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Update from Dr. Jonathan Reed

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Tommy Grand

Aug 13, 2009, 11:34:16 PM8/13/09

There have been many developments in the Reed case since the original
alien encounter in 1996. Here's an update provided by the Dr. last


More than 700 Congress attendees were present at Reed's talk. Interest
in the former child psychologist's case is due in large part to his
appearance on several Art Bell programs over the last 18 months.

Reed, accompanied by writer and supporter Robert Raith, gave a tearful
and emotional account of meeting a part-Reptilian, part-Gray alien
while on a walk with his dog. He expressed particularly intense sorrow
when he talked about watching his dog die. As the story goes, the dog
veered away from their intended path, and when Reed caught up to his
pet, a vibrating alien was shaking the attacking dog, to the point
where its head ripped in half, and disintegrated into a pile of white

After the dog was killed, Reed struck the alien with a baseball bat,
and captured on film the creature and its accompanying obelisk --
which is possibly a spaceship, or possibly a doorway to another
dimension. In his video, which he played before the IUFOC audience,
Reed can be heard panting heavily, to the point of hyperventilating.
However, critics say the video didn't shake enough, and his panic was
too audible, to be authentic.

Reed took the alien home, where he made a video of investigating the
four-and-a-half-foot being. He told the audience that his attempts to
cut the alien's clothes were thwarted, as its black, spandex-like
outfit automatically sewed itself up. When asked whether the being
were male or female, Reed said he didn't know, adding offhandedly that
he hadn't "made love to her." Ultimately, the being disappeared from
Reed's freezer, presumably because it was stolen by burglars who
reportedly had governmental license plates.

Reed has been on the run ever since. Wiping his eye, he admitted that
he's been beaten up by agents three times, and two of his close
friends have been killed. He goes as far as saying his life has been
ruined, that he has lost nearly all of the things he enjoyed before
his encounter, such as a steady job, home, and girlfriend. Recently,
he was shot in the shoulder, after trying to wrest a gun from stranger
approaching him in a parking lot.

With an equally emotional Raith, the controversial contactee recently
co-authored a book called The Link, which contends that mysterious
agents are chasing Reed for a technology that the alien wore on his
wrist. Something like a transmitter-receiver, this hieroglyphic "link"
bracelet turned from silver to black when Reed clasped it on the
alien's arm. It is believed that the wristband served as a tracking
device that maintained a connection with the alien's nine-foot-long,
granite-like craft.

Some Congress attendees are unshakable proponents of Reed and his
story. Shawn Atlanti, of San Diego, is convinced that government
agents are bent upon torturing Reed to death, by physical and psychic
means. Dan Iaria, of Indianapolis, having spent hours with Reed this
week, contends that the purportedly hunted Reed demonstrates
credibility and character as he tells his story. Dr. Heim, a remote
viewing specialist from Colorado, told the audience that his colleague
was able to remotely view the alien's craft with little prompting.

Reed, Raith, and their book's publisher were given a standing ovation
at the close of their presentation.

Regardless, the skeptical argue that Reed's video comes across as
having a little too much polish. They also take issue with his
seemingly overdone emotionality, as demonstrated by his tendency to
weep in mid-sentence. Further, critics wonder why Reed didn't make a
greater effort to relate his story to the police, from the very

It's clear that the Reed story will continue to inspire debate for the
near future. Most likely, the case will decisively divide the ufology
community, as experts grapple with how much credence should be given
to an encounter experienced by one person, alone in the woods.


Aug 14, 2009, 12:51:13 PM8/14/09

Truly it has been said that there is nothing new under the sun, for
knowledge is revealed and is submerged again, even as a nation rises
and falls. Here is a system, tested throughout the ages, but lost
again and again by ignorance or prejudice, in the same way that great
nations have risen and fallen and been lost to history beneath the
desert sands and in the ocean depths. -- Paracelsus

Tommy thanks for posting this! Very interesting this compression of
time. The Tibetan Lamas speak of this as well. One can in this
lifetime experience the equivalent of 1000's of lifetimes of the past.
This is a time of great opportunity as well as great destruction. In
the past, if one wanted to to travel from India, to America, it would
take a lifetime, now it takes about 18 hours. All experiences are
accelerated and will continue to do so.

2012 seems to be a very important date for many cultures, they seem
to point to that time. The Vedas mention the beginning of a "Golden
Age", roughly 5000 years from the begining of the Kali Yuga. We are
now 5114 years into the Kali Yuga.

" Thus it is generally accepted that the age of the Kali Yuga began
on Febuary 20, 3102 BC.

In the Vedic writtings they describe aircraft with Mercury fueled
engines, and flight manuals, and instructions on how to fly them. One
account mentions that airplanes of the future will be "loud and noisy,
and not go very fast"

The dimension of time is something most people can't comprehend,
just as a fish can't conceive of a sky, and clouds.

John Nguyen

Aug 14, 2009, 1:18:28 PM8/14/09

I'm not trying to put more fuel into the fire, but the theory in
following article seems plausible to my untrained eye. I clearly don't
have the knowledge to prove or disprove this, but I'll keep an opened
opinion for many debates to come.


Aug 14, 2009, 1:43:04 PM8/14/09

Very interesting article. The Buddha said 2500 years ago there were
"Countless world systems".


Aug 14, 2009, 4:07:46 PM8/14/09
John Nguyen wrote:
> I'm not trying to put more fuel into the fire, but the theory in
> following article seems plausible to my untrained eye. I clearly don't
> have the knowledge to prove or disprove this, but I'll keep an opened
> opinion for many debates to come.

Interesting stuff. I've never heard that intelligent life was a rare
commodity. Maybe around here it is. Ha ha, just kidding, just kidding! :-)

Logically, any civilization we'll meet (if we meet) in the future should
be more technologically advanced than ours. The reason is simply
because, as far as civilizations go, ours has been around for hardly any
time at all and any folks that we meet would logically have been in
development far longer.

We think that we're an ancient species because of our short lifetimes
and memories. The reality is that man is incapable of the knowledge of
the scale of time as it actually exists.

For now, my assumption is that the universe is teeming with intelligent
life and that the distances involved is an impassable barrier to us
intermingling. That's a good thing too - if we do meet an advanced
civilization, my guess is that they're gonna want our water and mine our
planet as a food and fertilizer source!


Aug 14, 2009, 4:24:36 PM8/14/09
On Aug 14, 2:07 pm, dsi1 <> wrote:
> John Nguyen wrote:
> > I'm not trying to put more fuel into the fire, but the theory in
> > following article seems plausible to my untrained eye. I clearly don't
> > have the knowledge to prove or disprove this, but I'll keep an opened
> > opinion for many debates to come.
> >

> Interesting stuff. I've never heard that intelligent life was a rare
> commodity. Maybe around here it is. Ha ha, just kidding, just kidding! :-)
> Logically, any civilization we'll meet (if we meet) in the future should
> be more technologically advanced than ours. The reason is simply
> because, as far as civilizations go, ours has been around for hardly any
> time at all and any folks that we meet would logically have been in
> development far longer.

What do you base that assumption on?

> We think that we're an ancient species because of our short lifetimes
> and memories.

That makes a lot of sense I guess. Isn't that statement an oxymoron?

> For now, my assumption is that the universe is teeming with intelligent
> life and that the distances involved is an impassable barrier to us
> intermingling. That's a good thing too - if we do meet an advanced
> civilization, my guess is that they're gonna want our water and mine our
> planet as a food and fertilizer source!

A lot of assumptions and guess work in that last paragraph. You
sound kinda like a fish, telling another fish, there is no such thing
as air.

Tommy Grand

Aug 14, 2009, 4:43:14 PM8/14/09
On Aug 14, 11:51 am, Tashi <> wrote:

> Tommy thanks for posting this!  Very interesting this compression of
> time. The Tibetan Lamas speak of this as well. One can in this
> lifetime experience the equivalent of 1000's of lifetimes of the past.
> This is a time of great opportunity as well as great destruction.  In
> the past, if one wanted to to travel from India, to America, it would
> take a lifetime, now it takes about 18 hours.  All experiences are
> accelerated and will continue to do so.

You have a good point, that's an interesting connection. Also, your
comment reminded me of this book:

BTW MT I was intrigued by an older post you made regarding Vedic
maths. I confess I had never heard of it, and the stuff on the Wiki
page was pretty cool! I asked a colleague of mine about it, he's from
Mumbai and a Brahmin to boot. He didn't know much about it, which
surprised me until he explained that he was taught in a Westernized
school. I met another Indian guy who had never learned about the
Thuggees. Makes me wonder if they are trying to erase the past over
there. Hmm.


Aug 14, 2009, 5:32:24 PM8/14/09
Tashi wrote:
> On Aug 14, 2:07 pm, dsi1 <> wrote:
>> John Nguyen wrote:
>>> I'm not trying to put more fuel into the fire, but the theory in
>>> following article seems plausible to my untrained eye. I clearly don't
>>> have the knowledge to prove or disprove this, but I'll keep an opened
>>> opinion for many debates to come.
>> Interesting stuff. I've never heard that intelligent life was a rare
>> commodity. Maybe around here it is. Ha ha, just kidding, just kidding! :-)
>> Logically, any civilization we'll meet (if we meet) in the future should
>> be more technologically advanced than ours. The reason is simply
>> because, as far as civilizations go, ours has been around for hardly any
>> time at all and any folks that we meet would logically have been in
>> development far longer.
> What do you base that assumption on?

The most successful life on this planet was around for about 165 million
years. Heck, some of them are still around today. How long have we been
around? About 200 thousand years. How long have we been a technological
species? 4-5 thousand years. Modern technology has only existed for
about 200 years, some people might think less.

What are the chances that we'll meet another civilization at the exact
same point of development or even within a hundred thousand years of
development as us? I will leave you to answer that one for yourself.

>> We think that we're an ancient species because of our short lifetimes
>> and memories.
> That makes a lot of sense I guess. Isn't that statement an oxymoron?
>> For now, my assumption is that the universe is teeming with intelligent
>> life and that the distances involved is an impassable barrier to us
>> intermingling. That's a good thing too - if we do meet an advanced
>> civilization, my guess is that they're gonna want our water and mine our
>> planet as a food and fertilizer source!
> A lot of assumptions and guess work in that last paragraph. You
> sound kinda like a fish, telling another fish, there is no such thing
> as air.

Can you, off the top of your head, list any instances in our history
where a less technologically advanced civilization was enriched by
meeting one more advanced? If you cannot, then you better ask yourself
who's making the assumptions and guessing - Mr Smartypants!



Aug 14, 2009, 5:47:23 PM8/14/09
On Aug 14, 3:32 pm, dsi1 <> wrote:
> Tashi wrote:
> > On Aug 14, 2:07 pm, dsi1 <> wrote:
> >> John Nguyen wrote:
> >>> I'm not trying to put more fuel into the fire, but the theory in
> >>> following article seems plausible to my untrained eye. I clearly don't
> >>> have the knowledge to prove or disprove this, but I'll keep an opened
> >>> opinion for many debates to come.
> >>>
> >> Interesting stuff. I've never heard that intelligent life was a rare
> >> commodity. Maybe around here it is. Ha ha, just kidding, just kidding! :-)
> >> Logically, any civilization we'll meet (if we meet) in the future should
> >> be more technologically advanced than ours. The reason is simply
> >> because, as far as civilizations go, ours has been around for hardly any
> >> time at all and any folks that we meet would logically have been in
> >> development far longer.
> >   What do you base that assumption on?
> The most successful life on this planet was around for about 165 million
> years. Heck, some of them are still around today. How long have we been
> around? About 200 thousand years. How long have we been a technological
> species? 4-5 thousand years. Modern technology has only existed for
> about 200 years, some people might think less.

Don't believe everything you are taught in school. You must
investigate for yourself. There is far more suppression of
information than you would think. Although it's no use helping you out
here, because you have such a conservative veil of reality, nothing
will help you.

> What are the chances that we'll meet another civilization at the exact
> same point of development or even within a hundred thousand years of
> development as us? I will leave you to answer that one for yourself.

David, they have already met us! It's really no longer a

> >> We think that we're an ancient species because of our short lifetimes
> >> and memories.

> >  That makes a lot of sense I guess.  Isn't that statement an oxymoron?

> >> For now, my assumption is that the universe is teeming with intelligent
> >> life and that the distances involved is an impassable barrier to us
> >> intermingling. That's a good thing too - if we do meet an advanced
> >> civilization, my guess is that they're gonna want our water and mine our
> >> planet as a food and fertilizer source!
> >   A lot of assumptions and guess work in that last paragraph.  You
> > sound kinda like a fish, telling another fish, there is no such thing
> > as air.
> Can you, off the top of your head, list any instances in our history
> where a less technologically advanced civilization was enriched by
> meeting one more advanced? If you cannot, then you better ask yourself
> who's making the assumptions and guessing - Mr Smartypants!

There existed before the end of the last ice age many advanced
civilizations. After the flood there were a few survivors to bear
witness to the cataclysm. They were thrown back into the stone ages.
Much like what would happen to us today if tomorrow electricity ceased
to work.


Aug 14, 2009, 6:27:49 PM8/14/09
Tashi wrote:

>> Can you, off the top of your head, list any instances in our history
>> where a less technologically advanced civilization was enriched by
>> meeting one more advanced? If you cannot, then you better ask yourself
>> who's making the assumptions and guessing - Mr Smartypants!
> There existed before the end of the last ice age many advanced
> civilizations. After the flood there were a few survivors to bear
> witness to the cataclysm. They were thrown back into the stone ages.
> Much like what would happen to us today if tomorrow electricity ceased
> to work.

Thanks for the straightforward answer to my question - not! I will
accept that as a dodge. Heck, I guess the Tibetans have been helped out
by the generous help of the Chinese and their tank and gun technology.
Life is gonna be so beautiful when the aliens come to help us. Yaaay!


Aug 14, 2009, 6:40:03 PM8/14/09

You suggest I think the aliens will save us, as if I think it is a
religion or something. This of course is your passive/aggressive way
to suggest anyone who is open minded to the possibility UFO's exist,
is a lunatic, and you are the sane guy, in firm control.

I truly don't know what to think. I imagine some are benevolent and
others more aggressive, quite like most earthlings. I do know one
thing, their are far too many credible people who have seen these
things, calling for the Government to come clean on this.

If you are interested in this, there is a wealth of information out
there, If you are not interested in this, you will tow the
conservative line and google the greatest UFO bloopers. We all have
24 four hours in a day!

John Nguyen

Aug 14, 2009, 9:03:22 PM8/14/09
On Aug 14, 4:07 pm, dsi1 <> wrote:

> For now, my assumption is that the universe is teeming with intelligent
> life and that the distances involved is an impassable barrier to us
> intermingling. That's a good thing too - if we do meet an advanced
> civilization, my guess is that they're gonna want our water and mine our
> planet as a food and fertilizer source!

That's certainly a possibility. On the other hand, they may be so far
advanced that they know how resolve all human/humanoid conflicts by
turning on/off some of the genes or remotely upgrade the "firmware" in
our heads. Wouldn't that be great? Then they would turn us into meals
and snacks to enhance their neutritional system :-)

Or maybe we are an experiment from alien so they can learn about their
past just like what paleonthologists are doing with the dinosaur's
soup bones? If you notice, the dinosaur bone hunters are very careful
with the bones they found and treat them like treasures. So I'm hoping
that "they" will treat us just as carefully. Hope is good!

Our universe started about 10 billions years ago plus/minus 23 hours
42 minutes and 8 seconds, give or take. What if there are other
universes that's more than 10 billions light-years away, which means
we cannot see them but they probably know our existence just by virtue
of being there earlier?

What if they have been trying to communicate with us but we failed to
recognize it? They could be a different metrics with much larger or
smaller scales that make it impossible for the two to sync up, or more
specifically, for us to read the right signals? Maybe they are
listening to John Cage's ORGAN2/ASLSP and enjoy tremendously. They
probably rewind it a few times already and we are still at the second

OK, I'm up to my third beer for this fine Friday evening. I'll
continue to share my thought after I can get rid of the hang-over. Oh,
I didn't have a hangover, yet!
Cheers, partner!



Aug 14, 2009, 9:40:02 PM8/14/09

I'll have what you're having. :-)


Aug 14, 2009, 9:41:19 PM8/14/09
Tashi wrote:

> You suggest I think the aliens will save us, as if I think it is a
> religion or something. This of course is your passive/aggressive way
> to suggest anyone who is open minded to the possibility UFO's exist,
> is a lunatic, and you are the sane guy, in firm control.

If you would care to refute my simple logic concerning the matters at
hand, feel free. I'll listen. Hell, you can even dodge the points - it's
your favorite strategy. No problem. However, please don't bring up UFOs
into this discussion. That's your thing, not mine.

And I'm sorry that my passive/aggressive way does not suit you. Out of
the tiniest remaining speck of respect that I have left for you, I'll
try to change, you self-righteous, cosmik debris spewing, egotistical
son of a bitch. Wow, I feel a lot better! Looks like that psychobabble
talk of yours ain't totally useless. Thanks! :-)

Now go screw yourself!


Aug 14, 2009, 9:51:54 PM8/14/09

John, I make the best Margaritas in the State! They go down like Kool-

John Nguyen

Aug 14, 2009, 10:06:48 PM8/14/09
> aid.-

Now ya takin'. I can't wait!


John Nguyen

Aug 14, 2009, 10:09:26 PM8/14/09
> I'll have what you're having. :-)-

I have a very potent concoction of Coors Lights and Simi Cabernet
Sauvignon 2005. Be careful what you wish for, partner =)-


Aug 14, 2009, 10:41:49 PM8/14/09
John Nguyen wrote:

>> I'll have what you're having. :-)-
> I have a very potent concoction of Coors Lights and Simi Cabernet
> Sauvignon 2005. Be careful what you wish for, partner =)-

Oh, an aristocrat, eh? :-)

Truth is, I don't drink alcohol, or rather I can't drink alcohol. I got
that Asian flush thing bad and additionally will have a hard time
breathing. Too bad, when I think about it, I'm a bit of a failure as a
fully made guy. I'll never know that simple pleasure of knocking off a
cool one with the boys. Well, I suppose I could knock back a Shirley
Temple. Ha ha. That's life, I guess. Think of me when you're enjoying
that Coors & Cabernet and maybe shed just the tiniest bit of a tear. :-)


Aug 15, 2009, 12:58:43 AM8/15/09

You have a full blown case of E-Temper rage! Dude! Seriously,
like...... get that checked out. First, it's a problem with
Decieriuos, and now UFO's.

Next time instead of telling me not to bring up UFO's in a thread
about UFO's, why don't you stay the hell off the thread which you
claim is not your thing. I really don't understand what forces you to
engage in a topic you have no interest in, if not to insult, belittle,
intimidate, those whom you hold in contempt. It's just a simple mouse
click away.......... to click, or not to click, this is your problem,
and your choice.

I'd hate to think I have everything wrapped up in a nice neat little
package for the rest of eternity, that scares the crap out of me!

Please, this post requires no response from you.


Aug 15, 2009, 1:02:06 PM8/15/09

I used to believe in UFO's until I saw one.

Something to chill by:

Kevin T.


Aug 15, 2009, 1:56:19 PM8/15/09

The word "believe" duly noted. They either exist, or they don't
exist, there is no room for faith or "belief". I may "believe" the
sun will not rise in the east tomorrow.

Your video made me more uptight. Just for the record Kevin, I have an
aversion to four or more guitars of the same size. Only in the realm
of classical guitar is this acceptable.

However, I really enjoyed the Carrulli with two guitars........ well


Aug 15, 2009, 2:00:05 PM8/15/09

David often mentions *psycho-babble*...



Aug 15, 2009, 2:23:34 PM8/15/09

I wouldn't call it often. You can count on me using "psycho-babble"
whenever the I hear the trigger word "passive/aggressive." Hopefully,
Mr. T will appreciate my efforts to be less passive. Gosh, there's
nothing I wouldn't do for him. :-)

Of course you know that I have no small amount of disrespect for
psycho-the-rapists. Believe me, I know I have a problem with this, I'm
almost irrational - almost. Would it be worth my while to change this
attitude? Am I a bad person?

> David


Aug 15, 2009, 2:29:58 PM8/15/09

I think the Hawaiian sun has baked your brain into a zombified



Aug 15, 2009, 2:35:03 PM8/15/09

for alain: A homunculus (Latin for "little human", plural is
"homunculi"; the diminutive of homo, "human") is, most generally, any
representation of a human being. It is often used to illustrate the
functioning of a system. In the scientific sense of an unknowable
prime actor, it can be viewed as an entity or agent.


Aug 15, 2009, 2:42:27 PM8/15/09

When I was there, I got a bad case of island fever.


Aug 15, 2009, 4:19:24 PM8/15/09

Hey wait a minute pal! I ain't no homo! :-)

To tell you the truth, I don't care for the sun and try to avoid
exposure to it's thermonuclear radiation. OTOH, I dislike too cold
places so this works out well for me.

Are you a psycho-the-rapist? You sorta fit the profile. Do other people
consider you a little odd? Do they think you're rather cold and
standoffish? Are you really bad at telling jokes? Do your consider
yourself a master of your emotions and others to be slaves? Are you a
wine not beer person? Do you favor the classical guitar? Do you like to
ask the questions, not answer them? Do you have unresolved sexual
problems? Do you wear turtlenecks with a jacket? Do you like to use
unusual words and phrases such as zombified homonucleus? Are you trying
to find wife number three - or whatever?

Well, you could be a psycho-the-rapist. :-)

> David


Aug 15, 2009, 6:36:55 PM8/15/09

I'm curious about your aversion - not to the video or the music per se
but to the idea and expression of 4 (or more) guitars playing
together. Perhaps you'd take the time to articulate that for me.



Aug 16, 2009, 10:48:16 AM8/16/09

Notice I very carefully used the words "same size". I don't like four
pianos, four violins, four cellos, four flutes, four oboes, four
clarinets, four bass guitars, four electric guitars, etc.

I do like four bowed instruments as long as they are a cello, viola,
and two violins. In the renaissance many lutes were made in sets of
four, a bass lute, tenor, and altos. Notice they were not all the
same size, for good reason.

I agree with Chopin, "there is nothing more beautiful than a guitar
save perhaps two". Two is a great number as the audience can observe
a wonderful dynamic between two players, this dynamic gets lost the
more guitars you add to the mix.

It might have it's place in teaching, I wouldn't know about that.
However, as one who appreciates the expressiveness of the guitar, I
find the solo performance very hard to beat.

Matt Faunce

Aug 16, 2009, 11:16:41 AM8/16/09

I agree. I have the same aversion to more than two guitars. I never
thought about more than two of some other instrument. Same size, good
observation. I never put too much thought into it. I like my coffee
black, my whiskey straight, and my guitars solo.



Aug 16, 2009, 12:26:44 PM8/16/09

And my women loose!


Aug 16, 2009, 1:53:30 PM8/16/09

Thanks for that. I have heard similar preferences before. I tend to
think of a guitar group as expanding the limitations inherent in the
fretboard: chord voicings that are not possible, textures that defy
solistic (or duet) ability - those kind of things. The range
limitations are not too bothersome to me as long as the music has
interesting content. It is a challenge to exploit the medium to
overcome what you are saying, I admit. Certainly voicing can be
separated better with multiple instruments than on one or two, if for
no other reason than the spatial difference.

Guitar ensemble (I think of "ensemble" as more than one guitar per
part) is a very different animal than even a guitar quartet, with even
more challenges for the listener. Having been exposed to that like few
others, I think it has some real artistic possibilities. I don't think
it has been exploited well enough yet. There is still work to do.

If it works it will strike the listener - even those who thought they
would not like it.



Aug 18, 2009, 12:07:52 AM8/18/09

I love the guitar in all sorts of combinations, many which have yet to
be explored. I wish more composers would write for the guitar. All
we seem to have is EITHER the stuffy historical context, OR some Leo
Brouwer knock-offs.



Sep 8, 2009, 4:08:49 PM9/8/09
Tommy Grand wrote:
> There have been many developments in the Reed case since the original
> alien encounter in 1996. Here's an update provided by the Dr. last
> fall:

This is exactly like "The Day the Earth Stood Still." The aliens want to
save us from ourselves! Holy Gort, Klaatu barada nikto!

God bless the internet, and Dr. Reed!

> TG
> More than 700 Congress attendees were present at Reed's talk. Interest
> in the former child psychologist's case is due in large part to his
> appearance on several Art Bell programs over the last 18 months.
> Reed, accompanied by writer and supporter Robert Raith, gave a tearful
> and emotional account of meeting a part-Reptilian, part-Gray alien
> while on a walk with his dog. He expressed particularly intense sorrow
> when he talked about watching his dog die. As the story goes, the dog
> veered away from their intended path, and when Reed caught up to his
> pet, a vibrating alien was shaking the attacking dog, to the point
> where its head ripped in half, and disintegrated into a pile of white
> ash.
> After the dog was killed, Reed struck the alien with a baseball bat,
> and captured on film the creature and its accompanying obelisk --
> which is possibly a spaceship, or possibly a doorway to another
> dimension. In his video, which he played before the IUFOC audience,
> Reed can be heard panting heavily, to the point of hyperventilating.
> However, critics say the video didn't shake enough, and his panic was
> too audible, to be authentic.
> Reed took the alien home, where he made a video of investigating the
> four-and-a-half-foot being. He told the audience that his attempts to
> cut the alien's clothes were thwarted, as its black, spandex-like
> outfit automatically sewed itself up. When asked whether the being
> were male or female, Reed said he didn't know, adding offhandedly that
> he hadn't "made love to her." Ultimately, the being disappeared from
> Reed's freezer, presumably because it was stolen by burglars who
> reportedly had governmental license plates.
> Reed has been on the run ever since. Wiping his eye, he admitted that
> he's been beaten up by agents three times, and two of his close
> friends have been killed. He goes as far as saying his life has been
> ruined, that he has lost nearly all of the things he enjoyed before
> his encounter, such as a steady job, home, and girlfriend. Recently,
> he was shot in the shoulder, after trying to wrest a gun from stranger
> approaching him in a parking lot.
> With an equally emotional Raith, the controversial contactee recently
> co-authored a book called The Link, which contends that mysterious
> agents are chasing Reed for a technology that the alien wore on his
> wrist. Something like a transmitter-receiver, this hieroglyphic "link"
> bracelet turned from silver to black when Reed clasped it on the
> alien's arm. It is believed that the wristband served as a tracking
> device that maintained a connection with the alien's nine-foot-long,
> granite-like craft.
> Some Congress attendees are unshakable proponents of Reed and his
> story. Shawn Atlanti, of San Diego, is convinced that government
> agents are bent upon torturing Reed to death, by physical and psychic
> means. Dan Iaria, of Indianapolis, having spent hours with Reed this
> week, contends that the purportedly hunted Reed demonstrates
> credibility and character as he tells his story. Dr. Heim, a remote
> viewing specialist from Colorado, told the audience that his colleague
> was able to remotely view the alien's craft with little prompting.
> Reed, Raith, and their book's publisher were given a standing ovation
> at the close of their presentation.
> Regardless, the skeptical argue that Reed's video comes across as
> having a little too much polish. They also take issue with his
> seemingly overdone emotionality, as demonstrated by his tendency to
> weep in mid-sentence. Further, critics wonder why Reed didn't make a
> greater effort to relate his story to the police, from the very
> beginning.
> It's clear that the Reed story will continue to inspire debate for the
> near future. Most likely, the case will decisively divide the ufology
> community, as experts grapple with how much credence should be given
> to an encounter experienced by one person, alone in the woods.

Tommy Grand

Sep 8, 2009, 9:07:08 PM9/8/09
On Sep 8, 3:08 pm, dsi1 <> wrote:

> This is exactly like "The Day the Earth Stood Still." The aliens want to
> save us from ourselves! Holy Gort, Klaatu barada nikto!
> God bless the internet, and Dr. Reed!

ds1 I'm glad you appreciate the validity of Dr. Reed's truth. As
Robert Raith said, we can all be UFO contactees if we simply open our
minds to the reality of these experiences. Incidentally, here are
some even more recent updates from Dr. Reed:


Sep 9, 2009, 12:31:59 AM9/9/09

I watched for 9:24 and learned nothing much except that his dog died and
it messed him up and his truck has poor noise isolation. This is not
good documentary film making. I also hate that all too obligatory
eastern-pop enhancement music. It's so hokey. Why can't these para-norm
guys make a decent doc? Different mentality, I guess.


Sep 9, 2009, 7:59:53 AM9/9/09
On Sep 8, 11:31 pm, dsi1 <> wrote:
> Tommy Grand wrote:
> > On Sep 8, 3:08 pm, dsi1 <> wrote:
> >> This is exactly like "The Day the Earth Stood Still." The aliens want to
> >> save us from ourselves! Holy Gort, Klaatu barada nikto!
> >> God bless the internet, and Dr. Reed!
> > ds1 I'm glad you appreciate the validity of Dr. Reed's truth.  As
> > Robert Raith said, we can all be UFO contactees if we simply open our
> > minds to the reality of these experiences.  Incidentally, here are
> > some even more recent updates from Dr. Reed:
> >

> I watched for 9:24 and learned nothing much except that his dog died and
> it messed him up and his truck has poor noise isolation. This is not
> good documentary film making. I also hate that all too obligatory
> eastern-pop enhancement music. It's so hokey. Why can't these para-norm
> guys make a decent doc? Different mentality, I guess.

You got further than me. Something died and he got all weepy. Enough.
I assume in episode four he received the obligatory alien anal probe,
and was sent home like the others.

William D Clinger

Sep 9, 2009, 10:18:07 AM9/9/09
Wollybird wrote:

> You got further than me. Something died and he got all weepy. Enough.
> I assume in episode four he received the obligatory alien anal probe,
> and was sent home like the others.

No, Reed's story is even more compelling than that. He is
one of the very few humans who has actually killed him an
extra-terrestrial. With an extra-dimensional magic bracelet,
obelisk ship, and all sorts of other corroborating details.
And pictures, shot on film that hadn't been manufactured at
the time, so we know the extra-dimensional time travel part
is true.

Another reason to believe Reed's story is that someone came
and stole the alien's body from Reed's freezer, and has been
after Reed ever since. Reed has been in hiding, which is why
no one can find any trace of his identity. The duhbunkers
have come up with the usual witnesses who claim they knew
Reed back when, under another name, saying he was a con man,
not a doctor. Hah! If they think we'll fall for that old
trick, they don't know Michael Thames. Pathetic.


Tommy Grand

Sep 9, 2009, 10:27:36 AM9/9/09
On Sep 9, 9:18 am, William D Clinger <> wrote:
> Wollybird wrote:
> > You got further than me. Something died and he got all weepy. Enough.
> > I assume in episode four he received the obligatory alien anal probe,
> > and was sent home like the others.
> No, Reed's story is even more compelling than that.  He is
> one of the very few humans who has actually killed him an
> extra-terrestrial.  With an extra-dimensional magic bracelet,
> obelisk ship, and all sorts of other corroborating details.
> And pictures, shot on film that hadn't been manufactured at
> the time, so we know the extra-dimensional time travel part
> is true.

Nice try Clinger. They were internegatives, as Reed has stated from
day 1!! Why would he be so foolish to send out the ORIGINAL negatives
to Art Bell and others to damage and potentially destroy?

> Another reason to believe Reed's story is that someone came
> and stole the alien's body from Reed's freezer, and has been
> after Reed ever since.  Reed has been in hiding, which is why
> no one can find any trace of his identity.  The duhbunkers
> have come up with the usual witnesses who claim they knew
> Reed back when, under another name, saying he was a con man,
> not a doctor.  Hah!  If they think we'll fall for that old
> trick, they don't know Michael Thames.  Pathetic.

Will you seem to be a sucker for all the usual disinfo dirty tricks.
Don't blame yourself, it goes along with being highly educated. It's
difficult to get into schools like MIT unless you can prove that
you've been thoroughly indoctrinated.

More evidence:

picture of the link artifact being examined by Japanese physicists:

picture of the obelisk:

picture of Reed's dog, Suzy, who was killed by the alien creature:

picture of the creature being examined by Dr Reed (when he thought it
was dead; it was really just playing possum):

William D Clinger

Sep 9, 2009, 11:04:01 AM9/9/09
Tommy Grand wrote:
> Nice try Clinger. They were internegatives, as Reed has stated from
> day 1!! Why would he be so foolish to send out the ORIGINAL negatives
> to Art Bell and others to damage and potentially destroy?

I'm sorry, Tommy, but you are exposing your gullibility.
The "internegative" hoax was obvious disinfo that aimed
to discredit the time travel aspect of Reed's story. The
authorities just can't afford for us to know time travel
is not only possible, but a reverse-engineered alien
technology that keeps all major governments in power.

> Don't blame yourself, it goes along with being highly educated.
> It's difficult to get into schools like MIT unless you can prove
> that you've been thoroughly indoctrinated.

How true. They even make you take tests and produce
written documents and letters that testify to your

Fortunately, I have drunk a few pheromones from the feet
of Michael Thames.



Sep 9, 2009, 11:06:10 AM9/9/09

I know a little alien. The inscription translates to something like
"LSMFT" what ever that means

> picture of the obelisk:
> picture of Reed's dog, Suzy, who was killed by the alien creature:
> picture of the creature being examined by Dr Reed (when he thought it
> was dead; it was really just playing possum):

I wonder if the aliens are studying possums, too.
Seriously, though, this is so wrong on so many levels. I can't believe
this guy is running loose after whacking inocent aliens, and stuffing
them in his freezer. Shades of Jeffery Dahmler. I'm writting my
congresswoman, Barbra "Babs" Bachman and demanding action.


Sep 9, 2009, 11:10:38 AM9/9/09
On Sep 9, 8:27 am, Tommy Grand <> wrote:
> On Sep 9, 9:18 am, William D Clinger <> wrote:

.  Hah!  If they think we'll fall for that old
> > trick, they don't know Michael Thames.  Pathetic.

Mr Clinger associates me with Dr. Reed, because of my political
views, that Engineers, astrophysicist, astronauts, pilots, foreign
government officials, and 50% of New Yorkers believe (poll taken 4
years ago). Christ, even the 911 Commission member are jumping ship
on him, I think Clinger will go down with the ship in the end. I would
say Mr. Clinger is getting a little paranoid these days. Such a waste
of a Low "H" number.

> Will you seem to be a sucker for all the usual disinfo dirty tricks.
> Don't blame yourself, it goes along with being highly educated.  It's
> difficult to get into schools like MIT unless you can prove that
> you've been thoroughly indoctrinated.

Tommy, Clinger _IS_ the bag of dirty tricks, camouflaged by his
cloak of righteousness, in proclaiming he never misrepresents the
facts. But he quotes endlessly form sources based on a report that
has been determined false by it's own authors, is it no surprise that
he ridicules Dr. Reeds story as well? Then somehow drags me into the


Sep 9, 2009, 11:11:35 AM9/9/09
> congresswoman, Barbra "Babs" Bachman and demanding action.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Oops, Michele, not Barbara

Andrew Schulman

Sep 9, 2009, 12:58:02 PM9/9/09
On Sep 9, 10:27 am, Tommy Grand <> wrote:
> picture of Reed's dog, Suzy, who was killed by the alien creature:
OK, I don't mind if aliens want to visit earth, they have just as much
of a right to travel to different places as we do. But when they
start killing dogs I start getting angry.


Sep 9, 2009, 1:14:06 PM9/9/09
On Sep 9, 12:58 pm, Andrew Schulman <>

> OK, I don't mind if aliens want to visit earth, they have just as much
> of a right to travel to different places as we do. But when they
> start killing dogs I start getting angry.
> Andrew

Hey, it was just an Orvis catalog dog:

Tommy Grand

Sep 9, 2009, 1:46:35 PM9/9/09

Incidentally for those who are obsessed with credentials and degrees
(Clinger, Larry), here is the rundown of Dr. Reed's education: Now I suppose Larry will
chime in, making fun of Dr. Reed for only having an undergrad GPA of


Sep 9, 2009, 2:19:52 PM9/9/09
Wollybird wrote:
> You got further than me. Something died and he got all weepy. Enough.
> I assume in episode four he received the obligatory alien anal probe,
> and was sent home like the others.

My guess is that this doc is an ego piece by Dr. Reed, hence we get to
see 10 minutes of him driving and rambling on. Icky.


Sep 9, 2009, 2:39:31 PM9/9/09

Shades of the Blair Witch Project. I paid for that one so I felt like
I had to watch it all the way through.


Sep 9, 2009, 2:43:35 PM9/9/09
On Sep 9, 11:58 am, Andrew Schulman <>

Maybe, but dio you think it's ok to cap them and stuff them in your
freezer for killing your dog?


Sep 9, 2009, 2:47:57 PM9/9/09

"My guess" being the most interesting words of the above.

Andrew Schulman

Sep 9, 2009, 3:27:57 PM9/9/09
On Sep 9, 1:14 pm, "" <> wrote:
> Hey, it was just an Orvis catalog dog:
I have a FURminator, they're great!!


Andrew Schulman

Sep 9, 2009, 3:29:12 PM9/9/09
On Sep 9, 2:43 pm, Wollybird <> wrote:
> Maybe, but dio you think it's ok to cap them and stuff them in your
> freezer for killing your dog?
I'd do only that on a day when I was in a good mood.



Sep 9, 2009, 3:36:45 PM9/9/09

It's a power of shaky hand-held video: hyper-reality. It seems to work
in scary movies although Blair Witch was just an OK movie. Two recent
movies in this style was "Quarantine" and "Cloverfield." Those were just
OK too. You could say the style is OK - I guess.


Sep 9, 2009, 3:37:46 PM9/9/09

When you go to hell, you'll have to watch Dr. Reed drive and chat


Sep 9, 2009, 3:43:50 PM9/9/09
On Sep 9, 1:29 pm, Andrew Schulman <>

Tommy, notice the joking, and ridicule, from people that simply can't
tolerate another point of view. However, at the same time expect
growths upon their pancreas to make front page news! It's a strange
world we live in Dr. Jones.


Sep 9, 2009, 3:46:55 PM9/9/09
William D Clinger wrote:

> Another reason to believe Reed's story is that someone came
> and stole the alien's body from Reed's freezer, and has been
> after Reed ever since. Reed has been in hiding, which is why
> no one can find any trace of his identity. The duhbunkers
> have come up with the usual witnesses who claim they knew
> Reed back when, under another name, saying he was a con man,
> not a doctor. Hah! If they think we'll fall for that old
> trick, they don't know Michael Thames. Pathetic.
> Will

The only thing you got right is the body in the freezer. You must be one
of those guys that refuse to watch Fox News and therefore get all your
facts wrong.

You're obviously referring to the Bigfoot killed by 2 rednecks and
stuffed into a freezer. The rednecks are looking for a Holiday Inn or
another proper venue on the outskirts of Hollywood to release their
catch onto the eagerly awaiting throngs of Bigfoot and UFO fans. You can
bet that this is gonna be the biggest news in the last 2009 years!
Forget the Chinese and their fake UFOs - this is the real deal!
Seriously. God bless Fox News!


Sep 9, 2009, 7:55:20 PM9/9/09

I disagree, hell would be having to watch, and listen to Allan play
Sor Opus 44 #4 and #5.

Tommy Grand

Sep 9, 2009, 8:00:32 PM9/9/09
> Sor Opus 44 #4 and #5.- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

I just ordered Reed's book here:
Perhaps I'll post a book report after my exam and after getting
Carcassi #1 up to speed.


Sep 9, 2009, 8:03:22 PM9/9/09

I'm looking forward to it! I wish Coast to Coast would interview him
again it's been about ten years now.


Sep 9, 2009, 8:04:58 PM9/9/09

You wouldn't know a real UFO, if it flew down a stuck a probe up your

Tommy Grand

Sep 9, 2009, 8:11:08 PM9/9/09
On Sep 9, 7:03 pm, Tashi <> wrote:

> I'm looking forward to it!  I wish Coast to Coast would interview him
> again it's been about ten years now.

Yea, he's way overdue for another appearance. Last night I found a
full show from 1999 here:
(scroll down to the bottom or just search the page for "Reed"). Art
interviews Reed, Raith, Reed's landlord and a microbiologist who
tested the creature's tissue.


Sep 9, 2009, 8:14:07 PM9/9/09

The answer is out there!


Sep 9, 2009, 8:17:29 PM9/9/09
> > The only thing you got right is the body in the freezer. You must be one
> > of those guys that refuse to watch Fox News and therefore get all your
> > facts wrong.
> > You're obviously referring to the Bigfoot killed by 2 rednecks and
> > stuffed into a freezer. The rednecks are looking for a Holiday Inn or
> > another proper venue on the outskirts of Hollywood to release their
> > catch onto the eagerly awaiting throngs of Bigfoot and UFO fans. You can
> > bet that this is gonna be the biggest news in the last 2009 years!
> > Forget the Chinese and their fake UFOs - this is the real deal!
> > Seriously. God bless Fox News!
> You wouldn't know a real UFO, if it flew down a stuck a probe up your
> ass!- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

that would be a real ufo. every one knows they do that. it's their
calling card, their routine, their shthick... Dr Reed is an obvious
fraud, or he's hiding something.


Sep 9, 2009, 8:45:16 PM9/9/09
Wollybird wrote:
> that would be a real ufo. every one knows they do that. it's their
> calling card, their routine, their shthick... Dr Reed is an obvious
> fraud, or he's hiding something.

Dr. Reed's experience should be a warning to all fans of UFO and
Bigfoot. If you do bag an alien or Bigfoot, please do not stick it in
your freezer and wait for just the right time to show proof of these
delightful and wonderfully magical creatures! Do not hesitate! Pack that
sucker in your trunk and truck on down to the most respected and
reputable news organizations you can think of - Fox News and The World
Weekly News come immediately to mind. Dr. Reed is not a fraud -
unfortunately, he ain't no smarter than a couple of rednecks. Yikes!

Tommy Grand

Sep 9, 2009, 8:59:17 PM9/9/09
On Sep 9, 7:45 pm, dsi1 <> wrote:

> Dr. Reed's experience should be a warning to all fans of UFO and
> Bigfoot. If you do bag an alien or Bigfoot, please do not stick it in
> your freezer and wait for just the right time to show proof of these
> delightful and wonderfully magical creatures! Do not hesitate! Pack that
> sucker in your trunk and truck on down to the most respected and
> reputable news organizations you can think of - Fox News and The World
> Weekly News come immediately to mind. Dr. Reed is not a fraud -
> unfortunately, he ain't no smarter than a couple of rednecks. Yikes!

Why mock someone whose life has been destroyed?


Sep 9, 2009, 9:10:57 PM9/9/09

So, if I had proof of the existence of aliens and happened to lose it,
that would be cool with you? OK then!

William D Clinger

Sep 9, 2009, 10:34:38 PM9/9/09
Tommy Grand wrote:
> Why mock someone whose life has been destroyed?

Yes, what the government black ops and disinfo agents
have done to Dr Jonathan Reed could happen to any of
us the next time we kill an extra-terrestrial, take it
home, stow it in a freezer, lose it, and create a web
site dedicated to marketing books and videos that tell
the incredible story of our emotionally devastating
and physically paralyzing ordeal.

They start by erasing all traces of your education...

Dr Reed's story is by no means unique. Look what they
did to Michael Thames.


Tommy Grand

Sep 9, 2009, 10:57:43 PM9/9/09
On Sep 9, 9:34 pm, William D Clinger <> wrote:

> They start by erasing all traces of your education...

They erased most of it, but didn't get everything. Check out the
photo that is presented at the beginning of this clip:


Sep 9, 2009, 11:08:33 PM9/9/09

It never fails. I missed out on Pet Rocks, Mood Rings Cabbage Patch
dolls (although those took some capital, and had obvious barriers to
entry), and now this. I never knew or imagined that a whole cottage
industry would spring up on the Internet revolving around fear
mongering. I guess I wasn't cut out to be an entrepreneur


Sep 9, 2009, 11:46:34 PM9/9/09

They managed to erase his identity as far as records go, but there are
many people who have come forward on video such as his co workers and
professors who have verified his identity. Often times it's the cover
up that gives away the crime.

Worse things have been done to people in the name of National
Security. Many of the citizens of Roswell, NM had their life
threatened, this is well documented.

The joke is on Dave from Hawaii, and Clinger. Far more intelligent
and credible people have come forward. It appears almost as if Dave
from Hawaii, and Clinger, are little poodles nipping at the heels of
giants, and pale in comparison to these great men. Yet they will
laugh, joke, and ridicule, anyone who thinks differently than them,
it's sad really, but the human race is full of bullies, like them,
they are a dime a dozen, and the cause of much harm to human

Moon-walker and Apollo 14 astronaut Edgar Mitchell has made various
public statements about the reality of Roswell: "Make no mistake,
Roswell happened. I've seen secret files which show the government
knew about it — but decided not to tell the public

Mercury and Gemini astronaut Gordon Cooper...."Would you want to meet
them, Gordon?" I asked. "Heck yes," he said. "I'd give them a good

I told him I didn't think we had to wait for the aliens to begin
discussing the truth about what is known. Didn't the government
already have a lot of information? What about Roswell, for example?

"Well, I'm pretty sure something was picked up at Roswell."

What about bodies?

"Maybe, yes. But I think there were better ones than Roswell," he
said. "We got some live ones."

Live ones? Live aliens? Of course one hears all the rumors and wild
tales. Did Gordon know for sure that there were some live aliens?

"I knew a guy who brought one in," he said.

William D Clinger

Sep 9, 2009, 11:59:41 PM9/9/09
Tommy Grand wrote:
> > They start by erasing all traces of your education...
> They erased most of it, but didn't get everything. Check out the
> photo that is presented at the beginning of this clip:

Thanks, Tommy. That was hilarious. (I mean no
disrespect, of course. All of us who speak regularly
at UFO conventions have had days like that.)

Dr Reed's UCLA class ring got me to thinking, because I
never had one. (I've got a bunch of old wedding rings
stashed away somewhere, but last time I wore one my date
said it wasn't funny.) Turns out I can still order one
through Jostens up in Minneapolis: "Never got your
class ring? It's never too late. Find your school to
start designing your custom class ring now..." [1]


(Click on "Never got your class ring?")


Sep 10, 2009, 12:10:58 AM9/10/09

Tommy pay no attention to the Canary bird, Clinger has a bullshit
answer for everything. He is a classic disinformation, derailing,
junkie. I watched these videos and I remember Dr Reed's professor in
LA ( can't remember the Collage) but is was his professor, and he said
Dr Reed graduated and he remembered him very well. This is in
addition to many other co workers etc.

I can't tell you which video it's in, you will just have to go
through them until you find that part.

Andrew Schulman

Sep 10, 2009, 12:47:30 AM9/10/09
On Sep 9, 3:43 pm, Tashi <> wrote:
> Tommy, notice the joking, and ridicule, from people that simply can't
> tolerate another point of view.  However, at the same time expect
> growths upon their pancreas to make front page news!  It's a strange
> world we live in Dr. Jones.
Really? There is a front page story somewhere about pancreatic
growths? Martians? Venusians? Thamesians?

Cool! What newspaper?


Andrew Schulman

Sep 10, 2009, 12:51:47 AM9/10/09
On Sep 9, 8:17 pm, Wollybird <> wrote:
> that would be a real ufo. every one knows they do that. it's their
> calling card, their routine, their shthick... Dr Reed is an obvious
> fraud, or he's hiding something.
Could Dr. Reed be...Eric Cartman?



Sep 10, 2009, 1:18:17 AM9/10/09
On Sep 9, 10:47 pm, Andrew Schulman <>

Oh no, I didn't mean you, I mean people in general, how they always
kinda joke, and act stupid when they are confronted with a different
perspective. Sorry you thought I was talking about you.

BTW, have you read about the benefits of Tumeric?

Tommy Grand

Sep 10, 2009, 8:21:29 AM9/10/09
On Sep 9, 11:10 pm, Tashi <> wrote:

> Tommy pay no attention to the Canary bird, Clinger has a bullshit
> answer for everything. He is a classic disinformation, derailing,
> junkie.  I watched these videos and I remember Dr Reed's professor in
> LA ( can't remember the Collage) but is was his professor, and he said
> Dr Reed graduated and he remembered  him very well.  This is in
> addition to many other co workers etc.
>   I can't tell you which video it's in, you will just have to go
> through them until you find that part.

No fear Tashi, I've watched these videos numerous times and I remember
these segments:

Dr. Reed's banker, and also a nurse who worked with him in the
hospital: (go back to part
6 for the very beginning of this interview)

Discussion about Dr. Reed's former professor:

And no Clinger, I wasn't just referring to the class ring but to the
class ring, on his finger as he's sitting in his university office
with a university ID badge on. Of course the skeptics will say the
whole photograph was staged. How can you convince someone who doesn't
want to believe?

Since I first came across the events of Dr. Jonathan Reed's alien
encounter, I can remember thinking about the onslaught that I figured
would be surrounding his ordeal. I remember thinking of fabricated
documents that usually pop-up out of the thin-blue "CLAIMING" "THIS" &
"THAT" about the Dr. I wasnt online enough at the time so I wasnt
around to see the disinformation unfold. Then when I finally got
online every now and then Id do a search concerning his case and lo
and behold I came across a couple of sights that were basically
attempting to turn the seriousness and credibility of the Dr. into
something comical sounding in nature when discussing it. HOWEVER, I
noticed certain things concerning their attempts to ridicule that
clearly gave them away as biased towards defaming the story and
indirectly making the public not want to check into the story. I
noticed "they"( the debunkers, and agents of disinformation ) left out
key facts. Facts such as : - the analyst concerning the blood and I
believe tissue samples taken from the entity that Reed spoke about in
documented and substantiated by outside independent researchers in
foreign countries [WHICH THE DEBUNKERS WILL NOT MENTION. They will
spend endless amounts of time focused on Lies, Misdirection, and
Misinformation to herd and manipulate mass public opinion in A
people FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD have known about this case and the
supporting evidence that backs of everything mentioned by Dr. Reed.


William D Clinger

Sep 10, 2009, 9:49:03 AM9/10/09
Tommy Grand wrote:
> How can you convince someone who doesn't want to believe?

It can't be done. As we, with the willing cooperation of
Michael Thames, have just demonstrated.

> I noticed "they"( the debunkers, and agents of disinformation )
> left out key facts.

--- Odisealinker
(Creator of the 19 Part Dr Jonathan Reed Allen Encounter Video
Series on YouTube) [1]

For example, some of the more compelling evidence in the
Reed case has been unearthed by Harold Chacon (Rodriguez):
"While analyzing the brain matter, we found structures
that were not of biologic origin but rather microscopic
and many were probably even subatomic, but they were not

Chacon's findings confirm those of investigators such as
Dr Roger Leir [2]:

Of the fifteen patients who have had implants removed, all
claim to have been abducted in the past. The items he has
removed are typically metallic rods about 7mm in length
and the width of a pencil lead. Implants are usually found
in the head or neck area, arm, leg or foot. There is never
any puncture wound or portal of entry observed with implants,
i.e. no evidence of how the implant got into the body, nor
is there ever any rejection or inflammatory reaction....

So what does this chemistry lesson have to do with alien
implants? When the most recently removed implant was
examined using an electron microcsope, it was found to
contain, you guessed it carbon nano-tubes. Not only that,
it had biological tissue growing out of the metal and
into the patients body. If somebody has a tiny device
in their body which contains carbon nano-tubes, then it
must have been put there and manufactured by something
with intelligence. An intelligence more advanced than
our own.

Putting these facts together with the nanothermite known to
have brought down the WTC towers on 9/11, we conclude that
the 9/11 Truthers' paranoia has been far too conservative.

Dr Chacon's testimony so threatens the established order
that it wasn't enough for the black ops and disinfo agents
to erase all traces of his education, as with Dr Reed.
They went on to erase all traces of the microbiology program
at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Puerto Rico [3],
where Dr Chacon received his training in microbiology.
Although the Pontificia Universidad is one of the smaller
research universities, with only five faculty in its college
of sciences, its scholastic quality may be inferred from the
fact that Francisco Suárez still teaches there [4].



[2] the truth is here



Andrew Schulman

Sep 10, 2009, 10:59:11 AM9/10/09
On Sep 10, 1:18 am, Tashi <> wrote:
>   BTW, have you read about the benefits of Tumeric?
Just read some about it, looks very good, I love Middle Eastern food
so I'll get some.




Sep 10, 2009, 11:04:52 AM9/10/09
> [1]
> [2] the truth is here

Tommy, you've just been swiftboated by Caption Clinger!

Question for Mr. Clinger. Is it not customary to add the title PhD
behind a persons name if they if fact have earned that title?

Tommy Grand

Sep 10, 2009, 11:17:30 AM9/10/09
On Sep 10, 8:49 am, William D Clinger <> wrote:
> Tommy Grand wrote:
> > How can you convince someone who doesn't want to believe?
> It can't be done.  As we, with the willing cooperation of
> Michael Thames, have just demonstrated.

Will why lump me in with the 9/11 truth movement? I have largely
stayed out of those discussions because I'm agnostic about the whole
question! My position is that it's not intuitively obvious what will
happen when a jet plane slams into a building. In order to arrive at
a reasoned conclusion on the matter, I'd probably have to learn alot
about engineering & physics, not to mention carefully and objectively
reading the arguments of Balsamo et al WITH AN OPEN MIND. At this
point I simply haven't the time for all that. Surely you've seen my
Carcassi videos.

As far as Reed is concerned, I will add this: he published a book in
1999 that predicted 9/11, the stock market crash, and the corruption
of the Bush administration! Maybe that doesn't prove he had an alien
in the freezer, but it should at least make you wonder. Hmmm.

Tommy Grand

Sep 10, 2009, 11:20:32 AM9/10/09
On Sep 10, 10:04 am, Tashi <> wrote:

> Tommy, you've just been swiftboated by Caption Clinger!

Poor Doktor Clinger is still looking for salvation from the "old
science". As Reed points out in the video that started this thread,
we are now living in the quantum age. Clinger should throw out his
ENIAC and join the rest of us in the 21st century.

William D Clinger

Sep 10, 2009, 1:30:43 PM9/10/09
Tashi/MT wrote:

> Question for Mr. Clinger. Is it not customary to add the
> title PhD behind a persons name if they if fact have earned
> that title?

You have an excellent point there. If Dr Jonathan Reed had
actually earned his title, he would be referring to himself
as Dr Jonathan Reed, PhD.

By itself, I don't think that's entirely conclusive. We'd
want to look at whether there are any other people who have
earned PhD degrees who neglect to add that title behind their
names on a routine basis.

For the time being, however, I have to admit you have raised
the first genuinely scientific objection to Dr Reed's story.



Sep 10, 2009, 2:17:10 PM9/10/09

I was referring to YOU!


Sep 10, 2009, 2:17:01 PM9/10/09

The UFO fans have a misguided sense of whom they consider their hero. My
suggestion is that the next turkey that claims to have absolute,
verifiable proof and then gives a sob story about losing that evidence
have the crap beaten out of him by crazed UFO and Bigfoot fans. The
Bigfoot boys would be mad cause proof of aliens would also prove the
existence of Bigfoot.


Sep 10, 2009, 2:26:22 PM9/10/09

David your adolescent brand of humor is becoming redundant, I now only
skim through it for inuendo. It gives me cause to question the
answers you propose to know on all subjects from global warming, to
pyramids on the moon, you are not the go to guy I thought you were.
Now that you have wrapped up the question of UFO's for us by a single
fell swoop of ridicule, condisendtion,


Sep 10, 2009, 3:08:08 PM9/10/09

It would please me greatly if you didn't even skim. Just say NO! I think
we both can live with this.

My policy is to not talk about UFOs, 911, or any number of your
favorites. My unparalleled heart of boundless kindness knows that this
is your area of expertise and therefore, I leave it up to you for your
oh-so-special handling. You're doing great in my book!

In my defense, my comments dealt with piss-poor film making, Dr. Reed,
and warped, misplaced trust.

Thanks for the little chat! :-)


Sep 10, 2009, 7:09:07 PM9/10/09

It is agonizing how the evidece always manages to slip through their
fingers. It's gotta be like having Gilligan for a hero

William D Clinger

Sep 10, 2009, 7:21:37 PM9/10/09
Wollybird wrote:
> It is agonizing how the evidece always manages to slip through their
> fingers. It's gotta be like having Gilligan for a hero

...those poor people.


Tommy Grand

Sep 10, 2009, 7:44:08 PM9/10/09
On Sep 10, 6:09 pm, Wollybird <> wrote:

> It is agonizing how the evidece always manages to slip through their
> fingers. It's gotta be like having Gilligan for a hero

Wolly have you read about Dr. Reed's friend Gary, who was beaten and
permanently crippled by government officials? WIth your twisted
sense of humur I expect you'll find it really risible!

But seriously Wolly I'm surprised you weren't more persuaded by the
testimony of Valerie the banker. You think just anyone knows about
sig cards and fiche?


Sep 10, 2009, 8:01:49 PM9/10/09
Wollybird wrote:
> It is agonizing how the evidece always manages to slip through their
> fingers. It's gotta be like having Gilligan for a hero

Some folks will see Dr. Reed as a con artist but some will see him as a
hero because it reinforces their belief in a vast government conspiracy.
I reckon that you can fool some of the people all of the time if you
mesh government conspiracy somewhere in there - not a shred of proof
needed and it seems that it doesn't matter how far out of the realm of
human experience it is. What a remarkable, powerful tool this is!


Sep 10, 2009, 10:34:59 PM9/10/09
If it's risable , I'll read it
Tommy, I think you know this is a business. Slimy, perhaps, but a
An imponderable:
Why do aliens come in two models ( 3 foot tall big eyed and the green
lizard type) while there is no limit to the type, shape and size of
space ship they fly in? one would think that the level of
sophistication needed to build these vehicles would make the flying
saucer business a natural monopoly- not unlike airliners.

I must admit, it is more believable to imagine that some creatures
have the ability to travel thousands or millions of light years just
to come to earth and selectively freak us out with their antics than
it is to believe the proposition that there is not one single decent
human being in the government (and remember who this is comming from),
and 10,000 people can keep their yaps shut for 8 years.

Tommy Grand

Sep 11, 2009, 9:24:19 AM9/11/09
On Sep 10, 9:34 pm, Wollybird <> wrote:

> If it's risable , I'll read it
> Tommy, I think you know this is a business. Slimy, perhaps, but a
> business.

So anyone who makes a buck is untrustworthy? I'm surprized to hear
this from you, someone who has faced exactly this sort of fiscal
bigotry right here on this board!

> An imponderable:
> Why do aliens come in two models ( 3 foot tall big eyed and the green
> lizard type) while there is no limit to the type, shape and size of
> space ship they fly in? one would think that the level of
> sophistication needed to build these vehicles would make the flying
> saucer business a natural monopoly- not unlike airliners.

This creature (Freddie) did not fly in a spaceship. The obelisk
object is too small for him to fit inside. It has been theorized that
the obelisk is a sort of dimensional porthole; when reed touched it,
he felt that he was momentarily "absorbed" into it.


Sep 11, 2009, 10:45:03 AM9/11/09

I see. Sort of like cosmic Charmin.or perhaps a door to a worm hole
Freddy carries with him What happened to the obilisk?
Thanks for the fiscal bigotry line, btw. I'm going to keep it, unless
you object.


Sep 11, 2009, 11:01:54 AM9/11/09

It's really amazing you give us the opportunities you do, to have a
glimpse inside that mind of yours. You project that a civilization
perhaps 50,000 years more advanced than we are, would have as their
prime directive " to seek out new life, and make a buck off them".
Wolli who has a small mind when compared to just humans in general,
has a pea sized one when compared to advanced civilizations and claims
to understand the Alien's motivation, which amazingly is no different
than his, Go forth and make a buck! What brilliant fucking logic

Too bad the logic stops there! I wish you could apply the same
"prime directive" to the motivation behind false flag terrorist
attacks as well, but then that might interfere with you belief system,
and undying faith in politicians, and government officials, and we
can't have that now can we?

Perhaps one reason they come here is to prevent us from destroying
ourselves! That seems more logical to me.

One thing is for sure, Wolli you don't read about new scientific
developments, or what those who have worked for classified government
programs have to say about what is happening, no why on earth would
you? Yes, it's makes far more sense to believe people like Michael
Schermmer, (he'll debunk anything for a buck) than Generals,
astronauts, and nuclear physicists.

You sound like a peasant back in the 1600 century when told we would
have cell phones, travel to the moon, and have computers.

William D Clinger

Sep 11, 2009, 2:08:26 PM9/11/09
Tashi/MT wrote:
> It's really amazing you give us the opportunities you do, to have a
> glimpse inside that mind of yours. You project that a civilization
> perhaps 50,000 years more advanced than we are, would have as their
> prime directive " to seek out new life, and make a buck off them".

Dr Jonathan Reed and his kind may be 50,000 years
more advanced than you, but you shouldn't try to
speak for the rest of us.



Sep 11, 2009, 2:26:01 PM9/11/09

You are a laugh a minute!


Sep 11, 2009, 2:28:46 PM9/11/09
On Sep 11, 12:08 pm, William D Clinger <> wrote:

Mr. Clinger is it true you have a PhD? A yes, or no, will suffice.

Andrew Schulman

Sep 11, 2009, 3:08:15 PM9/11/09
On Sep 11, 2:08 pm, William D Clinger <> wrote:
> Dr Jonathan Reed and his kind may be 50,000 years
> more advanced than you, but you shouldn't try to
> speak for the rest of us.
> Will

When I Google your name I find it often written this way:

William D. Clinger, PhD.

Does this mean I should address you as Dr. Clinger or will Will



Sep 11, 2009, 3:35:09 PM9/11/09
On Sep 11, 1:08 pm, Andrew Schulman <>

You are a better man than me, or perhaps I have poor googleing skills!

Andrew Schulman

Sep 11, 2009, 3:43:22 PM9/11/09
On Sep 11, 3:35 pm, Tashi <> wrote:
> You are a better man than me, or perhaps I have poor googleing skills!
No one is a better man than you!


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