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Re: [LH] Kate got her CBE today!

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Neal Mulvenna

Apr 10, 2013, 4:02:53 PM4/10/13
The photo 3/3 was by far the best.

Neal Mulvenna

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Apr 10, 2013, 4:11:17 PM4/10/13
Yes she looks beautiful and so did Her Majesty Elizabeth its nice to see
them looking so well and Kate's statement on her website couldnt be more
beautiful. thank you Kate for the pleasure of being a fan and being alive
at the same time to hear your music and talent but most of all a sanctuary
I will always come back to. Command Baby!

On Wednesday, 10 April 2013 20:47:36 UTC+1, Douglas Alan wrote:

> |>oug

Douglas Alan

Apr 10, 2013, 4:29:14 PM4/10/13

Richard Messum

Apr 10, 2013, 4:59:38 PM4/10/13
Agreed -- and weren't pictures 1 & 2 identical?

A well-deserved honour.


On 10/04/2013 04:02, Neal Mulvenna wrote:
> The photo 3/3 was by far the best.
> Regards,
> Neal Mulvenna

Apr 10, 2013, 5:03:45 PM4/10/13
Yes I love the balck with white brocade outfit and her hair looks lovely.
(I liked the queens outfit aswell) I wonder if its the ceremony where she
gets tapped with the sword. I'd love to see those photos too if so.

Apr 10, 2013, 5:12:03 PM4/10/13
In honour of Kate who now officially commands by the order of
and I'd never heard this US instrumental mix until tonight this mix shifts
my spirit out of my body even more. That's why I love this song.

Douglas Alan

Apr 11, 2013, 8:01:11 PM4/11/13
On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 5:11 PM, <> wrote:

> and I'd never heard this US instrumental mix until tonight

Was this only on the US release? I have it, but I haven't listened to it in
ages! Thanks for referring us to it.

It's kind of strange to have an "instrumental" with vocals in it, but
Kate's done that more than once.


Douglas Alan

Apr 11, 2013, 8:25:42 PM4/11/13
On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 4:17 PM, <> wrote:

> I wonder if its the ceremony where she gets tapped with the sword. I'd
> love to see those photos too if so.

I think that's only done if you are Knighted.


Apr 12, 2013, 10:11:21 AM4/12/13
I think that's only done if you are Knighted

Yes Kate must have got fast tracked straight to CBE I suppose.

On Friday, 12 April 2013 00:50:35 UTC+1, Douglas Alan wrote:

> On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 5:11 PM, < <javascript:>>wrote:
>> and I'd never heard this US instrumental mix until tonight
> Was this only on the US release? I have it, but I haven't listened to it
> in ages! Thanks for referring us to it.
> It's kind of strange to have an "instrumental" with vocals in it, but
> Kate's done that more than once.
> |>oug
I'm not sure I dont know her work that well regarding import and export
remixes, infact I'd never assumed there where different versions on the
intrumental it could be the one mix now as the one in my rec collection if
it still exists. I just didnt recall the garbled/in tongues/ backwards
vocal at the end. I thought I would have remembered that as its quite
unusual way to record vocals or sing. She also sounded very much like
Marina on one line of it in timbre/depth of voice, which could explain alot
if it was on the US version only! My version did have b/w Under the Ivy
too. I doubt Kate would bother doing different instrumental remixes unless
to fill out a side of a 12".


Apr 12, 2013, 10:37:13 AM4/12/13
Just wondering. Does anyone really take this seriously? I mean, what empire? It's a joke. Britain is bankrupt, they haven't been a world power in over fifty years, and their nod to quaint imperialistic ideals is laughable at best. Fuck Britain, the queen and her entire family. If ms bush had any sense she would have turned it down.

Sent from my iPhone

On 2013-04-12, at 10:10 AM, wrote:

> I think that's only done if you are Knighted
> Yes Kate must have got fast tracked straight to CBE I suppose.
> On Friday, 12 April 2013 00:50:35 UTC+1, Douglas Alan wrote:
>> On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 5:11 PM, <> wrote:
>>> and I'd never heard this US instrumental mix until tonight
>> Was this only on the US release? I have it, but I haven't listened to it in ages! Thanks for referring us to it.
>> It's kind of strange to have an "instrumental" with vocals in it, but Kate's done that more than once.
>> |>oug
> I'm not sure I dont know her work that well regarding import and export remixes, infact I'd never assumed there where different versions on the intrumental it could be the one mix now as the one in my rec collection if it still exists. I just didnt recall the garbled/in tongues/ backwards vocal at the end. I thought I would have remembered that as its quite unusual way to record vocals or sing. She also sounded very much like Marina on one line of it in timbre/depth of voice, which could explain alot if it was on the US version only! My version did have b/w Under the Ivy too. I doubt Kate would bother doing different instrumental remixes unless to fill out a side of a 12".
> Angela

Apr 12, 2013, 2:07:39 PM4/12/13
ever wonder why Kate's label is called fish people? Well now you know

On Friday, 12 April 2013 15:27:05 UTC+1, yellowmattercustard wrote:

> Just wondering. Does anyone really take this seriously? I mean, what
> empire? It's a joke. Britain is bankrupt, they haven't been a world power
> in over fifty years, and their nod to quaint imperialistic ideals is
> laughable at best. Fuck Britain, the queen and her entire family. If ms
> bush had any sense she would have turned it down.
> Sent from my iPhone
> email to <javascript:>.

Douglas Alan

Apr 12, 2013, 2:38:52 PM4/12/13
Well indeed royalty is stupid, but I don't think I'd turn down such an
"honor" myself. Besides Kate once allegedly got in trouble for going up to
the Queen and asking for her autograph for Bertie (apparently that's just
not done), so clearly Kate doesn't mind the royalty.

In any case, all awards are kind of stupid, but Kate didn't turn down her
music awards either.


On Fri, Apr 12, 2013 at 10:27 AM, ymc <> wrote:

> Just wondering. Does anyone really take this seriously? I mean, what
> empire? It's a joke. Britain is bankrupt, they haven't been a world power
> in over fifty years, and their nod to quaint imperialistic ideals is
> laughable at best. Fuck Britain, the queen and her entire family. If ms
> bush had any sense she would have turned it down.

Apr 12, 2013, 3:13:03 PM4/12/13
Indeed, I thought punk died in the 70's too but I wouldnt get upset over
it still after 40 years hopefully some will get over it one day!

Apr 13, 2013, 5:08:07 AM4/13/13
Is there anything you feel doesnt deserve to be fucked? Isolated any more
and groomed into totalitarian brainwashing? American is slowly not a
laughing stock of the world to some outside countries and with attitudes
like this I wonder why.Luckily you dont represent the voice of America or
its attitudes. Last time I looked American was deemed as a third world
country with trillions in debt to some of that to overseas governments. Yes
I'm obssessed with the mess that's American. Hopefully tomorrow it'll still
be there if a bomb hasnt been dropped on part of it but should we care
or should the people in Britain?

On Friday, 12 April 2013 15:27:05 UTC+1, yellowmattercustard wrote:

> Just wondering. Does anyone really take this seriously? I mean, what
> empire? It's a joke. Britain is bankrupt, they haven't been a world power
> in over fifty years, and their nod to quaint imperialistic ideals is
> laughable at best. Fuck Britain, the queen and her entire family. If ms
> bush had any sense she would have turned it down.
> Sent from my iPhone
> email to <javascript:>.


Apr 13, 2013, 8:05:12 AM4/13/13

On 2013-04-13, at 4:33 AM, wrote:

> Is there anything you feel doesnt deserve to be fucked? Isolated any more and groomed into totalitarian brainwashing? American is slowly not a laughing stock of the world to some outside countries and with attitudes like this I wonder why.Luckily you dont represent the voice of America or its attitudes. Last time I looked American was deemed as a third world country with trillions in debt to some of that to overseas governments. Yes I'm obssessed with the mess that's American. Hopefully tomorrow it'll still be there if a bomb hasnt been dropped on part of it but should we care or should the people in Britain?

Angela, I'm not American. I'm Canadian but I grew up in Belfast and know first hand how old mother England treated her subjects.

I was the apostate child who dared suggest that Protestants should not be marching through catholic areas. Their "traditions" were racist, based in sectarianism and if they really wanted things to change, it had to stop.

Anyway, enough said. It's Saturday morning, I'm currently enjoying a really nice cup of coffee, listening to Ron & Fez and I have a big smile on my face.

... Jim

Apr 13, 2013, 8:41:38 AM4/13/13
Hey re-read what I said it still applies no matter what country you grew up
in what nationality you are which was obvious, or what sob story your
childhood was. :)
Anyone should be able to walk where they please good on the catholics! I
see where the brainwashing started. Move on its 2013 Ireland doesnt suffer
fools well either nor does Canada perhaps set up your own penisula to
dictate from that no one else can march through. Good luck with that.

On Saturday, 13 April 2013 11:38:56 UTC+1, yellowmattercustard wrote:

Apr 13, 2013, 9:09:48 AM4/13/13
btw my family served in NI to protect people like you and your sorry ass
and even got a medal for bravery for saving certain persons in crossfire.
england is not your fucking mother who says things like old mother England
nowadays or is this one of your hilarious "jokes" we all find so funny. it
wouldntt have been it they had rat-a tatted you down.
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