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dates for May Penns clave

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Peter Charles

Feb 12, 2004, 1:27:28 PM2/12/04
Can't find the thread on this so please advise.


Charlie Choc

Feb 12, 2004, 1:36:38 PM2/12/04
On 12 Feb 2004 10:27:28 -0800, (Peter Charles)

>Can't find the thread on this so please advise.

May 16-22 are the dates I wrote down.

Dave LaCourse

Feb 12, 2004, 1:48:29 PM2/12/04
Peter writes:

>Can't find the thread on this so please advise.

May 16 to the 23rd. That figures out to be around May 5 to the 10th in

Stan Gula

Feb 12, 2004, 2:29:03 PM2/12/04
"Peter Charles" <> wrote in message

> Can't find the thread on this so please advise.
> Peter

Most of us don't bring dates, because we're too into the '3 day old clothes,
man, you really need a shower' mode.

Tim J.

Feb 12, 2004, 2:32:52 PM2/12/04

"Stan Gula" wrote...
> "Peter Charles" wrote...

> > Can't find the thread on this so please advise.
> Most of us don't bring dates, because we're too into the '3 day old clothes,
> man, you really need a shower' mode.

And just how does this differ from your 'everyday' mode? ;-)

Stan Gula

Feb 12, 2004, 2:39:40 PM2/12/04
"Tim J." <> wrote in message

> "Stan Gula" wrote...
> > "Peter Charles" wrote...
> > > Can't find the thread on this so please advise.
> >
> > Most of us don't bring dates, because we're too into the '3 day old
> > man, you really need a shower' mode.
> And just how does this differ from your 'everyday' mode? ;-)

Actually, I usually clean up for fishing trips...

Peter Charles

Feb 12, 2004, 5:56:33 PM2/12/04
On 12 Feb 2004 18:48:29 GMT, dav...@aol.comPirate (Dave LaCourse)

I do hope the exchange rate works out cause I'm in Vancouver the week
of the clave in US dates. :((((

Business shit, can't get out of it.

I think I'm gonna go sulk now . . . .


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Visit The Streamer Page at

Dave LaCourse

Feb 12, 2004, 6:48:41 PM2/12/04
Peter writes:

>I do hope the exchange rate works out cause I'm in Vancouver the week
>of the clave in US dates. :((((
>Business shit, can't get out of it.
>I think I'm gonna go sulk now . . . .

Well, hell, quit. Suzie could start her own catering service and you could
fish all the time.

Sorry you won't be there. I plan on being there only a couple of days -
probably won't fish. I'll see you in early May?

Booked a trip - seven days in Alaska fishing for rainbow hogs and grayling.
More when I sees ya.


Frank Reid

Feb 12, 2004, 7:19:00 PM2/12/04
> I do hope the exchange rate works out cause I'm in Vancouver the week
> of the clave in US dates. :((((

Man, I was looking forward to some of that Canuckistanian beer. Gonna miss
ya. I'll catch a few for you.

Frank Reid
Reverse email to reply


Feb 12, 2004, 9:02:15 PM2/12/04
to says...

> I do hope the exchange rate works out cause I'm in Vancouver the week
> of the clave in US dates. :((((
> Business shit, can't get out of it.
> I think I'm gonna go sulk now . . . .

That sucks! I was looking forward to fishing with you again so I get
some more streamer lessons. :-(
Warren (who has two streamer boxes now thanks to tips and insights from
the "Streamer Man" Peter)
(use troutbum_mt (at) yahoo to reply via email)
For Conclave Info:


Feb 12, 2004, 9:46:39 PM2/12/04
What a bummer Peter........Maybe we could call a building inspector and have
him condem the building you are to met in....That was pretty mean of your
bosses to do that to you....I would never do that to my help....Your a pretty
nice guy Peter no matter what the pirate says about you we will miss you my

Handyman Mike
Standing in a river waving a stick


Feb 12, 2004, 10:54:47 PM2/12/04
Coming stag is OK. You don't need a date!

Lou T

Roger Ohlund

Feb 13, 2004, 2:41:28 AM2/13/04

"Peter Charles" <> wrote in message

> On 12 Feb 2004 18:48:29 GMT, dav...@aol.comPirate (Dave LaCourse)
> wrote:
> >Peter writes:
> >
> >>Can't find the thread on this so please advise.
> >
> >May 16 to the 23rd. That figures out to be around May 5 to the 10th in
> >Canuckistan.
> >Dave
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> I do hope the exchange rate works out cause I'm in Vancouver the week
> of the clave in US dates. :((((
> Business shit, can't get out of it.
> I think I'm gonna go sulk now . . . .
> Peter

Damn! I had hoped on meeting with you.



Feb 13, 2004, 6:55:49 AM2/13/04

"Lat705" <> wrote in message

> Coming stag is OK. You don't need a date!

True, but arriving with an escort DOES ensure that one's dance card is full,
thereby forestalling those awkward moments on stew night. :)


Peter Charles

Feb 13, 2004, 7:10:33 AM2/13/04

and I you. This is not a happy day . . .

Peter Charles

Feb 13, 2004, 7:11:13 AM2/13/04
On 13 Feb 2004 03:54:47 GMT, (Lat705) wrote:

>Coming stag is OK. You don't need a date!
>Lou T

ya, I might arrange something so I can get my Penns Creek fix . . .

Peter Charles

Feb 13, 2004, 7:13:01 AM2/13/04

the bitch of this . . . I have a good boss who has arranged such
conferences out of the sterile confines of a Montreal meeting room, as
a reward to her staff. This conference is being run in BC so we can
celebrate the BC guy's 25th anniversary with the bank

Tim J.

Feb 13, 2004, 7:57:52 AM2/13/04

"Peter Charles" wrote...

> On 13 Feb 2004 02:46:39 GMT, (Mike) wrote:
> >What a bummer Peter........Maybe we could call a building inspector and have
> >him condem the building you are to met in....That was pretty mean of your
> >bosses to do that to you....I would never do that to my help....Your a pretty
> >nice guy Peter no matter what the pirate says about you we will miss you my
> >friend........
> the bitch of this . . . I have a good boss who has arranged such
> conferences out of the sterile confines of a Montreal meeting room, as
> a reward to her staff. This conference is being run in BC so we can
> celebrate the BC guy's 25th anniversary with the bank

One word: Teleconference. Hell, if you're *really* good, you could tape your
appearance in advance. I'm sure the Millheim Hilton has complete teleconference
capabilities. ;-)


Feb 13, 2004, 7:58:13 AM2/13/04
>True, but arriving with an escort DOES ensure that one's dance card is full,

Do you use "escort" as an euphenism for "proffessional date"??

Lou T

George Adams

Feb 13, 2004, 8:38:11 AM2/13/04
>From: Peter Charles

>the bitch of this . . . I have a good boss who has arranged such
>conferences out of the sterile confines of a Montreal meeting room, as
>a reward to her staff. This conference is being run in BC so we can
>celebrate the BC guy's 25th anniversary with the bank

You need to take a page from Kinky Friedman's book and "develop a lifestyle
that doesn't require your presence."

(At least that's my goal.)

George Adams

"All good fishermen stay young until they die, for fishing is the only dream of
youth that doth not grow stale with age."
---- J.W Muller


Feb 13, 2004, 8:58:20 AM2/13/04

"Lat705" <> wrote in message

> >True, but arriving with an escort DOES ensure that one's dance card
is full,
> Do you use "escort" as an euphenism for "proffessional date"??

Well, I hadn't really given that any thought. I guess it doesn't
really matter much......what counts is not having to spend the entire
evening rejecting potential suitors. :(



Feb 13, 2004, 9:28:26 AM2/13/04

"Wolfgang" <> wrote in message

> Well, I hadn't really given that any thought. I guess it doesn't
> really matter much......what counts is not having to spend the entire
> evening rejecting potential suitors. :(

One of the oddest perhaps, and certainly eye-opening evenings of my young
adult life was attending a party as the guest of a gay friend. Talk about
spending the evening rejecting potential suitors. Probably my closest
glimpse of what it must be like for a woman in a singles bar. And I ain't
even that good looking.

Joe F.

Tim J.

Feb 13, 2004, 9:43:21 AM2/13/04

"rb608" wrote...

It may not have been your looks that sparked interest. Did you show them how you
could juggle burning sticks?


Feb 13, 2004, 10:52:23 AM2/13/04

rb608 wrote:

Reminds of the the start of a very depressing semester I spent in
Charleston, WV. I went out there before the school year started looking
for a place to live. For a number of reasons, there was a severe housing
shortage and I ended up living in the back of my car for a couple weeks.
I parked the car in a somewhat seedy neighborhood as I looked for
housing during the day. At night, I went out looking for a bar. Well,
the only bars were "private clubs" that required membership. Most
memberships were very prohibitive but I found two that basically just
charged a cover charge. However, they turned out to be what were
probably the only two gay bars in the State. I was young and even more
naive than I am today and it took me several days to figure it out while
getting bummed because I couldn't understand why I was getting hit on by
so many men. (Kinda slow I guess)



Feb 13, 2004, 11:23:29 AM2/13/04
Willi wrote:
> However, they turned out to be what were
> probably the only two gay bars in the State. I was young and even more
> naive than I am today and it took me several days to figure it out while
> getting bummed because I couldn't understand why I was getting hit on by
> so many men. (Kinda slow I guess)

Do you seriously expect us to believe that there were not only ONE, but
TWO gay bars in West Virginia (of all states!) -- in (I'd guess) the
70's? Jesus, Willi. What a whopper. :-)

When I was a starving graduate student in Minneapolis in the 70's, and
possessed a very large Malamute dog, the divorced woman I was living
with kicked me out. (It had something to do with her displeasure at my
enthusiasm for cleaning the snow off the roof, but there were deeper
issues.) Anyway, I found myself desperate for a place to live, with my
huge, shedding dog, so I grabbed on to the first opportunity. It was a
spectacularly messy house owned by an undertaker, with two crazy
Dalmations, a Great Dane, several cats, a yard full of dog shit, and a
borderline-psychopathic bodybuilder roommate. I soon found out that the
undertaker landlord was about the most well-connected (pardon the pun)
gay socialite in the city. The parties were unbelievable. I was
eventually kicked out after my dog broke several of his crystal
figurines while chasing a cat. You just can't trust Malamutes around cats.

I expect KenF is going to make something of this, because he likes to
bait me by calling me gay. So what? I'm a straight man with no
homophobia. If a gay man hits on me, it's a compliment. KenF is the one
with a homophobia problem, which strikes me as out-of-character with his
otherwise progressive political views.

Cut "to the chase" for my email address.

Tim J.

Feb 13, 2004, 11:20:47 AM2/13/04

"Willi" wrote...

Yeah, well, you're not the only one. While visiting our office in Cardiff,
Wales, and after a particularly difficult day, my boss and I decided to find a
local pub to unwind. As my friends in Europe can attest, the pubs are the center
of much more social activity there than here in the U.S. There was a big
football game on, and all of the pubs were so crowded we couldn't even work our
way to the bar to get a pint. All the pubs except one, that is. . . But, they
poured the same Guinness as the other pubs and we traded our macho pride for a
few pints. Nothing else was traded - no, really.
(not that there's anything wrong with that.)

Ken Fortenberry

Feb 13, 2004, 12:12:14 PM2/13/04
rw wrote:
> ...
> I expect KenF is going to make something of this, because he likes to
> bait me by calling me gay. So what? I'm a straight man with no
> homophobia. If a gay man hits on me, it's a compliment. KenF is the one
> with a homophobia problem, which strikes me as out-of-character with his
> otherwise progressive political views.

Before Kristine and I got married we lived in a Chicago neighborhood
in transition. It was a rundown Latino section of town when we moved
in but it quickly became "gentrified" by yuppies who bought up the
relatively cheap properties and rehabbed them. If you know Chicago,
the neighborhood is called Lakeview, Wrigleyville or Boy's Town. It
is the center of Chicago's gay community. I actually preferred the
gay bars to the vapid fern bar meat markets frequented by frat boys
turned stock brokers and airheaded bimbos in search of their MRS.
At a gay bar you could have intelligent conversation, cheaper drinks
and a fantastic juke box. Gawd, it just now dawned on me how many of
those guys I used to drink with died of AIDS. Damn, that sucks.

Anyway, I'm no homophobe, and when I point out that you are quite
obviously a latent homosexual it is not intended as a put-down, just
an observable fact made by a seasoned observer. That you consider it
a put-down is symptomatic of denial and self-loathing.

Ken Fortenberry

Jeff Miller

Feb 13, 2004, 12:18:44 PM2/13/04
...were you twirling the fire batons? ya know, you are kinda cute with
yer batons... <g> ...and if you think you have any idea what a woman in
a singles bar feels like, they need you in iraq...


Jeff Miller

Feb 13, 2004, 12:21:03 PM2/13/04
dammit...i hate it when i reply before reading the whole thread... but,
did you hear anything about joe juggling gerbils too?

George Adams

Feb 13, 2004, 12:28:49 PM2/13/04
>From: (Greg Pavlov)

>>You need to take a page from Kinky Friedman's book and "develop a lifestyle
>>that doesn't require your presence."

> We all do, eventually.

Umm, yeah, but it isn't exactly a "life"style. {:-(

Tim J.

Feb 13, 2004, 12:32:04 PM2/13/04

"Jeff Miller" wrote...

> Tim J. wrote:
> > It may not have been your looks that sparked interest. Did you show them how
> > could juggle burning sticks?
> dammit...i hate it when i reply before reading the whole thread... but,
> did you hear anything about joe juggling gerbils too?

I heard things about gerbils in his act, but nothing about juggling them.


Feb 13, 2004, 12:40:46 PM2/13/04
Ken Fortenberry wrote:
> Anyway, I'm no homophobe, and when I point out that you are quite
> obviously a latent homosexual it is not intended as a put-down, just
> an observable fact made by a seasoned observer. That you consider it
> a put-down is symptomatic of denial and self-loathing.

Are you seriously claiming that by calling me a letent homosexual, you
don't intend it as a put-down?

Ken Fortenberry

Feb 13, 2004, 12:38:01 PM2/13/04
rw wrote:

> Ken Fortenberry wrote:
>> Anyway, I'm no homophobe, and when I point out that you are quite
>> obviously a latent homosexual it is not intended as a put-down, just
>> an observable fact made by a seasoned observer. That you consider it
>> a put-down is symptomatic of denial and self-loathing.
> Are you seriously claiming that by calling me a letent homosexual, you
> don't intend it as a put-down?

That is correct, Steven, it is an observation, much as if I
observe that you are right handed, not a put-down.

Ken Fortenberry

Jeff Taylor

Feb 13, 2004, 12:47:05 PM2/13/04

"rw" <> wrote in message

> Willi wrote:
> >
>> If a gay man hits on me

Had it happen to me last summer in Pend Oreille County no less (if you don't
have a black dock and a shotgun in your truck, you are looked at a little

Worst part, the entire bar, my wife and two best friends and their wives
knew what was going on long before I had a clue. We got to talking about
this guys drag boat, must of been that part when I said I would love to take
a ride in it sometime... He sprung for three rounds of drinks, hell I
thought he was just a nice guy! :)

First time and last I hope, but good for a few laughs.

Jeff T.


Feb 13, 2004, 1:16:49 PM2/13/04
Ken Fortenberry wrote:
>> Are you seriously claiming that by calling me a letent homosexual, you
>> don't intend it as a put-down?
> That is correct, Steven, it is an observation, much as if I
> observe that you are right handed, not a put-down.

You're too much, Ken.


Feb 13, 2004, 6:43:48 PM2/13/04
to says...

> Anyway, I'm no homophobe, and when I point out that you are quite
> obviously a latent homosexual it is not intended as a put-down, just
> an observable fact made by a seasoned observer. That you consider it
> a put-down is symptomatic of denial and self-loathing.

Res ipsa loquitur.
(use troutbum_mt (at) yahoo to reply via email)
For Conclave Info:


Feb 13, 2004, 8:45:29 PM2/13/04

Geeze, I hope you stuck around for Grab A Granny Night!

/daytripper (btdt, got hooked up for a long weekend with a 32 yo "granny" ;-)


Feb 14, 2004, 1:23:05 AM2/14/04
Odd isn't it? The only thing not proudly for sale is that which we all wish
we had.

There's a time and a place for the highly skilled professional. I just run
out of money too quick.


"Lat705" <> wrote in message


Feb 14, 2004, 1:23:05 AM2/14/04

"Ken Fortenberry"

> an observable fact made by a seasoned observer. That you consider it
> a put-down is symptomatic of denial and self-loathing.

Is that well seasoned or just regular old seasoned....?

john :)


Feb 14, 2004, 2:15:15 AM2/14/04
to says...

I guess it all depends on how much anal lube he went through during his

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