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XM Radio Review

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Rib O'flavin

Jan 8, 2006, 1:09:24 PM1/8/06
I've had XM for a couple of weeks now, so I thought I'd share my thoughts on
it. I've been pretty much fed-up with commercial radio for years, and
basically only listened to Public Radio and University stations, but had no
intention of getting satellite radio until the Dylan news came out, but now
I'm hooked. There's so many great channels with so much great music( you
can go to XM's web site for all the details) I have a hard time turning it
off. There's also some comedy channels that have some funny stuff, and you
can even listen to CNN and other news channels. There's an excellent old
Country station(Hank's Place), and a blues channel, and an old time radio
station that plays old time radio shows, just all kinds of variety- I love
it. The sound quality is excellent too.

I bought the Pioneer AirWare, which is a little portable unit, and have been
pretty much satisfied with it; I wish you could change the font size to make
it easier to read from across the room(it shows the song that's playing and
the artist on the screen). It also has an "artist select" feature, which
beeps when someone you've selected comes on, so you can go to that channel-
I had to remove Johnny Cash and Merle Haggard from the list, because they
are played so often the beeps became rather irritating. You can also record
up to five hours of programming, which is pretty handy. Anyway, that's my

Jan 8, 2006, 1:35:50 PM1/8/06
>>> I have a hard time turning it off.

As a subscriber since Jan'01, I can tell you that it doesn't get any
better. Five years later, I still can't turn it off.

I cannot begin to estimate how much money I've saved by not having a
need to purchase CDs anymore.

Jan 8, 2006, 1:50:04 PM1/8/06
>>> I have a hard time turning it off.

As a subscriber since Jan'01, I can tell you that it doesn't get any


Jan 8, 2006, 5:07:07 PM1/8/06
oh thanks so much for this review. that's the exact model i want to
buy!!! saving up the pennies, nickles and dimes!!

Jan 9, 2006, 6:38:50 AM1/9/06
For those of you who want to get XM to listen to the Dylan show, it
seems that there's an internet version that's only 8 dollars a month.


Jan 9, 2006, 7:11:22 AM1/9/06
to wrote:
> For those of you who want to get XM to listen to the Dylan show, it
> seems that there's an internet version that's only 8 dollars a month.

my only fear with that, will be that bob will do the show while i'm at
work, or driving home, or while i'm at the beach or
shopping or or or...
that's why i want the portable unit, i can't be tied to a
computer....or my car stereo....or my home radio...

David Hwycdrrev

Jan 9, 2006, 3:44:11 PM1/9/06

most shows on Sirius are rerun at least once during the week -
maybe XM is also had a similar scheduling system . . .



Jan 9, 2006, 10:21:54 PM1/9/06
"You can also record up to five hours of programming,"

What format are you recording in?? Can it be uploaded easily to be
bit-torrented? (I'm one cheap MoFo, I know)

Rib O'flavin

Jan 10, 2006, 12:18:33 AM1/10/06

"rankflv" <> wrote in message

> "You can also record up to five hours of programming,"
> What format are you recording in?? Can it be uploaded easily to be
> bit-torrented? (I'm one cheap MoFo, I know)

I don't know what it's formatted in, but the playback sounds like the
broadcast, so I'd say it's pretty high quality, and will more than likely
make the usual rounds.

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