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Shuhada’ Sadaqat dead at 56

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David Dalton

Jul 26, 2023, 9:00:31 PM7/26/23
Shuhada’ Sadaqat (formerly known as Sinéad O’Connor)
has died at the age of 56.

And since she was my number four most attractive woman,
I now have a top seven, category eight, and category
nine, rather than categories 1--10.

I facilitated a soul alignment of her with the music venue
she liked best to play in and to attend concerts in,
but I don’t know what venue that is yet. I also did
my blessing on the dead on her, and linked her to
her son Shane.

And she can still be involved, consciously, in the
[min-ootws stuff] (non-overlap), from the beyond
afterlife, if it ever goes ahead (see alt.religion.druid).

There is a lot of coverage on her on
right now but perhaps it won’t be on that main page
for more than a day or two.

But this link should be good for the foreseeable future :

-- Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
"This could be the final breath; This is life and death;
This is hard rock and water; Out here between wind and flame;
Between tears and elation; Lies a secret nation" (Ron Hynes)

David Dalton

Jul 27, 2023, 10:04:19 PM7/27/23
On Jul 26, 2023, David Dalton wrote
(in article<>):

> Shuhada’ Sadaqat (formerly known as Sinéad O’Connor)
> has died at the age of 56.
> And since she was my number four most attractive woman,
> I now have a top seven, category eight, and category
> nine, rather than categories 1--10.
> I facilitated a soul alignment of her with the music venue
> she liked best to play in and to attend concerts in,
> but I don’t know what venue that is yet. I also did
> my blessing on the dead on her, and linked her to
> her son Shane.
> And she can still be involved, consciously, in the
> [min-ootws stuff] (non-overlap), from the beyond
> afterlife, if it ever goes ahead (see alt.religion.druid).
> There is a lot of coverage on her on
> right now but perhaps it won’t be on that main page
> for more than a day or two.
> But this link should be good for the foreseeable future :

She was targeted by both an anti-religious-figure (anti-prophet/ess)
spell that would strip her of followers and also eventually induce
cancer, and an anti-political-figure (anti-activist) spell that would
strip her of followers and also induce eventually suicidal depression.

In my workings I am attempting to lift these spells, but if my workings
work they will unfortunately be too late for her, though there will
be bounces on those who performed the spells and any others
who ordered the spells to be performed, plus redirections to hit
many major and extreme criminal religious/newage and
political/military/corporate leaders (minus the cancer or
suicidal depression).
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