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The Music Creator

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Jul 11, 1989, 7:09:48 AM7/11/89

I have Music Creator Apprentice and am just getting to grips with it.
Problem is it is really set up for modules such as the MT32 where each midi
channel can be set up seperately. I have a K1 where this is not the case. I
have to create a patch for multi-voice use ,so, the Midi Setup facility on
M.C. is next to useless and a bit of a pain.

Anyone out there been using Music Creator Apprentice on an IBM PC
(distributed by CMS)?

Has anyone got any ideas on converting Music Creator files to Cakewalk?

What does the Music Creator full version have over the Apprentice and can
you get upgraded for a reduced cost?

Any thoughts on comparing it with other Algorithmic Composers?



John Dunn

Jul 13, 1989, 2:40:38 PM7/13/89
>I have Music Creator Apprentice and am just getting to grips with it.
>Anyone out there been using Music Creator Apprentice on an IBM PC
>(distributed by CMS)?
>Any thoughts on comparing it with other Algorithmic Composers?

I bought MCS recently because the concept of geneticly engineering sound
segments seemed like a wonderful idea. Unfortunately, the implementation
of MCS makes it very hard to do music that isn't an obvious mix of the
PD composetion excerpts in its data base, and the interface is depressingly
inflexiable. I understand (but don't know as fact) that the Professional
version will alow you to include your own music as part of the data base.
It appears to me that the "aprentice" version was a rush-job of getting
the Alpha version out an making money before the "real" version was ready.

As for other Algorithmic Composers, I recently uploaded a demo version
of Sound Globs from Compuserve (GO MIDI), and found it interesting & fun
to use. On the downside, the sound patterns it generated had a
identifiable random pattern that made it limited as a composing tool,
but still very nice as an idea generatior.

My own MusicBox is Public Domain and is reviewed in this month's Keyboard.
It is somewhat hard to get started with, but does allow almost unlimited
flexiability, and makes no assumptions about what kind of music you intend
to create. You can get it from several PD sources.

Now for the commercial: I am currently working on another version of
a MusicBox-like composing package. This one will include real-time
character graphics animation capability, and will be generally easier
to use that the current MusicBox, due to its on-line and self documentating
features. If anyone out there has used MusicBox, and has feedback about
what they would like changed, added, etc. Now is *the* time to speak up.
I am particularly interested in PATTERN module ideas, especially regarding
usage of fractal algorithms. This will be a commercial product.

-John Dunn

Gene DeLisa CEMI

Jul 15, 1989, 12:50:48 PM7/15/89
yes john, music box is a nice program. one suggestion:
i cant run it on my hercules card, only on a ega/vga.
how about supporting the herc in your commercial release?

Gene De Lisa
Center for Experimental Music and Intermedia

John Dunn

Jul 17, 1989, 5:05:55 PM7/17/89
Others have asked that MusicBox support the herc card, but this is one area
where good markting (always want to reach more potential customers), is
taking second place to esthetics: Of use, not visual. MusicBox is very,
very dense. I wanted it that way because I set out to build a real
composing tool, not just a hobby-toy. Color adds to the information
content, and thus reduces the overhead of the module density. Since I am
an artist by training and inclination, I claim poetic license here.
Besides, the VGA is *so* nice as an information display, and not all that
expensive these days.
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