I listen to Blackhouse. I have _Five Minutes After I Die_, _Stairway to
Heaven_, _Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost_, and _Material World_. I don't
really care for much of it - too experimental and noise-oriented. I mean,
a little's ok with me, but the whole tape basically? For recommending, the
_Material World_ CD (I think it is a CD-only release) is pretty good. Side
one of _F,S, & the HG_ is pretty good, but side two is all noise.
Also, I listen to industrial/"Wax Trax" music. I would be very interested
in finding out about bands who play with this musical style.
About backmasking, One Bad Pig did a new version of Judas' Kiss on their
album _Swine Flew_ which includes the opening of the Petra version (how-
ever, One Bad Pig's version is faster, but Bob Hartman did the solo). I've
also heard that some of Blackhouse's stuff has backmasking on it, although
I can't verify or deny that.
scaterd-few is an awesome band! (Just wanted to put in my agreement there.)
They are so talented! If you haven't tried listening to them, give them a
try - but don't listen to just one song - they have alot of different musical
Speaking of scaterd-few, they have a song called "A Freedom Cry" on their
_Sin Disease_ release, which sounds reggae (not the voice, however).
What do I listen to? In Christian music: alternative/thrash/punk/metal/speed/
industrial/etc. (not any contemporary I can think of) Non-christian arena:
alternative/industrial mostly, some new age (no, not the religion), classical,
jazz, blues, big band, and so on.
That's all the catching up I can think of. Now my own added note:
I'm planning on going to Cornerstone this summer. I would be interested in
finding other people who are going, so that perhaps we could meet up there
or something - this will be my first trip to Cornerstone. As far as I know,
I will be driving up there from here (Texas). Please respond off-list, unless
someone thinks it would be beneficial to have the group know who is going so
that they can get in touch with 'em or whatever.
Until next time.....
# l oo oo F | Terry Leifeste (aka Fool,-morpheus-,Believer,etc) #
# l o o o o F | TAMU P.O.Box 8998 / College Station, TX 77844 #
# l oo oo FFFF |---------------- --/-- ---------------------------#
# l F | TLL6551@TAMVENUS / TLL...@VENUS.TAMU.EDU (v2.1) #
# l FFFFFF | <insert quote> / Read _/~ /\ /\/ |> /\/\ /\ /\/ #