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~To See Him Smile~

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Timothy Corcoran

Aug 8, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/8/95

Hey all out there,
I'm sure by now you have heard something about our "brother" Kevin Cecil
who was the victim of a random shooting here in Pittsburgh. Kevin
is paralyzed from the neck down and the doctors have said he will never even
be able to do so much as breath on his own. Recently, however, Kevin has
been receiving so many good vibes from all of you on the net, and he also
got a tape in the mail from Trey, with the song Trey wrote for him(no i
don't have a copy and i probably wont--it was written for Kevin,and i wont
grovel to his parents for it, so please dont grovel to me:) Anyway, after
getting the tape and some letters and kind words from everyone,
Kevin started showing signs of breathing on his own and the DRs have said it
seems his spinal cord is not completely severed. This is an absolutle miracle
and sheads much hope and light on the situation.
Here's the deal. We are going to try to raise the level of positivity one
more phatty level here, and help Kevin recover even more. We are
running an ELECTRONIC CARD. If you would like to send Kevin some of your
kindness/good energy/ vibes of life, then plz send along a brief message
and you name. I have so much to deal with right now, Tim(who's forwarding
this out for me) will be accepting your messages and we will
forward them all in the form of an electronic card to Kevin. Together we
can make a difference! :)
Thanks to everyone who has already been so kind, and thanks in advance to
who will. Every little bit adds up to a whole lot--remember that and
thanks again,



***This is new as of 8-8-95 - I will accepting messages until this coming
***sunday, 8-13-95 (2 year anniversay of Murat Gin!!) PLEASE get your responses
***in ASAP - I need as MANY as possible!!! Just to let you know, I have had a
***tremendous response, I have a 40K file of pure text messages!! This place
***is wonderful!

TO anyone who has not been following this, this is an excerpt(sp?) from Mike's
post on 8-7-95:

>I have received a couple pieces of mail asking who is this Kevin guy.Kevin was
>my roomate here at Pitt until 3.5 weeks ago, when he became the victim of a
>random shooting. Two individuals walked up behind him and the girl he was
>walking home, and shot him in the back of the neck. This was completely
>unprovoked, and Kevin was completely defenseless. He has no memory of the
>incident. Right now is in ICU, and paralyzed fromthe neck down. He is finally
>starting to breathe on his own. The show of support from the everyone here on
>the has been incredible. Trey wrote Kevin a song called Bliss and
>sent him the tape. I'll post a more complete story in September when classes
>are back in session, and when I have a little more free time.
>That's about it for now. Random acts of kindness are still required until
>further notice. I'll keep you updated. Thanks again.

OK, this is Tim here, and I have forwarded this message out to the net for
Scooter - if you want to send a card out to Kevin, please EMAIL me your message
for Kevin at this address - - please use the
subject "To See Him Smile" - and also, if possible, please do not post
the message to this newsgroup, and please do not email Scooter. Address your
cards to Kevin, and send them to me. I will be accepting cards for 2 weeks or
so, or until responses die down, but please, email me your card as soon as you
can. After I have compiled all the cards, I will let everyoe know when we send
out the message to Kevin. Thank you all, it looks like our good vibes have
already had a positive effect on Kevin, and with our communal effort we can
brighten his life even more!


S -- O -- M -- E

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