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For Download: Friedrich Wührer. Schumann Davidsbündlertänze, Sonata No. 3 in f (Vox LP)

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Sep 25, 2008, 12:47:05 AM9/25/08
Schumann: Davidsbündlertänze, op. 6.
Schumann: Piano Sonata no. 3 in F Minor, op. 14
(Concerto Without Orchestra)
Vox PL 8860
Recorded c. 1954
Friedrich Wührer, piano


More information, and cover images at:

Sorry about the lack of new posts recently. Hurricane Ike's lethal
eye passed not much more than 5 miles to my east, and while metro
Houston is nothing close to as devastated as the gulf coast, it was
nothing to sneeze at here either, with nearly 100 mph winds at the
peak of the storm here in Houston, which was certainly the worst since
I've been in this area. So, while having to catch up with things at
work, I probably won't be working on some of the 78 transfers I'd like
to get to right away, but here's a start.

Flac files will be up tomorrow at some point.



Kip Williams

Sep 25, 2008, 9:04:33 AM9/25/08
vhorowitz wrote:
> Sorry about the lack of new posts recently. Hurricane Ike's lethal
> eye passed not much more than 5 miles to my east, and while metro
> Houston is nothing close to as devastated as the gulf coast, it was
> nothing to sneeze at here either, with nearly 100 mph winds at the
> peak of the storm here in Houston, which was certainly the worst since
> I've been in this area.

That's certainly a reasonable excuse, or an excusable reason, or
something. We had just moved to Houston in 1983 when Alicia (I think it
was) came through. As the wind picked up, I noticed someone in the next
apartments had left their chimes on their balcony, and considered poking
my head out later to hear what they sounded like at 100 mph.

We avoided most of the damage and such. Our car had moved a couple of
feet -- must have forgotten to set the brake. Lots of broken glass
downtown. The gas tanks at the bus station were knocked out of order by
the storm, but I didn't realize the implications that would have for me
until a day or so later when I took a very interesting bus trip up to

I'm glad things weren't worse for you. Thanks for the Schumann! I'm
definitely interested in this.

Kip W


Sep 25, 2008, 3:01:19 PM9/25/08

Yikes, I'm glad you didn't find out what wind chimes hitting your head
at 100mph felt like! The odd thing, is that I left my satellite dish
hooked up, and it was not only still attached when I returned, but
still correctly aimed at the satellite! Approaching 2 weeks since the
storm hit, at least half of my Rice colleagues are still without
power. I've only been here since 1990, so I missed Alicia, but
Allison, Rita and now this have made this decade interesting, to say
the least!

I put the Flac links up, btw.

I'm too lazy to cut and paste both links, so just go there.



Sep 25, 2008, 3:10:45 PM9/25/08
On Sep 24, 9:47 pm, vhorowitz <> wrote:
> Schumann: Davidsbündlertänze, op. 6.
> Schumann: Piano Sonata no. 3 in F Minor, op. 14
> (Concerto Without Orchestra)
> Vox PL 8860
> Recorded c. 1954
> Friedrich Wührer, piano
> Mp3:
> More information, and cover images at:

> Sorry about the lack of new posts recently.  Hurricane Ike's lethal
> eye passed not much more than 5 miles to my east, and while metro
> Houston is nothing close to as devastated as the gulf coast, it was
> nothing to sneeze at here either, with nearly 100 mph winds at the
> peak of the storm here in Houston, which was certainly the worst since
> I've been in this area.   So, while having to catch up with things at

It is wonderful of you to have come up with the splendid
recording, and to share it with us. My first exposure to a lot of
important music was through recordings by Wuhrer: The Beethoven
Concertos 2 and 3, all the Schubert Sonatas, and especially his
recordings with Joseph Schuster of the Beethoven music for cello and
piano (still my favorite), and the Brahms E minor and Strauss cello
sonatas. I find your estimate of his playing absolutely spot on, and,
after fifty years of non-stop exploration of classical music, I find
myself appreciating Wuhrer's unspectacular virtues more and more,
while the recordings of more electrifying artists gather dust on my
shelf. If I ever came across any copy of these Schumann recordings in
a record bin, much less one in mint condition, I would plotz, which I
would have done a few minutes ago, had I not been sitting down. Thank
you again!
Larry Lapidus


Sep 25, 2008, 7:31:18 PM9/25/08

You're quite welcome. I don't have the Beethoven Concerti, but I'll
be posting the Prokofiev 2nd and 3rd Concerti, the Rubinstein 4th, the
Weber Concerti, maybe the Dvorak. I DO have the complete Schubert up
still, and I'll repost the links with my next post.
The Beethoven Cello Sonatas with Schuster was an absolutely crucial
set for me. I discovered my parents had a copy of this when I was
about 9 or 10 years old, and played the poor set into the ground. I
still have it, but I'm not sure it's going to yield a listenable
transfer. I do think it's a fabulous set, and it made a fan of those
works at an early age!


Kip Williams

Sep 25, 2008, 7:59:50 PM9/25/08

I worked for part of a year at Rice, and then... we moved to Virginia,
and it became too far to commute. Beautiful campus. I usually ate my
lunch on a landing by a window in a stairwell at the library, where I
overlooked the quad and the sally port and all.

Thanks, I'll just take the mp3s! In fact, I already have.

Kip W


Sep 26, 2008, 5:00:44 PM9/26/08

I have a mint stereo copy of the cello music, which I will
digitize as soon as possible, and post for the group. I notice that
you prefer to use, rather than mediafire, which seems
to be favored by many other of the generous participants in this
group. How come? Which would you recommend I use?--Larry


Sep 26, 2008, 6:13:58 PM9/26/08

Hi Larry,
That would be great.....I've only ever heard it in a mono pressing. I
guess I use Rapidshare because I download enough stuff that being a
paid member is an advantage, and then my uploads stay there as long as
I'm a member, but as a free user I think Mediafire is less of a
hassle. BTW, I have Schuster's Mendelssohn Sonatas with Arthur
Balsam. Would you like to have those uploaded?

Looking forward to the Beethoven!



Sep 27, 2008, 12:53:17 PM9/27/08
> Neal- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted tex

I wasn't aware that Schuster had recorded the Mendelssohn sonatas, and
would love to have a chance to hear them; thank you. I attended a
couple of concerts by Schuster and I think it was Johana Harris, in
which they played all the Beethoven cello music. He was a
tremendously satisfying artist (as was Harris, for that matter). Did
you know that he had the solo part in the historic performance of Don
Quixote at which Leonard Bernstein substituted for Bruno Walter?


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