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Dylan's "Tree with Roots"- help me spread the joy

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Soul Drip

Nov 2, 2001, 3:33:54 AM11/2/01
I'm tired of people gaining profit off of bootlegs.

Dylan's "Tree with Roots" has been selling for $200 or more on Ebay.

I offer up another option:
I'm going to start a B&P tree of "Tree with Roots."
Once I get the cds, I'll offer 'em up free to anyone who wants to hear
this amazing music.

Please, let's start something cool. Let's spread the music.

First, I need to get the cds. Can anyone help me in this?

E-mail me if you have any suggestions, leads, or hints.

-joshua r.

Michael J. Pucci

Nov 2, 2001, 2:36:17 PM11/2/01
Hi Joshua,
We could tree it at

"Whenever people agree with me, I know I must be wrong." - Oscar Wilde
"Soul Drip" <> wrote in message

Scooby Certainly Does Not Under Any Circumstances

Nov 2, 2001, 3:24:53 PM11/2/01

"Soul Drip" <> wrote in message
> I'm tired of people gaining profit off of bootlegs.
> Dylan's "Tree with Roots" has been selling for $200 or more on Ebay.
>Please, let's start something cool. Let's spread the music.

I don't think your idea is 'cool' at all. It's destructive and it's ultimate
agenda is to destroy commercial bootlegging, therefore excluding a certain
portion of Dylan fan's (cd collectors) from hearing the music. That isn't
'spreading the music at all'. It's controlling it.
Thanks to White Bear and Scorpio for bringing us this music, I'm certain
that without you, much of this stuff would remain unheard to this day.

>I'm going to start a B&P tree of "Tree with Roots."
>Once I get the cds, I'll offer 'em up free to anyone who wants to hear
>this amazing music.

>First, I need to get the cds. Can anyone help me in this?


Patrick Curren

Nov 2, 2001, 5:38:02 PM11/2/01
I agree with Sinew Wave. I've been buying Dylan boots since the vinyl GWW
days in the early 1970s and still purchase the occasional item. Am unsure
where the recent "holier than thou" condemnation of people who prefer to buy
or sell, rather than trade, comes from. We're all bootleggers in the eyes of
the law.

"Soul Drip" <> wrote in message

Andrew Roland

Nov 3, 2001, 3:35:03 PM11/3/01
tell me when you have the goods, i will trade.
Andrew R.

Soul Drip <> wrote in message


Nov 3, 2001, 7:14:33 PM11/3/01
I'd like to see this treed as well, but in order for that to happen
someone has to be willing to buy the "commercial bootleg". The goal of
treeing this stuff should be to make it available to people who can't,
or won't, buy commercial bootlegs; the goal shouldn't be to put
commercial bootleggers out of business. If that had happened by now,
there wouldn't be a "Tree With Roots" 4 cd set.

Actually I'd like to see the 10 disc "From the Reels" set get treed,
but the chances of that happening are pretty slim, because it only
circulates privately.
A lot of commercial bootlegs may be copied from "fan Projects", but
the fact that a more complete version circulates privately doesn't do
anyone else any good if they aren't going to get to hear it. Most
people only get to hear what,if anything, eventually turns up on a
"commercial bootleg"--whether they buy the original or get a CDR copy.

Jim Beck (Soul Drip) wrote in message news:<>...

> I'm tired of people gaining profit off of bootlegs.

> Dylan's "Tree with Roots" has been selling for $200 or more on Ebay.
> I offer up another option:
> I'm going to start a B&P tree of "Tree with Roots."
> Once I get the cds, I'll offer 'em up free to anyone who wants to hear
> this amazing music.
> Please, let's start something cool. Let's spread the music.
> First, I need to get the cds. Can anyone help me in this?

> -joshua r.

Anne Thrax

Nov 4, 2001, 6:14:43 PM11/4/01
Scooby, you standout waste of protoplasm, you lying sack of fecal
material. You can't hold up your side in arguments with the guys who
know what they're talkin about, so you're back to bashing newbies
whose only sins are altruism and generosity. It's just too freakin'
bad that yer boot-sellin' biz is goin' down the toilet, but the rest
of us don't have to suport it, subsidize it, or stop tradin' and
sharin' music just coz you enjoy makin' money without workin' half as
hard as the folks you sell to.
You're a pathetic, dishonest, malicious dirtbag. Sharing music
without restraints is "controlling" it, while making it available only
in batches of 500 copies at disgustingly inflated prices is the way to
stop "excluding" people from hearing the music? You must have a lot
of contempt for the good people on rmd, to think they're stupid enough
to believe garbage like that.
"Thanks to White Bear" for repackaging stuff that's been kicking
around since LBJ was prez of the USA and hyping it to death? For
putting together a half-assed stack of entertainingly clumsy
rehearsals that have mostly been aroung forever and claiming they were
Coming soon from White Bear -- "Scooby's Album" -- the FIRST EVER
CD of the "Friends Of Chile" performance, together with a never-before
heard audience tape of the Live Aid TV broadcast. Hey, it's only
money, and why shouldn't you send yours to an escapee from the Windsor
Home for the Perpetually Inbred?

Anne Thrax
Patron Saint of Chastising the Eminently Deserving for the New

"Scooby Certainly Does Not Under Any Circumstances Tell The Truth" <> wrote in message news:<9ruvga$vft$>...


Nov 4, 2001, 7:16:06 PM11/4/01
Anne Thrax took some facts and gave ole Scooby 40 wacks.

St Jude

Scooby Don't

Nov 5, 2001, 7:01:02 AM11/5/01
I see there's a comment from Anne Thrax here, and I couldn't resist the
temptation to take a look. I have, and have never had, any problem with
distributing music on cdr, or people who choose to collect music on cdr.
When 'A Tree With Roots' came out, I gladly copied it and distributed it on
cdr to friends. (since then my cdr copier has gone.) What I object to is
people saying that they want to trade cdrs, but at the same time destroy
commercial cd releases. Why? Don't people have the right to buy and collect
cds if they choose? If this guy want a cdr copy of 'A Tree With Roots', then
fine, but why try to take measures through trees and so forth, to try to
prevent commercial cds from being released? I believe this is destructive,
and unfair to people who's choose not to trade cdrs, but prefer to buy
bootleg cds. I believe that A1Pump, who sourced the Augusta '75 audience
recording, said that he actively tried to prevent the item from being
commercially booted. This is controlling the music, suggesting that anyone
who doesn't have access to the internet, or doesn't participate in this
newgroup or whatever, can't hear the music. This is unfair. People such as
yourself don't believe in freedom, you believe in a taliban-style 'fandom'
where certain individuals get to say what's right and wrong. Cdr trading =
right. Cd collecting = wrong. Recent cd releases are pressed in quantities
of 500 because they're aimed at the few remaining cd collectors like
myself. There isn't a market for 5000 copies of them anymore, because of
cdrs. Fair enough, if that's the way it is, I don't mind, I'm still able to
aquire a copy of a new release and so are other cd collectors. But that's
not enough for some people is it? They want to see the end of cd releses for
some reason, which would have no relevance or impact on their cdr trading
activites whatsoever. If more people chose to collect cds, they would be
pressed in greater quantities. If people are happy to aquire stuff on cdr,
why should they care about a 500 cd limited edition? Let it be the concern
of cd collectors. But no, people such as yourself feel the need to criticise
and condemn the boot labels. If you want your cdrs, fine, it doesn't bother
me. But commercial cd releases are of interest to some people here and
elsewhere, it's something I enjoy and you and others don't have thew right
to condemn and deride it simply because you choose not to collect them.
Scorpio's 1992 cd releases of the Basement Tapes were the original source
for a great deal of previously uncirculating material that simply wouldn't
have surfaced otherwise.
This Thrax person seems intent on telling various lies about myself,
claiming that I'm a bootleg cd dealer and holding me responsible for the
advertising of White Bear. As I've said before, I work in retail and I work
damn hard, long hours and I'm not a high earner and I'm struggling with my
mortgage. For this person to make remarks about my finances and my
occupation is utterly contemptable. I think we've already established that
this Thrax person is a total liar, so I really shouldn't entertain this
rude,disgraceful person, and nor should anyone else who believes in freedom
of speech, freedom of opinion, and the right for opinions to be discussed in
a forum like this constructively, without fear that people such as Anne
Thrax are going to respond with a barrage of lies and insults. I'm a fan of
Bob Dylan's music and I choose to collect cds rather than cdrs. That,
apparently gives this person the right to insult, accuse, lie and intimidate
me? Dylan fans are few and far between in this world, and to have someone
like Anne Thrax who is willing to do this kind of thing to another fan in
this newsgroup is shameful.
If Anne Thrax claims I'm a bootleg cd dealer, manufacturer, etc... and a
professional con artist and people such as Bill, Eddie etc... are willing to
back up those comments, where's the evidence? Anne Thrax has already falsely
claimed that I'm someone who posts here under the name 'RM' and claims to
know where my sales list is. So go on, please feel free to show/tell
everyone where my sales list/webpage/whatever is, Thrax, which you claim to
know about. Otherwise shut up because you are, and always will be a
shameless lying sad loser to suggest these kind of things for no reason,
except for your personal objection to how I choose to spend my hard-earned
cash, and the worst example of a Bob Dylan 'fan' that this newsgroup has
ever had the misfortune to encounter.

Scooby Don't -
Champion Of Exposing Sad Lying Losers.


Nov 5, 2001, 6:02:05 PM11/5/01

"Scooby Don't" <> wrote in message

> professional con artist and people such as Bill, Eddie etc... are willing
> back up those comments, where's the evidence?

You've just accused me of something - Where's your evidence? - I didn't back
up anybody - I just stated what had happened.
To elucidate - I didn't say whether the facts were correct or not = I made a
joke - I have no information either way and don't believe I led anybody to
infer that I had
I don't know either of you - and didn't intend to upset anybody - but I
will make jokes if I feel like it - I thought it was quite humorous
BTW, St Jude is (among other things) the patron saint of lost causes - so I
suppose AT can have a go at me as well for linking her to Lizzie Borden (via
the rhyme) and for mocking her signature (St Jude) or you can for saying
you're a lost cause - see how even handed I am?.

Jeez! (Patron saint of those who omit smilies)


Nov 5, 2001, 6:39:31 PM11/5/01
Eddie - I actually thought you agreed with AT as well !!! I definitely
couldn't see the joke in even responding to a posting of this rudeness.
AT - one thing is to have an opinion - another is how you express it !!!!


"Eddie" <> wrote in message


Nov 5, 2001, 7:12:52 PM11/5/01

"toydri" <> wrote in message

> Eddie - I actually thought you agreed with AT as well !!! I definitely
> couldn't see the joke in even responding to a posting of this rudeness.
If you'd recognised the rhyme you 'd have realised I wasn't aligning myself
with AT - As a matter of fact I thought she might have been pissed of for
being equated with Lizzie Borden - I actually expected a vitriolic reply
from her- but as I said I don't know her either - so I wasn't condemning
anybody and I thought a bit of humour might have helped. With all the really
obscure references this group comes up with I thought I was quite safe
making that joke - and the fact remains she did take some (dubious?) facts
and she did give Scoobie 40 whacks - I didn't say he deserved them.
Anyway - I *still* think it was an appropriate response .
I'm expecting to hear from Ole Lizzie any minute.

Eben Hensby

Nov 5, 2001, 7:12:51 PM11/5/01
Has anyone else noted how ironic it is that this thread of posts are
still under the subject heading of "help me spread the joy"?

Joy indeed.

- Eben

"Water poured into Vicksburg,
don't know what I'm gonna do.
'Don't reach out for me,' she said,
'can't you see I'm drowning too?'"

- Bob Dylan [Highwater (For Charlie Patton)]

Maris Sayner

Nov 5, 2001, 11:56:22 PM11/5/01
Eddie wrote in message:

> BTW, St Jude is (among other things) the patron saint of lost causes...

.....and police, according to Sean Connery.


Posted from []
via Mailgate.ORG Server - http://www.Mailgate.ORG

Anne Thrax!

Nov 6, 2001, 3:02:06 PM11/6/01

Pay no attention to anything toydri says; he's got all the common sense
of roadkill. A week or two ago he threw a snit because he learned that there
were traders out there who didn't use the same CD copying software he does,
and wants those fiends struck by lightning or something. (He's been around
this newsgroup since the late summer of 2001, and was pulling rank . . .

I thought your post was funny, which is a more important virtue than
sharing my opinions.

Just remember the little known last couplet of the rhyme:

And then, for her career to cap
Lizzie Borden beat the rap!

Anne Thrax!


Nov 6, 2001, 8:50:10 PM11/6/01
Well I must confess i ain't got a clue as to what's going on - but I seem to
have stepped into something.

> Pay no attention to anything toydri says; he's got all the common
I don't know about all these people that you mention as I'm pretty new here
and I don't know about you either - in the short time I've been here I've
seen some of your posts and the replies - but no one's been rude to me yet =
just some people misunderstanding things I wrote.
I came here to keep up to date on Dylan and perhaps do some trading - I'm
not really interested in people putting people down - whatever direction
it's going. Especially when there is no way of determining the facts - it
seems pointless..
And I ain't getting involved in any wars that aren't of my starting.

> (He's been around
> this newsgroup since the late summer of 2001, and was pulling rank . . .
Nobody can pull any rank unless one lets them - and I don't expect I'll be
doing that.
The word 'newbie' seems to set of a lot of strange reactions - some helpful
and informative others less welcome - sometimes it's hard to tell which is

> I thought your post was funny, which is a more important virtue than
> sharing my opinions.
I'm glad you enjoyed it - maybe others would have if emotions hadn't been
running high.
Would sharing your opinions be a virtue? - I'm sure some people here might
say not :-)

> Just remember the little known last couplet of the rhyme:
> And then, for her career to cap
> Lizzie Borden beat the rap!
I was expecting 'when she saw what she had done she gave Eddie 41' though.


Anne Thrax

Nov 14, 2001, 3:32:15 PM11/14/01
The guilty flee where no man (nor cranky bitch) pursueth. I never
accused you of using this alias (or the name the initials stand for).
I wonder why you picked this one out of the air . . . . not an
accident, I'd bet. It would explain a few things, it really, really
would . . .

Anne Thrax
Patron Saint of Civility for the New Millennium

"Scooby Don't" <> wrote in message news:<9s5v4o$nqm$>...

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