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EDLIS Who's Who and the Dylan Atlas Now on the WWW!

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Karl Erik Andersen

Oct 12, 1994, 8:45:11 AM10/12/94
...which means I have made html documents ot of these files, and placed
them on my desktop Mac's HTTP server. I am using a test copy of
MacHTTP, and do not know if they will require me to pay a licence fee
for using it for this small purpose.

Those of you who are lucky enough to have access to the World Wide Web
through a browser like Mosaic, MacWeb (my favourite!). WinWeb, Lynx
will find my home page here:

There are no guarantees that the service will last, or be accessible at
all times.

If you have additional info for all the empty or superficial entries, I
would be happy to hear from you! Mail me.
I am also interested in what additional features you would find useful.
Pictures of the people in Who's Who would be an obvious wish. If you
have GIF files to spare, send them to me, or tell me where I can get to

Karl Erik

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