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Re: voting for ego

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Feb 2, 2024, 9:30:19 AM2/2/24
i just make all this sh*t up....

maybe i need to find something better to do.

bob, what's up?


Feb 2, 2024, 9:30:19 AM2/2/24
there's an author who supposedly has all this clarity and says trump is dangerous for the country....that it would suffer gravely

but then wants to exercise his right and vote his conscience, saying he'll write in....

if trump is dangerous, you want to try and AVOID HIM GETTING ELECTED, so you all have to band together behind the non-dangerous guy who has a shot of winning.

what GOOD does that serve, him writing in his own personal opinion?

otoh, you have to consider, we may need trump to sate the volatile extreme right, to avoid more insurrections or even some kind of anarchic civil war.

wow, that's what he was just asked....


Feb 2, 2024, 3:50:13 PM2/2/24
hi , btw , sorry , my newsreader doesn't immediately access google, and they appear in reverse order from their original posting.

i just wanted to say....if you have cable....and like to watch the news, i have discovered, as much as perhaps you like or agree or find yourself in alliance with the views and/or people of one or two particular stations, if you watch all three, it really widens your perspective, to see what they are doing, how the news is crafted and the spin they put on their stories, to see how people can get so worked up for or against or conversely, even nonchalant to the current events with which they are presented.

i see that it's highly engaging, really heightens your senses and activates your mind, sharpening your perspicacity.

i recommend it.

btw, i got this bold idea even to broach both political wings as well as a centrist leaning (ha ha), from my psychologist, who watches all three, as well, and mentioned it to me a long time ago.

actually, i would even expand this approach to watch the national news, as well taking a look at the PBS broadcasts and sunday morning and evening news magazines, to get a sense of what is really important as to what is going on in the world, and your life, and what you feel you should or should NOT be focusing on. :-)

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