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Maccaferri Plastic Violin

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Tho X. Bui

Nov 21, 2000, 8:00:00 AM11/21/00
Came accross this gem ($135) at Elderly music (, I
think). It seems so silly a concept that I am thinking about buying it.
Anybody here played one? Does it sound like a $135 instrument? $50
instrument? A friend has 2 maccaferri plastic guitars, and they don't
sound all that objectionable...


Peter Schug

Nov 22, 2000, 8:00:00 AM11/22/00
in article, Tho X. Bui at
wrote on 11/21/00 6:49 PM:

Hi Tho,

I have no idea, but if you buy one I hope you report on it to the news

Check out my fiddle building web site
Updated July 23, 2000

Peter Held

Nov 23, 2000, 3:31:51 AM11/23/00
At one time I saw that Elderly was selling them non-returnable. At this
time, however, I noticed that that requirement seems to have been removed on
their web-site. To be certain you may want to call and ask. I love Elderly
Instruments - since they are only an hour away from me I go their in person.
I have been buying instruments there since 1973.

I can't imagine that these sound any good, though!

I'd love to hear from someone who has tried one.

Pete Held

"Peter Schug" <> wrote in message

Tho X. Bui

Nov 23, 2000, 8:00:00 AM11/23/00
Just placed the order, will let y'all know when it arrive. I'll write a
full analysis, comparing it to the sound quality of my modest collection
of ebay specials :-)


David Kaye

Nov 24, 2000, 3:56:17 AM11/24/00
Peter Held wrote the quoted material below:

" I can't imagine that these sound any good, though!

But, electric violins are made of plastic, no? They sound pretty good for
people who like that kind of sound.

(C) 2000 Most counties contain cities; New
David Kaye York City contains 5 counties

Ib Therkelsen

Nov 24, 2000, 8:00:00 AM11/24/00
David Kaye wrote:
> Peter Held wrote the quoted material below:
> " I can't imagine that these sound any good, though!
> But, electric violins are made of plastic, no? They sound pretty good for
> people who like that kind of sound.

- just as large truck engines, running at full pelt, sound pretty good
for people who like that kind of sound :-)

Ib Therkelsen


Nov 24, 2000, 8:00:00 AM11/24/00

David Kaye <> wrote in message

> Peter Held wrote the quoted material below:
> " I can't imagine that these sound any good, though!
> But, electric violins are made of plastic, no? They sound pretty good for
> people who like that kind of sound.

Electric instruments don't rely on body acoustics for tone, though they can.
The electronics can create the sound envelope and tweak the harmonic makeup
of the tone. I reserve judgement of tone, however, till I hear it.

Fran and Adrian Ross

Nov 29, 2000, 7:30:32 AM11/29/00
"But, electric violins are made of plastic, no? "
awww, not neccesarilly... i'd say about 70% of the electric violin market is
wood-designs... as i've come o find out using vaious woods with the same
design, the wood used is a *surprisingly* large component of the tone... i
probably wouldn't go so far as to say the e'violins require
accoustic-quality tone woods, but you can hear a big different between
woods that are made from maple, sheoak, jarrah, pines, spruce, ironwood etc
from very acoustic to very warm to very bright, depending on the woods used
follows suit that various types of plastics, density and elasticity would
play a fairly big role too... if they've done some fairly hefty research,
its possible these violins could sound quite decent.... (they would have an
upped limit however, much like carbon fibre bows.... a $200 carbon fibre
bow will most likely kick the pants of a $200 brazilwood bow, but a $600
CF bow still wont be able to compete with a $2k snakewood/pernumbuco bow
etc etc)
as student instruments, the plastic violins could be quite good....
i'll be interested to hear how they do sound! = )

David Kaye <> wrote in message

Oct 21, 2013, 1:12:41 AM10/21/13
I have two Maccaferri violins, one wood, one plastic. I don't play either one, but my father played both, and my daughter plays them occasionally. The wood fiddle is quite good, and the plastic is not bad at all! It can sound "plasticy" but usually sounds quite good! It is loud and rich. Certainly better than an inexpensive wooden instrument, but not as good as a fine one.
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