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Gabor Szabo / Scientology

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Tilman Hausherr

Jul 27, 1996, 3:00:00 AM7/27/96

In <>, (Emerald)

>Gabor Szabo was a fairly well-known jazz guitarist who got into Co$
>around the late 1970s.


>He later left the cult and sued them. I think part of his complaint was
>that they had mismanaged his career or his finances.


>He died before the suit came to trial.


[posted and e-mailed]

>There were news articles about the suit and his death (early 1980s(?)).


AP 6.2.1980

Jazz Guitarist Sues Scientologists for $21 Million
By LINDA DEUTSCH, Associated Press Writer

Los Angeles (AP). Jazz guitarist Gabor Szabo has filed a $21 million lawsuit
against the Church of Scientology, accusing the organization of embezzling
his money, kidnapping him and forcing him to undergo a Scientology
"Life Repair Course."

In a 36-page complaint, Szabo's attorney detailed Tuesday an elaborate list
of accusations which included Scientology's alleged takeover of the musician's
career after he sought help in the church's drug treatment program.

Szabo, born in Budapest in 1936, is best known for his work with Lena Horne.
During the late '60s and early '70s he was a regular at the Monterey and Newport
jazz festivals. His most popular tune is "Mizrab" which came out in the late

His suit is the latest in a series of lawsuits against the England-based
religion which calls itself "an applied religious philosophy, a combination of
both Eastern and Western religions."

Szabo contends the church induced him to sign a personal management contract
with Artists International, a company he said is an arm of the Church of
Scientology. He said the firm was inept in artist management and more
concerned with using his name to win converts for Scientology.

He said the company charged a fee of 26 percent of his gross income for its
services but failed to pass on or account for the thousands of dollars he earned
while they managed him. Szabo accused Scientology and Artists International of
embezzling at least $15,000 from him.

The church's Minister of Public Affairs, Heber Jentzch, denied all
allegations and said Szabo had been given a full refund of his money "and has
signed documents to that effect."

Szabo says he was induced to sign a release and accept the money after a long
period of harassment.

He said Scientologists told him he was a "p.t.s." or "potential trouble
source" because he could not fully commit himself to the teachings and
principles of Scientology.

He said he was ordered to travel to Florida to undergo Scientology's "Life
Repair Course," a program which cost $12,000. When he refused, he said, he was
kidnapped and beaten.

Szabo alleged he was falsely imprisoned and physically and verbally
assaulted. At one point, he said, the Scientologists took his car keys,
apartment keys and other belongings and threatened to keep him prisoner forever
unless he went to Florida for the "Life Repair Course."

Eventually, he said, he was given a one-way plane ticket to Tampa, Fla., flew
there and was greeted by more Scientologists who took him to Flag Land Base,
the Scientology headquarters where he took the two-week course.

He alleged the course involved "mind-altering techniques."

After the two weeks, he said he was given the exact amount of money to buy a
return ticket to Los Angeles.

Szabo asked for more than $1 million in general damages with the exact figure
to be specified later. He seeks $20 million in punitive damages.

In August 1979, a Portland, Ore., woman won a $2 million judgment against the
church after she argued she suffered emotional distress as a result of her
experience with the church in 1975-76.

In December 1979, a $200 million damage suit was filed in federal court in
Boston on behalf of the church's drop-outs.

People in the News
AP 31.1.1981

Los Angeles (AP). Guitarist Gabor Szabo has dropped a $21 million suit
charging the Church of Scientology with embezzling his money, kidnapping
and harassing him and the church has dropped its suit charging Szabo with

In a telephone interview Friday from Tucson, Ariz., where he is appearing,
Szabo said he dropped the suit a week ago because "I found it too time-consuming
and I couldn't concentrate on my career." He said he stood by his original

The church filed a countersuit in March 1980 charging Szabo with fraud. As
part of the settlement, that suit also was dropped.

Szabo filed suit a year ago saying the Church of Scientology had taken over
his career and his life after he sought help from their drug treatment program.

He had accused the church of inducing him to sign a personal management
contract with Artists International, a company that he said was an arm of the
church and more concerned with using Szabo's name to win converts than managing
his career.

He alleged the company had charged him 26 percent of his gross income, but
failed to account for or pass on to him money he earned.

In a statement, the church said Friday that in depositions Szabo had
retracted his charges that threats, physical force and restraints had been used.

"We expected Mr. Szabo to ask for a settlement soon after his admission that
the earlier charges he had made were false," the Rev. Douglas Smith said in the
statement. "It saddens me to see an artist fallen on hard times, but that wasn't
really justification to extort money from us."

Jazz Guitarist Dies in Budapest
AP 6.3.1982

Los Angeles (AP). Hungarian-born guitarist Gabor Szabo, a Freedom Fighter
who fell in love with jazz while listening to the Voice of America
before fleeing to the United States, has died in Budapest at the age of 45,
a newspaper said Saturday.

Szabo, who became famous for his blend of ethnic melodies and American jazz,
had gone to Hungary in July to produce a record album and had planned to stay
until this summer. He died Feb. 26 and was buried in Budapest, the Los Angeles
Times said Saturday.

His brother, John Szabo, a Texas resident, told the newspaper Friday that the
guitarist had been hospitalized since December with liver and kidney problems.

He formed his own group in the mid-1960s, producing albums including
"Spellbinder," "Jazz Raga," "Sorcerer." He composed the score for the Roman
Polanski film "Repulsion" in 1965.

His fame took him to a command performance at the London Palladium, a concert
at Carnegie Hall and, in 1974, a television special filmed in his native

He said in a 1974 interview that he fell in love with jazz while listening to
the Voice of America.

"I had to listen to the jazz stations very quietly at night _ if they were
not jammed _ because listening to music from the Western world was an offense
against the government," he recalled.

When the Soviet Union put down Hungarian insurgents, Szabo, then 20, escaped
to an Austrian refugee camp and later immigrated to the United States.

He settled in San Bernardino, Calif., but found it diffucult to break into
jazz. A trio he formed with two fellow refugees failed and he worked as a
janitor for a year.

"By then I had saved enough money to study at the Berklee School of Music in
Boston. And in 1958, I played at Newport (R.I.) with the International Band," he
said in the 1974 interview.

In the late 1970s, Szabo became affiliated with the Church of Scientology.
He signed with Vanguard Artists International, a firm headed by several
Scientologists, in November 1978.

He later accused the church and Vanguard of misappropriating his money and
mismanagement of his career, and in February 1980 filed a $21 million lawsuit,
which was dropped a year later.

Szabo was divorced and had one son, Blaise, 17.

roland kalus

Jul 29, 1996, 3:00:00 AM7/29/96

Who else (of famous musicians) are *members* of the scientology
As far as I know Chick Corea, Dave Weckl, John Patitucci are members,
is this correct?

I am just courious to know. So don't flame!



Jul 30, 1996, 3:00:00 AM7/30/96

Bill Shehan of Mr. Big, formerly of Davie Lee Roth (!),
probably the guitar player of Mr. Big: Paul Gilbert,
What's His Name Garston who played piano on David Bowie's Outside
and (way back when) Let's Spend The Night Together, he's a
buddy of Corea,
any of those post-Connors' Return To Forever guys....


Dave Bird---St Hippo of Augustine

Jul 31, 1996, 3:00:00 AM7/31/96

In article <4thpdq$>, roland kalus <roland.kalus@main> writes

>Who else (of famous musicians) are *members* of the scientology
>As far as I know Chick Corea, Dave Weckl, John Patitucci are members,
>is this correct?
>I am just courious to know. So don't flame!

Celebrities in Scientology FAQ is on Tilman Hasuherr's webpage
(nnotated index of all the webpages is on my site)
-- \
Regards, Woof Woof, Glug Glug--
X E M U * Who Drowned theJUDGe's Dog ?
s p 4 \ |\ answers on ( alt.religion.scientology
/~~~~~~~ @----, and on page (/x/clam/faq/woofglug.html
-;'^';,_,-;^; : : : :
OT8 Cognition:"Source is the 8th Dynamic"[LRon Hubbard is God]BWAAH!

Jeremy Michael Crosbie

Aug 1, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/1/96

In article <4thpdq$>,

roland kalus <> wrote:
>Who else (of famous musicians) are *members* of the scientology
>As far as I know Chick Corea, Dave Weckl, John Patitucci are members,
>is this correct?
>I am just courious to know. So don't flame!

As far as I know, of those you listed Chick Corea is the only one. Dave
is jewish and John is Catholic.

Aug 1, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/1/96

In article <4thpdq$> (roland kalus) writes:
>Who else (of famous musicians) are *members* of the scientology
>As far as I know Chick Corea, Dave Weckl, John Patitucci are members,
>is this correct?

Stanley Clarke too. Chick must be recruiting them, eh?
A prominent player who lurks here occasionally is also a member.
Since I don't know if he's out of the closet, so to speak,
I won't name him.

...says thomas, who with the loving support of his family has
overcome traumatic personal setbacks in his quest for Olympic gold.


Aug 8, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/8/96
> overcome traumatic personal setbacks in his quest for Olympic gold.Sorry to butt in, but I don't think Patittuci is a Scientologist.
I've heard him say in interviews that he is a Christian, and as far as I can tell these
don't mix. For a while in the 70s everyone and their dog was saying they were
Scientologists- James Taylor, Carly Simon. I think Nemporer Records was a label that
promoted Scientologists exclusively, but that is just heresay on my part. Bill Connors
said that his tenure with Return to Forever was marred by the other band members giving
him grief for not being a Scientologist, and that band had Lenny White also.

Ceon Ramon

Aug 9, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/9/96

In article <4tpjme$>, <> wrote:

>In article <4thpdq$> (roland kalus) writes:
>>Who else (of famous musicians) are *members* of the scientology
>>As far as I know Chick Corea, Dave Weckl, John Patitucci are members,
>>is this correct?

>Stanley Clarke too. Chick must be recruiting them, eh?
>A prominent player who lurks here occasionally is also a member.
>Since I don't know if he's out of the closet, so to speak,
>I won't name him.

Boy, _that's_ feeding castor oil to Canadian geese!

--Barbara "in Seattle we're wallowing in the stuff"

Aug 10, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/10/96

In article <4ugfj9$> (Ceon Ramon) writes:
>>A prominent player who lurks here occasionally is also a member.
>>Since I don't know if he's out of the closet, so to speak,
>>I won't name him.
>Boy, _that's_ feeding castor oil to Canadian geese!

I've never done that. I have given my cat hairball medicine.
Would that be in the ballpark?

>--Barbara "in Seattle we're wallowing in the stuff"

Castor oil or Canadian geese?

Aug 10, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/10/96

i'll have you know that the canada goose is of the hardiest of
digestions... it is quite able to effect groundcover on its very own.

welcome to the canadian revenge for all the "entertainment" you shovel
down our throats. crap for crap... hee hee hee





Aug 10, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/10/96

In <>

interesting thread - Scientology to geese to hairballs............
somebody give me a clue

Ceon Ramon

Aug 10, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/10/96

In article <4uimva$>,

> interesting thread - Scientology to geese to hairballs............
>somebody give me a clue

People who join scientology are (*at that time*) silly geese. They
eventually hack it up, as it doesn't contribute to their nutritional needs
or well-being and in fact causes a blockage that is potentially



Ceon Ramon

Aug 11, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/11/96

In article <>,
<> wrote:

>> >Boy, _that's_ feeding castor oil to Canadian geese!


>> >--Barbara "in Seattle we're wallowing in the stuff"
>> Castor oil or Canadian geese?

>welcome to the canadian revenge for all the "entertainment" you shovel

>down our throats. crap for crap... hee hee hee

Yeah, yeah; gripe gripe gripe. The explanation for Canadians allowing
American entertainment to be shoved down their throats is what again?

(a) Canadians are incapable of producing their own entertainment/crap;
(b) Canadians are incapable of producing crap that is in any way
superior or even distinguishable from the crap Americans produce;
(c) Canadians like American crap;
(d) the geese are in charge of Canandian television.


(Sorry if the humor is feeble or the grammar is faulty; I noticed in
earlier umm droppings of mine today only when it was too late that I
omitted entire clauses and substituted nouns for verbs --but someone seems
to have placed a gigantic vacuum pump over the city of Seattle and removed
all the air, at the same time heating the city up to close to 100 degrees.

Mind you: I'm not *saying* that it's the Canadians who are


Jeremy Michael Crosbie

Aug 12, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/12/96

In article <4uimva$>,

> interesting thread - Scientology to geese to hairballs............
>somebody give me a clue

Scientology ultimately leads to hairballs. Geese are just an interim side-effect

Jeremy Michael Crosbie

Aug 12, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/12/96

In article <4ujaet$>,

>(Sorry if the humor is feeble or the grammar is faulty; I noticed in
>earlier umm droppings of mine today only when it was too late that I
>omitted entire clauses and substituted nouns for verbs --but someone seems
>to have placed a gigantic vacuum pump over the city of Seattle and removed
>all the air, at the same time heating the city up to close to 100 degrees.

I just hate it when I get my subjunctive clauses and pluperfect mixed up!

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