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Rolling Thunder-Gospel Years DVD

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Jan 23, 2006, 10:13:24 PM1/23/06
I'm reposting this b/c of the crazy poster eating up all the newsgroup

I got the DVD on Friday and watched it this weekend and have to say
that I think Joel Gilbert put together a very valuable document here.
I've got his previous DVDs and, for those of you who have seen them,
the cheezy element remains, but the interviews are so good here (and by

this I mean three things: 1)He has got some valuable subjects here:
Jerry Wexler, Rob Stoner, Scarlet Riviera, Ramblin' Jack, Regina
McCreary, and even the SF Chronicle writer who wrote the "Dylan's
Gospel God-Awful" review; 2)They are forthcoming and reveal more
insights then I think the "No Direction Home" did: Wexler reveals how
they recorded "Slow Train Coming" in the studio, Stoner talks at length

about how he put together the 1978 tour song arrangements, Scarlet
Riviera talks about her rehearsal, recording, and tour experience with
Dylan; 3)Kudos to Mr. Gilbert for the quality of his questions. No 60
Mins. Interview syndrome here, his questions are intelligent and to the

point and, therefore, elict revealing answers) that they lift up the
whole project. In fact, the interviews are of such worth, that I found
the cheezy cuts and cartoons more and more endearing so, by the end of
the four hour epic, I was really enjoying them! I'm wondering, is he
going to do a similar DVD interviewing former members of the Never
Ending tour band? Until seeing this, the idea never ocurred to me and
now I can't wait to see what's up his sleeve next. He really took his
filmmaking to a new level and, consequently, has left Dylan fans with a

great contribution to the record.

Rachel Ben-Levi

Jan 23, 2006, 10:20:13 PM1/23/06
snap out of it baby, people are jealous of you, they smile to your face
but behind your back they hiss, what's a sweetheart like you DOIN' in a
dump like THIS?


Feb 1, 2006, 3:05:16 PM2/1/06
I was wondering why there was no interest here in discussing this great
new DVD. With the quiet month of January come and gone, this has been
the only new commercial item commenting on Dylan and yet my posts from
a few weeks ago have generated zero discussion. Is it simply that
nobody here has seen the new DVD? I thought, in the very least, Jerry
Wexler's about how he recorded Dylan in the studio would have generated
some comparison's to Time Out of Mind, where Lanois and Dylan seemed to
have wanted to take the sound a step further by creating a sense of the
space of the room in the mix, which is not present in Slow Train...due
to the recording rooms in which the musicians went. Or, perhaps,
somebody would have some take on Rubin Carter's story. But there has
been total silence.
What's up?

Jeff Gower

Feb 1, 2006, 4:11:25 PM2/1/06
In article <>, wrote:

> What's up?

I just ordered it from the site. It won't be available
on Amazon until April but will be $5-9 cheaper there (depending on
whether you choose free shipping option) - perhaps people are waiting
for that?

I'm not expecting too much. I never bought the earlier DVDs from this
outfit - the 1966 home movies and the other one - the reviews were just
too harshly negative for those. But what the hell - I'll give this one
a shot - I'm a big fan of the RT and Gospel years.



Feb 1, 2006, 4:58:25 PM2/1/06

I'm a big fan of those years also...I didn't hear anything about a DVD
coming out...I'll go check it out


Will Dockery

Feb 1, 2006, 5:13:01 PM2/1/06

Nobody has a copy, perhaps?

Best Buy has had copies for sale of a couple of other of this guy's
DVDs, and hopefully this one will pop up... I'd like to see it, but get
into mail order much.

"Mirror Twins" by Will Dockery:

Episode 12: The Labyrinth of Greed
Featuring the music of Will Dockery, Amy Speace, and Causeway.


Feb 1, 2006, 5:27:47 PM2/1/06
Never heard about it. Can't talk about what I don't know about...or can
I? I know some folks that consider that an art.


Feb 1, 2006, 6:36:48 PM2/1/06

I think "the only new commercial item commenting on Dylan" hits it on
the head. I don't know how much you've heard about this thing, but the
red flag went up for me when I found out that there is no Dylan music
actually on this DVD, that all these old associates from years ago are
interviewed and them only, etc., it seems like one of those parasitic
projects that comes out every once in a while, like the 66 drummer's (I
can't even remember the guy's name now) little World Tour DVD project
from a couple of years ago. Sounds like a potential ripoff.

Feb 1, 2006, 7:17:56 PM2/1/06

Yeah, I nixed it when I saw in the trailer that there was an interview
with some guy from the Jews for Jesus organization. Supporting
anything that gives them a platform runs into my sense of moral
outrage. I can't tell you how often someone in that group has told me
that I don't have a 'real religion because Judaism is only a tradition'
or some such nonsense. They must give their people lessons in being
arrogant blowhards. I did enjoy the short snippets of Wexler, though.
He seems like a great guy. Much of it looked pretty campy, which has a
value, but, well, there are other things to watch. I'll live.

I did think it was funny that they captioned Dylans comments, like he
speaks a foreign language.

Will Dockery

Feb 1, 2006, 8:27:14 PM2/1/06

Directed by the same guy.

Another of his, using the photo collection of Al [can't spell his last
name right now but he's quite famous to the Dylan fanclub] from the
1974 tour... some /great/ stills and quite a few interesting moments in
the various interviews, and well worth the ten bucks I paid for it at
Best Buy.

Lots of sorta imitation Dylan music on the soundtrack which fits pretty
well... one thing I'm interested in this new one is how /that/ comes
off with such stellar guests as Scarlet Rivera, et al...

Feb 1, 2006, 11:24:02 PM2/1/06
Well, you never know...what if Judaism and Christianity were mere
traditions of men (and women) that God didn't care too much for? I'm
not sure about it myself other than I know I needed women inside that

You enjoyed the Jews for Atheism spokesman Wexler but not the Jews for
Jesus bit by whoever--well, at least you're honest (I guess). Are you
in New York City? Where are all these Jews for Jesus folks that keep
hounding you about your traditions? In your defense, I will say Mr.
Wexler is a charming, hospitable guy. Outside of being an icon of
sorts, he does have a soft heart despite all the atheistic blowhard

Will Dockery

Feb 2, 2006, 7:55:21 AM2/2/06

A decent amount of Dylan interview footage? That alone would make it
worth having around...

"Mirror Twins" by Will Dockery:

Tuesday Afternoon Show:

DC Super Heroes In Action/Milestone Productions, LLC
Category Performer
Description (SIGNIFCANTLY REVISED) 10 January 2006



Producer: Tara Flynn - Milestone Productions, LLC.
Director: Rick Sordelet
Choreographer: Wilson Mendieta
Author: David Holmes
Casting Director: Michael Cassara

Salary: minimum $400/week plus travel

1st rehearsal: 2/14/2006
1st performance: 4/10/2006
Final performance: 4/30/2006

Submit electronically on, or mail/messenger
submissions immediately to:

Michael Cassara Casting
333 W. 39th Street - Suite 601A
New York, NY 10018

Milestone Productions, LLC (prod.) is casting DC Super Heroes In
Action. NOTE: This is a brand-new live action show incorporating
characters from the world of DC Comics. ALL performers must be over 18
years old by 2/14/06. This is a touring children's production, and as
such there may be a meet and greet component for some performers.

Seeking singers, non-singers and musicians for the following roles:

[ROBIN ] 15 - 22 yr. old male, 5'4. Singer/dancer/some stunt work. This
character will work in a mask.

[STARFIRE / WONDER WOMAN] 15 - 22 yr. old female - 5'9+ Singer/ dancer/
some stunt work. As Starfire this character will work in a mask.

[BEASTBOY ] 15 - 22 yr. old male - 5'2 or under. Singer/dancer/some
stunt work. This character will work in a mask.

[BATMAN / STUNT FLASH] 25 - 45 yr. old male. 6'2 or over. Extensive
stage combat / stunt work. Top physical condition.

[FLASH / HENCHMAN #2] 20 - 40 yr. old male, 6' or over. Stage
combat/some stunt work. Top physical condition.

[HARLEY QUINN / POISON IVY] 18 - 35 yr. old female, 5'5 or under.
Extensive stage combat / acrobatic skill. Top physical condition.

[GREEN LANTERN / HENCHMAN #1] 20 - 40 yr. old African American male, 6'
or over. Top physical condition. Must have or be willing to have
goatee/shaved head.

[RUBY] 18 - 30 yr. old female. Lead singer / guitar player. Female
musician with some acting background.

[VIOLET] 18 - 30 yr. old female. Drummer. Female musician with some
acting background.

[AMBER] 18 - 30 yr. old female. Keyboardist. Female musician with some
acting background.

ALL performers must be over 18 years old by 2/14/06.
Job Start Date 2/14/2006
Job End Date 4/30/2006
Union Information Non-Union
Salary $400/week + travel

Company Michael Cassara Casting
Address 333 W. 39th Street - Suite 601A
New York, NY 10018

Contact Michael Cassara

Respond Method(s) By Mail
At Audition

Audition Information When: Tuesday, January 17th 2006 10:00 AM - male
dancers NOON - female dancers 3:00 PM - men/women who fit one of the
character descriptions and have extensive stage combat/stunt background
Where: New Dance Group Studios
Notes/What to bring: Please bring a headshot/resume and come in proper
attire/dance clothes.

Feb 2, 2006, 9:55:05 AM2/2/06
to wrote:
> Well, you never know...what if Judaism and Christianity were mere
> traditions of men (and women) that God didn't care too much for? I'm
> not sure about it myself other than I know I needed women inside that
> parenthese.

I don't know, but I would never say the same to a Christian. It really
wasn't about God, or G-d, it's about human respect for another human.
These people don't know anything about me or what my beliefs are. They
use stereotypes to try to get to Jews, like 'only a tradition', blah
blah blah. I was once told that I was a 'bad Jew' by one of them
because I have a nose ring... Apparently wearing jewelry is wrong, even
though it's actually biblical for women to wear nose rings. I'm retro.

> You enjoyed the Jews for Atheism spokesman Wexler but not the Jews for
> Jesus bit by whoever--well, at least you're honest (I guess). Are you
> in New York City? Where are all these Jews for Jesus folks that keep
> hounding you about your traditions? In your defense, I will say Mr.
> Wexler is a charming, hospitable guy. Outside of being an icon of
> sorts, he does have a soft heart despite all the atheistic blowhard
> rhetoric.

Hunh? Wexler is connected to Dylan, from what I gathered in the little
snippet, the J for J guy was just some fan who was given an interview
and not the little ones in the street of fans leaving because they
didn't want to be preached at. It was strange, to say the least.

I thought it would be interesting to hear the guy from Vineyard. He
had a connection to Dylan. He gave him straight 'A's, by the way. Go

All the Jews for Jesus people who are hounding me show up every year on
campus. I've worked on campuses for years. They invade the Diag in
front of the building I used to work at. Usually I politely tell them
I'm happy with my beliefs. Then I start trouble by asking them if
they're actually Jewish. Usually they're not. Then I ask them what
they know about Judaism. They're generally very derogatory about it.
I entertain myself in unusual ways, I admit.

It was Wexler's charm that I enjoyed. Is Wexler a spokesman for Jews
for Atheism? They're an organized group of proselytizers now? I bet
they have committees...

Feb 2, 2006, 2:58:08 PM2/2/06
to wrote:
> You enjoyed the Jews for Atheism spokesman Wexler but not the Jews for
> Jesus bit by whoever--well, at least you're honest (I guess). Are you
> in New York City? Where are all these Jews for Jesus folks that keep
> hounding you about your traditions? In your defense, I will say Mr.
> Wexler is a charming, hospitable guy. Outside of being an icon of
> sorts, he does have a soft heart despite all the atheistic blowhard
> rhetoric.

You know, I've checked out a few pages that discussed Wexler's
involvement with Dylan during the recording sessions. All of them show
him to have been rather tolerant. In the trailer, he's shown as quite
positive about the music. In Marshal's Restless Pilgrim, he's said to
have been "knocked out" by the lyrics when he first heard them - that
they were on the same level as Dylan's other work. That's not how an
intolerant person would respond. I'm talking about coming across some
serious intolerance in a particular group of people. I think you've
missportrayed Wexler by imitating my blowhard comment.

Feb 2, 2006, 4:49:28 PM2/2/06
This being a place for commenting on Dylan, I thought that there would
be enthusiasm here for it, perhaps I was wrong. I originally ordered it
in early December and I was informed that the orders exceeded supply,
so it wasn't shipped until mid January. I thought this was indicative
of some interest in it, particularly since it covers the period after
"No Direction Home" and, furthermore, covers the 1979-1981
tours/albums, of which there has been MUCH less written then the
1961-1966 years that NDH covered.

The "cheesy" element in the editing of this DVD is here in spades, but
Gilbert is faced with the very real dilemma of how to edit together a
bunch of talking heads and make it interesting. My experience of the
DVD was that the interviews were of such quality that I found the
"cheesy" edits endearing after awhile.

This is of a whole different order than the 1966 Mickey Jones DVD.
Rubin Carter, Scarlet Riviera, Rob Stoner, Regina McCrary, Jerry
Wexler, Spooner Oldham, Joel Selvin, and one of the pastor's from
Vineyard Christian fellowship all share very interesting annecdotes and
insights into Dylan. I mean, these are all people who worked closely
with Dylan during this period.

But, I guess y'all are answering my question. Nobody's talking about it
because nobody has seen it. Ok.

Feb 2, 2006, 5:09:15 PM2/2/06
No, there's actually hardly any interviews with Dylan...just one very
brief one. But the statements of the supporting cast about him are

Will Dockery

Feb 2, 2006, 5:29:10 PM2/2/06

That's one good point with the other DVD I have made by the same fellow
[sorry I forgot his name for now], he does a pretty good interview,
stuff that could easily have fit in NDH... in fact the 1974 tour-photo
album one makes a nice follow up view to NDH, covering the time
immediately after where the official film ends...

Hmmm... I haven't even seen the Rolling Thunder DVD yet, but if the
folks who made it are reading this by some chance and would send me a
"review copy", I'll be happy to write here about every detail of it for
the rest of the year... I'm dead serious..:

Will Dockery
P.O.Box 7394
Columbus GA 31908

Tired of waiting on Best Buy, don't have a credit card, and hate
sending money orders through the mail...

Feb 2, 2006, 6:03:16 PM2/2/06
Yeah, Will, I felt the same way. Gilbert does conduct a good interview.
I think his DVDs, not having any Dylan music on them are perfect for
the kinds of fans who visit rmd b/c we all know his music and are
familiar with the most important of the bootleg performances anyway. A
quick example, there are references in this recent 1975-1981 DVD of
Dylan's performance during the 1975 World of John Hammond TV show, the
1979 Saturday Night Live show and the 1980 Grammy performance. Since I
already have those performances on video, I just interrupted the
interviews and threw them in and watched the whole performances at the
appropriate place. I actually prefer that to only watching a snippet,
which is what would have happened if Gilbert had permission to use the
footage. Gilbert's DVDs are of benefit to: 1)The kind of fan who has
much of the unreleased material and 2)as a contribution to the
historical record.

Will Dockery

Feb 2, 2006, 8:01:18 PM2/2/06


Google has apparently "lost" my reply on why I think Gilbert's subtle
soundtrack music works well on the DVD... I'll give it a bit to
reappear before rewriting all of it again...

Will Dockery

Feb 2, 2006, 8:01:59 PM2/2/06

Dan.Mackay wrote:
> Yeah, Will, I felt the same way. Gilbert does conduct a good interview.
> I think his DVDs, not having any Dylan music on them are perfect for
> the kinds of fans who visit rmd b/c we all know his music and are
> familiar with the most important of the bootleg performances anyway.

Exactly... and if the subtle "Dylanesque" music he creates with his
band is like that of the other DVD, no vocals, just a bit of "thin wild
mercury" here and there... /not/ covers but music that evokes the
moment, then it'll work fine.

Scarlet Rivera et al contribute to the soundtrack, from what I've
read... that alone is worth the few bucks to check out.

> A quick example, there are references in this recent 1975-1981 DVD of
> Dylan's performance during the 1975 World of John Hammond TV show, the
> 1979 Saturday Night Live show and the 1980 Grammy performance. Since I
> already have those performances on video, I just interrupted the
> interviews and threw them in and watched the whole performances at the
> appropriate place. I actually prefer that to only watching a snippet,
> which is what would have happened if Gilbert had permission to use the
> footage. Gilbert's DVDs are of benefit to: 1)The kind of fan who has
> much of the unreleased material and 2)as a contribution to the
> historical record.


Feb 2, 2006, 9:00:40 PM2/2/06
My only problem with the soundtrack on this particular DVD is that the
music keeps going from too faint to too loud (usually during a
transition in interviews), so I can't really ever evaluate it.


Will Dockery

Feb 2, 2006, 9:17:35 PM2/2/06

Am I correct in imagining an instrumental "approximation" of the sound
of Desire and Slow Train much like Gilbert did with his 1066 and 1974
tour film?

Also, this DVD has, as I mentioned earlier, dozen of still photos that
the camera lingers on, many I've never seen before... I imagine there's
some good shots like that from RTR and the born again days..?

The Netherlands/Shadowville cross cultural exchange
project <>

Greybeard Cavalier [Dockery/0x0000]: <>

Feb 3, 2006, 11:04:13 AM2/3/06
I think there are some very good photos, although no soundtrack during
the slideshow.

Concerning the music, well, it's very Dylanesque. In order to accuately
comment on it
I'd have to listen closely to it on a subsequent viewing, b/c of this
thing I mentioned where the volume keeps rising and then lowering. But
I don't remember many "Slow Train" sounding songs, rather I remember
Gilbert and his band sounding like the 1999-2000 Dylan covering
"Hallelujah" and "Wait For the Light" (not that those particular songs
are sung, but the songs are in that vein). There is fiddle on it and it
sounds pretty good. I think you are very interested in the music, the
DVD is not a good showplace for it, maybe the CD? I don't know, I
haven't heard it.


Rachel Ben-Levi

Feb 3, 2006, 11:21:16 AM2/3/06
wow. a poster!

Will Dockery

Feb 3, 2006, 3:36:33 PM2/3/06

Ah, that's right... there's soundtrack album for this one as well...
I'll settle for whatever's on the actual DVD if that's possible... even
that'll be hard enough to run across here in the hinterlands.

"Mirror Twins" by Will Dockery:

Episode 12: The Labyrinth of Greed

Rachel Ben-Levi

Feb 3, 2006, 3:40:35 PM2/3/06
you all must think i'm a pretty big loser, DON'T YOU????????

Will Dockery

Feb 3, 2006, 4:40:21 PM2/3/06

Rachel Ben-Levi wrote:
> you all must think i'm a pretty big loser, DON'T YOU????????

Not me... I never even met you!

"Mirror Twins" by Will Dockery:

Episode 12: The Labyrinth of Greed

Feb 3, 2006, 11:01:16 PM2/3/06
I didn't literally mean Wexler was a part of an official organization,
just that he's relished (it seems) the Jewish atheist label. Just as
there are those who do the same with the Jews for Jesus label. That
Jews for Jesus guy may have had some connection to Dylan, but not a
direct one like Wexler and Dylan. Or maybe he had no connection with
Dylan at all. I haven't seen Gilbert's DVD, so maybe I'd best hush
until I do.

That is odd that there would be folks in a Jews for Jesus outfit who
were not Jewish. Additionally, derogatory comments about Judaism or
nose rings perhaps falls into the category of the bad fruit of


Feb 4, 2006, 6:05:42 PM2/4/06
to wrote:
> Hunh? Wexler is connected to Dylan, from what I gathered in the little
> snippet, the J for J guy was just some fan who was given an interview
> and not the little ones in the street of fans leaving because they
> didn't want to be preached at. It was strange, to say the least.

The 'Jews for Jesus' guy explains in the interview how they were
contacted by someone purporting to be from Dylan's organisation, asking
them to hand out leaflets outside the concerts (which was a regular
thing they did in San Francisco at that time, apparently). They didn't
believe it was really a Dylan spokesperson, so asked for tickets to be
left at 'willcall' to prove the point - they were very surprised when
the tickets were in fact waiting for them. Is that enough of a
'connection'? The guy also talks about his personal reactions as a
concert attendee. As a neutral observer myself, it's interesting to see
all viewpoints represented in this documentary. With the dearth of
documentary material surrounding this particular (like most, in fact)
period of Dylan's career, at least somebody has made an effort to talk
to people who were there, whatever the level of their involvement,
witnesses so to speak. That can't be bad, surely?

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