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My new guitar case smells!!!!

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Greg Bashford

Sep 27, 1994, 3:45:01 PM9/27/94
I just got a new Goya guitar (Martin import) and bought a new hardshell
case with it. The case has a strange, offensive odor to it; so strong
that it is to the point that it fills up the room it sits in. I mean
this case *stinks*. Anyone have any solutions? My dealer and a few
other people I spoke to say that this does happen, and the best thing
to do is to leave the case (guitar obviously not inside) in the sun for
a few days. I have left it outside for a day or two, and maybe it's
getting better, but if you have a special deodorizer, effective method,
magic elixir, etc., please post!!! BTW, what causes this? Some people
say the glue??


Gary Paisley

Sep 27, 1994, 8:52:29 PM9/27/94

My cats like to sleep in my cases when the guitars and mandolins
are out to play. I'm always real careful to extract the cats
before I return the instruments, and so far they haven't done
their thing in the case. Of course these are domestic cats,
your Goya is an import, and cat manners may vary overseas...
Gary Paisley Senior Engineer <> 512-331-3271
Austin Systems Center / Schlumberger Well Services / Austin, Texas 78734


Sep 28, 1994, 6:23:56 AM9/28/94
Greg Bashford ( wrote:
: I just got a new Goya guitar (Martin import) and bought a new hardshell

: case with it. The case has a strange, offensive odor to it; so strong
: that it is to the point that it fills up the room it sits in. I mean
: this case *stinks*. Anyone have any solutions? My dealer and a few

On a related topic: always be sure to wipe the sweat off your guitar
before putting it back in the case! I played a particularly energetic
gig about a year ago, and I was so beat afterward that I just stuck
my Strat in its case without wiping it off first. Big mistake! To
this day, the case still gives off a bad smell when you open it up.
I put a little bag of potpourri in the accessory compartment to
freshen it up, but it didn't help that much. I might even go so far as
to clean the lining with upholstery cleaner.

Mattias Hallin

Sep 28, 1994, 7:47:23 AM9/28/94
In article <>, (Gary Paisley) wrote:

> >I have left it outside for a day or two, and maybe it's
> >getting better, but if you have a special deodorizer, effective method,
> >magic elixir, etc., please post!!! BTW, what causes this? Some people
> >say the glue??
> My cats like to sleep in my cases when the guitars and mandolins
> are out to play. I'm always real careful to extract the cats
> before I return the instruments, and so far they haven't done
> their thing in the case. Of course these are domestic cats,
> your Goya is an import, and cat manners may vary overseas...

Yup -- shore do! I once bought a used banjo (a good instrument, too) that
came in case that the previous owners cat had used for a temporary
bathroom! Yecch!!!

And there was NO way to get rid of that smell, either! Except what I did,
of course: to sell the banjo *and the case*, and upgrade to better stuff!

** Mattias Hallin * Lund * Sweden ** <> **
* *
* "Oh bury me thar! With my battered git-tar! *
************ A-screamin' my heart out fer yew!" ************

Neil Gall

Sep 28, 1994, 8:53:43 AM9/28/94

My case stinks too! Admittedly the smell has declined over the four
years or so I've had it but if you stuck your nose in the furry stuff
it's pretty offensive. For about a month after we first started our band,
the bass player thought I had crapped in my underwear! When he could
still smell it when I was out of the room, he thought it was himself!
Only later did he realise it was the case. Maybe mine's not as bad
as yours as I've put up with it long enough for it to mostly go away.

Sorry, I can't help (maybe an car air freshener inside the case?) but
I thought I'd relate my similar tale.



Sep 28, 1994, 3:43:59 PM9/28/94
to (Dr.Distortion) writes:


>I put a little bag of potpourri in the accessory compartment to
>freshen it up, but it didn't help that much. I might even go so far as
>to clean the lining with upholstery cleaner.

Sounds like what happened to mine. I got a water damaged case for free
(the store got about 3 inches of standing water). When it dried, it was
mildewed, so I used bleach to get the mildew out and then left potpourri
inside the closed case for a few days. Now it smells sorta odd, but not


Mark E Elledge

Sep 29, 1994, 3:32:55 PM9/29/94
to (Greg Bashford) writes:

I absolutely love the smell of my Strat case, but my acoustic does have a
nasty funk!!!!

Mark E Elledge

Message has been deleted

Victor Hong

Oct 1, 1994, 12:01:31 AM10/1/94
In article <369elt$> Greg Bashford,

>I have left it outside for a day or two, and maybe it's
>getting better, but if you have a special deodorizer, effective method,
>magic elixir, etc., please post!!! BTW, what causes this? Some people
>say the glue??

I hear that the best way to get rid of organic odors (including glue
smells) is to use spray deodorant (the same kind which is used to keep
humans smelling good). I got this advice from a fella whose wife gave
birth in their family car ! He says it really worked, although he had to
use several cans of deodorant.

I think the smell is caused by the glue which holds the lining in place.
I've noticed the same kind of smell in instrument cases for wind
instruments too.

Victor Hong The University of Memphis
(short messages) (long messages and file xfers)
Work is for Chumps ! -- Bart Simpson

Bill Leff

Sep 30, 1994, 10:03:43 PM9/30/94

My wife returned once from a trip to Italy with gift of a leather
jacket that smelled like sh*t (literally). After trying different
things (deodorizer, leaving it outside for days etc) I called a dry
cleaner, who had it sent to an ozone chamber, where it was ozone-ated.
This helped a lot.

"I heard the baddest gittar on the radio, Well that guy played
'bout the same as me. But then they said he's only 5 years old.
Too many gittars, too many for me, all those gittars, baby, why
can't they let me be. -Scott Henderson "Dog Party"

David Kaatz

Oct 1, 1994, 5:57:13 AM10/1/94
In <369elt$>, (Greg Bashford) wrote:
GB: I just got a new Goya guitar (Martin import) and bought a new hardshell
GB: case with it. The case has a strange, offensive odor to it; so strong
GB: that it is to the point that it fills up the room it sits in. I mean
GB: this case *stinks*. Anyone have any solutions? My dealer and a few
GB: other people I spoke to say that this does happen, and the best thing
GB: to do is to leave the case (guitar obviously not inside) in the sun for
GB: a few days. I have left it outside for a day or two, and maybe it's
I too, have a hardshell case that smells badly of fiberglass. Haven't
tried leaving it in the sun, but it certainly was aired out, left open without
the guitar inside. Did not seem to help it much. I gave up trying to improve
it; at least the guitar does not take on the smell.
I also have an old Martin HS case for a guitar I got used that totally
reeks of cigarette smoke. Any suggestions?
David Kaatz --- ---

Linda Eskin

Oct 2, 1994, 6:48:36 AM10/2/94
In <> (Neil Gall) writes:

>Greg Bashford ( says:
>> I just got a new Goya guitar (Martin import) and bought a new hardshell

>> case with it. The case has a strange, offensive odor to it; (snip)
>My case stinks too! (snip)

>Sorry, I can't help (maybe an car air freshener inside the case?) but
>I thought I'd relate my similar tale.

I'd be real careful with whatever chemicals they use in those air
fresheners around a guitar, and I certainly wouldn't let the two come
into contact.

Maybe you could return the case. I wouldn't pay for that. Yuck.

| Linda S. Eskin | Guitar - Cats - Fishes - Vegie - Beer |
| La Mesa, California | AutoCAD - LISP - DCL - GUI - Tech Pubs |
| | Photography - Flying - Woodworking - ... |
| | "If you want it... make it happen!" |

Oct 2, 1994, 8:28:43 PM10/2/94

Interesting problem ! I really do not know the cause. However, I once
dabbled to use aftershave to spice up the smell of my case. If you
use perfume instead, make sure it is the same brand your wife or
girlfriend uses. The fight involved if you case smells like the girl
next door may result in a posting do I remove a guitar case
from the side of my head ?!? careful whatever you use...
some smell removers may stain fabrics when overzealously used.


Mattias Hallin

Oct 3, 1994, 4:19:00 PM10/3/94
In article <>, (David Kaatz) wrote:

> I also have an old Martin HS case for a guitar I got used that totally
> reeks of cigarette smoke. Any suggestions?

Yup -- there is one thing I don't recall the name for in English: it's a
common household product, a fluid, a kind of acid and you use it,
f'rinstance, to make pickles or preserves.

Anyway, a bowl of this left in a room overnight is supposed to do wonders
about the the smell of tobacco smoke, so try a bowl left inside the guitar
case overnight -- but be careful with kiddies or pets or similar, I

Oct 5, 1994, 5:17:38 AM10/5/94
to (David Kaatz) writes:
> In <369elt$>, (Greg Bashford) wrote:
> GB: I just got a new Goya guitar (Martin import) and bought a new hardshell
> GB: case with it. The case has a strange, offensive odor to it; so strong
> GB: that it is to the point that it fills up the room it sits in. I mean
> GB: this case *stinks*. Anyone have any solutions? My dealer and a few
> GB: other people I spoke to say that this does happen, and the best thing
> GB: to do is to leave the case (guitar obviously not inside) in the sun for
> GB: a few days. I have left it outside for a day or two, and maybe it's
> I too, have a hardshell case that smells badly of fiberglass. Haven't
> tried leaving it in the sun, but it certainly was aired out, left open without
> the guitar inside. Did not seem to help it much. I gave up trying to improve
> it; at least the guitar does not take on the smell.
> I also have an old Martin HS case for a guitar I got used that totally
> reeks of cigarette smoke. Any suggestions?

Baking Soda is great as an odour remover. Take the guitar out
of the case and sprinkle pleanty of baking soda inside the case. Leave it
closed for a couple of days and then vacuum it out. Another possibility is
a dry powder carpet cleaner, but these tend to have their own scent, so
you'd be trading one smell for another. I don't know how well it would
work in a plastic tool box though.
DOD# 251 '84 VF 750 Closet Ducatisto
Disclaimer: An idle mind is the devil's nintendo!

David W Doerr

Oct 5, 1994, 11:49:42 AM10/5/94
David Kaatz ( wrote:
: I also have an old Martin HS case for a guitar I got used that totally

: reeks of cigarette smoke. Any suggestions?

I had the same problem with a case. I let it sit outside in the sun,
opened up so the sun would shine inside. (I did this for several
weeks in sunny weather.) Solved the problem completely.

David Doerr MCD/NAO/General Motors Corporation
Bldg 2-10/Room 134-22 Phone: 810-575-4126 GM: 8-535-4126
30001 Van Dyke Fax: 810-575-4395 GM: 8-535-4126
Warren MI 48090 USA Internet:
Do not hold my employer responsible for my state of mind.

Kit Cheves

Oct 6, 1994, 8:56:25 AM10/6/94
In article <> (Mattias Hallin) writes:

>In article <>, (David Kaatz) wrote:

>> I also have an old Martin HS case for a guitar I got used that totally
>> reeks of cigarette smoke. Any suggestions?

>Yup -- there is one thing I don't recall the name for in English: it's a
>common household product, a fluid, a kind of acid and you use it,
>f'rinstance, to make pickles or preserves.

>Anyway, a bowl of this left in a room overnight is supposed to do wonders
>about the the smell of tobacco smoke, so try a bowl left inside the guitar
>case overnight -- but be careful with kiddies or pets or similar, I

Do you mean Acetic Acid, AKA Vinegar?


Jay Heiser

Oct 6, 1994, 9:06:56 PM10/6/94

The folks at Taylor gave up trying to find good cases on the outside
and they roll their own. They are so proud of their cases that they
devote a page to them in their glossy brochure.

Its a great case. I've been really clumsy with mine (a shoulder strap
should be mandatory!! why don't they do that?) and after a year it
looks like hell, but the guitar is still mint.

They do sell their case w/o instruments. Mine doesn't smell at all --
just the sweet smell of sawdust. ;-)
| jay heiser -- sco/government systems group -- ja...@sco.COM |
| 703-715-8700 |

Tim Maggio

Oct 6, 1994, 9:35:21 PM10/6/94
>> I also have an old Martin HS case for a guitar I got used that totally
>> reeks of cigarette smoke. Any suggestions?

Mattias> Yup -- there is one thing I don't recall the name for in English: it's a
Mattias> common household product, a fluid, a kind of acid and you use it,
Mattias> f'rinstance, to make pickles or preserves.


: Tim Maggio #
: |
: Q
: Everyone within a 150 mile radius is responsible for my opinion. (_)

Mattias Hallin

Oct 10, 1994, 8:08:28 AM10/10/94
In article <>, (Kit
Cheves) wrote:

> In article <>
> (Mattias Hallin) writes:
> >In article <>, (David Kaatz) wrote:
> >> I also have an old Martin HS case for a guitar I got used
that totally
> >> reeks of cigarette smoke. Any suggestions?
> >Yup -- there is one thing I don't recall the name for in English: it's a
> >common household product, a fluid, a kind of acid and you use it,
> >f'rinstance, to make pickles or preserves.
> >Anyway, a bowl of this left in a room overnight is supposed to do wonders
> >about the the smell of tobacco smoke, so try a bowl left inside the guitar
> >case overnight -- but be careful with kiddies or pets or similar, I
> >guess...
> Do you mean Acetic Acid, AKA Vinegar?

Yes! The 12 or 24% version.

Mattias Hallin

Oct 10, 1994, 8:09:10 AM10/10/94
In article <>, (Tim Maggio) wrote:

> >> I also have an old Martin HS case for a guitar I got used that totally
> >> reeks of cigarette smoke. Any suggestions?
> Mattias> Yup -- there is one thing I don't recall the name for in
English: it's a
> Mattias> common household product, a fluid, a kind of acid and you use it,
> Mattias> f'rinstance, to make pickles or preserves.
> [snip]
> Vinegar?

Yes! 12 or 24% solution.

Tom McBride

Dec 20, 1994, 11:04:37 PM12/20/94

> In article <>,
> (Tim Maggio) wrote:
> > >> I also have an old Martin HS case for a guitar I got used that totally
> > >> reeks of cigarette smoke. Any suggestions?
> >
> > Mattias> Yup -- there is one thing I don't recall the name for in
> English: it's a
> > Mattias> common household product, a fluid, a kind of acid and you use it,
> > Mattias> f'rinstance, to make pickles or preserves.
> >
> > [snip]
> >
> > Vinegar?
> Yes! 12 or 24% solution.

My cat urinated in my guitar case when I left it open while I was
playing one day. I used a mild soap and a damp cloth and then blotted
it extremely well. After that I sprinkled baking soda on the stain and
let it sit in the sun for a couple of days straight - no stain, no

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