I'm looking for a 3C Mad Max mouthpiece (trumpet) -- anyone know of anywhere
that sells these in the UK? I bought a 1 1/2C from The Valve (London) last
year or so, but I don't think that shop exists anymore.
... Or does anyone have one they'd like to sell (from the UK)?
Thanks for youze help,
Anyone anywhere have a 3C mad max they'd like to sell?
Woodwind and Brasswind sells them (wwbw.com). They'll ship overseas,
won't they?
A friend of mine (a heck of a good player too) plays a plastic Mad Max
5C-- he just loves it. They are definitly unique, and amazingly, play
darn well! When you hold one of those rascals it's like holding
air-- practically no weight to them at all. Strange!
I currently play a 1 1/2C Mad Max, and it does play surprisingly well. The
absense of weight makes the trumpet's balance point 'wrong' (to me)... But
it is great for my nickel allergy and my poorness. It cost me £20 in London,
but now I can't find them in the UK - I'm not sure its worth shipping from
the US.
A friend recommended I try a 3C, so now I'm thinkin' of buying a Kelly
mouthpiece -- they're very cheap. I doubt they'd be as good as the Mad Max
I bought one at ITG last year and really liked it. Now that I've
downsized, I plan on buying another this year...
The thing I don't like about the Kellys is that they only come in the
equivalent of C cup sizes (at least, they did then...). I'd probably play
mine all the time if it were a bit shallower.
Jeff Helgesen
Tommy T.
"Su" <boogi...@deletethis.yahoo.co.uk> wrote in message