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Tangerine Dream Music

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Chun Bo Whong

Feb 25, 1993, 6:51:56 AM2/25/93
Recently I bought a copy of the soundtrack to the movie "Firestarter".
Tangerine Dream did all the compositions. I was pleasantly pleased,
considering it was in one of those bargain bins at the local record
store. In fact, it was so good that I went out and bought Tangerine
Dream's Phaedra cd. BIG MISTAKE!!! It's vacuum cleaner noise. I
know that TD has evolved through many different styles of music, but
I am not familiar with them. Can anyone tell me which TD albums have
music similar to the "Firestarter" soundtrack. The music on the
soundtrack sounds a lot like Patrick O'Hearn 's Indigo (another great
CD). Thanks.

- Bo

-> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> ->
__ __
/ /_) _ / / )_ _ _ _ C. Bo Whong
(__ . _/__)(_) /_/\_/ / ) (_) / ) (_/ P.O. Box 1642 Y.S.
_\ New Haven, CT 06520
(__| (203) 562 - 8307

Peter Cassidy

Feb 26, 1993, 3:54:42 AM2/26/93
In article <1mjf1s...@GRIZZLY.ZOO.CS.YALE.EDU>, (Chun Bo Whong) writes:
|> Recently I bought a copy of the soundtrack to the movie "Firestarter".
|> Tangerine Dream did all the compositions. I was pleasantly pleased,
|> considering it was in one of those bargain bins at the local record
|> store. In fact, it was so good that I went out and bought Tangerine
|> Dream's Phaedra cd. BIG MISTAKE!!! It's vacuum cleaner noise. I
|> know that TD has evolved through many different styles of music, but
|> I am not familiar with them. Can anyone tell me which TD albums have
|> music similar to the "Firestarter" soundtrack. The music on the
|> soundtrack sounds a lot like Patrick O'Hearn 's Indigo (another great
|> CD). Thanks.

I like Phaedra, actually ! For more Firestarter stuff - I recommend :

O.S.T Risky Business
O.S.T Wavelength
Force Majeure
Logos Live (Probably their best, some of this featured in 'The Keep' movie)
Underwater Sunlight

| Peter Cassidy - Motorola BV Ireland - Test Systems Engineering |
| - |
| The views expressed here are mine and not necessarily | 'nuff said! |
| those of Motorola BV. So there !! | |

Shiv Naimpally

Feb 26, 1993, 10:43:22 AM2/26/93
In article <1mjf1s...@GRIZZLY.ZOO.CS.YALE.EDU>, (Chun Bo Whong) writes:
|> Recently I bought a copy of the soundtrack to the movie "Firestarter".
|> Tangerine Dream did all the compositions. I was pleasantly pleased,
|> considering it was in one of those bargain bins at the local record
|> store. In fact, it was so good that I went out and bought Tangerine
|> Dream's Phaedra cd. BIG MISTAKE!!! It's vacuum cleaner noise. I
|> know that TD has evolved through many different styles of music, but
|> I am not familiar with them. Can anyone tell me which TD albums have
|> music similar to the "Firestarter" soundtrack. The music on the
|> soundtrack sounds a lot like Patrick O'Hearn 's Indigo (another great
|> CD). Thanks.
|> - Bo

Gee I guess Bo doesn't know :-)
Just a hint here, but if you buy an album and you like it, chances are
that albums made around the same time period will be similar, so check
the release dates.

TD has undergone several phases. Their early stuff was pure electronic.
_Rubycon_ is a great album from that time. I think their OST for _Thief_
was the first to use drums. In fact since you like _Firestarter_,
you will probably enjoy most of their OST (original soundtrack recordings)
such as _Thief_, _Wavelength_, _Flashpoint_ etc.. I would also check out
_White Eagle_, _Force Majeure_, and _Underwater Sunlight_.
The stuff they have been doing for the last few years I find to be
too quantized, digitzed, and just plain sterile.

Many of the TD OST albums are on the Varese Sarabande label, which
specializes in releasing soundtracks.


Feb 27, 1993, 2:41:03 AM2/27/93

>Recently I bought a copy of the soundtrack to the movie "Firestarter".
>Tangerine Dream did all the compositions. I was pleasantly pleased,
>considering it was in one of those bargain bins at the local record
>store. In fact, it was so good that I went out and bought Tangerine
>Dream's Phaedra cd. BIG MISTAKE!!! It's vacuum cleaner noise. I
>know that TD has evolved through many different styles of music, but
>I am not familiar with them. Can anyone tell me which TD albums have
>music similar to the "Firestarter" soundtrack. The music on the
>soundtrack sounds a lot like Patrick O'Hearn 's Indigo (another great
>CD). Thanks.

I am a long time TD fan, and I like both recordings that you mention. The
first few times I listened to Phaedra, lets just say I wasn't exactly
overwhelmed. However, like all great recordings IMHO, if you give it a few
more listenings, you will begin to appreciate the recording for what it is,
and perhaps develop an interest for other TD recording from the early

As for the Firestarter soundtrack, other similar recordings that I can
think of, off the top of my head (it's almost 3:00 am), are soundtracks
from the movies The Miracle Mile, The Thief, and The Park is Mine.

BTW, my all time favorite TD recording is Extracts From Poland, and a close
second is Edgar Froese's solo album Stuntman - I know, I know it's not a TD
album, but it certainly fooled me any many of my friends the first time we
heard it.


Lionel Goodfield | And all you touch and all you see
(514) 592-4204 | Is all your life will ever be.
InterNet: |
UUCP: uunet!sobeco!lgoodfie | (Roger Waters, 1972)

Ken Zuroski

Feb 27, 1993, 11:23:46 AM2/27/93
In message <>, (l.goodfield) writes:
>In <1mjf1s...@GRIZZLY.ZOO.CS.YALE.EDU> (Chun Bo Whong) writes:
>Recently I bought a copy of the soundtrack to the movie "Firestarter".
>Tangerine Dream did all the compositions. I was pleasantly pleased,
>considering it was in one of those bargain bins at the local record
>store. In fact, it was so good that I went out and bought Tangerine
>Dream's Phaedra cd. BIG MISTAKE!!! It's vacuum cleaner noise. I
^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^
:-) :-) :-) :-) :-)

Phaedra is the only TD cd I own (though I hope to buy more). It's not
what you would call relaxing or accessible, true; listening to it is
sort of like having a spike driven into the middle of your brain.
Sometimes, however, I'm in the mood to have a spike driven into the
middle of my brain, and at those time this music hits the spot. You
also have to remember what period the album was recorded in; a lot
of the synthesizer sounds that are on the CD were fresh, then, but have
since then been replicated by so many other artists in so many other
genres of music that they're not as interesting anymore on their own
merit; I guess you'd call them "trite." (It seems to me that the
attraction of a lot of New Age and electronic music rests upon the
introduction of strange and new sounds and arrangements, unlike many
other musical genres.) So there's no initial interesting "hook" to draw
you into the music, unlike something like Enya, if I dare make such a
comparison (as overdubbed as Enya's singing is, as many people have
complained about her, it produces a sort of sound that is at least
unique and therefore interesting).

Actually, when I listen to this CD I get the feeling I'm experiencing
some sort of intense drug trip--which is probably not far off,
considering the heavy influence of LSD on TD's early music (isn't
"Tangerine Dream" the name of some sort of acid)? Listening to the
album a few times helps make one familiar to it, but it's never a
friendly sort of beast. If my CD's were dogs, while many of my other
CDs would be poodles, setters, and friendly Walt Disney dalmations,
Phaedra would be the mean junkyard dog that prowls around the premises,
serving a valuable purpose but whom you never really trust, either,
to which you get close enough only to toss some more raw meat at him (not too
bizarre an analogy, maybe, since doesn't "Phaedra" translate into
"wolf" from the Greek?).

Anyway, just my views on the topic.


Ken Zuroski
Department of English
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213 USA

Duane Ott

Feb 28, 1993, 12:47:29 AM2/28/93
In article <> (l.goodfield) writes:
>BTW, my all time favorite TD recording is Extracts From Poland...

Then do yourself a favor: dump it and find a copy of the full (double CD)
version of Poland. "Extracts" is a lousy ripoff that deprives you of a lot of
good music. If all else fails, can probably get it for you,
and at a decent price, too.

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