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Petra and backmasking

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William Briggs

Feb 17, 1994, 9:54:16 PM2/17/94
Anyone heard the backmasking on Petra's "Judas Kiss" on the MORE POWER TO
YA album?

Apparently it says :

What are you looking for the devil for when you ought to be looking for the

Any comments?

Message has been deleted

Tamas Kovacs,H3-253

Feb 18, 1994, 11:34:28 AM2/18/94
In article 761551033@cairo, (Rafy Marootians) writes:
> Yes. The One Bad Pig version is better. :)
> I think its refering to the way some christian fundamentalists spent hours
> upon hours playing records backwards trying to find hidden messages in
> pop songs. Its probably accosting them saying, "Hey, stop focusing on
> seeking God!"
> At least thats what I take it as.
> BTW, I don't like most of Petra's stuff but More Power was a great album
> (compositionally anyhow)
> Rafy

I agree with all of the above (except I like a lot of other stuff done Petra as well).


Derek J. Wojciech

Feb 18, 1994, 1:17:53 PM2/18/94

> (William Briggs) writes:
>>Anyone heard the backmasking on Petra's "Judas Kiss" on the MORE POWER TO
>>YA album?
>>Apparently it says :
>>What are you looking for the devil for when you ought to be looking for the
I was always curious to hear if anyone tried to decipher what seems
to be a few backwardmasked lines in 'Witch Hunt' off 'Beat the System?'


Fire & Love, the 2 extremes that/ /Surfing ***.
we live between, Fire & Love, /-----------------------------/Snowboardin ** '
there's more to this life than/XOXO to Ariel,Belle & Jasmine/ Ridin the ****
the eye can see. Guardian / My true loves :) / WAVE! *******


Feb 18, 1994, 1:34:52 PM2/18/94
Rafy Marootians wrote:

: BTW, I don't like most of Petra's stuff but More Power was a great album
: (compositionally anyhow)

: Rafy

--Whatever. :) Petra is great. Their praise album was awesome, and unseen
Power has some great songs. The lyrics are really good.

_______/ _____ / / _____ /
/ / / / / /
______ / / / / / /
/ / / / / / Mark Swartz
_______/ ________/ ________/ ________/ a.k.a Solo on Bigdog
* For by grace you have been saved * "I love you." "I know." Leia/Han *
* through faith, and that not of * "Impressive. Most Impressive." *
* yourselves; it is the gift of God. * Vader to Luke *
* EPHESIANS 2:8 * "Do or do not. There is no try." *
* ** Go SUNS** * "Size matters not." Yoda *

Timo H. Jaakkimainen

Feb 19, 1994, 1:23:02 AM2/19/94

Believe it or not, I actually tried this and it worked. I taped the song onto
a cassette. I then unscrewed the cassette and turned the tape around (not just
over, that would just make Side 1 to Side 2 and vice versa). I then played it
and it DID come out as above. Amazing.

I later lost that tape, but then one of my two-direction playing walkmans
broke. It would play normal in one direction and backwards in the other. Again,
the Petra message came through.

Man is not justified | __/ /_ | Timo H. Jaakkimainen
by observing the law, | /_ __/ | "Brass Bishop"
but by faith in Jesus | / / | U of Ottawa, Comp. Sci.
Christ. Gal 2:16 | /_/ |

David S. Lee

Feb 20, 1994, 12:18:07 AM2/20/94
In article <>, ab...@FreeNet.Carleton.CA
(Timo H. Jaakkimainen) wrote:

> Believe it or not, I actually tried this and it worked. I taped the song onto
> a cassette. I then unscrewed the cassette and turned the tape around (not just
> over, that would just make Side 1 to Side 2 and vice versa). I then played it
> and it DID come out as above. Amazing.

Wow, I didn't know that I wasn't the only crazy person that had tried this
with a cassette!

David S. Lee (
Kresge Hearing Research Institute
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor MI 48109

David S. Lee

Feb 20, 1994, 12:18:54 AM2/20/94
In article <2k30oh$t...@usenet.INS.CWRU.Edu>, bz...@cleveland.Freenet.Edu
(Derek J. Wojciech) wrote:

> I was always curious to hear if anyone tried to decipher what seems
> to be a few backwardmasked lines in 'Witch Hunt' off 'Beat the System?'
> Anyone?

I didn't think that those lines were backmasked...I thought that the
engineering/production guys were playing around with the stereo effects
(listen on headphones if you don't know what I'm talking about).

David S. Lee

Feb 20, 1994, 12:20:39 AM2/20/94
In article <rafy.761551033@cairo>, (Rafy Marootians)

> (William Briggs) writes:
> [stuff about backmasking deleted]

> >Any comments?
> Yes. The One Bad Pig version is better. :)

Are their screams decipherable? I wasn't so sure they would be, at least
when listening to them "backwards" :)

> I think its refering to the way some christian fundamentalists spent hours
> upon hours playing records backwards trying to find hidden messages in
> pop songs. Its probably accosting them saying, "Hey, stop focusing on
> seeking God!"
> At least thats what I take it as.

Yeah, I agree with your assessment. As I remember, the backmasking craze
was reaching a sort of zenith at the exact time that More Power to Ya came
out. I think it was a very pointed message for the backward masking crowd.

Kimmo Petteri Survo

Feb 21, 1994, 7:01:16 AM2/21/94
On the album Unseen Power there is a song called Sight Unseen. In the
verse there is backmasking: Kiss my ass.

And this is a sweet christian band.

KIMMO SURVO " It is not word reminding the past, but learning about mistakes. " -- Laine Parsons

S.C. Kellogg

Feb 21, 1994, 10:57:47 AM2/21/94
In article <2ka7qc$> (Kimmo Petteri Survo) writes:
>From: (Kimmo Petteri Survo)
>Subject: Re: Petra and backmasking
>Date: 21 Feb 1994 14:01:16 +0200

Is this our cue to laugh?

Maybe you should have played an earlier Petra song backwards for a little
What are you lookin' for the Devil for, when you oughta be looking for the

BTW, who plays PETRA stuff backwards? Bill Gothard? Frank Garlock?
| Steve Kellogg || "Keep It Simple, Stupid" |
| Layout Editor || --Dr. J. Wesley Baker, et al. |
| CEDARS--Student Newspaper || "We'll leave the light on for |
| || ya,"--Tom Bodett |
| CEDARVILLE,OH 45314 || ARE MINE--get your own, buddy! ;) |

Feb 21, 1994, 12:08:05 PM2/21/94
In article <>, (David S. Lee) writes:
> Yeah, I agree with your assessment. As I remember, the backmasking craze
> was reaching a sort of zenith at the exact time that More Power to Ya came
> out. I think it was a very pointed message for the backward masking crowd.
Yeah, when all that "Satanic Rock Music" stuff was going down, a guy visited
our church one Sunday night with this absolutely lurid presentation on how and
why the devil was infiltrating teenage minds. He showed grotesque and obscene
album covers, played nightmarish music, and showed us the joys of revealing
backmasked messages. I was about 10, and it scared me to death; I couldn't
sleep for weeks. Consequently, I abhor this method of guerilla evangelism.
And I can respect Petra for pointing out the futility of such tactics.


George Campbell

Feb 21, 1994, 3:14:13 PM2/21/94
to (David S. Lee) writes:

>> I think its refering to the way some christian fundamentalists spent hours
>> upon hours playing records backwards trying to find hidden messages in
>> pop songs. Its probably accosting them saying, "Hey, stop focusing on
>> seeking God!"
>> At least thats what I take it as.

>Yeah, I agree with your assessment. As I remember, the backmasking craze
>was reaching a sort of zenith at the exact time that More Power to Ya came
>out. I think it was a very pointed message for the backward masking crowd.

Just an interesting side note... I notice a short sequence of back-
masking on Sixpence None the Richer's self titled album (track #7 at
the end), and upon de-masking it heard:

(something like) "Read Psalm 59 instead of listening to this
backward message."

I was amused. :)


| |________________________
| __| . | . | | . | . | George Campbell

Cathy Nieng

Feb 21, 1994, 6:09:27 PM2/21/94
gt8...@prism.gatech.EDU (George Campbell) writes:

> (David S. Lee) writes:
>>> I think its refering to the way some christian fundamentalists spent hours

>>Yeah, I agree with your assessment. As I remember, the backmasking craze

> Just an interesting side note... I notice a short sequence of back-

> masking on Sixpence None the Richer's self titled album (track #7 at
> the end), and upon de-masking it heard:

> (something like) "Read Psalm 59 instead of listening to this
> backward message."

> I was amused. :)


More random backmasking: At the very end of Prayer Chain's "Mercy", there
is a woman singing the chorus of "They'll Know We are Christians by our

By the way, do people actually sit around listening to this stuff backwards?
I only got my piece of backmasking info because my friend told me about
it. :)

O O O | ___ _ _
O O O | / __| \| |
O O O | | (__| .` | cathy nieng
O Yes, they'llO know we are Christians | \___|_|\_|
O O O by the fish on our cars.|
O O O |
O O O |

Doug Maxwell

Feb 21, 1994, 9:40:21 PM2/21/94
In article <> ab...@FreeNet.Carleton.CA (Timo H. Jaakkimainen) writes:
>Believe it or not, I actually tried this and it worked. I taped the song onto
>a cassette. I then unscrewed the cassette and turned the tape around (not just
>over, that would just make Side 1 to Side 2 and vice versa). I then played it
>and it DID come out as above. Amazing.
>I later lost that tape, but then one of my two-direction playing walkmans
>broke. It would play normal in one direction and backwards in the other. Again,
>the Petra message came through.

The high-tech equivalent of this is to play the song through your handy dandy
sound card and then play the samples backwards. Very effective. :)

>Man is not justified | __/ /_ | Timo H. Jaakkimainen
>by observing the law, | /_ __/ | "Brass Bishop"
>but by faith in Jesus | / / | U of Ottawa, Comp. Sci.
>Christ. Gal 2:16 | /_/ |

|Douglas J. Maxwell | * |
|TRW Denver Operations | ***** |
|16201 Centretech Pky / Aurora, CO 80011 | * |
|Voice: 303.360.4013 FAX: 303.360.4133 | * Doing my best for Him. |

Scholar and Fool

Feb 22, 1994, 11:01:00 AM2/22/94
to (Kimmo Petteri Survo) writes...

>On the album Unseen Power there is a song called Sight Unseen. In the
>verse there is backmasking: Kiss my ass.
>And this is a sweet christian band.

*psst* Hey, you. You know what else? I've seen some of them metal
bands...they call themselves Christians...well, they've got some of
them Satanic circles on their covers! That's right! Now don't go asking
me what the difference is between a normal circle and a Satanic one,
because if you don't know then I ain't telling ya. And if you don't,
maybe you should start wondering just how committed you are to the
truth. And you know...they have those dark covers and stuff. Why, those
aren't Godly colors! God is light, not darkness. And that band Stryper
that all those hip-hop punkers listen to nowadays...they have that
song called "To Hell with the Devil" - just think about that! They
want you to go to hell with the Devil! And they even try to pass
themselves off as a Christian band. With those beats, they aren't
fooling anyone. Just listen to these names...Vengeance Rising...
Sacred Warrior...Living Sacrifice....if these people aren't hell-bent
on destruction and working as a tool in the army of Satan then I must
not even know what I'm talking about! It's all going to hell in a
handbasket! Would you rather be singing the God-inspired song "Amazing
Grace" or listening to one of your evil music tapes? Would you rather
be in a church service or out smoking pot with your friends? I can
tell! I can tell!

Reverend "Good-Times" Phool - Dispenser of Truth and official voice o'God

Scholar and Fool

Feb 22, 1994, 11:13:00 AM2/22/94
cnieng@dcl-nxt50 (Cathy Nieng) writes...

> By the way, do people actually sit around listening to this stuff backwards?

Yes. Those of us who do, though, prefer to call it "industrial."


$ % & . ^ * I know what it's like to be dying on the ins $@!*($[@]&@#%$!
@ % # $ ' % # ide / I know what it's like to feel all alone @^*&%@[$]*%!$@#
& # & &@&^$ & I know how it feels to feel as if there's no *$&[#&%#$%#]&(@
# $ $ # hope / I know what it's like, I know what it' %@$#**[%]****&$
* #^*%$%*#$ * s like --Veil of Ashes "I Know" *&% Leifeste, #*&^%$[&]*!@^$&
$ * $ tll6551@tamzeus Terry &#%^*$[@]*^&*(!

Michael Cook

Feb 22, 1994, 12:51:35 PM2/22/94
to (Kimmo Petteri Survo) writes...
>On the album Unseen Power there is a song called Sight Unseen. In the
>verse there is backmasking: Kiss my ass.
>And this is a sweet christian band.

Is this a heap of garbage or what? How did U find this out, anyway? I didn't
know they even printed Unseen Power albums. Besides, I know the song, and
have never heard anything run backwards. I'd like to know the location,
simply because I bet you're looking for something that isn't there.

| Michael Cook | |
| --+-- |
| | |
| "If the Gold rust, what then will the iron do?" | |
| -Chaucer, Canterbury Tales |
| Go Cats! Go Chiefs! Go Royals! (am I a masochist or what?) |


Feb 22, 1994, 1:56:46 PM2/22/94
> (Kimmo Petteri Survo) writes...
>On the album Unseen Power there is a song called Sight Unseen. In the
>verse there is backmasking: Kiss my ass.
>And this is a sweet christian band.

Of course, when played "frontwards" these lyrics are "so I'm sick,"
which, in the context of the song, might actually fit. Does anyone
listen to music "frontwards" anymore, or am I the only one who still
thinks of sticky tape when I hear the word "masking"?

Namtihw Ydna
AT&T Network Systems
Columbus, Ohio

Steve Mooradian

Feb 22, 1994, 4:07:51 PM2/22/94
I think the whole back-masking debate was thought up by a bunch of
flute-playing farmer deacons who were too old to get any anymore........

(Not to slame flute-players...... or farmers....... or deacons who don't get
any......... I was just trying to be silly........)

You could play back anything backwards and hear whatever you want to
hear....... it's another lame method of metal-bashing done by my fellow
fundamentalists(sp) to try and convince everyone that if heavy metal kills
corn it is sure to be evil in some form........ of course...... pool chlorine
kills corn........ I guess we can screw that summer swimming fellowship retreat!

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
"The job of the military is to go to war and win, not to be the instruments
of social experimentation" --- (retired) General H. Norman Schwartzkopf

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