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Lyrics: I Can Never Go Home Any More

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Tom Simon

Aug 16, 2001, 9:42:52 PM8/16/01

I'm gonna hide if she don't leave me alone
I'm gonna run away

'cause you can never go home anymore

SPOKEN: Listen. Does this sound familiar? You wake up every morning, go
to school every day, spend your nights on the corner just passing the time
away. Your life is so lonely like a child without a toy. Then a
miracle-a boy. And that's called "glad." Now my mom is a good mom and she
loves me with all her heart. But she said I was too young to be in love
and the boy and I would have to part. And no matter how I ranted and
raved, I screamed, I pleaded, I cried-she told me it was not really love
but only my girlish pride. And that's called "bad."

(Never go home anymore)

SPOKEN: Now if that's happened to you, don't let this. I packed my
clothes and left home that night. Though she begged me to stay, I was
sure I was right. And you know something funny?? I forgot that boy right
away. Instead I remember being tucked in bed and hearing my mama say

(Hush, little baby, don't you cry)
(Mama won't go away)

(You can never go home anymore)
I can never go home anymore

SPOKEN: Do you ever get that feeling and wanna kiss and hug her? Do it
now- tell her you love her. Don't do to your mom what I did to mine.
She grew so lonely in the end. Angels picked her for a friend.

And I can never go home (never) anymore
And that's called "sad."


Aug 18, 2001, 11:26:48 AM8/18/01
Are printed lyrics of this song rare? Did you get this from somewhere
or transcribe it from the song?

Does any group exist today that could do a Shangri-Las song properly, not
kiche (yick)?


"Tom Simon" <> wrote in message

Paul Sexton

Aug 18, 2001, 12:18:40 PM8/18/01
In article <9lm0rt$e4v$>, johnj
<fr...@labyrinth.NOnet.SPAMau> writes

>Are printed lyrics of this song rare? Did you get this from somewhere
>or transcribe it from the song?
>Does any group exist today that could do a Shangri-Las song properly, not
>kiche (yick)?

The Shangri-Las were camp as a field of tents, surely there is no other
way of performing their songs!

Paul Sexton Paul's Radio Museum


Aug 18, 2001, 12:29:41 PM8/18/01
johnj wrote:

<< Are printed lyrics of this song rare? Did you get this from somewhere
or transcribe it from the song?

Does any group exist today that could do a Shangri-Las song properly, not
'retro'(aargh) or kiche (yick)? >>

If I take your meaning right, John, you hit the nail right on the head -- even
if you don't know how to spell "kitsch." :)

I'll admit to a couple of Shangri-las songs being close to being over the top,
but for the most part I find them to be heartfelt and extremely well-done --
certainly not deserving of the high camp they're usually treated with.

As for a more direct answer to your question, the three women who have nothing
to do with The Shangri-las but who nonetheless tour under their name today did
a respectable job performing Shangri-las songs when I saw them a couple of
years back.

Only problem was, in the course of the entire evening's performance, they did
exactly TWO Shangri-las songs! Every other song was one the original group
never performed.


Aug 19, 2001, 2:20:36 AM8/19/01
Paul Sexton wrote:

<< The Shangri-Las were camp as a field of tents, surely there is no other
way of performing their songs! >>

This could only be spoken by someone who knows only their radio hits as opposed
to the whole of their work.

T P Uschanov

Aug 19, 2001, 8:10:35 AM8/19/01

I think Mary Ann Ganser put it best, in an interview with
Richard Goldstein in 1966: "They say our stuff is corny,
well a lot of people eat corn."

"I have tried too, in my time, to be a philosopher; but, I don't
know how, cheerfulness was always breaking in." --Oliver Edwards
T P Uschanov +358 (0)40 584 2720
Visit my home page!


Aug 22, 2001, 11:08:03 AM8/22/01

"Paul Sexton" <> wrote in message

> In article <9lm0rt$e4v$>, johnj
> <fr...@labyrinth.NOnet.SPAMau> writes
> >Are printed lyrics of this song rare? Did you get this from somewhere
> >or transcribe it from the song?
> >
> >Does any group exist today that could do a Shangri-Las song properly, not
> >'retro'(aargh)or
> >kiche (yick)?
> >
> The Shangri-Las were camp as a field of tents, surely there is no other
> way of performing their songs!

If you think that a song such as 'Dressed in Black' should only be done
as camp then you should probably leave this newsgroup and go to the 70s one.



Aug 22, 2001, 11:24:35 AM8/22/01

"BigStar303" <> wrote in message

This seems to be a sore issue with the Shangri-Las. I never really heard
them much
on radio, except for Leader of The Pack (quoted by Pete Townsend as his
favorite song at one time).
All the songs I can get of theirs sound almost equally commercial to me.
I once sent a message on the '' message board heaping praise
on what he had done with the Shangri-Las. I actually got an email back from
him where
he only said in large letters, 'what about the b-sides?' If I don't have
them all I sure wish I did.
I do mostly as far as I can tell. I have a recent release and remix of
'best of the shangri-las'
as well as a couple of other greatest hits albums with a couple of other
songs not on the 'best of'
on one. I also got a better copy of one song on the dodgy greatest hits
album off Napster as well
as one early sounding song I didn't have.



Aug 23, 2001, 5:53:52 PM8/23/01
I was fortunate enough to see the original Shangri-Las perform at The
Palisades Park Reunion in NJ back in 89. It was a great show with
Bobby Rydell,Lesley Gore,Freddie Cannon & others,but the Shangs stole
the show! They came on last on a motorcycle,like in the 60's,and sang
all their hits.They looked GREAT!! Sounded GREAT!! Especially the lead
singer Mary. She sounded exactley like she did back in the 60's and
looked like she didn't age a day.I hate the fact that there are
imposters out there making money off the Shangri-Las name.


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