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*Concert Review Poll*

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Oct 10, 1994, 5:25:34 AM10/10/94
"Hi Everybody"

-- Nick Riviera

Since I'm going to have to live vicariously through all you lucky concert-goers
this fall and I get a kick out of surveys and polls, I think I'm gonna try
starting a new feature on the net...


When you log on to your account after seeing a show, please send me (or post)
your rating of the concert on a phish scale of 1 to 10. The scale should be
relative to *Phish only*. In other words, a 5 on The Phish Scale (pun intended)
may be an incredible concert, but it only ranks as an average Phish show. I
know the tendency is to give every concert you see a 9 or 10, but try to be
objective...think about the tapes you've heard and the other shows you've seen
and ask yourself how this show compares. I'll compile the results and post the
standings every now and then. At the end of the tour we'll have the shows
ranked in order as decided by the net. Perhaps this will even swing some weight
in the selection of the live album tracks if the results get back to the band.

So what do you give the first three shows? The reviews so far sound like 8-10's
for the Patriot Center and 2-5's for Lehigh and Pittsburgh. Send me your votes!


Oct 12, 1994, 8:59:42 PM10/12/94
Hi everybody,

I'm trying to get this program launched and thought it might be valuable to
post it again to get some more responses. If you've seen a recent show, please
drop me a line and give me your ratings. Thanks to the people who've responded
so far.

I'm interested in getting some feedback too. Is this something I should
keep trying to do or do you think it's a stupid waste of bandwidth. Also,
should I allow people to vote based on hearing tapes or should I limit it to
people who were actually at the show. I realize this isn't a big problem yet
but it's something to consider. I'm interested in hearing your comments.


Here's the original post of the concept.

> When you log on to your account after seeing a show, please send me (or post)
> your rating of the concert on a phish scale of 1 to 10. The scale should be
> relative to *Phish only*. In other words, a 5 on The Phish Scale (pun intended)
> may be an incredible concert, but it only ranks as an average Phish show. I
> know the tendency is to give every concert you see a 9 or 10, but try to be
> objective...think about the tapes you've heard and the other shows you've seen
> and ask yourself how this show compares. I'll compile the results and post the
> standings every now and then. At the end of the tour we'll have the shows
> ranked in order as decided by the net. Perhaps this will even swing some weight
> in the selection of the live album tracks if the results get back to the band.

BTW, has anyone in the trenches seen any signs of a major taping effort by Paul
and the band?

Oct 14, 1994, 7:19:22 PM10/14/94

Here are some early results from the concert poll. Keep the votes coming... I
don't have any from this week's shows yet.

Show Average # of votes
--------------------------- --------- ----------
10-7 Lehigh, Bethlehem PA 5.7 5
10-8 Patriot Center, Fairfax VA 8.4 5
10-9 Palumbo Center, Pittsburgh PA 5.1 5

Please remember that this is only a collection of individual opinions. It's not
meant to be an absolute statement that one show is "better" than another. Take
the scores for what they are: a collection of the net community's individual
opinions on the fall tour. Again I should emphasize that the scores are
relative to PHISH SHOWS ONLY. If you don't think you have a good idea of what
consitutes a great Phish show, an average Phish show, and a weak Phish show,
then you may want to hold your votes until you've heard enough tapes and shows
to formulate your own objective opinions. It seems like people are being pretty
realistic so far, though. Thanks to the early voters!

> When you log on to your account after seeing a show, please send me (or post)
> your rating of the concert on a phish scale of 1 to 10. The scale should be
>relative to *Phish only*. In other words, a 5 on The Phish Scale (pun intended)
> may be an incredible concert, but it only ranks as an average Phish show. I
> know the tendency is to give every concert you see a 9 or 10, but try to be
>objective...think about the tapes you've heard and the other shows you've seen
>and ask yourself how this show compares. I'll compile the results and post the
> standings every now and then. At the end of the tour we'll have the shows
>ranked in order as decided by the net. Perhaps this will even swing some weight
>in the selection of the live album tracks if the results get back to the band.

Sorry about the frequent posts on this subject...I'm trying to get some
momentum going so this will take off. Every post seems to generate a few


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