Does anyone know how to scent a handkerchief, or know of a website? My
husband bought me a bottle of rosewater just for that purpose, but how
do I apply? Saturate it, sprinkle it, what?
Thank you.
Andrea/Lady Maridonna
The best I could fine was :
Aromatherapy is the therapeutic use of aromatic substances. Aromatherapy
stimulates your sense of smell, your moods, behaviour, physical and mental well
Aromatherapy is the use of oils called essential oils that have been distilled
from herbs, fruits, petals, bark, rind, sap, flowers, roots, seeds, leaves,
1 drop as perfume
1 drop to scent stationery or handkerchief
Tamara >^..^<
May A lurker make a comment? If I remember correctly, rose water is not an
essential oil, they have no water in them. The rosewater might have less
concentrated scent.
I would try a few drops of the rosewater on a similar test fabric, to see how
long the scent remains, and if it would stain. If that few drops is not to your
liking, then try the test fabric saturated in the rosewater and dried.
An alternate suggestion to scent a hanky, and also period, would be to store
hanky with dried herbs. Lemon Verbena is a strong long lasting scent (huuuum,
where is my list of plants that could be found in period). Mint and rosemary
are also nice. I do remember both mint and rosemary on that list of plants I
Tricia, who just made a sachet of dried flower petals, mint leaves and flowers,
lemon verbena and rosemary.. The lemon, rosemary and mint are predominate
scents, with undertones of the floral scents
Royal Keeper of the Garden, W.H.I.N.E. title
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My grandmother used to dab the rosewater onto the lace edging of the
handkerchief - kept the linen area from being overly scented (in case you
really did need to use it). The lace, being (usually) of different fibre
makeup, was expected to change colour over time - so if there was staining,
it was un-exceptionable.
You are correct. Rose water is not the same as essential oils. Both
are available and both were available in period.
For some more details check these files in the PLANTS, HERBS AND SPICES
section of my Florilegium:
rose-syrup-msg (10K) 6/24/99 Making rose syrup. It零 uses. Sources.
rose-water-msg (34K) 11/27/00 Where to buy. How to make. Rose-water uses.
Hmm. No file specifically on rose oil, afterall.
This file might also be of interest:
roses-art (36K) 5/15/97 "Sacred Iron Posies" by Daniel del Cavallo.
(medieval roses).
In article <>, (MizTricia) wrote:
> >Aromatherapy is the use of oils called essential oils that have been
> >distilled
> >from herbs, fruits, petals, bark, rind, sap, flowers, roots, seeds, leaves,
> >grasses.
> >
> >1 drop as perfume
> >1 drop to scent stationery or
> May A lurker make a comment? If I remember correctly, rose water is not an
> essential oil, they have no water in them. The rosewater might have less
> concentrated scent.
> I would try a few drops of the rosewater on a similar test fabric, to see how
> long the scent remains, and if it would stain. If that few drops is not
to your
> liking, then try the test fabric saturated in the rosewater and dried.
> An alternate suggestion to scent a hanky, and also period, would be to store
> hanky with dried herbs. Lemon Verbena is a strong long lasting scent (huuuum,
> where is my list of plants that could be found in period). Mint and rosemary
> are also nice. I do remember both mint and rosemary on that list of plants I
> found.
> Tricia, who just made a sachet of dried flower petals, mint leaves and
> lemon verbena and rosemary.. The lemon, rosemary and mint are predominate
> scents, with undertones of the floral scents
> Tricia
> Royal Keeper of the Garden, W.H.I.N.E. title
> Addy spam blocked, remove .cutthis
THL Stefan li Rous Mark S. Harris
Barony of Bryn Gwlad Austin, TX
*** Check out Stefan's Florilegium files at: ***
I'm new here. How would I find your Florilegium? Do you have a link?
Link is at the bottom of every post stefan sends.
David Gallowglass
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Well, duh! I must have not scrolled down far enough. Mea culpa.