
California, Topanga..... 310-455-4088

Susan Alice Clark and Ken Mazur, Topanga Animal Rescue
Wildlife Species: birds and small mammals (can stabilize/transport large
mammals), veterinary technician (ER/critical care)
Comments: cover only the Topanga Area
California, Ventura..... 805-667-4878

Wildlife Care of Ventura County
Comments: WCVC is a volunteer organization that cares for injured
and orphaned native birds and small mammals in Ventura County.
California, Walnut Creek..... 925-935-1978

Lindsay Wildlife Museum
Specialty: California native wildlife: rehabilitation and medical care,
volunteer management
California, Walnut Creek..... 925-937-3917

Lisa Windflower, Lindsay Wildlife Museum
Specialty: Bats and Hummingbirds, Bat Education Programs

West Central California

California, West Central, Monterey County (Pacific Grove).....

Peggi Rodgers, licensed wildlife rehabilitator
California, West Central, San Luis Obispo County..... 805-543-WILD

Pacific Wildlife Care
Comments: For wildlife emergencies please do not send e-mail; call the
hotline number listed above.


California, Westwood..... 530-256-2744

Pam Yeates, Wildlife Rehab
Wildlife Species: raptors, small mammals and songbirds
California, Windsor..... 707-838 2659

Al Ravani, Bird Rescue of Sonoma County
Wildlife Species: Swallows (all kinds) Swifts and Crows and Ravens-(advice
California, Yolo County..... 530-753-9453

Liz Cook, Yolo Wildlife Rescue
Specialty: Opossum care and handling; Wildlife around the home -
appreciating, discouraging, humane removal

"Tim Miller" <> wrote in message


Dec 15, 2001, 9:59:12 PM12/15/01

Hi, Tim:

I read your posts. I hear what you are saying. I vote for #3. Who

Since you haven't gotten the practical help you asked for, I'll give you
my best guesses since I've never had a crow.

Logically, since they eat carrion, eggs and chicks, bugs, etc. (I've
seen them on the highway eating road kill), I'd feed it a canned meat
dog food right now. In the future, you may be able to mix dry dog food
into the mix. Offer fresh water. Keep him clean, dry and warm. In
parrots, warmth is really important when a bird is ill.

I wouldn't have any suggestions about splinting the wing. Of all the
nature rescue programs I've ever watched, I don't recall seeing any wing
splinting. I do recall seeing birds that can never fly again (from
waterfowl to birds of prey).

So, in my opinion which isn't worth lots in this area, one step at a
time for this little guy. Do your best and see what tomorrow brings.


If it's right for you, then it's right, . . . . . for you!!!

Play -
Pay for Play -
Looking for Love? -


Dec 16, 2001, 9:40:31 AM12/16/01
Laurence, what experience have you had for you to make an assumtion that the
crow will suffer in captivity?
I have reared several crows and none has suffered at all.
Tim, could you tell me where you think the break is. If you cannot find a
vet to treat the bird you could help it to heal purely by strapping the wing
so that it is held against the body. That non adhesive bangae which just
sticks to itself might be the thing to use. Are you sure about the vets?
Here in UK the vets *have* to treat injured wildlife regardless of wether it
is something I can legally keep or not. All part of their hyppocratic oath
or whatever it is they take.
Make sure first that any wound is cleaned properly using something like
hydrogen pyroxide, pull feathers away from the wound, then strap the wing
firmly but not too tight, against the body by wrapping the bandage around
the whole body, leaving the legs and vent clear. Keep it in a smallish cage
initially while the wing heals , checking daily for signs of infection.
Of course you may have to look closely for wounds if it had been shot with
something like an air rifle or bb gun as the pellets only make a small hole.
Keep trying the vets and if they refuse to treat the bird, comment on their
lack of compassion.

visit my website


aka head cage cleaner.

remove your teeth to reply

"Tim Miller" <> wrote in message


Dec 16, 2001, 9:42:47 AM12/16/01
as for feeding, I forgot to say, I fed my crows on tinned cat food, raw and
boiled eggs and just about anything else like table scraps etc. They will
eat just about anything and so are easy to keep. Luckily here in UK the
keeping of most of the corvid family isn,t illegal and I have been blessed
with several pets over the years.


aka head cage cleaner.

remove your teeth to reply

"David G Fisher" <> wrote in message

Terrie Murray

Dec 17, 2001, 12:03:31 PM12/17/01
I'm assuming from your post that there are no licensed rehabilitators in
your area? That's always the first line of defense. You can call the
National Wildlife Rehabilitators Association at (320) 259-4086 and they can
tell you if anyone in your area might be able to help. I'm surprised that
the vets and shelters you contacted could not direct you to someone who
could help, even though they were not willing to do the treatment

I admire your compassion. Unfortunately, the couple you spoke to is correct
about treating wild animals. Although seldom enforced, it's a violation of
the Migratory Bird Act for anyone other than a licensed rehabilitator to
possess or treat wild birds. A very frustrating situation for people in an
area where there are no licensed rehabilitators.

Good luck.

-- Terrie

Tim Miller wrote:

Terrie Murray (
Freelance Writer, Portland, Oregon
Suite 101:

Nature Store:

Terrie Murray

Dec 17, 2001, 12:06:55 PM12/17/01
Tim, I've taken the liberty of forwarding your message to a wildlife
rehabilitator friend of mine in Alabama. I'm hopeful she'll respond to you

-- Terrie

Tim Miller wrote:


Lou Boyd

Dec 17, 2001, 3:12:29 PM12/17/01
Terrie Murray wrote:
> I admire your compassion. Unfortunately, the couple you spoke to is correct
> about treating wild animals. Although seldom enforced, it's a violation of
> the Migratory Bird Act for anyone other than a licensed rehabilitator to
> possess or treat wild birds. A very frustrating situation for people in an
> area where there are no licensed rehabilitators.
> Good luck.

And to think our federal legislators just raised their pay to $150K per
year by not voting. King George only wanted a little tax paid for tea
Lou Boyd

Jan 14, 2014, 3:21:07 AM1/14/14
Not sure how long ago you posted this. My neighbors has a crow that has also broken it's wings and they leave food and water for the crow. He jumps from limp to limp to get down from the tree and jumps around pretty fast and sleeps in a barrel they have for him. He spends most of his time in the tree. It is very windy now and I was concerned about the elements. Did u build anything for ur crow? I called Wildlife rehab in Indio, California and they said if u catch him they will take him. I said that was too far for my neighbors and doubt if they can catch him. She gave a local place but when I spoke with her she basically said most likely the wing is broken and if it has been several days the wing has started to heal and would never fly again. It would be best to humanely take him and euthanize him. He will surely be killed by a predator. My neighbor keeps an eye on the crow and will not take mr crow to be euthanize. My thoughts are with you. But did u build anything to help the safety of the crow.

Jan 14, 2014, 5:52:32 PM1/14/14
On Tuesday, January 14, 2014 2:21:07 AM UTC-6, wrote:
> Not sure how long ago you posted this.

Really? are you that lazy that you can't find the date?
It was posted 12 years ago.

legal process

Jan 14, 2014, 6:40:43 PM1/14/14
<> wrote in message
Hey Jynx, give the poster a break. There are days when even I cannot respond
to every email and Usenet post.

BTW, I wrote to you awhile back. No need to stand on ceremony or to wait 12
<add 2nd smiley here>

Jan 29, 2014, 3:28:29 PM1/29/14
Yes, I saw that and I didn't see any reason to respond.

legal process

Jan 30, 2014, 11:27:26 AM1/30/14
I love you, too, Jynxie... Take care.

<> wrote in message

Jun 9, 2014, 3:12:17 PM6/9/14
Hi Tim not sure whats going on here still however I just had a crow as well brought to me hurt and dehydrated. I have fed it some ground worms and water and he is so happy and doing fine. I have him in a wicker basket in my maple tree safe and sound. My videos and pics are on facebook don't know if this will work but when its ready it will leave.

Jun 9, 2016, 11:46:15 AM6/9/16
If you keep him (because of an inability to fly properly), never ever cage him. They eat almost anything and will be perfectly happy living in your backyard.

Jul 19, 2016, 8:57:19 AM7/19/16
Hi Eddy I appreciate your compassion and hope you were able to help the crow!

Jul 29, 2016, 1:00:32 PM7/29/16
A baby crow just flew into the grille of a speeding car (just now) July 29,2016 9:00 am Sandpoint, Idaho on Boyer avenue. I ran out and picked it up in my robe. The other family crows are squawking like crazy.
I sat in the yard with it to let it die out of the didn't after a long time I let it just sit in the flew up on the roof so I thought good enough...sometime later it flew down by our bird bath...there are a lot of kids out of school walking by so we picked it up and took it to our fenced in back yard where there's no people or traffic. Sometime later it was over heating in the sun...without many options we put the injured crow in our big parrot cage and covered it with towlels and put on some soft background calmed right down...the next few hours will tell...

Dec 21, 2016, 12:00:55 PM12/21/16
In Iran some of the people are wicked wishes .they hurt crows with stones or gun.I found an injury crow with a broken wing.what can i do?i tried to cure it and bundling it but it broke all of the bonds that i made it.what can i do now?

Mar 8, 2017, 6:38:37 PM3/8/17
Dear Tim, I have had the same issue with finding a crow, so did my friend. If you would like to contact me, I don't know how long ago this issue came up for you or what you end up doing about it but I still have this issue actually both of them and they were living quite happily :). So if you still have yours we could maybe make all three of them even more happy with friends. Quality of life in a great community right?! Lol.

Mar 8, 2017, 6:42:11 PM3/8/17
Lol. Yes. Apparently at first but it doesn't show up in the screen as it is on my iPad right now,, I have to back out of it to see the date . if that's any compensation maybe others of had the same issue,, hate to jump to conclusions

Oct 7, 2017, 10:11:39 AM10/7/17
I have the same problem, a crow with a broken wing! However, I saw the bird with its wing somewhat dragging so we left water and food and it has learned to adapt to its new limitations. It will climb trees quite rapidly and go clear to the top jumping from limb to limb! This has been going on for 3 months now, not knowing how long before that the wing was broke. I worry with the winter coming on even though we live in a mild climate. Good luck with your Bird in need.

Jul 1, 2020, 5:27:16 PM7/1/20
Hello, I’m not sure how long you wrote this I’m not even sure what website this is. I found you using an Internet search because I’m in the exact same situation. I found a crow a few days ago with a wing hanging down who is in need of help. I tried calling around and there’s only one person in the Reno Nevada area who helps injured wildlife and she hasn’t called back.
I wanted to know what you did and what you think I should do. Thank you.



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Jul 6, 2020, 10:31:05 AM7/6/20
On Wed, 1 Jul 2020 14:27:15 -0700 (PDT), wrote:

>Hello, I’m not sure how long you wrote this I’m not even sure what website this is. I found you using an Internet search because I’m in the exact same situation.
I found a crow a few days ago with a wing hanging down who is in need
of help. I tried calling around and there’s only one person in the
Reno Nevada area who helps injured wildlife and she hasn’t called
>I wanted to know what you did and what you think I should do. Thank you.
This isn't a website, but a usenet discussion group. This post was
made years ago. Take it to a rehabber.

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