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FROM AAPC....will dockery's poetry group

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Feb 15, 2024, 9:15:14 AMFeb 15
Operation Bloodless
(response to nancy)

phonemes charging
collected army
of hungry lit sounds
burst forth, bearing
sharp swords, assault of
blades flashing, and slashing
thorny-armed terrorists
wielding surgical lasers
sabres which beam
and mock
mirror and swipe
with calculated precision
they slice
and cut deep, into rough
stale banks
of human brain
joined at river’s edge

rogue militant mission
of growling stomach stampede
a serial procession
divine particle cascade
of raging cowman vomit
spurs rote streams
spinning through desolate
indifferent swampland
abused soil of sandy desert
and abandoned dirt
a mounted scalding attack
led by sticky torches burning
deep below the coordinates
of creation’s ground zero
scouring petrified bovine dung
and buried leaves
which are now all choking…
on the smoke
of viper venom

unraveling threads recoiling
ravaged in instant shock
from this suffocating heat
surge of liquid flame
loosed on stung conscience
by the blind pricking
piercing of mercenaries
employed en masse for
merciless molecular mutilation

designer rockets delegating
a multi-millennial build-up
of manufactured homeland waste
from savage cactus fire
send toxic flares...
their crafted arrows, carrying
chemicals from forsaken
high voltage electric needles
pound across peals of vaulted sky
striking embowed short-circuited
professional agents of authority
meticulously marking
mapped out morals for these ground
controlled messenger vehicles
of rectifying mystery spikes
and metaphysics
from spines which rattle and hiss
they surround and rain down
in unison, upon unsuspecting
shaking venison victims

injections of pacifying poison
numb and shrink the dyed agar
membranes of lifeless dumb
prisoners of names
all rounded up and stranded
silos of stentorian acid stinging
and singeing their neural skins
escorting them, in their season
to carefully doctored death
time notarized, inside
the charred detritus compost
of collective mind

blackened scarred ego
cracks and is momently ruptured
by young shoots of courage
fiery rods sent to grasp and bloom
in unknown far-off fertile fields
unearthed by vindicated corporation
of constructed confusion
and the ominous cries of inflexible
internalized coincidence

rays of pitched sparks fly, offering up
new memory, darkly etched
under quivering animal moonlight
recorded holy chains of ancient blood
carved out of the steely
milk-white night
and seeping...into art strokes
of my soul’s last breath

for SAM


Feb 15, 2024, 9:10:13 PMFeb 15
if you don't like it, here's another one i found
(old version, as close as i recall, it went through them all probably, at least, on level 1, i suppose...)

Operation Bloodless
(response to nancy)

phonemes charging...collected army of
hungry lit sounds burst forth, bearing
sharp swords, assault of blades flashing
and slashing, thorny-armed terrorists
wielding surgical lasers...sabres which
beam and mock, mirror and swipe
with calculated precision. they slice
and cut deep, into rough stale banks
of human brain joined at river’s edge

rogue militant mission, of growling stomach
stampede, a serial procession, divine particle
cascade of raging cowman vomit
spurs rote streams spinning through
desolate indifferent swampland
abused soil of sandy desert and abandoned dirt
a mounted scalding attack led by
sticky torches burning deep below the coordinates
of creation’s ground zero, scouring petrified
bovine dung and buried leaves which are now
all choking...on the smoke...of viper venom

unraveling threads recoiling, ravaged
in instant shock, from this suffocating heat
surge of liquid flame loosed on stung conscience,
by the blind pricking, piercing
of mercenaries, employed en masse for
merciless molecular mutilation

designer rockets delegating a multi-millennial
build-up of manufactured homeland waste
from savage cactus fire send toxic flares...
their crafted arrows, carrying chemicals
from forsaken high voltage electric needles
pound across peals of vaulted sky, striking
embowed short-circuited professional agents
of authority, meticulously marking
mapped out morals for these ground
controlled messenger vehicles of rectifying
mystery spikes and metaphysics from spines
which rattle and hiss. they surround and


Feb 15, 2024, 9:15:11 PMFeb 15
i think there is an erroneous declaration point in there, sigh...which breaks up the flow

spines which rattle and hiss, they surround and


Feb 15, 2024, 9:55:15 PMFeb 15
now i think it wasn't erroneous

sorry it just surprises me , to see a part of myself , out there ...

you know , like a photo you can't believe . . .


Feb 18, 2024, 12:20:14 AMFeb 18
Jet Pilot Eyes / A Journey Through Dark Heat

I Catch the Red Eye −
Big ol' Jet plane taking me Home.
Or am I going away? I forget.
Sailing over the ocean Blue...
..if I could just close my Eyes,
And drift off Asleep Anew;
I'm not asking for a neat Dream
to Pursue Perchance upon my Wake −
I don't need a Fantasy
to Feed my Fate unknown
In this jungle of Earth, Wind,
..Fire and Sky

I don't care about Destiny
I just want Peace
But it was never meant to Be

I pull from my Breast-Pocket
the Bottle, and Swallow
my pills to knock me out...
It's not a natural restful Sleep
hands folded gently in my lap;
a luxurious rejuvenating nap
under a Thick Blanket
Plush with soft feathers of Down
Pharmacology sedating me
as I make the Rounds...

No, it just abruptly Blinds me
turning off the Light
to the Stormy Weather
and stratified Night ‒
Lost in Stupor
to the Never-Ending Battle Wars
..Stark in Darkness
Streaked with stars
A Glimmering... the dusky Heavens
throughout my bumpy Rocky
trip uneven…Turbulence
in the cobalt Glassy Air
as I sleep there
Stiffly, in my Suit, En route
to G-d knows where

Let that airplane roll…
While I am gone, and at the End
I'll wake up Again
Forgetting where I was
if it was even Anywhere at all
and I keep going; hungry
like a slave or an automaton
on someone else's Journey
Red and Angry as an albatross
Who soars across the Sky
Diving back down to Earth,
Back to feed, on someone else's
Vomit, Or stealing Bread
from Stupid Birds, who happen
to the wrong place,
at the wrong Time

I'll wake, and raise the Shade
Cold, Clammy, yet unafraid
It's all just a mess
and I never get my rest
Maybe when it's all over −
if there's anybody left

Roach Ω


Feb 19, 2024, 5:50:14 PMFeb 19
Reel News 33 1/3: A-Nothin’ But Howl n’ Rain (A Sing-A-Long) 🇺🇸
Extra! Running Backwards – A MoonLit Drive-By 🇺🇸

Shots ring out. Tires screeched.
Wheels spun madly...
Out of control,
As the old Volare
Took off,
Into the Distance.

No one Even...Turned around, To see,
the little girl, crumpled in Pieces,
On the Pavement ‒ her blood-stained Frock,
Surely, A Resounding Testament –
..To the Bullets.

Bullets, which came...
from out of No‒where;
her little body; of Life, Liberty,
and Surely –
The pursuit of Happiness.

Roach Ω
May 31, 2016 (Feb. 25, 2023)


Feb 19, 2024, 7:30:14 PMFeb 19
Eggs without a Soul – An American Tale / for Nancy

The nagging question remained,
what to do, with the secrets,
lying buried,
and carried,
in the as yet undiscovered hollowed Mind
of the cosmic biblical Queen,
that the King himself could never reach;

The mystic cage of Magical flesh,
Containing all the Colors
of their covenanted crafted Rainbow −
Archaic Arc
of mis-assumed Anarchy, costly
Sacrifice −
of cultivated Wizardry;

Hysterical Deer, in armored terror,
in nature’s Fashioned Harry −
Spring’s Tornado’s incisive introduction
to an intrepid whirling dervish
Set in motion,
caught in every Stolen Headlight − frozen:
locked in taut,
Touched Tail spin,
Plummeting back down to Earth again

the Shell of a Myth,
Cracking up −
former captive
of their Broken Cup,
Another firing, cocked, misfit corrupt;

A shattering, fantastical
Exploding −
of calculated Chaos,
Conceived in hidden constituted
Alchemy −
Kaleidoscope crystalizing
all too clearly
she herself dismembered
in Hallowed insanity −

Caught within a cloudy illusion;
the scattered Cacophony
of Confusion −
A concealed crazed
AlphaBet delusion;
a Battered Heart which could never hold
The incontestable power of Gold −

it could never hold Water,
and was,
Sooner or Later,
bound to dissolve
Opulent Obtuse Opinions
into Flipped,
undeniable Facts −

Strangers, in a sad forsaken Land
Sunflower’s turquoise Turreted Tower
sinking Lifelessly,
in the sand
like Humpty Dumpty falling,
all down into pieces…

He fell
off that formidable wall
Foolish choked Irresistible Gull −
Fissured skull
of a fractal Plan,
she fell straight
in to...
the Frying pan − Yolks,
with melted Butter...served UP
with sizzling Bacon Crisps:
Sculpted glamorously
into Royal Strips −
slid shimmering
Onto our Smelt Plate:

Global Grand Slam at a Re-duced Rate
They turned her into eggs,
Over Easy:
All to the delight,
of her dearest Companions, so Greasy.

Just one Caveat −
of which to be aware
If you can re-member,
Handle With Care.

Anybody care for Brains?



Feb 20, 2024, 12:50:12 AMFeb 20
sorry, i transcribed that incorrectly, apologies to Roach (Omega), it was MoonLit Drive-By alone....but tacked on to this play title, so it shouldn't be too "A's" in a row...

it's Extra! Running Backwards - MoonLit Drive-By (American Flag)

happy president's day to one and all....

William Stickers

Feb 20, 2024, 7:02:45 AMFeb 20
Have you blown % off?


Feb 20, 2024, 10:40:16 AMFeb 20
Well, I NEVER!!! ....THAT, my good sir, is NONE_OF YOUR *BUSINESS*! :-O!

William Stickers

Feb 20, 2024, 3:52:17 PMFeb 20
cheesetray wrote:
> Well, I NEVER!!! ....THAT, my good sir, is NONE_OF YOUR *BUSINESS*! :-O!

OK but I didn't ask if you blew him, that wouldn't be possible
because he can't get it up coz of all the dope he swallows. I was
just curious if you'd given him the elbow.


Feb 21, 2024, 2:00:20 PMFeb 21
doesnt he already have two of them


Feb 21, 2024, 6:50:12 PMFeb 21
a final farewell to google groups....


Dot: The Response (Ho Ho Ho Ψ)
Cancel Culture / A Yūgen Liberosis 🐾

And as the beating Sun reigns relentless down…
Merciless to Man's unharnessed petty folly...
The pouring stinging rays like March's lion roar...
Hark, Proteus rising blows his Conquering Horn…
Come creeping winter tides as cruel as April's bitter Hail...
Lashing down like Slavery Whips upon the wretched rocks...
Rolling over on his History’s magnificent mickle mysteries...
Washing away what once was thought to be...
Ocean's mad laugh at ant-like Man's pretense, preposterous hubris...
These sandcastles crumbling on god’s golden sinking shores...
The steps to light the way once fair now gone...
Sweating all that flesh doth dandy do perspire...
Alas, the man remains again no more...
Barn Hope has sunk in high Noon's drowning darkness...
Stingy Scrouge returned to Scrouge's stingy Source...
And Elvis…..has left the building.


Oct. 31, 2021


your faithful servant,


Feb 21, 2024, 8:40:12 PMFeb 21
i guess we'll all be moving on then... to top secret portals.. ;-)

this is the blind horse...that you chase around

see ya on the other side


Feb 22, 2024, 1:40:16 AMFeb 22
well, i guess it's time...

to slip away....

to a quiet place instead....

did they know ?


Feb 22, 2024, 2:55:11 AMFeb 22

Does it really matter for a spouse
if this illustrious Bob Dylan
is truly a man
or just a mouse?

Is he the majestic masterful
Wizard of Oz?
Or a fumbly, mumbly
“weird” old man
hiding behind the curtain, in a fog?

Or both? :-)

Does he think I “care?”
Does he cower in fear
that he is not my truest, bestest,
most valued friend
whom I cherish and adore
to whom I am annexed
at the core
whoever he may be?

Does he, will he, remember me?
That he was always there
hovering and lingering
and dancing in my mind
keeping me company
at all times
the true me
locked in serious solitude
behind my mental wall
as he churned in the internal
bubbling cauldron
in the depths of my solar plexus?

I was but a lost
lonesome troubled youth
My broken soul
missed him for truth
across the planet waves
crying, calling out to him
in those wistful times
wondering, wondering
to my pretty mate
my destiny, my fate...
“If you’re ‘my friend,’ where are you?”

Where are you, my beloved friend?
You’ve been there since the beginning
and will be there
up to the end
Welcoming me into the world
when I was still cradled
in the womb
And I have no doubt about you
you’ll carry me
to my tomb
You were there before I even set foot
onto this Earth
and no one could ever capture
what you are really worth

You’re all around me
and all about me
all the time
Is there any doubt
any question
that you were meant to be mine?
It’s been a long journey back
to find my way to you −
all of you
is this true
and my love audible?

Every twisted nook and cranny
Every aching wound and sore
Every sacred bag of sorrow
I’ve come to love you
more and more
Yes, the impossible...

Do you think
you could extend your hand
and help me back
across the strand, into
your heart
my eternal home
my first and only sacred womb
my beating heart
that aches for fillin’
home once again
with my beloved Bob Dylan...


Will Dockery

Feb 22, 2024, 4:32:52 AMFeb 22
Hello there, Rachel, apparently Google Groups will continue until Midnight tonight.

Unless it shuts down abruptly without rhyme or reason.

See you at the top secret portals.

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