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R.E.M. Love Songs.

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Apr 14, 1998, 3:00:00 AM4/14/98

What songs do you think are love songs written by R.E.M.? In my opinion
the following are:

Strange currencies
let me in
losing my religion
fall on me
be mine (more obsessive side of it)
I don't sleep I dream (kind of love song)
I took your name (fascination)

am I forgetting something.

see ya

PS: Oh, are you guys still mad at me for writing the "results" to silent

Love, we shine like a burning stars
We're falling from the sky, tonight

U2 - "The Fly"


Apr 14, 1998, 3:00:00 AM4/14/98

>What songs do you think are love songs written by R.E.M.?

I think Out Of Time is full of love songs written by REM. Rather unconvetional
love songs, but love songs just the same.



Apr 14, 1998, 3:00:00 AM4/14/98

<<PS: Oh, are you guys still mad at me for writing the "results" to silent

Well, maybe for the fact that you called me a "guy", but I do record things, so
I guess it wasn't all that bad.

ok, who wants a tape, all requests welcome, gotta tape something, it's been a
couple days now since and I'm having withdrawals ;)

Ron & Leah Held

Apr 14, 1998, 3:00:00 AM4/14/98

I agree. The whole album, "Out of Time" is just a story line of some
type. Starting from the beginning of a relationship, to the bitter end.



Apr 15, 1998, 3:00:00 AM4/15/98

sm wrote:
> What songs do you think are love songs written by R.E.M.? In my opinion
> the following are:

> let me in

Not necessarily romantic love, but I suppose you could view this one as
a love song of sorts. I'd say it's more about loss and the associated
guilt, though, given the connection to Kurt Cobain.

Incidentally, I would rank "Let Me In" up there with "Camera" as the
saddest R.E.M. song (to cover two threads at once).

> fall on me

I really don't see how this is a love song? Care to elaborate?

> am I forgetting something.

I think you've covered most of them, and others have already mentioned
that most of OoT's songs focus on love in one way or another. I tend to
think of "Perfect Circle" as a love song as well, but whether that's
accurate is another story. I'd also call "You" a love song in the
typically creepy, Stipe-ish sorta way.



Apr 15, 1998, 3:00:00 AM4/15/98

Serg queried:

>What songs do you think are love songs written by R.E.M.?

The best REM love song, to me, is You Are Everything. That one is beautiful to
sing and hear.

wtfkenneth, butterfly decal, rearview mirror, the whole bit.

Message has been deleted


Apr 15, 1998, 3:00:00 AM4/15/98

It sound like a love song, and it has the mood of it, when he sings
"faaaall" on me. Perfect spring-season song.

Adam <> wrote in article


Apr 15, 1998, 3:00:00 AM4/15/98

>> > fall on me
>> I really don't see how this is a love song? Care to elaborate?
>It sound like a love song, and it has the mood of it, when he sings
>"faaaall" on me. Perfect spring-season song.

If anything, fall on me is a love song about the environment... I have a
boot from '85 and stipe introduces the song as being about acid rain
originating from the United States and falling on Canada (Buy the sky and
sell the sky and ask the sky ... don't fall on me) awesome song i might add


Apr 15, 1998, 3:00:00 AM4/15/98

sm wrote:
> that's really a BS, why would anyone want to waste his time to write song
> about environment.

Gee, I can't imagine.

And with Stipe's past involvement with environmental causes it'd be
completely out of character for him...

I still think it's a perfect love song, maybe works on
> subliminal level.
> anyone agrees.

I think the generally accepted interpretation is that "Fall On Me" is
about acid rain, with references to Galileo and Chicken Little thrown in
for good measure.


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Apr 16, 1998, 3:00:00 AM4/16/98

that's really a BS, why would anyone want to waste his time to write song
about environment. I still think it's a perfect love song, maybe works on
subliminal level.

anyone agrees.

blød <> wrote in article


Apr 16, 1998, 3:00:00 AM4/16/98

>that's really a BS, why would anyone want to waste his time to write song
>about environment. I still think it's a perfect love song, maybe works on
>subliminal level.
>anyone agrees.

again, serge proves that he has an amazing grasp of the english language...


John Armitage

Apr 17, 1998, 3:00:00 AM4/17/98

Rob Wieman III <> wrote
> Of course "Fall On Me" is a song about the environment. Isn't this
> knowledge around here? And frankly, the suggestion that it's a "love
> song" is somewhat absurd, unless you look at it as a "love" of the
> environment.

I've only just found this group. I'm enjoying following the various
threads, and this one seemed interesting (especially after Serge's post!)
considering Stipes pre-'Out of Time' vow to never write love songs. I was
wondering, does anybody else share my opinion that 'You Are The Everything'
(pre 'Out of Time', natch) is a love song to the Earth ?

John (in England)


Apr 17, 1998, 3:00:00 AM4/17/98

John (in England) asked:

>I was
>wondering, does anybody else share my opinion that 'You Are The Everything'
>(pre 'Out of Time', natch) is a love song to the Earth ?

I'd thought that often when I first heard the song, especially in the second
verse, where it goes from the lines about "I think about this world a lot and I
cry..." to "She is so young and old" -- I figured he was still talking about
the earth. I've heard recently that the song is about Stipe's grandmother,
which would make sense with the "You're drifting off to sleep with your teeth
in your mouth" line. My guess is, it's both. And more. Love of the earth,
love of your family, love of memory...really, just a universal love song.
Welcome to r.m.r.!

"Here's the scene -- you're in the backseat, laying down..."

Matthew Herper

Apr 17, 1998, 3:00:00 AM4/17/98

Rob Wieman III wrote:

> On 16 Apr 1998, sm wrote:
> > that's really a BS, why would anyone want to waste his time to write song
> > about environment. I still think it's a perfect love song, maybe works on
> > subliminal level.
> >
> > anyone agrees.
> Of course "Fall On Me" is a song about the environment. Isn't this common
> knowledge around here? And frankly, the suggestion that it's a "love
> song" is somewhat absurd, unless you look at it as a "love" of the
> environment.
> -- 7 chineSe robs., swallowing the ocean.

But aren't all songs love songs? Even songs about hate are really
about love. Can anyone hate without love?

It's a real mistake to confuse "love" with lust. A song about fucking
is not neccesarily about the love that can exist between two people
who are engaged in sexual relations. Often in fact, it's not.

The obvious REM example is "Strange Currencies" -- it's a song about
a kind of obsessive adolescent crush, isn't it? But there's a kind
of love inherent in that -- the self love of the speaker in the song,
yes, but also the love of the singer for the ability of human beings
to really love one another, to really touch one another. Because there
isn't any irony otherwise, is there?

Teenage lust and obsessive crushes are only pathetic and frightening
when compared with real love.

My favorite REM love song? Maybe "You are the Everything."

But probably "So Fast So Numb" -- anger, self-righteousness, sex,
and the possibility for personal growth.

deLurking Matt

Jamie F. Dower

Apr 19, 1998, 3:00:00 AM4/19/98

I don't know about some of those..but Losing my religion..doubt it very
much..and Stipe said in an interview that Let Me In was written in Kurt
Cobain's memory, and that he and Cobain had been working on a similar
song before his death. Doesn't seem like a love song to me.

On 14 Apr 1998, sm wrote:

> What songs do you think are love songs written by R.E.M.? In my opinion
> the following are:

> Strange currencies
> let me in
> losing my religion
> fall on me
> be mine (more obsessive side of it)
> I don't sleep I dream (kind of love song)
> I took your name (fascination)
> am I forgetting something.
> see ya

> PS: Oh, are you guys still mad at me for writing the "results" to silent
> "poll"?

dert ert

Apr 20, 1998, 3:00:00 AM4/20/98

> I agree that "Be Mine" is one of the best lovesongs if not songs ever.It has
> it愀 depth in it.

U really have to listen to the words. Agree?

David Ersmarker

Apr 21, 1998, 3:00:00 AM4/21/98

re: love songs

>I don't know about some of those..but Losing my religion..doubt it very


what...? LMR not a love song....? well... over and over again... jms has
said he tried to write "an obsessive love song" in a similar vain to "every
breath you take"...'s a love song form his
perspective...don't know if your interpretation could be more correct...


Sandra marg

Feb 11, 2024, 4:40:05 AM2/11/24
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