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LOLLA II review Jones Beach August 9th

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Aug 15, 1992, 3:21:23 AM8/15/92

LOLLA II-August 9,1992

Lush-I hadn't heard much from them before and it will remain that way.
Completely incoherent, unskilled guitar playing. The drummer wasn't half bad
he kept a good beat. No one really watched. No one clapped.
* out of ****

Pearl Jam
Real good live show. Played-Jeremy,Why go Home,Porch,Alive,Evenflow, and
1 or 2 more. Good playing except poor guitar solos. Good at keeping
attention with them all jumping around though. Eddie Vedder during finale
(porch) climbed up to top of the venue(a good 100ft up) which added flavor.
*** out of ****

Jesus + Mary Chain
1st half of their set was horrible. Too much smoke and light show
which doesn't work at all during the day
2nd half of set played-Head on and a couple of others that really rocked.
Boring stage acts though. Not much happenning. Mostly incoherent with some
high points
** out of ****

Good Rockin' show. played-outshined,Rusty cage,Big Dumb Sex, Jesus Christ pose
and a few others
Good playing all around. Fairly good show. The highlight though
which was when they played Bpdy COunt's cop KILLer
Rockin' version too
*** out of ****
Cop KIller got them an extra star

Ice Cube
I hate Rap. I would like to stress this.Though all the songs seemed
the same to me. The show though really rocked. Definitely don't miss just
cause you hate rap
*** out of ****

My fav of the bands playing here. They were for the most part incredible
(only if you like them to begin with) They wrenched out 20 minute versions of
songs like-NWO,Supernaut(black sabbath,1000 homo dj's),Thieves, STigmata,Hero
Great show with video screens of distorted images. Everyone was getting into
it. They even had Scott Ian of Anthrax play Supernaut with them.
***1/2 out of ****

Red Hot Chili Peppers
Though I was slightly dissapointed in their song picks and the
lack of enthusiasm of their new guitarist Arik Marshall(sp.?) Flea
coming out donning only underwear and the psychadelic stage made up for it
they played-Suck my kiss,Give it away,Under the bridge,blood sugar sex magik,
Higher ground, Magic Johnson and a few others. Great show. especially when
they came out with hats with three foot flames coming out.
***1/2 out of ****

Now for the 2nd stage show
I only saw a few acts here and there as not to miss any main acts
Pork-all female band. The singer lacked any skill and the music
didn't seem to fit together.

Boo Ya Tribe-Didn't like the music but the show was real interesting
catch it if you can

Sharkbait-Check this band out. I only wish they were on the main stage.
they rocked

Jim Rose Sideshow-I watched about ten minutes of this before deciding it
was completely tasteless and Ministry would be coming on the main stage
and I wouldn't dare miss them. I wouldn't watch unless you have a strong stomach
some really sick stuff

Thats it
overall LOLLA II really rocked and was definitely worth the $35.
IMHO the shirts there (except bootleg shirts) sucked

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