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Views on Fender Reissue Blues Deluxe for Jazz

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Tom Sacold

Jun 16, 2010, 9:29:41 PM6/16/10
What are opinions on using a Fender Blues Deluxe for mainstream standards
based jazz?

I like a Kenny Burrell sort of sound. Semi-pro quartet / quintet / sextet,
sometimes more, sometimes with piano, small club or rehearsals, nothing
bigger - tends to be rather more rehearsals these days. :-(

But its still fun.


Jun 16, 2010, 10:16:22 PM6/16/10

I found it to be not as clear sounding as other models. I think it is
better for blues ( as the name implies) than jazz, myself (There will
always be others to to differ), but you have to try it out, because
sound is personal, right?



Jun 17, 2010, 5:38:49 PM6/17/10
i had the USA made original Blues Deluxe (not the MIM reissue) and
used it for some 10 years for all my jazz gigs. It definitely is a
blues amp right off the shelf, so you'd need to replace the speaker
with something cleaner and use much cooler tubes to squeeze more clean
headroom. That said, I ran my ES-175 through it and was able to get a
nice jazz sound without any breakup at medium volumes. When we had a
loud drummer of lots of horns, this amp would break up which is not a
pretty sound, IMO. so, if you are playing in louder situations, i
would not recommend it. If your playing requires pedal overdriven
sounds, the clean channel of this amp DOES respond well to pedals.
I have since switched to a couple of SS rigs now because they are so
much lighter and there is much more headroom.
good luck.

Tom Sacold

Jun 18, 2010, 8:40:28 PM6/18/10

"Tom Sacold" <> wrote in message

Thanks for the comments. I'll probably go for the Fender 65 Princeton.

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