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Michael W. Smith and "rocketown": Freemason Satanist Posing as Christian

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Mar 8, 2009, 6:41:43 PM3/8/09
Michael W. Smith, you are the most pathetically transparent and
talentless piece of freemason trailer trash that I have ever seen in
my life. You are now exposed, bitch:

Morose, aka Doktor Holocaust

Mar 8, 2009, 8:20:42 PM3/8/09

I agree with the idea that a lot of occultic/pagan iconography has
filtered into popular culture unnoticed over the years. the thing is,
as these things get spread around and imitated by people who don't
know their source or original meaning, they become diluted and lose
most if not all of their potency. It's kinda like the various
clothing/hairstyle signs of masonic affiliation - so many people copy
one or two of them unknowingly that there has to be an unusually high
concentration of them on one person for them to be significant.


Mar 9, 2009, 12:26:46 AM3/9/09
On Mar 8, 8:20 pm, "Morose, aka Doktor Holocaust"

Well when you live at the base of a mountain with a GIANT STAR on it,
you will see lots of that.


Did they stop doing the whole DUI = Red lights thing? I found it
somewhat lame.

Morose, aka Doktor Holocaust

Mar 9, 2009, 6:27:47 AM3/9/09
On Mar 9, 12:26 am, Pisces <> wrote:

> Did they stop doing the whole DUI = Red lights thing? I found it
> somewhat lame.

i didn't even hear about the DUI = Red Lights thing, so i don't know.


Mar 11, 2009, 4:06:51 AM3/11/09

1) Michael is very gifted at arranging and has shown that in many of
his past productions, and is a fine keyboard player. Calling such a
person 'talentless' makes you look like a complete troll.

2) trailer trash? Are we just name calling for the sake of name
calling? Again...trollllllll

3) freemason? Let me guess...from other post yeah..sounds like you
saw some symbol somewhere that is shared by freemasonry or something.
They like a lot of symbols. There are probably a few around my house.
On... currency and the like :-). Does that make Michael a freemason?
Seems to me he's said a lot of things in the past that lead me to
believe he's a bible believing Christian. Whatever...if you weren't a
name calling troll I might have read the link but your credibility
goes out the window when you say stupid things like the above...

COme in to do research and..what do I find right off the
bat...sheesh... I so do NOT miss this group...

Terri Scooterpie

Mar 11, 2009, 4:55:18 AM3/11/09

dictionary defines a hypocrite as someone who “pretends to be better
than he really is or to be pious, virtuous without really being so.


Satanists have as much right as holier than thou inbred redneck halfwit
dumbfuck hillbilly hypocrite so called X-ians to enjoy Freedom of

What are you, some fucking commie cocksucker?

P.S. - what part of "the fucking country was founded by freemasons" do
you not quite grasp?

Go back to the Ukraine and pay your gas bill, you creep.

Aug 12, 2013, 5:27:08 PM8/12/13
This is so sad, a man that led so many people to the goodness of God crushed and battered under some of the stupidest things I've ever seen. I mean, a dusty room and dusty piano, come on. All that God has done for us, and this is how we repay. By posting stupidity about one of his good and faithful servants. I'm in shock that this is even on here.

Nov 24, 2013, 3:06:59 AM11/24/13
WOW!!! that's the Christian spirit. lets cuss and make the rest of us look bad. remember god used pharaoh for his purpose. Jesus stopped Saul of Tarsus on the road to Damascus while he was on his way to kill Christians. Remember David, etc.

the fact is Michael w smith is not dead yet and can be changed and saved! is it not our Christian duty to pray for this/these people? or are we given the right to judge and condemn, when we are not any better? I am discouraged also. I think his music (not all) is fantastic.

I'll bet you like m*a*s*h. look for all the Jesuit stuff in there! Loyola on father mulchahey's shirt. even the named was said by hot lips. doesn't father mulchahey look like our new pope? why is 99% of everything on tv or movies catholic? hmmmmm think about it

Sep 6, 2014, 1:14:07 AM9/6/14
I just watched the video and are you serious! This divisive nonsense was derived out of Michael's ministry to the body of Christ.....I've been a born again believer for more than 30 yrs, seen and been on both sides of what this world and what the enemy of our souls has to offer. Have the scars to prove it, all healed by our Lord and King. In my humble but straightforward opinion this bleeds of pride, bitterness and envy. Alan Vincent should be disregarded as credible in anything he says and avoided at ALL costs. There's a saying that goes like this...Make a stupid enough statement and the sheer volume of effort to refute it dissuades anyone with a reasonable sense of time value. Here is a situation where the baby and the bath water go out the window together. It's becoming more and more evident out Lord is coming very very soon. Maranatha.

Dec 17, 2016, 12:55:23 AM12/17/16
You are misguided. Nice touch with the b*tch word at the end. God thanks you for exposing the posers there true believer. Rep'ing Jesus great right there.

Karin Nieuwoudt

Nov 15, 2021, 7:46:59 AM11/15/21
It doesn't really matter what we think of him. The Almighty God is the only One who truly knows the truth about this artist and He will always judge fairly. If it is true, it is truly truly sad and then he really needs our prayers and compassion. The Lord says that whatever we do in secret, will be made public for all to see, scary thought. Love to you all.

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