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Jelle Kuipers

Nov 12, 2001, 3:59:01 PM11/12/01
Is there someone out there who can give me the e-mail adresses of bootcd
dealers I can trust and who don't rip me off completely? If you buy boots by
e-mail yourself, please drop me a line.


dave kelly

Nov 12, 2001, 5:30:19 PM11/12/01
why doesnt this group do "blanks & postage"
spread the music for free, build up your collection
and stop supporting "bootleg" dealers!
I cant believe people still buy these things.
it's sooooo '70's!
can I get a witness!


Nov 12, 2001, 6:02:48 PM11/12/01
I guess the boots have to be bought by someone before the can be
copied....don't they ??

"dave kelly" <> wrote in message

Onlya Hobo

Nov 12, 2001, 6:59:51 PM11/12/01
People around here do Blanks & Postage. There are a lot of people around
here that give freebies too. You just have to be reading at the right time.
It's my understanding that some people around here have to work on a daily
basis, and it interferes with their ability to hang on RMD all day.

dave kelly <> wrote in message

Frankie Lee

Nov 12, 2001, 7:17:33 PM11/12/01
I agree Dave,
blanks and postage should be the way to go for Dylan. Dylan collectors
really should take notice of the Dead guys. It is such a pleasure to
trade/collect Dead shows, but many Dylan folk consider the stuff too
precious to do a blanks and postage -- too much money to be made.

"toydri" <> wrote in message

D East

Nov 12, 2001, 9:41:24 PM11/12/01
I have a lot of cdr boots I traded for, and only a couple of cds that I
bought, and I don't anticipate buying any in the immediate future. But
still, I wish people would stop just reflexively criticising anyone who
talks about buying boots. I mean, it isn't *always* possible to get trades
or b&ps for everything you want, and what harm does it do if some people
like buying commercial boots? I've never been able to think of those old
bootleggers as criminal, anyhow.

And, incidentally, lots of people around here do offer b&ps and free discs,
as I know well since I've both been the recipient of such generosity and
given away stuff.


dave kelly <> wrote in message


Nov 12, 2001, 11:24:45 PM11/12/01
> I agree Dave,
> blanks and postage should be the way to go for Dylan.

Well I'll tell him that next time I see him. :-)

Dylan collectors
> really should take notice of the Dead guys. It is such a pleasure to
> trade/collect Dead shows, but many Dylan folk consider the stuff too
> precious to do a blanks and postage -- too much money to be made.

A lot of us have always done B&P. Some of us even made a habit of
giving out freebies to new fans, especially if they seemed like the sort
of people who'd share it further. There were also some of us who were
gluttons for punishment and started digital audio pages so people who
don't trade much could hear rare stuff as soon as we got copies. When
GBS3 came out, Backstreet Bar was the first place you could download
copies of those brand-new songs. Yes, there have always been jerks in
the trading circuit, but there have always been people willing to go the
extra mile to share all of this wonderful music we technically shouldn't
be able to hear in the first place.

And I'm one of those people who actively buys bootlegs, and has a
collection of over 100 original titles (not CD-R copies). I see no
connection between being a tape hog and being a boot collector.

Before any newbies ask, my deck is down. Not that sending magnetic
tapes thru the mail is the best idea right now, what with the USPS
sending packages through all kinds of sketchy machines...



Nov 13, 2001, 9:26:42 AM11/13/01
Exactly. And some conspicuous consumers such as myself like the
packaging (when it is done well) even though you can download it. The
"Genuine Live 66" Boxset for example is just a pleasure to own and
enhances the listening experience. also some people like to have
copies direct from an original.

Anne Thrax

Nov 13, 2001, 1:16:07 PM11/13/01
Well, zippy, yer guess is 100% wrong, as usual. The bootz (or at
least 99%+ of them) duplicate fans' recordings. Every show since Bob
went back on the road with GE showed up first as a fan tape/CDR. So
did the Sydney and Hollywood Bowl '66 SBDs, the MTV Unplugged
rehearsals, the '63 radio, the "lost" RTR shows, the majority
(probably all) of the "new" '74 SBDs, & piles of other stuff. You
spend too much time sniffing a cartoon dog's butt.

Anne Thrax
Champion of Consumer Protection for the New Millennium

"toydri" <> wrote in message news:<3bf054af$0$11597$>...

Cipro Does

Nov 13, 2001, 2:05:12 PM11/13/01
Oh dear, more rudeness and fiction from the contemptible Thrax person.
Looking for another opportunity to throw insults around are we, Thrax?For
the record, off the top of my head, since the G.E.Smith Days, a lovely 1988
soundboard, and virtually every Crystal Cat release did NOT circulate as
fan produced tapes/CDRs prior to their release. Along with "piles of
other stuff" from other years. So your statement is "100% wrong, as usual"
Thrax, O.K?
With all this talk from Anne Thrax about the utopian wonders of "free" cdrs,
I really have to wonder -
who on earth would trade with this person?!?

Cipro Does, ( TAFKASD)

"I Can Take It and I Can Dish It Out"

- Champion Of Exposing Rude Losers Like Anne Thrax.

"Anne Thrax" <> wrote in message
>Every show since Bob
> went back on the road with GE showed up first as a fan tape/CDR. >You

> spend too much time sniffing a cartoon dog's butt.

Like you do with "Bill"?

Anne Thrax!

Nov 13, 2001, 6:08:45 PM11/13/01

TAFKASD ("The Asshole Formerly Known As Scooby Don't, Doesn't, etc) has
apparently been clumsy enough to post without his usual forged return address.
Nice going, Zippy.
And if I'm lying, name one show since 1988 which didn't surface first
as a fan recording.

Anne Thrax!

andy wikenheiser

Nov 13, 2001, 10:28:31 PM11/13/01
I just kinda like owning an origional boot instead of a cdr, complete
with silk screened graphics on the disc and glossy cover art, ect.
Occasionally you can get a decent deal on them. Getting back to the
original question: Does anyone know a good internet retailer of

Nov 14, 2001, 7:56:26 AM11/14/01
Anne Thrax wrote:

> You spend too much time sniffing a cartoon dog's butt.

Hmmm...This brings up a interesting question- How much IS "too much time"?

Cipro Does

Nov 14, 2001, 4:06:54 AM11/14/01
Wantagh, June 30 1988 soundboard.

Perhaps you could be TAKAWNKR.

"Anne Thrax!" <> wrote in message

Cipro Does

Nov 14, 2001, 4:29:49 AM11/14/01
With more general regards to this "Anne Thrax" person, I've always believed
it to be the first defense of the intellectually challenged to resort to
name calling in what otherwise would be termed "a discussion". People like
"Anne Thrax" feel the need to be rude and insult and lie due to their own
insecurities resulting from their inability to articulate their opinions in
a coheasive manner."Anne Thrax" seems to have not progressed to the level of
other multi-cellular life-forms, since he/she/it is bereft of the basic and
easy to understand concepts of politeness and constructive argument.
Children of three years old seem to grasp these concepts. "Anne Thrax" is a
person of infinate spasmodity, who's unconstructive, uninformed, argument
seeking rants and rudeness towards the rest of the RMD community should be
met with the contempt they deserve.

Cipro Does

Nov 14, 2001, 6:31:51 AM11/14/01
Or how about the 8th August 1996 'soundboard' from video feed. First
appeared as the cd 'House Of The Blues'.

"Cipro Does" <> wrote in message

Cipro Does

Nov 14, 2001, 1:46:45 PM11/14/01
This is an educated guess, perhaps someone else can confirm, but didn't the
Horsens Theatre, 21st May 2000 first appear as a Crystal Cat cd as well?

"Cipro Does" <> wrote in message


Cipro Does

Nov 14, 2001, 2:43:12 PM11/14/01
I believe that several of the Japanese 2001 shows first appeared as
commercial cdr boots on the 'Sylph' label in Japan -
Then there's various upgrades/alternate source tapes that first appeared as
commercial product- The cd 'Budokan 2001 Revisited' is taken from a
previously uncirculating alternate DAT recording, Brixton '95 (Sterling
Sounds - as the cds F*** The Playlist and Bob's Full House), Prague '95
(Doberman - Eurpoean Tour Anthology), all the European Sept/Oct 2000 tour
Crystal Cat discs...

"Cipro Does" <> wrote in message


Anne Thrax

Nov 14, 2001, 6:34:37 PM11/14/01
This show circulated for years before the tape you mention surfaced.
&, as I remember it (no guarantee) the sequence went a little
somethin' like this:

complete audience (fan)
incomplete SBD (boot)
complete SBD (fan)
complete SBD (boot)

but we'll call this no pitch

Anne Thrax
Patron Saint of Accuracy for the New Millennium

"Cipro Does" <> wrote in message news:<9stc8p$bah$>...

Anne Thrax

Nov 14, 2001, 6:37:40 PM11/14/01
According to Olof's Files, as posted in February 1997, this show was
circulating well before the boot appeared. And the updated version
lists the video soundtrack as mono, and says there's a stereo PA tape
in circulation.

Strike 1!

Anne Thrax
Patron Saint of Accuracy for the New Millennium

"Cipro Does" <> wrote in message news:<9stkoj$i9q$>...

Anne Thrax

Nov 14, 2001, 6:39:37 PM11/14/01
Good God, no. That's about as an uneducated guess as I can imagine;
there were fan CDRs in circulation the day after the show -- maybe the
second day. Just read the newsgroup, zippy.

Strike 2!

Anne Thrax
Patron Saint of Accuracy for the New Millennium

"Cipro Does" <> wrote in message news:<9sue81$15k$>...

Anne Thrax

Nov 14, 2001, 6:47:52 PM11/14/01
Oh, come on. You can't possibly believe we're so stupid as to believe
this nonsense. The Japan 2001 fan recordings were reported
immediately, and people were asking for cover art for the shows within
about a week. Read the newsgroup, zippy!

Strike 3! Yer out! You've been voted off the news group. You are
the weakest link, goodbye! Don't go away mad, just go away. Don't
let the door bite ya on the ass! (You might notice a theme here . . .

And, if as you so sweetly insist, you've got no connections to the
boot industry, _how do you know_ all of these supposed facts about
"upgrades," "alternate source tapes," and such? Ya don't actually
believe everything that's written on a boot package, does ya? & Ya
don't expect the rest of us to swallow that K-rap, does ya? Coz if ya
does, I got a boot with a live version of "Farewell Angelina" to sell

Anne Thrax
Patron Saint of Accuracy for the New Millennium

"Cipro Does" <> wrote in message news:<9suhhr$6ap$>...

Cipro Does

Nov 15, 2001, 6:33:25 AM11/15/01

TAKAWNKR <> wrote in message

> Strike 3! Yer out! You've been voted off the news group. You are

> the weakest link, goodbye! Don't go away mad, just go away. Don't
> let the door bite ya on the ass! (You might notice a theme here . . .
> .)

By who, you Thrax/TAKAWNKR? Don't make me laugh. Why don't you go away? Your
contribution to this newsgroup can only be measured in negative numbers,
less than zero, you're a arrogant, opinionated, argument seeking loser who
gets a kick out of self-congratulation and rudeness to others. How sad. By
this point, once again, you've proved that the only person who's interested
in your bizarre and pointless ranting activities on this newsgroup is
you.You obviously feel that there's only room for one voice on this
newsgroup: your own.

> And, if as you so sweetly insist, you've got no connections to the
> boot industry, _how do you know_ all of these supposed facts about
> "upgrades," "alternate source tapes," and such

This is the stupidest statement you've ever made. And you've made hundreds.
I can't even be bothered to respond to it. All these upgrades, and more, are
common knowledge to collectors.

With regards to the 'House Of Blues' PA tape, you wrote...

>according to olof's file's as posted in February 1997, this show was

>circulating well before the boot appeared.

The late John Green list this PA tape in his 'Magnetic Movements' column of
Isis magazine, issue 77, Feb-March 1998 as being newly circulated. In the
same issue, Crazy Joe lists the 'House Of Blues' cd, GMB entry 550. Are you
seriously going to question the accuracy of both John Green and Phill
Townsend? Then again, you might well not even know who they are...
Furthermore, according to Deep beneath The Waves -
- 'The first "board" from 1996 (lucky us) comes as quite a shocker as
this apparently was uncirculating before now.'

Add Moe to the above list.

with regards to the 1988 soundboard, you wrote...

>This show circulated for years before the tape you mention surfaced.
>&, as I remember it (no guarantee) the sequence went a little
>somethin' like this:

>complete audience (fan)
>***incomplete SBD (boot)*** = therefore, I'm correct.
>complete SBD (fan)

>but we'll call this no pitch

No we won't. This is being just plain facetious and argument seeking.
Because your argument has fallen short, you've suddenly decided to make
distinctions between audience and soundboard recordings, in order to make
your argument appear coheasive. Really, I shouldn't expect anything less
from Thrax, purely because Thrax is under the delusion that they are right
100% of the time. You asked me to name a boot cd that didn't circulate as a
fan recording, I did. That doesn't make it 'no pitch', Thrax, it means I was
right and you was wrong.
Has anyone else noticed that every time Thrax attempts to participate in a
discussion, it deteriorates into a nonsensical argument? To be honest, I
don't even see what Thrax's point is, in this or any other of his/her/it's
rants, apart from another oppotunity to throw insults around and apparently
prove some kind of supirior knowledge to the rest of us mere mortals on this
newsgroup. Tell me, Thrax, does this kind of constant trivial argument
seeking give your little brain cell a sense of satifaction? Oh, how the
hours between my posts must have flown by, with you scouring the net for
'evidence' to back you up.

I see elsewhere that you're now accusing me of being someone called 'RM'
since I confused that with your previous accusation of me being 'MC' or
something to that effect, in another post. I'm sorry, but I can't seem to
keep track of your lies. Initially you said you knew where my bootleg cd
sales list was, and that I ripped people off selling cdrs at $50 a time. Now
apparently, I'm someone else once again, I presume 'Ramblin' Man', another
person you've chosen to target with rudeness because they're a cd collector,
along with your recent attacks on Mad Dan and Toydri.
Found a nice article by the lovely Mr.Heylin, (who's books you obviously
haven't read, Thrax, since in another thread you accused me of taking
information from Heylin's 'Recording Sessions'and rewording it, information
which simply isn't in the book.) Like most people, I don't always agree with
Chairman Heylin, but I think he really hit the nail on the head with this
one -

Cipro Does

Nov 15, 2001, 7:42:52 AM11/15/01

"Anne Thrax" <> wrote in message
> Oh, come on. You can't possibly believe we're so stupid as to believe
> this nonsense. The Japan 2001 fan recordings were reported
> immediately, and people were asking for cover art for the shows within
> about a week. Read the newsgroup, zippy!
> Anne Thrax
> Patron Saint of Accuracy for the New Millennium
Read the newsgroup? Which one are you reading? It can't be this one, because
your claims are, once again, simply untrue, or are a figment of your
imagination - Here's some of the messages that were floating around just
after the Japanese shows -

>From: Ernie Presley
>Subject: Where are the 01's?
>Date: 2001-03-26 08:28:52 PST

>I haven't seen anyone with a Japan or Australia show yet... is anyone
>recording these? I guess it might take a little longer for them to trickle
>back over here, but I didn't think it would take this long.

This was posted on 26 March 2001, by that time Dylan was seven shows into
the Australian tour, so the recordings were obviously not circulating
immediately amoung 'fans' on cdr.
The first offer of trades seems to have come from 'Ramblin' Man' in this
thread, dated 28th March 2001, two days later. The shows are taken from the
boot cdrs I mentioned, nobody who replied seemed to have any idea that these
had been circulating previously, as you claim, as fan produced cdrs either-
>Message 1 in thread
>From: ramblin man
>Subject: If anyone wants 5 JAPAN 2001 shows....
>Date: 2001-03-28 13:04:04 PST

>...........i got these just in:

>It's all over now : Tokyo 3/14/01 (2cd-r)
>Land beyond the sun : Hiroshima 3/10/01 (2cd-r)
>Hellelujah : Fukouka 3/9/01 (2cd-r)
>Gates of Eden : Osaka 3/7/01 (2cd-r)
>Tears of Rage : Osaka 3/6/01 (2cd-r)


>Message 2 in thread
>From: Matt Reading
>Subject: Re: If anyone wants 5 JAPAN 2001 shows....
>Date: 2001-03-28 13:38:56 PST

>Fantastic...can you post your thoughts on the shows? What's the sound
>quality like?


>Message 3 in thread
>From: ramblin man
>Subject: Re: If anyone wants 5 JAPAN 2001 shows....
>Date: 2001-03-28 16:34:06 PST

>Sound is great. Shows are great. Still going through
>them at the moment but will post more info as i hear!


>Message 4 in thread
>From: "Tom & Cathy"
>Subject: Re: If anyone wants 5 JAPAN 2001 shows....
>Date: 2001-03-28 18:42:21 PST

>Incredible, I am interested in trading for any or all. My list is at
<snip>. Since the last tardy update I have
>picked up all the 2000 shows except 11/15 and over thirty other >shows.
>I am really interested in trading.

So perhaps you had the Japan 2001 tapes straight away, but chose to hoard
then rather than sharing the music with other fans, Thrax?

"I Can Take It and I Can Dish It Out"

- Champion Of Exposing Innacurate Losers Like Anne Thrax.

Cipro Does

Nov 15, 2001, 11:01:10 AM11/15/01
Seeing as you mentioned Olof's chronicles, you led me to take a look...
I found another post 1988 non-fan sourced recording -
May 1989 Rehearsals
The Power Station, Probably New York City, New York, May 1989 Rehearsals for
the European Tour.

Olof notes -
"This session started circulating on bootleg CD 'The Never Ending Tour
Rehearsals' (Moonlight Records), February 1996."

Wouldn't have thought of that one otherwise. ;-)

What follows is a message to which expresses my sentiments towards Anne
Thrax -

- V
\_ /

Anne Thrax

Nov 15, 2001, 11:30:39 AM11/15/01
It's not a statement, dummy, it's a question. And, like your circle
of imaginary friends who were planning on putting an end to the
trading of copies of commercial boots, most of your information is
just stuff you've made up and want us to believe.

Anne Thrax
Patron Saint of Civility for the New Millennium

"Cipro Does" <> wrote in message news:<9t097g$5ps$>...

Cipro Does

Nov 15, 2001, 1:15:46 PM11/15/01

Like your imaginary information about me being cd boot dealer?

Anne Thrax is a 'Flamer'. Pure and simple.

"Anne Thrax" <> wrote in message


Nov 15, 2001, 11:50:54 PM11/15/01
to has some Dylan boots on CD (andy wikenheiser) wrote in message news:<>...


Nov 16, 2001, 2:25:37 AM11/16/01
"Anne Thrax!" <> wrote in message
nz? That really says it all. Eating all those cats and dogs has messed up
your mind. True fans know there's a place for both boot label CDs & fan
projects. Don't be jealous of us in North America + Europe if you can't get
glass-mastered boot CDs in your shithole of a country, it's not our fault.


Ray Baldwin

Nov 16, 2001, 2:54:34 AM11/16/01

>>>>>MC66 wrote:

> "Anne Thrax!" <> wrote in message
> news:3bf1a7fa$
> nz? That really says it all. Eating all those cats and dogs has messed up
> your mind. True fans know there's a place for both boot label CDs & fan
> projects. Don't be jealous of us in North America + Europe if you can't get
> glass-mastered boot CDs in your shithole of a country, it's not our fault.
> MC<<<<<

Congratulations MC66! In a few short sentences you've made weeks of schoolyard
gibberish from the other two sound perfeclty sensible.


PS: The Maoris are the big dudes playing Bob on their 12-strings. Introduce
yourself next time you see one. R.

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