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MuchMusic Fromage Awards (more info found)

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Jan 4, 1996, 8:00:00 AM1/4/96
Ok, looks like I got through some substantial complications to get some
of the highlights of the 1995 Fromage Awards, MuchMusic's annual review
of the year's hideos. Loads of limburger always abounds in the music video

Featured hideos on the program were...

Ya Grandma's a Gangsta / Rappin' Granny
Take Control / DJ Bobo
Land of the Lost / Cella Dwellas
Everybody on the Floor / Tokyo Ghetto Pussy
The Beauty in Black / Therion
When the Money's Gone / Bruce Roberts with Elton John
Black Lingerie / Mari-Jane
Pull up to the Bumper / Patra
Lick It / Roula
Girl U Want / Robert Palmer (doing Devo, I believe)...

Robert Palmer won the "Lifetime Acheezement" award for a career in less
than top-notch video performances.

The big winner ("Hall of Shame" or "Mall of Shame", or whatever) was
Sting with "This Cowboy Song".

There was probably another video or so that was missing, but that's the
best info I could put together.
... --->

Kiss Me!

Jan 12, 1996, 8:00:00 AM1/12/96
Did they edit out a kissing scene in the video Crazy? Right when the 2
women were in the strip club? I have heard that Aerosmith had a video
with women kissing, is this it? Thanks.

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