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"Killing me w/Kung Fu"?

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Mar 26, 1989, 8:20:00 PM3/26/89

I have a copy of a copy of a copy... of a tape, consisting of five songs by
an unknown folk singer. He's pretty funny, has an East-coast voice, and
does the following songs:

Killing Me Softly With Kung Fu
The Lead-Fingered Folkie (to the tune of "The Boxer")
Music, Sex and Cookies
and a couple of normal mellow unmemorable folk songs

Does anybody have any idea who this is? He is wonderful and I'd love to
buy his records.

- Dave Librik

"The fiddles play briskly at Copshawholme Fair."

Monica Cellio

Mar 29, 1989, 12:03:57 PM3/29/89
Sounds like Michael Spiro to me. He's got at least one album, on his own
label (I think). He tours colleges a lot (that's where I ran into him) and
lives in Ohio (Columbus?). I've never seen his albums in stores or at folk

Monica Cellio

Mar 29, 1989, 10:51:00 PM3/29/89

music, sex and cookies was written and has been performed intermittently
by the infamous George Utz of Cincinnati OH.

The other songs sound like they could also be products of George.

it could be that someone else was performing but i haven't heard
too many people sing that song. George may have made one or
two records over the years.

if you are interested to hear more - call him up. how many george utzs could
there be in cincinnati. as well , some times he plays at the
queen city balladeers coffee house in cincinnati - let me know if
you want details on venues. I am sure he will also be playing at least
one friday night in July.

he doesn't have a gigantic repetoire but he is one of the fixtures
in the small folk world of cincinnati. if you ever go down there,
keep a look out for walter craft as well - he does a good set or several.

bob wilhelm

i lived in cincinnati once - or was that porkopolis?

Amanda Walker

Mar 29, 1989, 3:32:27 PM3/29/89
In article <>, writes:

I have a copy of a copy of a copy... of a tape, consisting of five songs by
an unknown folk singer. He's pretty funny, has an East-coast voice, and
does the following songs:

Killing Me Softly With Kung Fu
The Lead-Fingered Folkie (to the tune of "The Boxer")
Music, Sex and Cookies
and a couple of normal mellow unmemorable folk songs

Does anybody have any idea who this is? He is wonderful and I'd love to
buy his records.

- Dave Librik

Michael Spiro. I believe he's from the Pennsylvania/Ohio area, but
I'm not certain. I have no idea where one would go to buy any of his
albums, although a science fiction convention might be a good place to
start, since many of his songs qualify as "filks". If anybody knows
more, please let me know as well... His stuff is quite good.

Amanda Walker, InterCon Systems Corporation
ama...@lts.UUCP / ...!uunet!lts!amanda / 703.435.8170
MS-DOS Delendo Est!

David H. West

Mar 31, 1989, 1:41:52 PM3/31/89
In article <> writes:
>music, sex and cookies was written and has been performed intermittently
>by the infamous George Utz of Cincinnati OH.
>The other songs sound like they could also be products of George.

"The Lead-Fingered Folkie", to the tune of "The Boxer", sounds as if
it may be a version of "The Folker" (to the tune of The Boxer),
which I heard in 1978 in Toronto. "The Folker" is almost a
line-by-line parody of The Boxer, and contains the classic lines:

"I take requests.....
Just the ones that got two chords in, and I disregard the rest."

I seem to dimly recall that The Folker was credited (?!) to the
infamous Adge Cutler (and, presumably, The Wurzels), of Zummerzet :-)
(now alas Avon), England.

-David West

Jul 30, 2015, 10:52:58 PM7/30/15
I think David Bradley and the maniac's of San Diego wrote that song 1970's

Jan 8, 2016, 4:49:40 PM1/8/16
On Thursday, July 30, 2015 at 7:52:58 PM UTC-7, wrote:
> I think David Bradley and the maniac's of San Diego wrote that song 1970's

Sung by David Bradley at Jose Murphey's in San Diego (saw him there in the '80's). Bradley's album "The David Bradley Story" credits "Fox, Gimbel" as the Author of "Kung Fu".



Nov 18, 2023, 3:14:02 PM11/18/23
Fox and Gimbel wrote “Killing Me Softly with His Song” and David Bradley gave it the “Weird Al” Yankovic treatment.
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