Title: Windbags
ttto: Windmills by Alan Bell
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4L1pwzKPZ-o> is missing the first
word or two.
In days gone by when the country was younger
Rhetoric was how you'd change someone's mind
Now they ignore all the issues that matter
Now all they care is the foe gets maligned
They go on, and go on, they go on saying nothing
Build themselves up as they tear others down
Lies are beguiling; they spray them while smiling
Grinding to dust any facts they disown
In red states and blue and the purple, et cet'ra
They tout the ideals that their foes denigrate
Though they don't hold 'em, they claim they enfold 'em
They'll say anything that the masses dictate
Lies from the left, all promising freedom
Lies from the right, all promising wealth
Lies from third parties, all promising something
Lies that show all, of our country's bad health
(Last refrain:)
And we let them go on, and we let them keep lying
Elect them to posts that they do not deserve
People who care just make folk songs decrying
While liars and crooks say they're just there to serve
My lyrics copyright 2024 by Arthur Tansky. License granted for
non-commercial, non-political archiving and performance as long as:
1. copyright notice is maintained, and
2. no money changes hands.
Arthur T. - ar23hur "at" pobox "dot" com
Guessing a lyricist's opinions from his songs is as futile as
guessing an author's opinions from his novels.