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Hridaynath Mangeshkar

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Shyam Uttarwar

May 19, 1996, 7:00:00 AM5/19/96

Chetan Vinchhi wrote:
> In article <4ngfam$>, sm...@Lehigh.EDU

> >Can you guys shed light on Hridaynath Mangeshkar's Pandit title. We had had a
> >similar discussion a couple of years back. When I mentioned that HM's
> >performance in Hindi music is average, I was told that he is a master in
> >Marathi. Now here's my Q: Is his performance really that great in Marathi to
> >deserve the Pandit title ? We have so many MD's in Hindi who haven't been
> >honoured thus.
> You only have to listen to some Marathi songs sung by Lata for her Hridaya.
> They truly belong in the "great" category. Even some of his Hindi songs
> are wonderful (remember Lekin ? And 'tum aasha vishwaas hamaare' ?). But
> maybe the title has something to do with his virtuosity as a classical
> singer. I have been told that is an accomplished vocalist. Confirmations ?
> It is also conceivable that the 'pandit' thing was pushed by Lata in
> to promote her brother the composer.

Rating Hridaynath just on the basis of his few Hindi films would be a
injustice to him. His Marathi songs, extremely rich in their musical
truely belong to "outstanding" category. And as Chetan says, you folks
to listen to them to believe. Extremely difficult to sing, his songs
to altogether differenet genre and no other Marathi MD could come even
to his ability. Only Lata and Asha could give justice to them.

And yes, Hridaynath is an accomplished classical vocalist. I have heard
in some live programs and I could easily compare him with some great
Unlike other well known Hindi film MDs, he has achieved much beyond
film music which lead him to his 'Pandit' title.

I do not believe Lata ever did anything to promote him in Hindi films.
Had that been a case, with all his talent he would have made a big
I think his heart was simply not there and instead he chose to focus
on Marathi songs.

For those on this NG, who know Hridayda beyond his Hindi films, any

- Shyam Uttarwar

Sambit Basu

May 19, 1996, 7:00:00 AM5/19/96
to Uttarwar) writes:

>For those on this NG, who know Hridayda beyond his Hindi films, any

In Bengali, Hridaynath-Salil-Lata is a very well known
combination. Those songs are composed by HM and penned
by Salil. They are extremely difficult to sing, IMO, and
in quite a few cases, very smart compositions. But, they
also have a distinct Marathi folk flavour, which inhibits
the song to become a pure "Bengali" in nature. This is
of course my subjective opinion.

One of Asha's songs, "Jeebon gaan", composed by HM (I
believe it's on Puriya Dhanasree) and written by SC, is
considered by many as the best Bong-song sung by Asha.


Nilesh Savargaonkar

May 19, 1996, 7:00:00 AM5/19/96

>Rating Hridaynath just on the basis of his few Hindi films would be a
>great injustice to him. His Marathi songs, extremely rich in their musical
>contents, truely belong to "outstanding" category. And as Chetan says, you folks
>have to listen to them to believe. Extremely difficult to sing, his songs
>belong to altogether differenet genre and no other Marathi MD could come even

>closerto his ability. Only Lata and Asha could give justice to them.

>And yes, Hridaynath is an accomplished classical vocalist. I have heard
>him in some live programs and I could easily compare him with some great
>names. Unlike other well known Hindi film MDs, he has achieved much beyond
>Hindi film music which lead him to his 'Pandit' title.
>I do not believe Lata ever did anything to promote him in Hindi films.
>Had that been a case, with all his talent he would have made a big

>name.I think his heart was simply not there and instead he chose to focus
>on Marathi songs.

>For those on this NG, who know Hridayda beyond his Hindi films, any

>- Shyam Uttarwar

I completely agree with your comments above. Although I have not listened to him
in a live concert, I very like the few Marathi songs he has sung. The music
composed by him for many Marathi songs (from films as well as non-filmy) is of a
different class. As you said, only Lata and Asha could do justice to his music.
Ravindra Sathe has also done pretty good job in 'Jait re jait'. I definitely
think that he is one of the greatest music directors seen by Marathi and Hindi
film industry.

- Nilesh.

Pradeep Dubey

May 20, 1996, 7:00:00 AM5/20/96

In article <4nmmpn$>, Uttarwar) writes:
|> Chetan Vinchhi wrote:
|> >
|> > In article <4ngfam$>, sm...@Lehigh.EDU
|> > >Can you guys shed light on Hridaynath Mangeshkar's Pandit title. We had had a
|> > >similar discussion a couple of years back. When I mentioned that HM's
|> > >performance in Hindi music is average, I was told that he is a master in
|> > >Marathi. Now here's my Q: Is his performance really that great in Marathi to
|> > >deserve the Pandit title ? We have so many MD's in Hindi who haven't been
|> > >honoured thus.
|> >
|> > You only have to listen to some Marathi songs sung by Lata for her Hridaya.
|> > They truly belong in the "great" category. Even some of his Hindi songs
|> > are wonderful (remember Lekin ? And 'tum aasha vishwaas hamaare' ?). But
|> > maybe the title has something to do with his virtuosity as a classical
|> > singer. I have been told that is an accomplished vocalist. Confirmations ?
|> > It is also conceivable that the 'pandit' thing was pushed by Lata in
|> order
|> > to promote her brother the composer.

Let me throw my 2 cents also:

This is perhaps a very personal comment. But the MD whose
compositions (mainly bengali ones) have confused me most
often with those of Sir Salil, is none other than: Pt. Hridaynath M.

And now that I am being exposed to his Marathi songs (courtsey: Vish),
I am begining to be convinced of his creative genius.
I guess one example that I cannot but mention is the following
Lata bong song: ae din to jaabe na, maana tumi jotoi koro ...
It's hard to not be impressed with this song. An amazing number!
Almost all guitar chords would find a place in here :-)
For a long time, I could not imagine anyone but Salil to have
composed this, until one morning, when I was told, it's: Pt. HM.

Interestingly, it turns out that perhaps Sir Salil felt some commonality
too. And there was an uncommonly close co-operation between these two
great minds in bengali songs. Often Salil penned and left the lyrics
under the hands of HM.


Chetan Vinchhi

May 21, 1996, 7:00:00 AM5/21/96

Reg. Hridayanath Mangeshkar Shyam Uttarwar wrote :

>Extremely difficult to sing, his songs belong to altogether
>differenet genre and no other Marathi MD could come even
>closerto his ability.

Hello Shyam,

While I do agree that HM is a great composer of Marathi songs,
there are others who are of the same calibre (loosely speaking).
You have to understand the strenghths of various other MDs and
then contrast them with HM. I would say the HM's composition are
of an intellectual type (somewhat like Salil's - as Pradeep and
others have noted about his Bengali ouput). Perhaps "extremely
difficult to sing" is your way of expressing the same thing ?
Of the few other Marathi MDs I have heard, I think some compositions
of Ramesh Prabhu are extremely melodious. Simpler than HM's but
not inferior in any sense. And Lata's voice sounds so wonderful
under his baton ! It reminds me of her voice quality for some
Hindi songs of CR. Sudhir Phadke is another MD who is
in yet another category. Some of his compositions I can only
describe as exquisite. Not simple. Yet not like the extremely
technical stuff churned out by HM. The same quality can be
seen in 'jyoti kalash chhalke...'.

>For those on this NG, who know Hridayda beyond his Hindi films, any

Other than the Marathi songs discussed here, his non-filmi stuff
(including Meera bhajans and ghazals of Ghalib) is excellent. In
fact, this output is better than his Hindi filmi output. Maybe
Sami outght to listen to these before branding him as 'just
average' :)


Veena S Nayak

May 21, 1996, 7:00:00 AM5/21/96

In article <4nq18i$>,
Pradeep Dubey <> wrote:


>And now that I am being exposed to his Marathi songs (courtsey: Vish),
>I am begining to be convinced of his creative genius.
>I guess one example that I cannot but mention is the following
>Lata bong song: ae din to jaabe na, maana tumi jotoi koro ...


>It's hard to not be impressed with this song. An amazing number!
>Almost all guitar chords would find a place in here :-)
>For a long time, I could not imagine anyone but Salil to have
>composed this, until one morning, when I was told, it's: Pt. HM.

Incidentally, this song also has a Marathi version (which, I
suspect is the original) "mendichya panavar, mana azun zhulte ga".
It was released on a 45 rpm record with the song "maalvun taak deep",
which is one of the most beautiful love songs I have ever heard.
Although, I think that HM was best in his Marathi compositions,
I would not go so far as to call all his Hindi songs "average".
While his music for movies like Mashaal was lackluster, songs
from Lekin, Dhanwaan, and Maya Memsaab, to name a few, are definitely
above average.
For those interested in exploring more of his Marathi songs,
I strongly recommend his Ganapathi songs (which can be heard in
every corner in Bombay during Ganesh Chaturthi) and his Koli Geet.
The former is a set of three songs sung by Lata, with a shloka
recital by HM at the end. In the latter, I can recollect only
three songs ("valav re nakhwa by Lata-Hemant Kumar, "vadal vara
sutala ga" by Lata and "raja saaranga" by Lata); maybe there are
more. I will have to check my collection.


Ajay P Nerurkar

May 21, 1996, 7:00:00 AM5/21/96

Chetan Vinchhi ( wrote:

: While I do agree that HM is a great composer of Marathi songs,

: there are others who are of the same calibre (loosely speaking).

As I try to compare Hridaynath with composers of the past, a few names seem
worthy of mention. Datta Davjekar, Vasant Prabhu, Sudhir Phadke and Shreenivas
Khale are the most prominent in terms of the quality and the quantity of their
work. There are others like the great Vasant Desai whose oeuvre, although of
the highest class, is either very limited in size or not commonly available.
(I don't know which of these is true)

: Of the few other Marathi MDs I have heard, I think some compositions

: of Ramesh Prabhu are extremely melodious. Simpler than HM's but
: not inferior in any sense. And Lata's voice sounds so wonderful
: under his baton !

I agree with this opinion ( minus your spelling of Vasant Prabhu's first
name :-) ). The lyricism of "Jana paLbhar mhaNtil haay haay" probably didn't
need a tune to be musical but Vasant Prabhu has managed to elevate this poem.
It surely must rank among Lata's most sublime moments in the recording room.

Lata has gone on record to say that HM is the best singer in the family. This
may sound like high praise until you take into account that two other
candidates were possibly ruled out by modesty and rivalry respectively. But
the silken quality of his voice is beyond dispute and I am sure he himself
could have sung any of his own compositions. Although his father, Master
Dinanath, passed away before Hridaynath could get the benefit of his tutelage,
he did study under the guidance of Amir Khansaheb. I have been to live
performances by him where he expands on the classical compositions that
underlie some of his popular songs. His training is evident and so is a
shortfall in rigorous riyaaz but if he makes up his mind he can make the
transition to the classical world. Pt. Bhimsen Joshi exhorted him to take the
plunge at the Pandit-hood ceremony but there are many who would like him to
stay put. After all we have quite a few very able classical vocalists but
only one Hridaynath Mangeshkar in the realm of Marathi music.



May 23, 1996, 7:00:00 AM5/23/96

In article <4nsnd0$>, (Chetan Vinchhi) writes:

First of all, thanks to everyone who has provided info on HM's Marathi and
Bengali (Bangla ?) works...

>Other than the Marathi songs discussed here, his non-filmi stuff
>(including Meera bhajans and ghazals of Ghalib) is excellent. In
>fact, this output is better than his Hindi filmi output. Maybe
>Sami outght to listen to these before branding him as 'just
>average' :)

Hey, that's pass interference :-) I "branded him" average ONLY in Hindi films.
I never said that he was an avg. MD as a whole. His Hindi output certainly
does not match the description people have been posting reg. his Marathi and
Bengali output.

Sami Mohammed (A Naushad fan)

PS: HM has sung for Naushad a couple of times.


Lines for the day:

Aaj phir dil ne ek tamanna ki
Aaj phir dil ko humne samjhaaya

Javed Aqtar in "Tumko dekha to ye quayaal aaya..."

Pranav H Mehta

May 23, 1996, 7:00:00 AM5/23/96
to Uttarwar) wrote:

>For those on this NG, who know Hridayda beyond his Hindi films, any

>- Shyam Uttarwar

I agree with Sami in that HM hasn't produced really great film music with the
consistency that could be expected from such a maestro. However, his non-filmi
compositions are simply extra-ordinary. One only has to listen to his "Meera" and
"Ghalib" albums to recognize his genius. Sometimes I feel that he is more
comfortable about exploring various aspects of a single theme (like in the above
mentioned works) than a film scenario where the songs don't necessarily have a
common thread. Many of his marathi songs also had a common theme to them, e.g.,
'koli' songs, of which "mi dolakara" is perhaps the best known. Not so
coincidentally, perhaps, he formed the formidable trio of "non-filmi composer
greats" along with late K. Mahavir (hindi) and Purushottam Upadhyaya (gujarati). I
don't know how one is bestowed the title of "Pandit" but having heard all three, I
would have a real hard time judging who is (was) a better singer. Perhaps, because
HM sings classical music and other two restricted themselves to light music, he got
the "Pandit" title.

- Pranav

Sanjeev Ramabhadran

May 23, 1996, 7:00:00 AM5/23/96

In article <4o2l25$> Pranav H Mehta <> writes:
>I agree with Sami in that HM hasn't produced really great film music with the
>consistency that could be expected from such a maestro. However, his non-filmi
>compositions are simply extra-ordinary. One only has to listen to his "Meera" and
>"Ghalib" albums to recognize his genius. Sometimes I feel that he is more
I didn't really like his Ghalib album that much...he's done some good
stuff, though. I really liked Lekin - the song "Suniyo Ji Araj Mhaariyo
Baabulaa Hamaar" has the SAME EXACT TUNE as his "Rone Se Aaj Ishq Men
Be-baak Ho Gaye" - I liked the tune MUCH BETTER in the movie Lekin.


Chetan Vinchhi

May 24, 1996, 7:00:00 AM5/24/96

In article <4nt4un$>, (Ajay P Nerurkar) wrote:

>: Of the few other Marathi MDs I have heard, I think some compositions
>: of Ramesh Prabhu are extremely melodious. Simpler than HM's but
>: not inferior in any sense. And Lata's voice sounds so wonderful
>: under his baton !
>I agree with this opinion ( minus your spelling of Vasant Prabhu's first
>name :-) ).

Thanks for correcting me, Ajay. Don't know how I goofed up...

>After all we have quite a few very able classical vocalists but
>only one Hridaynath Mangeshkar in the realm of Marathi music.

Well said !


Milind Gole

May 24, 1996, 7:00:00 AM5/24/96

Shyam Uttarwar ( wrote:

: Chetan Vinchhi wrote:
: >
: > In article <4ngfam$>, sm...@Lehigh.EDU

: > >Can you guys shed light on Hridaynath Mangeshkar's Pandit title. We had had a
: > >similar discussion a couple of years back. When I mentioned that HM's
: > >performance in Hindi music is average, I was told that he is a master in
: > >Marathi. Now here's my Q: Is his performance really that great in Marathi to
: > >deserve the Pandit title ? We have so many MD's in Hindi who haven't been
: > >honoured thus.
: >
: > You only have to listen to some Marathi songs sung by Lata for her Hridaya.
: > They truly belong in the "great" category. Even some of his Hindi songs
: > are wonderful (remember Lekin ? And 'tum aasha vishwaas hamaare' ?). But
: > maybe the title has something to do with his virtuosity as a classical
: > singer. I have been told that is an accomplished vocalist. Confirmations ?
: > It is also conceivable that the 'pandit' thing was pushed by Lata in
: order
: > to promote her brother the composer.

: Rating Hridaynath just on the basis of his few Hindi films would be a

: great
: injustice to him. His Marathi songs, extremely rich in their musical
: contents,
: truely belong to "outstanding" category. And as Chetan says, you folks
: have

: to listen to them to believe. Extremely difficult to sing, his songs

: belong
: to altogether differenet genre and no other Marathi MD could come even

: closer

: to his ability. Only Lata and Asha could give justice to them.

: And yes, Hridaynath is an accomplished classical vocalist. I have heard
: him

By any streach of imagination HM is not a classical singer. I doubt if he
has sung any 3 hour classical mehfils with khayals (without taking
Harmonium in his control to get further with clues). You must be joking
Mr. Uttarwar to call him an accomplished classical vocalist.

All he sings(?) is bandish/cheej which are comparatively light part of a
classical performance.

As far as his Marathi songs are concerned, they are good. There are few
more MDs who are equally good, for an example Shrinivas Khale. SK's music
always has intellectual richness (if thats what you look for) and
sweetness (of Sudhir Phadake of 'Jyoti kalash zalake') both blended
togarther to make it unique. His compositions are not 'dry' or just

It would be hard to put HM in a same 'pundit' catagory as
Mallikarjun Mansoor, Bakhale, Tembe, Paluskar, Thakur or Bhimsen.

My 2c.


: in some live programs and I could easily compare him with some great

: names.
: Unlike other well known Hindi film MDs, he has achieved much beyond
: Hindi
: film music which lead him to his 'Pandit' title.

: I do not believe Lata ever did anything to promote him in Hindi films.
: Had that been a case, with all his talent he would have made a big
: name.
: I think his heart was simply not there and instead he chose to focus
: on Marathi songs.

: For those on this NG, who know Hridayda beyond his Hindi films, any
: comments??

: - Shyam Uttarwar


May 31, 1996, 7:00:00 AM5/31/96

In article <4o2t2j$c...@cnn.Princeton.EDU>, (Sanjeev Ramabhadran) writes:

>I didn't really like his Ghalib album that much...he's done some good
>stuff, though. I really liked Lekin - the song "Suniyo Ji Araj Mhaariyo
>Baabulaa Hamaar" has the SAME EXACT TUNE as his "Rone Se Aaj Ishq Men
>Be-baak Ho Gaye" - I liked the tune MUCH BETTER in the movie Lekin.

Looks like HM loves to recycle his tunes. His Holi song in Mashaal ("O Holi
aaee, holi aaee, dekho holi aaee re....") has the same tune as the
forgettable mKaps/Lata duet (from Dhanwan ?) "O balle balle bhai reshmi dupaTTe
waalie, tera roop lashkaare maare..." which itself is based on one of his
(probably) MaraTHi songs that I had watched on Chitramala.

BTW, I like the Tong-tong sound (excuse me for the non-tech language :-) ) after
Lata finishes the mukhRa in "Sunioji araj mhaario..." It's on some stringed
instrument... tanpura ?? RDB has used something similar in 1942 ALS and the
prelude of LP's "Main tulsi tere aangan ki..." perhaps utilizes the same
instrument as well.

Sami Mohammed (A Naushad fan)


Lines for the day:

Itna mujhe bataao mere dil ki dhaRkano
Woh kaun thhe jo KHwaab dikhakar chale gae

Hasrat Jaipuri in "Aae bahaar banke lubhaakar chale gae...." (Rajhath)

Prince Kohli

May 31, 1996, 7:00:00 AM5/31/96

sm...@Lehigh.EDU (SAMIUDDIN MOHAMMED) writes:
|> Looks like HM loves to recycle his tunes. His Holi song in Mashaal ("O Holi
|> aaee, holi aaee, dekho holi aaee re....") has the same tune as the
|> forgettable mKaps/Lata duet (from Dhanwan ?) "O balle balle bhai reshmi dupaTTe

|> waalie, tera roop lashkaare maare..." which itself is based on one of his

I don't remember the song. However, seeing that the song is based loosely
on Punjabi, I cannot get the above faux pas slip by :) I am *sure* it has
to be "balle balle nee reshmi dupatte waalie," and not "bhai." It changes
the meaning dramatically!

Talking about Punjabi-based songs, the only singers who do justice to them
are Rafi and Mahendra Kapoor. KK and Lata have tried, but rarely get
the accent correct. I cannot offhand recall any Asha song in this
category. I am sure there is no Geeta Dutt, Mukesh, Talat, Hemnat Kr.,
RDB, SDB, Suresh Wadkar, etc. etc. Punjabi song.

Oh - and who sung that song in Jaagte Raho? Main koi jhooth bolya,
koi na, jee koi na? That was perfect! Was it Pankaj Mitra?


Chetan Vinchhi

May 31, 1996, 7:00:00 AM5/31/96

In article <4ondjq$>, (Prince Kohli) wrote:
>Oh - and who sung that song in Jaagte Raho? Main koi jhooth bolya,
>koi na, jee koi na? That was perfect! Was it Pankaj Mitra?

Wasn't it sung by Rafi and Balbir ?
Who is Pankaj Mitra ?


Prince Kohli

May 31, 1996, 7:00:00 AM5/31/96

It probably was. It's one of my favourite songs, and it's
not there in the jaagte raho CD :(

|> Who is Pankaj Mitra ?

He is the one who sings along with KK in that
mast song "saala main to saahab ban gaya," from "Sagina."


Prince Kohli

May 31, 1996, 7:00:00 AM5/31/96
to (Arun Verma) writes:
|> There have to be several punjabi based songs by Asha, given
|> she was dear to OPN, e.g.
|> uden jab jab zulphen -Naya daur(OK, may be no punjabi words, but
|> she sings in 'punjabi' style)

You have given me a start - I can think of better examples now.

"reshmee salwaar kurta jaali da." (I suppose it was Asha?)

Then there is that song of Shammi Kapoor and a pretty actress,
with one going on about the other's zulfein and the other about
the cheeks... Or something close. Anyone know which song I
am talking about? This was an early Shammi K. movie.

|> I liked the job KK & Lata did in Khayyam's 'Tera phoolon jaisa
|> rang, tere sheeshe jaise ang'.

That is again not "as Punjabi" as some others.


Arun Verma

May 31, 1996, 7:00:00 AM5/31/96

In article <4ondjq$>,

Prince Kohli <> wrote:
>sm...@Lehigh.EDU (SAMIUDDIN MOHAMMED) writes:
>|> Looks like HM loves to recycle his tunes. His Holi song in Mashaal ("O Holi
>|> aaee, holi aaee, dekho holi aaee re....") has the same tune as the
>|> forgettable mKaps/Lata duet (from Dhanwan ?) "O balle balle bhai reshmi dupaTTe
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>|> waalie, tera roop lashkaare maare..." which itself is based on one of his
>I don't remember the song. However, seeing that the song is based loosely
>on Punjabi, I cannot get the above faux pas slip by :) I am *sure* it has
>to be "balle balle nee reshmi dupatte waalie," and not "bhai." It changes
>the meaning dramatically!
>Talking about Punjabi-based songs, the only singers who do justice to them
>are Rafi and Mahendra Kapoor. KK and Lata have tried, but rarely get
>the accent correct. I cannot offhand recall any Asha song in this
>category. I am sure there is no Geeta Dutt, Mukesh, Talat, Hemnat Kr.,
>RDB, SDB, Suresh Wadkar, etc. etc. Punjabi song.
>Oh - and who sung that song in Jaagte Raho? Main koi jhooth bolya,
>koi na, jee koi na? That was perfect! Was it Pankaj Mitra?

That was Rafi w/ Balbir, if I recall correctly. Nice song.

There have to be several punjabi based songs by Asha, given
she was dear to OPN, e.g.

uden jab jab zulphen -Naya daur(OK, may be no punjabi words, but
she sings in 'punjabi' style)

I liked the job KK & Lata did in Khayyam's 'Tera phoolon jaisa

rang, tere sheeshe jaise ang'.


rebala gopinath

May 31, 1996, 7:00:00 AM5/31/96

In article <4ondjq$>,
Prince Kohli <> wrote:
>Talking about Punjabi-based songs, the only singers who do justice to them
>are Rafi and Mahendra Kapoor. KK and Lata have tried, but rarely get
>the accent correct. I cannot offhand recall any Asha song in this
>category. I am sure there is no Geeta Dutt, Mukesh, Talat, Hemnat Kr.,
>RDB, SDB, Suresh Wadkar, etc. etc. Punjabi song.

Would "Dupatta mere malmal ka", the Asha-Geeta duet from Adalat qualify. I
think it has some Punjabi words, though I'm not sure what's meant by
Punjabi-based. I would assume Asha has quite a few in that category and she
should be better than Lata. BTW who are the singers in "Teri rab ni bana di
jodi" from Suhaag(?). How about a thread on Punjabi-based songs?



May 31, 1996, 7:00:00 AM5/31/96

In article <4onjpg$>, (Prince Kohli) writes:

> (Arun Verma) writes:
>|> There have to be several punjabi based songs by Asha, given
>|> she was dear to OPN, e.g.
>|> uden jab jab zulphen -Naya daur(OK, may be no punjabi words, but
>|> she sings in 'punjabi' style)

But that wudn't test her Punjabi accent/pronunciation.

>You have given me a start - I can think of better examples now.
>"reshmee salwaar kurta jaali da." (I suppose it was Asha?)

Yup, this is from Naya Daur as well if Sats' RMIM page is correct.

>Then there is that song of Shammi Kapoor and a pretty actress,

The "pretty actress" rules Kashmir ki Kali out, otherwise there is a Rafi/Asha
duet with a Punjabi tune "Hai re hai, ye tere(mere) haath me mera(tera) haath
nae jazbaat meri jaan balle balle..." There's another Rafi duet (probably with
Asha) which has some Punjabi words in it:

"Tu raat khaRi thhi chhat pe ke (?) main samjha ke chand nikla..."

The chorus goes:

"Oye shaba (?), oye shaba..." I won't complete the rest lest I make the hero
the heroine's bhai :-)

Pratiggya has another Rafi/Lata duet with a lot of Punjabi in it. There's a
bidaai geet by Lata and Suresh Wadkar in Arpan "Akka hun turjanaae (??)
din reh gae thoRe..." I guess the first few words are in Punjabi.

There's a completely Punjabi number in Kala Pathhar which is my fav. mKaps
song: "Jagayya Jagayya...." It starts with "Ishk aur mushk chhupaae nahin
chhupte..." or something quite similar. The lyrics are quite good and
it'll be great if someone can post them.

Sami Mohammed (A Naushad fan)


Lines for the day:

Ye maana ke mehfil me anjaan hai tu, magar jab bhi tujhse nigaahen mili hain
Mujhe ye laga hai payaam-e-mohabbat, nazar se teri, baar baar aa raha hai

Jalaal Maleehabadi in "Saba se ye kehdo ke kaliaan bichhaae, woh dekho, woh
jaan-e-bahaar aa raha hai...."

Prince Kohli

May 31, 1996, 7:00:00 AM5/31/96

sm...@Lehigh.EDU (SAMIUDDIN MOHAMMED) writes:
|> In article <4onjpg$>, (Prince Kohli) writes:

|> duet with a Punjabi tune "Hai re hai, ye tere(mere) haath me mera(tera) haath
|> nae jazbaat meri jaan balle balle..." There's another Rafi duet (probably with
|> Asha) which has some Punjabi words in it:
|> "Tu raat khaRi thhi chhat pe ke (?) main samjha ke chand nikla..."

Yup, that has Rafi with a nice Punjabi accent. Wasn't it Helen dancing?

|> Pratiggya has another Rafi/Lata duet with a lot of Punjabi in it. There's a
|> bidaai geet by Lata and Suresh Wadkar in Arpan "Akka hun turjanaae (??)
|> din reh gae thoRe..." I guess the first few words are in Punjabi.

That goes "assaN hun tur jaaeeye din rae gae thoRe." Means "let us move on,
there are not many days left," in much more poetic form :)

|> There's a completely Punjabi number in Kala Pathhar which is my fav. mKaps
|> song: "Jagayya Jagayya...." It starts with "Ishk aur mushk chhupaae nahin
|> chhupte..." or something quite similar. The lyrics are quite good and
|> it'll be great if someone can post them.

Yup, that will be nice, especially as I do not recall this song at all :(

I wonder if there are any songs in Hindi movies which are totally (or
almost totally) in another Indian language (which rules out English).
The "jaagte raho" song would be one. Then there are some Bhojpuri songs,
and Chanchal might have some more Punjabi ones. Many songs use phrases
from other languages, but are there more sung totally in one?

Isn't there a Rajasthani song in some movie?

For the sake of this thread, consider Urdu and Hindi as interchangeable :)


Neeraj Deshmukh - The Falcon

May 31, 1996, 7:00:00 AM5/31/96

In article <4on7me$> sm...@Lehigh.EDU

> Looks like HM loves to recycle his tunes. His Holi song in Mashaal
> ("O Holi aaee, holi aaee, dekho holi aaee re....") has the same tune
> as the forgettable mKaps/Lata duet (from Dhanwan ?) "O balle balle

> bhai reshmi dupaTTe waalie, tera roop lashkaare maare..." which
> itself is based on one of his (probably) MaraTHi songs that I had
> watched on Chitramala.

Yup. This one's a Hindi version of 'jaambhul piklya
ZaaDakhaali Dhol kuNaacha wwajto' from "Jait re jait", which IMO is
HM's best soundtrack as a whole. The music is way ahead of its time.

In fact, more than half the songs on the HMV/RPG Hridaynath GC
(2 cassettes) are his Marathi tunes recycled.



\____Neeraj Deshmukh__________...@isip.msstate.edu____/

Office: ISIP, MSU, 434 Simrall, Hardy Road, MS State MS 39762
Ph: (601) 325-8335 Fax: (601) 325-3149
Home: 100 Logan Drive #D, Starkville MS 39759 Ph: (601) 323-2689

\_ Space - The Final Frontier..._/

Rizwan M. Syed

May 31, 1996, 7:00:00 AM5/31/96

In <4on7me$> sm...@Lehigh.EDU (SAMIUDDIN MOHAMMED) writes:
>forgettable mKaps/Lata duet (from Dhanwan ?) "O balle balle bhai reshmi dupaTTe
>waalie, tera roop lashkaare maare..." which itself is based on one of his
>(probably) MaraTHi songs that I had watched on Chitramala.

Which would be based on an ooooollllddd Punjabi folk song, the lyrics
elude me at the moment.. :(




Sanjeev Ramabhadran

May 31, 1996, 7:00:00 AM5/31/96

In article <4on7me$> sm...@Lehigh.EDU (SAMIUDDIN MOHAMMED) writes:
>Looks like HM loves to recycle his tunes. His Holi song in Mashaal ("O Holi
>aaee, holi aaee, dekho holi aaee re....") has the same tune as the
>forgettable mKaps/Lata duet (from Dhanwan ?) "O balle balle bhai reshmi dupaTTe
>waalie, tera roop lashkaare maare..." which itself is based on one of his
>(probably) MaraTHi songs that I had watched on Chitramala.
>BTW, I like the Tong-tong sound (excuse me for the non-tech language :-) ) after
>Lata finishes the mukhRa in "Sunioji araj mhaario..." It's on some stringed
>instrument... tanpura ?? RDB has used something similar in 1942 ALS and the

Sounds to me like a VEENA.

>Itna mujhe bataao mere dil ki dhaRkano
>Woh kaun thhe jo KHwaab dikhakar chale gae
>Hasrat Jaipuri in "Aae bahaar banke lubhaakar chale gae...." (Rajhath)

Sami!! What are you doing quoting a Shankar-Jaikishan composition??? :-)


Shyam Uttarwar

Jun 1, 1996, 7:00:00 AM6/1/96

Nilesh Savargaonkar wrote:

> By the way, did H. Mangeshkar give music to any Hindi movie other than Lekin and
> Mashaal?
> - Nilesh

Maya Memsaab, Dhanwaan, Subah.

There could be more. Does anyone know which was HM's
first Hindi film as MD??.

- Shyam

Nilesh Savargaonkar

Jun 2, 1996, 7:00:00 AM6/2/96

> Looks like HM loves to recycle his tunes. His Holi song in Mashaal
> ("O Holi aaee, holi aaee, dekho holi aaee re....") has the same tune
> as the forgettable mKaps/Lata duet (from Dhanwan ?) "O balle balle
> bhai reshmi dupaTTe waalie, tera roop lashkaare maare..." which
> itself is based on one of his (probably) MaraTHi songs that I had
> watched on Chitramala.

> Yup. This one's a Hindi version of 'jaambhul piklya

>ZaaDakhaali Dhol kuNaacha wwajto' from "Jait re jait", which IMO is
>HM's best soundtrack as a whole. The music is way ahead of its time.

> In fact, more than half the songs on the HMV/RPG Hridaynath GC
>(2 cassettes) are his Marathi tunes recycled.


> ND

HM has also used the tune for 'Asaa bebhaan haa vaaraa' as background music in
Mashaal. In his recent Marathi movie 'he geet jeevanaache', he has used the same
tune as in 'Suniyo ji araj maariyo' from Lekin for one of the songs.

Harish Suvarna

Jun 2, 1996, 7:00:00 AM6/2/96

I remember the song 'are rafta rafta meri ...' dharmender teases rekha
on a road over a cable car. I rvaguely remember 'kudiye'.. etc
in that.


Harish Suvarna Work Phone: 415 933 4333
MIPS, Silicon Graphics Inc Home Phone: 408 383 0645
2011 N Shoreline Blvd Email:
MS 10U-181, Mountain View
CA 94039-7311

Neeraj Deshmukh - The Falcon

Jun 2, 1996, 7:00:00 AM6/2/96

In article <> Shyam Uttarwar
<> writes:

> Nilesh Savargaonkar wrote:

> > By the way, did H. Mangeshkar give music to any Hindi movie other
> >than Lekin and Mashaal?

> Maya Memsaab, Dhanwaan, Subah.

> There could be more. Does anyone know which was HM's
> first Hindi film as MD??.

HMV's 'All Time Greats' Golden Collection (2 cassettes) of
Hridaynath Mangeshkar's Hindi film songs features the following films:

Harishchandra Taaramati

The first two came out in 1970. Chaani was released in 1977
and Dhanwan in '80. So was Chakra. My guess is 'Praarthana' was his

Sandeep S Bajwa

Jun 2, 1996, 7:00:00 AM6/2/96

In article <4or8ts$>, Harish Suvarna <sundu> wrote:
>I remember the song 'are rafta rafta meri ...' dharmender teases rekha
>on a road over a cable car. I rvaguely remember 'kudiye'.. etc
>in that.
>Harish Suvarna Work Phone: 415 933 4333

How about majority of Shammi kapoor songs sung by Rafi they have
Punjabi tunes. For example

'Haye re haye ke tere haath main mera haath mere jaan balle balle'
from Kashmir ki Kali.

'Main Jutt yamla pagla deewana o rabba itni si baat na jaana' from movie
Pratigyaa, picturised on Dharmindra, sung by Rafi.

ETc. etc.

Sandeep Singh Bajwa

Nilesh Savargaonkar

Jun 2, 1996, 7:00:00 AM6/2/96

> HMV's 'All Time Greats' Golden Collection (2 cassettes) of
> Hridaynath Mangeshkar's Hindi film songs features the following films:

Wasn't there a Marathi movie by the same name? Any idea who starred in this Hindi

Is this the same Dhanwan starring Reena Roy-Rakesh Roshan & Rajesh Khanna?
The only song I remember from this movie is 'Yeh aankhen dekhakar ham saari
duniyaa bhool jaate hain'. Were there any other good songs in this movie?

- Nilesh


Jun 2, 1996, 7:00:00 AM6/2/96

In article <4ondjq$>, says...

>sm...@Lehigh.EDU (SAMIUDDIN MOHAMMED) writes:
>|> Looks like HM loves to recycle his tunes. His Holi song in Mashaal ("O Holi
>|> aaee, holi aaee, dekho holi aaee re....") has the same tune as the
>|> forgettable mKaps/Lata duet (from Dhanwan ?) "O balle balle bhai reshmi dupaTTe
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

>|> waalie, tera roop lashkaare maare..." which itself is based on one of his
>I don't remember the song. However, seeing that the song is based loosely
>on Punjabi, I cannot get the above faux pas slip by :) I am *sure* it has
>to be "balle balle nee reshmi dupatte waalie," and not "bhai." It changes
>the meaning dramatically!

It *is* "bhai"! In devanaagari, the recording actually says "bhaaii."
Mahendra Kapoor's singing sounds more like "bai." The song is from
'Dhanwaan,' Sahir lyrics. The singers are Lata, Mahendra Kapoor, Amit
Kumar and lot ohorus voices, male and female.

>Talking about Punjabi-based songs, the only singers who do justice to them
>are Rafi and Mahendra Kapoor. KK and Lata have tried, but rarely get
>the accent correct. I cannot offhand recall any Asha song in this
>category. I am sure there is no Geeta Dutt, Mukesh, Talat, Hemnat Kr.,
>RDB, SDB, Suresh Wadkar, etc. etc. Punjabi song.

'Kanhaiya' (s-J) has a song sung by Lata, Mukesh, and chorus:

nee baliye, rut hai bahaar ki
sun sanave (?), rut hai bahaar ki
kuchh mat poochho kaise beeti.n ghaDiyaa.n intazaar ki

It's true, the Punjabi element is minimal.

>Oh - and who sung that song in Jaagte Raho? Main koi jhooth bolya,
>koi na, jee koi na? That was perfect! Was it Pankaj Mitra?

Rafi and Balbir, the same pair that sang "ye desh hai veer
javaanon ka" in 'Naya Daur' a year later.


Aniruddha Deglurkar

Jun 3, 1996, 7:00:00 AM6/3/96

> In article <4o2t2j$c...@cnn.Princeton.EDU>, (Sanjeev Ramabhadran) writes:
> >I didn't really like his Ghalib album that much...he's done some good
> >stuff, though. I really liked Lekin - the song "Suniyo Ji Araj Mhaariyo
> >Baabulaa Hamaar" has the SAME EXACT TUNE as his "Rone Se Aaj Ishq Men
> >Be-baak Ho Gaye" - I liked the tune MUCH BETTER in the movie Lekin.
> Looks like HM loves to recycle his tunes. His Holi song in Mashaal ("O Holi
> aaee, holi aaee, dekho holi aaee re....") has the same tune as the
> forgettable mKaps/Lata duet (from Dhanwan ?) "O balle balle bhai reshmi dupaTTe
> waalie, tera roop lashkaare maare..." which itself is based on one of his
> (probably) MaraTHi songs that I had watched on Chitramala.
> BTW, I like the Tong-tong sound (excuse me for the non-tech language :-) ) after
> Lata finishes the mukhRa in "Sunioji araj mhaario..." It's on some stringed
> instrument... tanpura ?? RDB has used something similar in 1942 ALS

I think it is the sarod.


Aniruddha Deglurkar

Jun 3, 1996, 7:00:00 AM6/3/96
to Prince Kohli

Prince Kohli wrote:

> |> Who is Pankaj Mitra ?
> He is the one who sings along with KK in that
> mast song "saala main to saahab ban gaya," from "Sagina."
> -Prince

I thought that was Om Prakash himself - the actor who sings with Dilip
Kumar in the movie.


U.V. Ravindra

Jun 3, 1996, 7:00:00 AM6/3/96

In article <4on7me$>
sm...@Lehigh.EDU (SAMIUDDIN MOHAMMED) writes:

=> Looks like HM loves to recycle his tunes. His Holi song in Mashaal ("O Holi
=> aaee, holi aaee, dekho holi aaee re....") has the same tune as the
=> forgettable mKaps/Lata duet (from Dhanwan ?) "O balle balle bhai
=> reshmi dupaTTe waalie, tera roop lashkaare maare..." which itself
=> is based on one of his (probably) MaraTHi songs that I had watched
=> on Chitramala.

I don't know if this song is Hridaynath's original because I remember
the girls in my 5th class in KV, IITD, doing a 'gidda' once with
roughly similar words and a very similar (almost the same) tune for
the School Annual Day. The same tune was recycled in the 6th and 7th
classes (after which I left the school in disgust ;-) for MIS, New
Delhi). That was a long time ago, but I remember the tune being the

Incidentally, the girls sang 'balle balle NI reshmi dupaTTe waaliye!'
which makes more sense than 'balle balle BHAI reshmi dupaTTe waaliye!'
Punjabi isn't my mother tongue, but I think it is quite ungrammatical
to say 'bhai' in that sentence.


U.V. Ravindra

Jun 3, 1996, 7:00:00 AM6/3/96

In article <4onjpg$>
(Prince Kohli) writes:

=> "reshmee salwaar kurta jaali da." (I suppose it was Asha?)
=> Then there is that song of Shammi Kapoor and a pretty actress,
=> with one going on about the other's zulfein and the other about
=> the cheeks... Or something close. Anyone know which song I
=> am talking about? This was an early Shammi K. movie.

You are talking about the song 'sar par Topi laal, haath meiN resham
kaa roomaal hoye teraa kya kehnaa' ... OPN for Tumsa NahiN Dekha, I
think. The actress in this song is Amita, a very pretty face, indeed,
(wasn't she also the one who played the *honourable loser* in Mere
Mehboob?) This isn't a Punjabi song, otherwise I can add Punjabi to
the list of songs I can read/write and understand (yes, I *do* know

=> |> I liked the job KK & Lata did in Khayyam's 'Tera phoolon jaisa
=> |> rang, tere sheeshe jaise ang'.
=> That is again not "as Punjabi" as some others.
=> -Prince

I would say the same for the 'sar par Topi laal' song.


U.V. Ravindra

Jun 3, 1996, 7:00:00 AM6/3/96

=> 'Main Jutt yamla pagla deewana o rabba itni si baat na jaana' from movie
=> Pratigyaa, picturised on Dharmindra, sung by Rafi.

I would rate this as one of the "most Punjabi" songs in Hindi films.
Rafi even says "itti si baat na jaana, ke ke ke o maiN nu pyaar kardi
hai, saaD. ?? o mardi hai!"

The whole beginning is in Punjabi, which isn't found in many songs,
right, Prince?


Prince Kohli

Jun 3, 1996, 7:00:00 AM6/3/96
to (U.V. Ravindra) writes:
|> => 'Main Jutt yamla pagla deewana o rabba itni si baat na jaana' from movie
|> => Pratigyaa, picturised on Dharmindra, sung by Rafi.
|> I would rate this as one of the "most Punjabi" songs in Hindi films.
|> Rafi even says "itti si baat na jaana, ke ke ke o maiN nu pyaar kardi
|> hai, saaD. ?? o mardi hai!"

"O mannu pyaar kardi ae, saaDe te o mardi ae." (The "ae" in Punjabi
is not quite the "hai" in Hindi.)

|> The whole beginning is in Punjabi, which isn't found in many songs,
|> right, Prince?

Right, except in the Jaagte Raho song.


Pradeep Dubey

Jun 3, 1996, 7:00:00 AM6/3/96

In article <>, (U.V. Ravindra) writes:
|> => 'Main Jutt yamla pagla deewana o rabba itni si baat na jaana' from movie
|> => Pratigyaa, picturised on Dharmindra, sung by Rafi.
|> I would rate this as one of the "most Punjabi" songs in Hindi films.
|> Rafi even says "itti si baat na jaana, ke ke ke o maiN nu pyaar kardi
|> hai, saaD. ?? o mardi hai!"

Perhaps not! I am pretty sure the most punjabi song is the all-punjabi song
that was alluded to by Prince (I am pretty sure). It is sung by Mahendra
Kapoor and goes as: jaggayaa ... ??


|> The whole beginning is in Punjabi, which isn't found in many songs,
|> right, Prince?

|> Ravindra.

Prince Kohli

Jun 3, 1996, 7:00:00 AM6/3/96
to (Prince Kohli) writes:

|> (U.V. Ravindra) writes:
|> |>
|> |> Rafi even says "itti si baat na jaana, ke ke ke o maiN nu pyaar kardi
|> |> hai, saaD. ?? o mardi hai!"
|> "O mannu pyaar kardi ae, saaDe te o mardi ae." (The "ae" in Punjabi
|> is not quite the "hai" in Hindi.)

Following up to myself - as Sami pointed out, it is
"saaDe utte o mardi ae."


Neeraj Malhotra

Jun 3, 1996, 7:00:00 AM6/3/96

SAMIUDDIN MOHAMMED (sm...@Lehigh.EDU) wrote:

: There's a completely Punjabi number in Kala Pathhar which is my fav. mKaps

: song: "Jagayya Jagayya...." It starts with "Ishk aur mushk chhupaae nahin
: chhupte..." or something quite similar. The lyrics are quite good and
: it'll be great if someone can post them.

Sami, this is a TALL order :) since it is a L-O-N-G song. Will post it
soon. I am not sure if the entire song is in Punjabi - The beg. def is.
+ it is a duet. Not sure who the other singer is besides MK.
- Neeraj Malhotra.

amol dighe

Jun 3, 1996, 7:00:00 AM6/3/96

In article <>, Shyam Uttarwar <> writes:
|> Nilesh Savargaonkar wrote:
|> > By the way, did H. Mangeshkar give music to any Hindi movie other than Lekin and
|> > Mashaal?
|> >
|> > - Nilesh
|> Maya Memsaab, Dhanwaan, Subah.
|> - Shyam

Oh yes, Maya Memsaab has this song (I don't remember the lyrics exactly,
but I vaguely rememeber Deepa Sahi moving around with a candle) which has the
same tune as one of H.rdayanaath's songs `kaajaLa raatina oDhuuna nelaa' from the
movie `haa kheLa saavalyaa.nchaa' (maraathi). And maybe those who have heard both
the songs will agree with me - I enjoyed the Maya Memsaab song more because I
knew about the other song.. it was alomost like listening to both the songs
simultaneously, enhancing each other's effect. (The other one is sung under -
well not really similar - circumstances, when the lady remembers the death of her
husband in a mishap almost immediately (?) after the wedding..)

Giving the same tune to two songs with similar mood might be intentional
in this sense, are there songs with similar tunes but diffrent moods (in the
H.rdayanaath context) ?


Jun 3, 1996, 7:00:00 AM6/3/96

In article <4ondru$8...@cnn.Princeton.EDU>, (Sanjeev Ramabhadran) writes:
>In article <4on7me$> sm...@Lehigh.EDU (SAMIUDDIN MOHAMMED) writes:

>>BTW, I like the Tong-tong sound (excuse me for the non-tech language :-) )
>> after
>>Lata finishes the mukhRa in "Sunioji araj mhaario..." It's on some stringed

>>instrument... tanpura ?? RDB has used something similar in 1942 ALS and the

>Sounds to me like a VEENA.

Thanks for the info...

>>Itna mujhe bataao mere dil ki dhaRkano
>>Woh kaun thhe jo KHwaab dikhakar chale gae
>>Hasrat Jaipuri in "Aae bahaar banke lubhaakar chale gae...." (Rajhath)
>Sami!! What are you doing quoting a Shankar-Jaikishan composition??? :-)

Depends on how u look at it... I see it as a Hasrat GHazal :-) Jokes apart, I
do like this song a lot. It's one of my fav. Shanky-J GHazals, the others
being "Unke quayaal aae to aate chale gae..." (nice tabla and Sarangi combo),
"Hain sabse madhur woh geet jinhe hum dard ke sur me gaate hain..." and
"Rulakar chal die ek din, hansi bankar jo aae thhe..."

Sami Mohammed (A Naushad fan)


Lines for the day:

Maine khwabon me barson tarasha jise
Tum wohi sang-e-marmar ki tasveer ho
Tum na samjho tumhara muqaddar hun main
Main samajhta hun tum meri taqdeer ho
Tum agar mujhko apna samajhne lago
Main bahaaron ki mehfil sajata rahun

Sahir in "Tum agar saath dene ka waada karo, main yunhi mast naGHme luTaata

Shailesh Phansalkar

Jun 3, 1996, 7:00:00 AM6/3/96

In article <4oqnoc$>,

Nilesh Savargaonkar <> wrote:
>> Looks like HM loves to recycle his tunes. His Holi song in Mashaal
>> ("O Holi aaee, holi aaee, dekho holi aaee re....") has the same tune
>> as the forgettable mKaps/Lata duet (from Dhanwan ?) "O balle balle
>> bhai reshmi dupaTTe waalie, tera roop lashkaare maare..." which
>> itself is based on one of his (probably) MaraTHi songs that I had
>> watched on Chitramala.
>> Yup. This one's a Hindi version of 'jaambhul piklya
>>ZaaDakhaali Dhol kuNaacha wwajto' from "Jait re jait", which IMO is
>>HM's best soundtrack as a whole. The music is way ahead of its time.
>> In fact, more than half the songs on the HMV/RPG Hridaynath GC
>>(2 cassettes) are his Marathi tunes recycled.
>> ND
> HM has also used the tune for 'Asaa bebhaan haa vaaraa' as background music in
>Mashaal. In his recent Marathi movie 'he geet jeevanaache', he has used the same
>tune as in 'Suniyo ji araj maariyo' from Lekin for one of the songs.
>By the way, did H. Mangeshkar give music to any Hindi movie other than Lekin and
>- Nilesh

- Dhanwaan
- Maya Memsahab In which he used "kAjaL rAtIna OdhUn nelA" from
HA KheL SAwalyAn.chA

- shailesh

Subtlety is the art of saying what you think and getting out of the way
before it is understood.

Sandeep S Bajwa

Jun 4, 1996, 7:00:00 AM6/4/96

In article <4oviea$>,

Pradeep Dubey <> wrote:
>In article <>, (U.V. Ravindra) writes:
>|> => 'Main Jutt yamla pagla deewana o rabba itni si baat na jaana' from movie
>|> => Pratigyaa, picturised on Dharmindra, sung by Rafi.
>|> I would rate this as one of the "most Punjabi" songs in Hindi films.
>|> Rafi even says "itti si baat na jaana, ke ke ke o maiN nu pyaar kardi
>|> hai, saaD. ?? o mardi hai!"
>Perhaps not! I am pretty sure the most punjabi song is the all-punjabi song
>that was alluded to by Prince (I am pretty sure). It is sung by Mahendra
>Kapoor and goes as: jaggayaa ... ??
>|> The whole beginning is in Punjabi, which isn't found in many songs,
>|> right, Prince?
>|> Ravindra.

'Jaggaeya Jaggaeya Jaggayeaaaaa kadeiN ishq chuppaN nahiN o laggiye

It is an uplift from a Punjabi folk tune of Jagga, a legend.

Anand Kuppuswamy

Jun 4, 1996, 7:00:00 AM6/4/96


In article <4ono6u$>, sm...@Lehigh.EDU says...

>There's a completely Punjabi number in Kala Pathhar which is my fav. mKaps
>song: "Jagayya Jagayya...." It starts with "Ishk aur mushk chhupaae nahin
>chhupte..." or something quite similar. The lyrics are quite good and
>it'll be great if someone can post them.

... just as a followup on the song 'Jageyya Jageyya' ... I think MKaps just sounded
a bit 'off' in the 'higher notes' of the song ... it is only in the 'lower notes'
that he sounded OK! I wish MKaps hadn't shouted in the 'higher ranges' of that
song. He was, somewhat, loosing control ... IMO, Rafi would have done a better job
with that song (not just because I have a bias for Rafi! :-) ) ... I wonder why the
song was not given to him!

... It is a 'good' song though!



U.V. Ravindra

Jun 4, 1996, 7:00:00 AM6/4/96

In article <4ovo27$>
sm...@Lehigh.EDU (SAMIUDDIN MOHAMMED) writes:

=> Lines for the day:
=> Maine khwabon me barson tarasha jise
=> Tum wohi sang-e-marmar ki tasveer ho
=> Tum na samjho tumhara muqaddar hun main
=> Main samajhta hun tum meri taqdeer ho
=> Tum agar mujhko apna samajhne lago
=> Main bahaaron ki mehfil sajata rahun
=> Sahir in "Tum agar saath dene ka waada karo, main yunhi mast naGHme luTaata
=> rahun........"

First a Shanky-J composition (okay, you explained it), and now a
*Ravi* song, sung by *Mahendra Kapoor* ... well, it *is* a beautiful
song, but Sami-bhai, are you getting *old*?




Jun 4, 1996, 7:00:00 AM6/4/96

"THokar na lagaana hum KHud hai, girti hui deewaaron ki tarah.." :-)
What do u mean by "getting old" ?? Apan to pehle se hi booDHe hain. And when
you grow up, you'll realize that the operative word (name) in the above line
is SAHIR. Those wonderful lines don't need a great voice to sound good. They
would sound good even in my voice... or so I hope for I've haven't tried
them out yet :-)

BTW, you seem to have completely missed the thread in which I defended Ravi,
although not his choice of mKaps. I'm also surprised that you picked these
lines instead of the song "Jagayya Jagayya..." which I praised recently.

Sami Mohammed (A Naushad fan).... and a Sahir FANdamentalist.



Jun 4, 1996, 7:00:00 AM6/4/96

Does all Yash Chopra movies has at least one song in Punjabi? Or has P touch?
Let us make a list of the movies and the songs in punjabi.
1. Dil walle dulhania ley jaenge...the song is Ghar aaja pardesi..?
2. Darr.....Ishq da rog bura..
3. Lamhe..........fill up the blank
4. Chandni........ " " " "
5. Daag...... Chahe log bolia bole,
6. Kabhie Kabhie ......???????????
7. SIlsila .............??????????
8. Kala Patthar by MKapoor?
9. Noorie.................????

Arun Verma

Jun 4, 1996, 7:00:00 AM6/4/96

In article <>,

Kabhi-Kabhie ---Surkh jode ki yeh jagmaghahat(??)
has punjabi lines ..assa chidiyan ka jhunda ve, assa ne to
uR jana, ek lambi udaari de, bol keDe
des jaana
Silsila -- The song 'Ladki hai ya shola' seems to have the punjabi touch
but has minimal punjabi words, 'kuDi', 'munDa' etc

Yash's Trishul also has this song in punjabi style:
'Kabhi qasme na ToRen, use jeete jee na choDen, joho yaar apna'.

Also in Daag, the song 'Ab chahe maa roothe ya baba' is picturised
on Rajesh and Sharmila doing bhangra.

YC's Doosra Aadmi also had a song with the punjabi touch..
"aankhon mein kajal hai.." etc.


Kirtikumar Prabhu

Jun 4, 1996, 7:00:00 AM6/4/96

Nilesh Savargaonkar ( wrote:

> HMV's 'All Time Greats' Golden Collection (2 cassettes) of
> Hridaynath Mangeshkar's Hindi film songs features the following films:

Wasn't there a Marathi movie by the same name? Any idea who starred in this Hindi

I think the marathi movie was dubbed in Hindi. Even the songs had the same
tune with Hindi wordings. Sushant Rey and Sandhya had starred in the Marathi
"Chaani" so if I guessed right they starred in the Hindi "Chaani" too.

??? Kirti Prabhu

Sandeep S Bajwa

Jun 5, 1996, 7:00:00 AM6/5/96

In article <>,
Kamlesh <> wrote:
>Does all Yash Chopra movies has at least one song in Punjabi? Or has P touch?
>Let us make a list of the movies and the songs in punjabi.
>1. Dil walle dulhania ley jaenge...the song is Ghar aaja pardesi..?
>2. Darr.....Ishq da rog bura..
>3. Lamhe..........fill up the blank

>4. Chandni........ " Main Sasural nahin Jaongi" by Lata
"Mere Hathon mein nau nau chooriya hain" by Lata

>5. Daag...... Chahe log bolia bole,

>6. Kabhie Kabhie ...... "Pyar kar liya to kya, Pyar hai gunaah nahin"

"Tera Phoolan jaisa rang, tere Shishe jaise aang,
Padi jaise hi nazar main to rah gaya dang"

Written By Sahir, sung by Kishore Lata

>7. SIlsila ............. " Pehli pehli baar dekha aisa Jalwa, aisa jalwa
ye ladki hai ya shola" by Kishore and Asha

>8. Kala Patthar by MKapoor?
>9. Noorie.................????

Maninder Sehmbey

Jun 5, 1996, 7:00:00 AM6/5/96

In article <4otnkr$>

Ashok writes:

>In article <4ondjq$>, says...
>>|> forgettable mKaps/Lata duet (from Dhanwan ?) "O balle balle bhai reshmi dupaTTe
>> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

>>|> waalie, tera roop lashkaare maare..." which itself is based on one of his
>>I don't remember the song. However, seeing that the song is based loosely
>>on Punjabi, I cannot get the above faux pas slip by :) I am *sure* it has
>>to be "balle balle nee reshmi dupatte waalie," and not "bhai." It changes
>>the meaning dramatically!
>It *is* "bhai"! In devanaagari, the recording actually says "bhaaii."
>Mahendra Kapoor's singing sounds more like "bai."
> deleted...

That is correct. Prince, your punjabi is a little rusty. "baee" has no
meaning as far as I can tell, it's just used to address some question or
some comment to someone, e.g., "KiddaN, baee" (how're you), or "Kee gal ya
baee?" (what's the matter?). Note that it's pronounced like "gaee" (went)
and not "bhai" (brother). Similarly in Hindi/Urdu you use "bhaee", .,
e.g., "Yeh bhi koi baat hui, bhaee."

Maninder Sehmbey

Jun 5, 1996, 7:00:00 AM6/5/96

In article <4onsdk$> (Prince Kohli) writes:

>That goes "assaN hun tur jaaeeye din rae gae thoRe." Means "let us move on,
>there are not many days left," in much more poetic form :)

A minor correction. It's "assaN hun tur jaana ae din rae gae thoRe," and the
meaning is also somewhat off.."assan" here is used by the singer to refer to
herself and not "us". Taken together, the meaning of the line, roughly: "It's
time for me to leave," which is more in tune with the bidai situation of the
of the song.

Nazir Patel

Jun 5, 1996, 7:00:00 AM6/5/96

Today I was talking to Mrs.H.Mangeshkar and I let her know how
popular Hridaynath is on the newschat.So if you have any questions
send me email and I will get the answers from him directly,ofcourse
concerning his music.But will take some time.Atleast the answers
will come directly from him.nazir

U.V. Ravindra

Jun 6, 1996, 7:00:00 AM6/6/96

Just netpicking on this list:

In article <4p2s9a$> (Sandeep S Bajwa) writes:

=> >Let us make a list of the movies and the songs in punjabi.
=> >1. Dil walle dulhania ley jaenge...the song is Ghar aaja pardesi..?
=> >2. Darr.....Ishq da rog bura..
=> >3. Lamhe..........fill up the blank
=> >4. Chandni........ " Main Sasural nahin Jaongi" by Lata
=> "Mere Hathon mein nau nau chooriya hain" by Lata
=> >5. Daag...... Chahe log bolia bole,
=> >6. Kabhie Kabhie ...... "Pyar kar liya to kya, Pyar hai gunaah nahin"
This should read: pyaar kar liyaa to kyaa, pyaar hai KHataa nahiN
tEri mEri 'umr meiN kis ne yeh kiyaa nahiN
(Sahir, KK+Lata, RDB)

=> "Tera Phoolan jaisa rang, tere Shishe jaise aang,
=> Padi jaise hi nazar main to rah gaya dang"

This isn't a 'punjabi' song. It's a Hindi song sung with a Punjabi
accent to the intonation of the words.

=> Written By Sahir, sung by Kishore Lata

=> >7. SIlsila ............. " Pehli pehli baar dekha aisa Jalwa, aisa jalwa
=> ye ladki hai ya shola" by Kishore and Asha

This too is a 'punjabi intonation' song.

=> >8. Kala Patthar by MKapoor?
=> >9. Noorie.................????



Jun 6, 1996, 7:00:00 AM6/6/96

In <> (U.V.
Ravindra) writes:
Just needing clarifications on your netpicking.........

>Just netpicking on this list:

=> >Let us make a list of the movies and the songs in punjabi.

>=> >6. Kabhie Kabhie ...... "Pyar kar liya to kya, Pyar hai gunaah
> ^^^^^^
> This should read: pyaar kar liyaa to kyaa, pyaar hai KHataa
> tEri mEri 'umr meiN kis ne yeh kiyaa nahiN
> (Sahir, KK+Lata, RDB)

>=> "Tera Phoolan jaisa rang, tere Shishe jaise aang,
>=> Padi jaise hi nazar main to rah gaya dang"
>This isn't a 'punjabi' song. It's a Hindi song sung with a Punjabi
>accent to the intonation of the words.
>=> Written By Sahir, sung by Kishore Lata

what makes Tera phoolo.n jaise rang a punjabi song
and not Pheli pehli baar..

They have even used a few punjabi words in the song

as well as the punjabi beat..

Kuntal Shah

Jun 8, 1996, 7:00:00 AM6/8/96

Will this one from Sohni Mahiwal qualify :

Sohni meri sohni sohni aur nahiN koi honi sohni
rab se jiyada tera naam leta hooN
rab mujhe maaf kare mera insaaf kare

Words are not distinctly Punjabi, but the style of singing is.

| Tere jahaN maiN aisa nahiN ke pyar na ho
| jahaN ummeed ho is ki wahaN nahiN milta

Sandeep S Bajwa

Jun 9, 1996, 7:00:00 AM6/9/96

In article <>,

Kuntal Shah <> wrote:
> Will this one from Sohni Mahiwal qualify :
> Sohni meri sohni sohni aur nahiN koi honi sohni
> rab se jiyada tera naam leta hooN
> rab mujhe maaf kare mera insaaf kare
> Words are not distinctly Punjabi, but the style of singing is.

Yeah sure!! when the whole story of Sohni Mahiwal is Punjabi
at least you expect some songs to be in Punjabi style.


Lopa Mehta

Jun 13, 1996, 7:00:00 AM6/13/96

> >3. Lamhe..........fill up the blank

I think a punjabi song wouldn't match with a rajasthani movie..

Lopa Mehta

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